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Dec 2014
everyone has some sort of addiction that takes away the pain
some worse than others
but there is always
something to take it away
mine was a physical addiction
a blade cutting deep into my skin
allowing blood to spill out
each drop signifying my pain
or a flame running across my skin
the hundreds of degrees burning
the light being my pain
or holding that gun to my head
the bullet showing all the pain
all of the years and years of hurt
this was my addiction
physically damaging myself
as well as mentally
but the physical pain was to
take away the mental pain
and for a short time it did
for just a bit I was distracted
from my pain and hurt
but it was never enough
to make it go away
no matter how much I tried
it was always there
and even got worse time after time
but if it's an addiction
then for some reason
you enjoy it
or you hope that it will
take the pain away
why are you addicted to this

Bailey Metcalf
Written by
Bailey Metcalf  Queen Creek
(Queen Creek)   
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