All those pretty boys and girls in Utah with perfect families and straight teeth and golf weekends and BYU
I wanna be a Latter Day Saint: faith like a gorget keeping holiness inside and sin without, my eyes turn blue contemplating sainthood
In the south they shout in tongues they have a private line with the devil and he lurks in the hearts of Communists and liberals he says.
I wanna be a born again Baptist full of hellfire and moonshine fundamentally patriotic and God looking down every day at my white hot purity It’s a good day to be a Baptist my friend.
My Catholicism is a ragged old red robe seams dragging through the dust of old men’s prayers and smelling of my grandmother’s face powder even when she died.
In the end the rain washes over the berms of every river not only Jordan and when the flood comes I will be lying open in a field smelling of damp earth and crushed grass my knees unbent and my hands unclasped my heart in my mouth still beating.