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Dec 2014
Why, hello!
Have a seat,
enjoy the show!
Attend the tale
of Mister No.

A life uncouth,
hell is assumed
to be the truth
for our dear friend,
the sayer of sooth.

An awful, loathing egotist
A self-defeating narcissist
Lonely, yes, but not alone
Lost in life, the fault his own

Stuck in his head
He lowers the bar
Smokes himself dead
And accumulates tar

So much to do
Enjoy, and feel
Yet he sits, wallows
Accepts his deal

I hope you're enjoying
this caution'ry tale
of the sad clown's life,
destined to fail.

You may have missed
a sort of twist;
I am that one,
that narcissist;
that losing, hating
that one who lives
life without list.

Laugh, point, cry, mock,
do what you will.
There's not much you can do
that I haven't already done to myself.
Go home, the show's over.
DH Matthews
Written by
DH Matthews  Philadelphia
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