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Jane Jun 2022
They've moved on
I am stuck - oscillating
Moving and immobile
Cycling through memories
Nausea, pain, no relief
Suspended in a reality
They are unwilling to recognise
Better to hide behind closed eyes
To ensure their own pleasure
Can be chased
While I pray to porcelain gods
Begging for a break
Desperate for comfort
Terrified of connection
Clawing at intimacy
As if sure it will disappear if
I so much as blink
Their disbelief dragging along my collarbone
Their impatience lancing through my jaw socket
Their indignation sliding down my bicep
Their ignorance burrowed under my shoulder blade
Their dismissal coating my pelvis
That is what he put in me-
When he crossed that boundary
Forgotten latex in pursuit of self-gratification
No protection from the devastation
And they chose him.
Consequences that rip my skin
Decimate my identity
The violence of their abandonment is unrelenting
In its refusal to let up let me go let me be

It's never Just
It's never Only
It's always Ruin
CW: ****** assault inference
Jun 2022 · 233
Jane Jun 2022
The breeze lifts branches and leafy fingers wiggle warmly in welcome
As older generations lean over cots to coo and soothe newborns
The barely there breeze washes away tension carried on the back of birdsong
And I am recharged under the sun's careful eye
Jan 2022 · 111
Jane Jan 2022
I look down and my sadness
weighs on me
I am heavy with hunger
But it is nothing like the weight
that my body is forced to carry
that I am forced to carry
After years of
shovel hands
thunderous teeth
kilos slip from shoulders to waistline
Legs might be stronger
But my back breaks all the same
Wretched, ravenous
Abstinence makes the mind grow obsessive
But a four days of counting and
no dress for the occasion
without looking fit to burst
Hot flash of anger in the pan
Sizzling shame
My faults spilling out for all to see
How utterly unappetising
So when my mouth waters
I look down
Dec 2021 · 116
Blue Christmas
Jane Dec 2021
Pockets of joy and unburdened silliness
But now I sit in a chilled bath
Wishing away hot tears
Lonely as ever with my heart's love in the room next door
I can contain all this, but would prefer it be a day
Not so commercially wrapped up in enforced gratitude, platitudes
Peace and goodwill
My chest aches
No hunger to be sated
But sickness is heavy on me
May a morning of box shredding
Bring lighter winds to carry me through
Jane Dec 2021
one more breath cycle and sleep will claim me
i lie to myself and press against the mattress
but nothing lulls me
and i'm left with my thoughts
rolling and sticking
coiled trip hazards
slippery and i'm caught in the net
forced to sift through carcasses
gutting myself with a barnacle-hugged blade
at this point i'm destructive
no talking me down from the crow's nest
i'm battering against the logic and softness
of his back, his sleepy sighs
desperate to be asked to stay
more sure that i'll leave
the comfort of this bed
i'm saltwater savage
unrelenting with rage winds guiding
my push and pull
too far too much too little too late
uncontrollable, frantic hands can't hold me
i'm wild and free and frozen by my shortcomings
and bucking wildly against the confines of a label
tears sleuce
and i gasp for breath
this sofa offers no safe passage through the night
my journey goes far beyond and I'm scared to land ashore
not trusting my own soul
to harbour my teacup heart's latest storm
carried in on rising moon and ebbing hormones
there's no solace in the tug and slip of the tide
against a shoreline I've willingly left
in the dark, glasses pushed to my nose
laptop in hand
to hide behind manufactured light
instead of basking in his glory
fraudulent, a failure
but he's far too forgiving
and tomorrow he'll welcome me back
in the hopes my demons have returned
to the depths for the moment
Dec 2021 · 112
Jane Dec 2021
I have a sob stuck
in my lower right lung
it won't (or can't) dislodge
on its own
twisting, dancing, laughing,
stretching, forcing - nothing works.
Little pops and groans as muscles
protest and I along with them
hate moving every which way
but the pressure is mounting
so I keep trying to worm this
little collection of tears
down and away.

I imagine the lobe like
a jacket's third pocket
pressed against my ribs
safe and secret
close to my vest.
Perhaps that's why
it got trapped there
it's warm, feels secure
and near the feeling part
my traitorous heart
so I try coaxing the tears
with sad thoughts and fears
but to no avail
it won't get lost
or maybe it is lost
because sobs should be stuck
in throats
not in lungs
not that my body has ever
done its job right
all mixed up signals
weak muscles
too-old bones
and feelings aren't supposed
to sit in the meat sack
rattling skeleton
clogging arteries
stealing breaths
though my lung's filling fine
despite this new obstruction.

The little sob in my chest pocket
whose zip teeth won't unclench
so my back is up
unsure how to carry this extra weight
without giving out
body caving in
and I'm on my knees
emotionally capped
carrying this orb of sadness
all blue and heavy and wet
it's no surprise the sob
wanted a place to rest
so constant, predictable
expand, release
breathe in, exhale
rhythmic and vital and alive
tapping into that space
a reminder, a grounding
present and here and continuing on
survival mode engaged
motions and habit and back to basics
until I can tap into the memories
the fears or the thoughts
that chased this sob from tear ducts
to ribcage for safe keeping.
Jane Dec 2021
A wire has come loose
Connection faulty
Body fraught, skin hot
Electricity misfires
Muscles spasm
Energy bubbling
In my scapula
Mouth corner slipping
Arm numb
Palm sparking
Twisting and stretching
Satellite sobbing
Deep breathing
No relief
No change
Constant dissonance
Between realities
Skin deep and surface
No mental switch flip
I'm present, with it
And utterly frustrated
Body in disarray
Thoughts gathered neatly
It makes no sense
This physical betrayal
And the disconnect
On edge
Over it all
Invisible lights blinking
Guiding path
To misery and beyond
Body anxious and brain unaffected, too hurt to be numb, too empty to feel
Jane Nov 2021
Today I celebrate the fact I'm living, messily
With fragility and passion
Eyes-open optimism
Never more cherished or overwhelmed
Teary with adoration for the ones who recognise my
Yearning and learning
Sparkle and the tarnished silver
Ever growing and humbled
Veritably terrified by the future's uncertainties
Even still cultivating a
Nourished soul, I am here - loving
Nov 2021 · 72
birthday girl
Jane Nov 2021
Today I celebrate the fact I'm alive
with fragility and passion
mistrust and eyes-open optimism
living and cherished
so precious and overwhelmed
adoration for the ones who see me
recognise the sparkle and the tarnished silver
shying from spotlights and loudly staking claim to space, time, presence
I am here
Nov 2021 · 81
Not going out
Jane Nov 2021
It's not the orange line between my neck and cheek
Or the wonky liner that never looks even
The accidental overdrawn lip
Or even the thankless task of taming eyebrow hairs with gel and pen
That makes me fret before nights out

Yes, gusset-less tights are frustrating
One shoe unfindable in the wardrobe forest floor drive me up the wall
And no two items of clothing match or sit right on my increasingly fraught frame

But mostly I detest
The thought
Other people's eyes
Decisions and approval
(or lack thereof)

How can I begin to make presentable, or pleasing to the eye a face, a body, a soul that I find nothing pleasant in
Concealer can't work magic tricks
And glitter bares all
There's nowhere to hide

So maybe I'll stay home tonight
Nov 2021 · 71
Jane Nov 2021
Bruised skies and dove-grey disposition,
clouds match my mood
as I lie in bed with a heart full and heavy

Loss sings, bitter and icing sweet
red velvet lines my heart
only shines the right way up
light catching in the fabric hooks
delicate and resolute

And I know all too well
how this story ends
with tears and betrayal
grown up expectations
on shoulders just shrugging off girlhood
no lessons to be learned
only cracks in my self-image to soothe
your actions broke my trust in myself
and that is the unforgivable

May my face of devastation
hope-abandoned eyes and ghostly pale complexion
at your faithless lies and compromise
of a girl - twenty-one - on the precipice of life and wonder
learning just how cold life is with those who squander her warmth and world-seeking joy
haunt you evermore
Oct 2021 · 86
Missteps in nonmonogamy
Jane Oct 2021
The one-two punch knocks the air from my chest
As I desperately want your comfort for the white hot heartache
And knowing I can't reach for you
The source of the pain I cannot ease alone
Clamping my jaw to hold back the howls of injustice, bitten tongue to avoid lashing out in anger - but it's not anger at all
It's furious hurt and mishandling
Your hand on another woman's knee
Innocuous but not
Meaningless and full of answers
Amplifying my isolation
The distance a canyon as we stand toe to toe
In a bar full of shiny happy people
And I am muddy brown sad
Crunching ice to unfreeze my jaw and remind my nerves to feel. Something. Anything.
As long as they ignore the despair.
Oct 2021 · 74
No fairytale
Jane Oct 2021
What is a promise
But heartbreak packaged in sonnet-sweet deception
Lies interlaced with long fingers
Destruction delivered with storytelling eyes
Depths unknown and opaque intention destination unclear
Log-axe swung with old acquaintance hands knowingly
The cottage's fate one of ruin and disrepair

What is I love you
If not wet air and empty vibrations
Limp attempt to write over scars with thicker pen nib
Buried doubt seeds far past the lungs and into the belly
Hope the ground is too acidic to bear fruit
Smothering the flicker of heat that might set questions alight
Pacify - silence - deny

What is I'm sorry
Besides yesterday's breakfast regurgitated
Retiring tongue
Dousing retaliation
Cold water drowning
Lungs crushed under the magnitude of your infidelity
A pitiful pass at piety, grace in the face of your sins

What is heartbreak
But spitting anger and screeching injustice
The instinct to bolt pulsing muscles
Desperate feet pounding sharp weeds
Skin torn to free space in the body for anything else
No peace no solace
Nothing but pain
Oct 2021 · 80
For Alok
Jane Oct 2021
You give me word friends
touchpoints to give feelings tangible boundaries
walls for my grief to bounce off and imprint
on me in the reverberations
with visible faultlines and shapes.
Thank you for sharing your archaeological finds
as you comb through what's left behind
in crumpled receipts takeout containers
collections of unclean hair knotted and balled
cotton buds and empty crisp packets
fewer wine bottles no more ice cream tubs
orange peels stale bread milk cartons
-- translating bottomless sadness
in lyric and steady tempo
each syllable is a treasure.
Oct 2021 · 141
Seasonal depression
Jane Oct 2021
When I try to put to words
the daily agony of living
I build a boundary wall of word bricks
I limit the reality of this ostensibly
embodied existence
For it is not solely contained
beneath my flesh
at the base of pores
knotted in bone.

It escapes me with every breath
Every word
Every salty tear
This pain of living palpates
And to try to capture it in words
Suggests it can be caught
pinned down
identified, categorised, objectified
Subjected to investigation
When in fact it is elusive
Utterly terrible
Sep 2021 · 81
Blue-tinted glasses
Jane Sep 2021
She deserved it.
Everyone agrees with me.
The signals mixing with the cocktails
and I don't even know what time it is.

She had it coming.
Her parents told her so.
I was acting like any guy would. Should.
Skin taunting. Hips hypnotising me with
That rhythmic pulsing

She wanted it.
How was I supposed to know
when she bit her
lip that way, flirted that
way, smiled that
way, dressed

She did it to herself.
It's not my fault.
That's the way things are, right?
Sep 2021 · 74
Spilled ink
Jane Sep 2021
Wrote myself a letter
naming all the things I'd done
stained my soul pitch black
set my heart on a cantering run

Folded up that letter
the smallest pocket square
carried it heavy on my heart
too shameful to be shared

Left that blasted letter
to age with lint and time
never took it out that pocket
to reminisce with summer wine

One day that letter's weight
made my breath so hard to catch
I finally plucked it from my pocket
and with a prayer I struck a match

Perhaps that cursed letter
was written for the gods
for after, not much later
I found myself at odds

The man within my letter
stood across my door
holding paper aged and ashen
he let flutter to the floor

"All these years of silence
and none a word from you
would have had me believing
your mouth's lies to be true

But I have read your letter
though destroyed it you had tried
so I know your heart
and how blatantly you lied

I wish you'd paid the postage
and sent this to me then
saved us both the heartache
of lost lover and best friend"

I crumpled at his words
like the paper in my hand
held it up - peace offering
to that blasted, blessed man

"My darling I am sorry
I left with words untrue
The biggest truth in all the world
Is I'm hopeless without you

If you would read this letter
know you hold now my heart
I've poured it through my quill and ink
it's been yours though from the start"
Sep 2021 · 152
Jane Sep 2021
Skin is sun warmed
but skeleton still rattles
desperate for soul heat
despite the fat on my sinew
and beige-lined stomach pit
last night's gin lingers
metal tongue, acid gullet
fuzzy head and discontent
my flesh doesn't fit
bad cut on my jib
across the grain
no diner satisfaction
from this dinner plate
carcass inedible
Sep 2021 · 73
Content warning
Jane Sep 2021
I would gut myself
**** to clavicle
(If only it didn't ***** the carpet)
Scoop out my insides
Melon ball platter
Rancid, unpalatable bile
Untouchable innards
And a prayer:
Foldable, soft and ragdoll
Pliable and girlish and pretty
Everything I evade
With shovel hands
Mastication-worn jaw hinge
Too full, sickening
Rotten teeth acid stripped bare
Purging and pleading
For a lighter load
How awful to believe myself
Worth all the more
To society soon as I'm empty
Sep 2021 · 95
Battery's low
Jane Sep 2021
The feelings have wrapped themselves round my bones
Sewn themselves into my lining
Animating my body
Urging my limbs to clamber
Desperately into bed
No tears in my eyes
Just a heaviness in my skeleton
And I have resigned myself
To retreat once more
Hoping this weight lifts as quickly as it settled over me
Stifling and consuming
Sep 2021 · 252
Sweet soil
Jane Sep 2021
a friend's autocorrect described me as 'sweet soil'
technological mishap, misnomer
right on the money
sweet soil soul
clad in terracotta warmth
fresh mulch with new rain as seasons change
home and distant at once
ready for bare feet and dirt under fingernails
care is messy, didn't you know
mother. nature. as earth is nurture and support for fragile roots
tender stems, new growth thriving despite harsh winters.

i sense an embroidery project for new gardening gloves
and fresh bulbs for colder climes
with changing season so too does a storm brew in me
all I can do is hope barkskin heals
sweet sap keep contained
and leaf flesh plump
for colour among the earthen tones
and rebirth sprouts hope
in echoing trunk-chests that forgot
decay is part of the lifecycle

how technology can still blossom
new life, connection
organic and born of bytes
not thorn-***** integration
plant and palm
but a symbiosis of metals from the earth
and well-rooted saplings
ready to weather the moon's teary refrain
as autumn slips in on the back of hazy September blues to grey
Sep 2021 · 250
Persevere, sweet thing
Jane Sep 2021
Soul-full living is only ever just around the corner
Sep 2021 · 98
Blood blood blood
Jane Sep 2021
Lightning anger crackles across my scalp
Frustration caged in a meat sack and
Viciousness sours my stomach
If I wrench my jaw open, ichor-born swarms of bats will flee my throat
Grotesque, unhoused by my own flesh
This is not the transformation I was promised
Moon blood red, omen ominous
Beckoning blackness from witch core
Cauldron bubbled over
Wolfish bane fizzes in my arteries, fingers flex tense
This month's tomb excavation brings little relief
Lacking a corpse (except mine) but body cursed all the same
Sep 2021 · 123
bumblebee blessings
Jane Sep 2021
My parents have several families of bees living in the garden
burrowed in flowerbeds and settled in the stone wall.
Watching their trips between the plants, I recalled the slowness I promised myself
the kindness I am not yet handling myself with
New habits take time
Minding myself with intentionality can only result in a necessary balance
recognising abundance
A lesson from the earth
grounding and growing.
What a gift, what a day, what a pause.

Equally rejuvenated and bone-tired
hopeful for snoozy weeks of fleecy gratitude ahead
as September beckons
an autumnal colour palette forth
and a chilled air steals the heat
from the hazy, distanced sun.
Sep 2021 · 80
Jane Sep 2021
A bumblebee landed on my hand
Whisper light and feet kissing the pad of my finger
Down digit limb
And onto the cosmos white head yellow belly
To fill up on pollen, love drunk on Nature's sweet centre
And I yearned for paper and pen to catalogue this moment
Grounding me in my surroundings
Gentle water slipping over rock
Soft breeze and wings
Hopping from flower heads
Stocking up
Filling my lungs
Revelling in the abundance
Sep 2021 · 81
Hold on
Jane Sep 2021
Oh my darling my darling my darling
In feeling you are living
The pain doesn't end you just
Though, through, despite, because
It's a life
Not easy or simple or without fighting
Not without crying and trying
Not without wondering
But if you read this
Despite wondering
If Dying
Might be the solution
I promise life offers more than
The alternative
And how can you know
To live
Aug 2021 · 88
Unnatural. Disaster.
Jane Aug 2021
Honestly I just look around and I'm stunned that any of us is expected to work as normal given everything. Like. Seriously. What do we call unending grief of this magnitude, this scale? How to we wrap words around the unfolding horror and trauma? To categorise it minimises it.

To not name it leaves it unmarked, but certainly we are marked. All of us. In ways we will be healing from for generations to come. This is catastrophic. And we buy our bread, drink our coffee, tweet our daily observations.

We're not looking at things. We are glancing adjacent, refusing to let our retinas be scorched by the gore. And that is our greatest failure.
Aug 2021 · 94
phd project(ed)
Jane Aug 2021
today i wish i had grass to settle my bare feet in, a printer to take my reading away from the screen, and friends to unravel some ideas that I have percolating but barely have words to put to yet. i want post-it note messes and tangential rants over fruit smoothies in the sun.

today i wish i could thread together fringe ideas and substanceless maybes by myself. or more accurately, i wish the doctoral research project was not so lonely. that it championed collaboration of ideas and became a project of care, of community, of compassion not focused on colonial concepts of breaking ground first but instead of ruminating, pausing, treading water, observing and reflecting. on inthemoment not firstpastthepost or beforetherest. rest as pause as care as vital as lifesource of thinking. dreaming first. dreaming always. dreaming and idealising and creating. mess becomes beauty. becoming. the doctoral project is a waiting place, an expectant limbo or rather a succession of waiting places, elevator lifts to new floors but never a transition straight to answers. never up up up. elevators that move in all directions. escalators maybe. certainly shopping centre escalators. forever stalling, breaking, too fast, too slow, unsteady as we step off.

what a mess. and yet what beauty. and still a project that requires so many moving parts, so many individual pieces to function, to culminate in the final result - movement. forward or standing still, long way round or unmechanical steps. organic. always.

grounding, like toes in the daisies and heel-crumpled buttercups. natural, nature, not a fix but a part of the process. stopping, breathing, back to roots. basics are care and care is anything but basic in frenetic lives. but removing bureaucracy, deadlines and paperwork as limitations, ignoring processes and breaking protocols is a glitch in the capitalist machine. a glint in the grin of an accomplice who revels in the breaks, the breaking, the pauses and fresh starts in new branches. divergence is crucial.

deep breaths, cool breeze through cracked windows and a reminder that hot laptops on crossed legs will be there tomorrow. now to rest and to think. always thinking, always distilling. but today the sunshine is more important. the levity of the outside more pressing than years-away deadlines, Bureaucratic Other forces.

today is paperless, weightless, endless. new life grows through cracks, persistent nature and persevering natural. in my own time. how else will the project evolve?
Aug 2021 · 98
8pm cravings
Jane Aug 2021
Melancholy is muted, savoury today and soft textured, silky soup and no mastication necessary for tired throat
A strip of tension my forehead recognises as the sand remembers footprints awhile
Tracing whispers to fears and uncertainties does little to loosen the screws but rationale is oil slick and lemon rind, acidic onion and ginger heat
Delicious - when you're in the mood
And my stomach is lead heavy with poisoned morsels I feed myself to dampen the hunger pangs, no nutrition just teeth chasing satisfaction, sensory reaction to crunch and chew and swallow
My sinking does not undulate with peristaltic push and pull of muscle, it's quicksand drowning on dry land and suffocation burial in unmarked ground
Yet unabrasive
White bread islands with butter pooling atop red warning, red warming, red hot, ready or not
I think I'll go to bed hungry
Aug 2021 · 599
Jane Aug 2021
The tears surge and abruptly halt, refusing to pierce through the pain and drain away the lava frustrations, agonising uncertainties
Angry skin raised with the mountain of grime clogging every pore of me
No purchase on my chin, my cheek
Witch's wart and inner ugliness seeps outward for all to see, my shame on display and unhealing
Wounded, winded, watery and wimp sick of weighted limbs and a expected disappointment
No tears to dry when you can't cry when you believe the lie when you cannot die
Aug 2021 · 76
Jane Aug 2021
There's an ache and a peace that washes over me with the little bay's tide. All memories made in this town are etched on my heart - good, bad, devastating, eternal. It's a home like no other and I might never tend roots except familial ties here again, but this is my soul place.

Tracing old paths down memory lane bathed in golden hour sun.
Aug 2021 · 71
Little bay
Jane Aug 2021
Seeing myself through his eyes I can put words to dreamy days that dance in my chest - windswept and completely enraptured by the scenery. At home, steady, peaceful bones, happy soft soul and hopeful. Lulled to a gentle sway, the push and pull of the waves guiding and grounding.

Renewed would suggest I am different, but I'm the same same same - unkempt and unabashed, joy skips through me and gratitude hums electric over my skin. Those waters are the same and fresh with each blink, I think so am I. Constant and always moving with the flotsam, liquid and resolute.
Aug 2021 · 100
Dear Jane
Jane Aug 2021
You’re 17 years old and things are probably feeling a bit overwhelming. Surprise: that feeling kind of never goes away. It’s okay though, because you’re going to get a hell of a lot better at understanding the swirling dervish of thoughts, feelings, and experiences you’ll navigate as you get older.

It’s a bit weird talking to you, but I know how lost you feel. The good news is you have so many amazing things coming up. You’ll go to university, you’ll graduate (even though it is an utter slog, completely devastating and in many ways you’ll be convinced it wasn’t worth the tears – it was). You’ll land an internship and quickly learn that you’re in a generational sweet spot which offers you job insights your superiors will never understand. You’ll continue being wordy, writing and publishing with various magazines. You’ll meet some excellent humans, some not so excellent, and you’ll have your heart broken (or break your own heart) a dozen times over. It’ll be worth it.

You’ll meet a man who gathers you up while your breakup is still raw, your trust frayed, and your nerve lost. He’ll offer patience, Star Wars and burritos to soothe the ache in your chest. He’ll listen, laugh, and console you. He’ll remind you that there are so many great things in the world and it’s only with time you’ll come to understand just how special those things are.

You’re so eager to be grown up, to be at that place where you’re not scared anymore. Not left behind or ahead of the curve, just exactly where you’re meant to be. But that’s the secret – you’ll never be anywhere but where you’re supposed to be. You have the power to change your course if that’s what you need. You have the power to own your space, your decisions, your relationships, and your knowledge. You were sold a misguided truth growing up that the best is yet to come. That’s nonsense, really. The best is already here. The best is knowing you can wake up each day and carve out the past that best serves you.

You’re going to grow up to be an ardent feminist and advocate for human rights. Which makes sense when you think about what a self-righteous little **** you can be, and why the debate club leader was so sad you wouldn’t join. Your eyes will be opened to the atrocities of the world, and what feels like a bigger crime: the complacency of the masses. You’ll be exhausted fighting for what’s right, what’s fair, what’s equitable. It will be thankless work a lot of the time, but you’ll do it because you have such defined standards. You’ll learn to build boundaries, to protect your energy, to identify the causes worth throwing your all at and, eventually you’ll be supported in learning how to slow down, how to say no, how to not stretch yourself so thin your transparency leaves you bare and vulnerable. A hard lesson that will need constant reaffirming, but such a vital one.

One day, you’ll wake up and be ready to trust in the process. To find peace in the now, not be chasing an undefined future perfect, not be ill at ease in your own skin, not be troubled by standing still and taking in the beauty of the now. Grounding your feet in the floor, stopping to take in the plants you’ve nurtured, the relationship you’ve grown in, the home you’ve cultivated, the friendships you’ve developed. You’ll start to see just how much time you’ve spent fretting over futures and possibilities and uncertainties you never had a hope in hell of controlling.

That’s it, really. Control over everything is a pipedream and despite the desperation clawing at you to be able to touch something tangible, something certain, something so real and unmovable and eternal, there’s just no way for you to find that outside yourself. You’re getting to grips with that realisation now, and it still makes you cry, howl at the unfairness and thrash against the suffocating limits of reality. But you’ll also realise just how futile that is, laugh through those tears and settle in to figure out what the real root of your discomfort is. You’ll see how tired you are, how hard you’ve been working to make yourself better, and how pointless that framing is. You’ll commit to stepping away from self-defeating narratives and driving compassion for yourself and the world. God knows the world can use more compassion.

You’ll even return to university, despite your tumultuous experience in undergrad. Maybe partly because of it. You can’t let anyone else have the last word, after all, and will stop at nothing to prove yourself capable. You’ll learn more during that PhD than you’ll learn in your previous 25 years because it’s not just about the thesis. It’s hardly about the thesis at all. It’s about personal growth and development, it’s about finding ways to forgive your past thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and set up the best chance at self-kindness for the future. You’ll ruminate on some painful topics, explore the murky waters of the human condition, and you’ll still come out of it hopeful. Because, as you’ll realise in your exploration of violence online, it’s all about vulnerability. And vulnerability is beautiful. Vulnerability is the space for creativity, for growth, for changing direction, for exploring and for shifting stagnant, broken systems into forces for real, tangible change. Not just in governmental infrastructure or on but in yourself, too.

It’s such a painful relearning, unlearning, learning process. It’s messy (which I suppose is lucky because you never do learn how to keep your bedroom floor tidy, nor do you get over your aversion to ironing). And in that mess is opportunity. You just need to remember that your life, your ideas, your path not looking like other people’s doesn’t mean it’s wrong or lesser or a bad fit. It fits because it’s yours. You will have so much going for you and you’ll not always see it, but luckily you have friends and a partner who will remind you whenever you need it. And you’ll keep writing. Horrible, angsty, teenager poetry that makes you cringe and keeps you satisfied in equal measure. You’ll expel the worst of your thoughts, the most painful of your feelings, in an anonymous journal and it’ll be so cathartic. You’ll keep using your words to map your journey because it’s the only way you know how to communicate. You’ll still fear being misunderstood, but the panic won’t clutch you in a vice grip the same. You’ll let go (some) of that belief that misperception is the worst you can suffer – you’ll recognise that being misunderstood, misinterpreted, misconstrued is part of the mess of communication. You’ll even revel in it and explore it in academic settings as well as personal writings. You’ll see it’s somewhat a universal experience to feel not listened to, not truly heard. And you’ll grow a chosen family of active listeners, of empathetic, charismatic, compassionate souls who hear you and engage with you in ways you could never have dreamed, matching your passion toe to toe and giving you space to monologue as you pick apart ideas and theories in real time, and you’ll feel so cherished and accomplished in their company because they want to share space and energy with you. You will nourish each other in ways you can’t begin to put into words, it’s visceral and ethereal and intangible. It’s magic.

Time is a funny old thing. It’s intimately wrapped up in every experience – the past, the present, the future. The immediate experience of a thing, the aftermath, the impacts we can’t possibly predict but will undoubtedly live through down the line. Patience wasn’t really ever your strong suit, but you’ll learn to slow (if not stop) and take great pleasure in the minutia, wonder at that truly magnificent things in your life – the truly magnificent people that make your life all the richer.

Basically, you’ll be alright kiddo. Have faith in the process if you can’t find faith in yourself. The faith in yourself will come with time, a good few crying jags and a lot of positive reinforcement from very special people. It takes a village to raise a baby, so it makes sense it takes a community to grow a well-rounded soul like you.

You’re golden, Jane. You’ll see it one day.

Love, Jane
Therapy homework (writing a letter to 17 year old me) has never been so hard, so necessary, so painful, so cathartic, so precise, so vague, so everything and more. The path to healing seems more recognisable now. She'd be proud of me, I think.
Aug 2021 · 73
The longest tunnel
Jane Aug 2021
The light is small but unyielding
Black tape and camera film ***, high school experiment
Needle pierces and injects a world of possibilities
Who would have suspected a pin ***** could swell so much emotion inside me
The initial pain not on my body
But he is mine
And he is safer now
The sheer fragility of life brought under sharp focus, unrelenting these past months
And with him protected I breathe easier
Hope is an embodied relief
Aug 2021 · 74
Pins and needles
Jane Aug 2021
This isn't numbness
This is fire and ice
Pressure, ghostly echoes
Fading fingerprints and blooming bruises

Desperation and joint-locking uncertainty
Despair, grief, debilitating sadness

Too distraught to pretend the hope isn't a fragile bud
Too superstitious to trample those slow creeping vines
Too untrusting
Too tender
Too alive
Living is agony
Jane Jul 2021
Struggling to focus and get **** done.

Realising just how necessary it is I slow down, ease up. My body is crying out for rest. Soon, I tell it, me, us - soon.

A body fractured, pulled in so many directions, dizzying speeds and gasping for air. Carnival rides but I'm too winded to scream, eyes ******* shut with sensory overload of mind and world.

I demand different. Deserve. I deserve different.

Work when I can. Time off when I need. From now on I build my plans with intention, with rest at the core, enrichment and nourishing takes precedence.

It's the only way I'll cope.

Kindness and long deadlines, slowness and focused activities. Soft soft soft. Lavendar and cotton. Nature to heal. Until I can breathe without panic pounding my chest, laundry lists crowding my throat, I wind back everything else.

I have to live to succeed. And that life I mapped just now is lush with opportunity - focus on care and community over arbitrary Winner goalposts or ingrained capitalist mentalities.

Soft, slow, intentional, communicative, unapologetic, peaceful, at home, in community, divine.

This is how I live now.
Jul 2021 · 93
Chewed up, spat out
Jane Jul 2021
Only words of angst and longing bring me comfort, if a chest ripped open can be soothing - proof of life is a relief, I suppose. You couldn't feel this pain when you're dead.

Devouring digital pages of tension and tears, with sure-fire happy endings, or at least compatible melancholy. What a relief it must be to have life's plan ready written. The monotony a balm for frazzled nerves, torn lips, raw knuckles.
Jul 2021 · 102
Salt water
Jane Jul 2021
Tides are changing and the moon's pull draws breath from my lungs, refilling my body, bouyant

And as I lie there in the achingly frigid water I am overwhelmed by the exhaustion barely kept at bay, sinking

Pausing for a moment opens the floodgates and I am pulled downward as the weight of my world pins me to the floor, stagnant

How much longer can I continue this path of distraction, ruining myself from inside out, purging only the scantest of my full grief, simmering

It won't take much more to topple this body of cards, no tarot reading necessary to define my tears, flooding
Jane Jul 2021
Crying on the toilet counts as writing
much like scripting music videos on rainy bus rides home are artistic accolades to mount on the wall.

What is a personality but inorganic reproductions of wit, obsession, acceptable ugliness and socially-prescribed diminishment of all that does not glitter?

Tweets act as building blocks for political ideology
Brightened, tweaked squares filter through Instagram's grid of preset beauty and interest
Connections manufactured in nostalgia-tinted Facebook posts
Validation turned numerical, gameified: contingent on algorithmic recognition of human need for intimacy and acceptance
Jul 2021 · 68
Perfect weather to fly
Jane Jul 2021
Songs of the past
Echoing through my skin
Ripples of memory and dream and fantasy
Child wonder and hope and promise and faith
Marrying villains in storybooks
With historical figures still living
Present, ominous, oppressive
Crushing guilt
Jul 2021 · 71
Jane Jul 2021
Languid kisses leave me satin and desperate
to crawl into your mouth
make a blanket of your tongue
lay tokens of my favour by your molars

Your hand's on my hip and
all I can think is how safe I will feel
beneath your collarbone

Legs intertwined with duvets and soft hums, satisfaction
your ribcage dances with my fingertips
as I envisage burrowing deep in the cavity which holds you
up, together, grounded.

That seems the spot for me-
inside you, part of you, never without you
so desperate and desolate in life
except with you
utterly a part of me, so fundamental to my own existence
what power you have, what destruction you might release, what trust I give completely
Jun 2021 · 75
Jane Jun 2021
My heart slips out back under my shoulder blade, desperate to avoid sinking or being ****** through curled cage and sternum plate
Jun 2021 · 76
manifest, o
Jane Jun 2021
what are we beyond pixels and pictures
but empty shells dictated by a valley of greed, violence, silence, data
unable to exist without, desperate for beyond, behind, outside

neon nostalgia and retrofuturism promise relief we cannot obtain
while all that glitters in silicon steel boxes is stored away with fans churning air thick with dead heat

donna - mad, iconic, far from first but memorable in her questioning
no escape for us until we break the boundaries, binaries in code and encoded

unravel, split me, unzip and withdraw exterior for a hint of personality past performance - search for something real
rest in possibilities, all that will not
Jun 2021 · 78
Appointment booked
Jane Jun 2021
The pain is precise
Ears ringing
Heavy ache
Sheen of sweat
Such a small incision
Felt long after
Invisible cut
Tangible absence

Apt metaphor
For those appointments
That came too late
Jun 2021 · 193
a year to Be
Jane Jun 2021
I'd find new ways to show him I love him and remind him his worth
I'd tend to my garden and fill every last space with leafy renewal
I'd bake once a week, never the same recipe twice except Gran's shortbread of course but that's an add-on
I'd tend to my herbs and mix up new gin cocktails on Fridays to welcome the weekend
I'd find a cafe to become a regular for casual routine
I'd continue with therapy and heal in my own time with no fretting over consequences or impacts or delays or coherence
I'd sit in the sunshine with podcasts and laugh freely, learn hungrily
I'd read books with soft characters and squishy middles and happy endings
I'd be insular and reach out and hibernate and flit as my needs ebbed and flowed with the social tide
I'd carry notebooks and write pen to paper with every whisper of inspiration in the brickwork and bird chatter
I'd touch the sea everyday no matter the weather
I'd accept the rain, welcome the blue skies, learn to roll through the thunder
I'd be still awhile and move and grow
I'd be free
What would you do with a year of no commitments except to yourself?
May 2021 · 65
Jane May 2021
Helium pumped into my corpse to animate dead weight
Pulled down, skeletal anchor and stretching upward, weightless and outside myself
Always a contradiction
Constant tension
Split apart, torn in opposition
Body feels what mind won't acknowledge
Jane May 2021
I deactivated my Instagram account last night in a fit of tears and self loathing. This morning I'm compelled to share my feelings on Twitter because there's no one specific I can turn to. It has taken a breakdown and 8 months of therapy to recognise my sadness stems from loneliness. And that's a dangerous thing to be during recovery - lonely. It makes the impetus to get well harder to see. I'm happy alone but cannot sustain happiness on lonely. I can't give up and leave my love with the burden of my lacking commitment to life. I can't move on until these traumas no longer knot my nervous system and corrode my sense of self. I can't heal in isolation.

Shouting into voids through screens and pixel bits is the cry for help with no destination, no intended audience, no necessary acknowledgement.

Having no friends, only casual acquaintances, was safe until it wasn't. It wasn't by design. I leak desperation wherever I turn. If anything my carnal need for connection, positive reception only worked to put distance between me and love of others. I think that's why I cannot comprehend his love. He gives so freely, unaffected by my jagged edges and fugly design and my insides coated in tar. Still he collects me on his lap and holds me together as my body threatens to crack open with violent shudders, my core destabilised as tectonic plates surrender to mounting pressure of my past and present. Great fissures marking lifelines and more pain than is acceptable for one lifetime.

My greatest fear is by being too weak to let him go. My deepest hate is my selfishness as I force a life of loneliness on him too. Those who tolerated me before have set in place their boundaries - I'm glad they're putting their own needs first, of course, and the pattern repeats with painful recognition that I am the problem. But now it's not only me who feels cold in the distance, he is left astray as well. My heat insufficient to warm us both. I should untether him from me. I should let him be free. From responsibility, from duty, from guilt, from the crushing weight of knowing me and loving me.

If you love him, let him go. I should. I should. I can't. And that hurts more than all the isolation. Selfishly too, because if I let him go I could be free of this. I could slip away unnoticed and not hurt anymore. Living is pain. It demands so much. I am empty. I have no more to give.

Love might be a losing game, but life is a cruel irony.
Jane May 2021
From myself

From the world

From my newsfeed as it fills with in-jokes I don't get about the bizarre cultural phenomenon that is Eurovision
If you can't crack jokes about your fractured state of mind, will you ever laugh again
May 2021 · 81
Jane May 2021
Scrolling with one eye ******* shut does little to assuage the assault on my heart from squares of millennial pink and sky blue, espresso black and prosecco effervescence in fancy glasses on bar tables I'm not invited to join.

Never was anyone's first in line which didn't matter until I realised how much time there is to fill as the days stretch on and nights begin to warm offering ample opportunity for connection and yet I sit satellite orbiting a world reopening for some and remain on the outside, cold and distant.

Vulnerability is the essence of connection and connection is the lifesource of happiness, now engineered quasi-chonologically; machine-picked priority in heart buttons and view counts as we no longer value the time spent thinking, mere lingering hesitation- am I worth no more than a momentary pause as your thumb swipes upward?

It's easier to publish vulnerability on social media platforms whose algorithms inherently work against visibility of raw honesty and hurt than risking rejection from the people I desperately want to hold me, see the cracks in my facade and enjoy me in my dilapidation while my world edges crumble.

Isn't that something
May 2021 · 70
The fragility of children
Jane May 2021
Gulping down air in the grey dusk
grounding myself in green hope and butterfly heaven
Potential - plastic pots and soil
holding heat and brave roots seeking solid footing
Everything has its season
threat of decay, spoil and deluge
God give me clemency tonight
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