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 Oct 2013 Piel Arcilla
They float like butterflies in the breeze.
Their flutters ping chills upon my skin.
Tenderly they caress my soul.
I know something is about to begin.
Oh heart, never let go. Let all the fears fade away.
Your words still lingering my ears, enrapturing me to this day.

Whisper to me. Churn my mind.
Help me to see that you are mine.
Drift me off on a cloud of love.
The closest thing to the heavens above.

We sway and dance, fingers entwined.
Your ripe lips tango with mine.
You brush my hair from my cheek and smirk the way you do.
Our love unique with all that we've been through.
Tell me the sweet nothing's I'm longing to hear.
I can feel the love in the air.

Whisper to me. Churn my mind.
Help me to see that you are mine.
Drift me off on a cloud of love.
The closest thing to the heavens above.

My soul it sings for you, fingertips searching the wind.
Your voice echoes in my heart. Let our journey begin.

Whisper to me (whisper to me).
Churn my mind. (Soft, elegant whispers in the background).
Help me to see that you are mine.
Drift me off (drift me off) on a cloud I'd love (love, love, love).
The closest thing to the heavens above...
i’m not naive enough to compare myself to a rose,
whose soft petals and curves prevail beyond its thorns.

i’m not a flower.
i’m not sweetness,
or supple colors,
or life.

i am a mess of stems and spines, sharp angles and twisted roots,
and i will damage those who get close enough to touch.

i am senselessly cruel,
and sabotaging.
an aimless collection of failures and secrets,
****** towels and bruised knees.

i am four in the morning,
thrashing and screaming and weeping.
i am waking up still drunk,
i am an ache that never passes.

i am love, but not the wonderful kind.

i am selfish vices,
i am indulgence and self-denial.
and sometimes,
as the light of morning appears,
i can’t imagine what i’ve done
or where i’ve been.
As the light fades, and the darkness settles over my room,
My thoughts are engulfed by you –
A woman whom has encapsulated my struggled journey through this world…
She, who received my heart and simply kept it –
So, I watch as the sun sets on this day,
Flickering against the porch and the clouds above -
Fading over my horizon, and shedding light on the beginning of yours…
I reach for the fiery embers and dissolve into the sea of orange and red,
Melting into the sky, in search of your beauty –
Bursting ‘cross the shores, crawling over the ebbing tides,
Erasing shadows, meticulously illuminating each minute morsel, each delicate droplet of life –
The arrays pouring over your skin, as I soak into your golden brown complexion,
Seeping deeper and deeper, layer by layer…
Flooding your body; saturated,
I am a part of you, I am now yours -
This poem is for Jing, the woman I have met through poetry and love through delicate words...

— The End —