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 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Paola Lopez
No words can describe my feelings for you.
You know how to make me happy.
Put a smile on my face.
I don't know what it is.
Something about you is just so
Is it your smile that melts me.
Your nose that fits perfectly next to mine,
as you plant a kiss upon my lips.
The wonderful kisses you give me,
randomly, passionately, but delightful.
Your perfect eyes that just look into mine.
The way they look when I catch you
staring at me.
You say so many word
in silents.
Could it be my heart
pounding rapidly
every time I see you.
Or is it your cute bear hugs
I just cant get over.
Squeezing you tightly is just amazing.
Having you by my side,
feels like heaven on earth.
Your personality is on the dot.
No word can describe my feeling for you.
You know how to make me happy.
Put a smile on my face.
I don't know what it is.
Something about you is just so
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
You used to give me butterflies
Now you give me anxiety

I used to smile just thinking about you
Now it fills me with anger

You used to make me cry with joy
Now they're just tears of sadness

You used to be my reason to stay strong
Now you're the reason I relapse

I used to imagine a bright future
Now all seems dark

You used to be the calming voice inside my head
Now its the one that screams that loudest

You used to always make me feel better
Now you're why I hurt so bad

You mended my heart and made me feel whole
Now you've broken it and left me in pieces

I used to write love poems about you
*Now the only ones I could write are of pain
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
cells ig
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
snakes get a new skin
every one
three months

we get one every
seven years

in five year's time
i'll have a skin
you never

and i'll still probably
be conflicted
on how i feel
about that.
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
I am not sure who I am talking to anymore.

Your voice sounds like a stranger;
someone whose voice was never privy to the corners and edges of my heart.

Certainly, not the kind of voice that wisps the rhapsodic notes for my soul to ****** away with.

I don't even wish to know who I am to you now.

Mister Stranger.
Wow, this is so bitter, sarcastic and brimming with rancour.
Usually, I would never write such a thing..
The mind surprises you everyday.
I hope you enjoy it nevertheless?
x x x
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
Shades of Grace
I can’t decide which part is worse.*

4 am, lying restlessly awake, feeling like I’m in some sort of heart free-fall, every fiber of me reaching for you and the mirage of what I want us to be.


Sitting across from you in a room with friends, my stomach in knots, trying to keep my smile as smooth and cool as yours seems, working so hard to pry my mind off of memories of you and I.


When we’re finally alone and the strained conversation is swallowing me like a black hole inside my chest, ******* from the inside out, the gulf of sentiments we won’t venture painfully widening the creeping chasm between us.


Those songs on the radio that remind me of you, telling of what we have been, what we could be, their rhythms stirring up the strangest ripples of longing and regret and panic and isolation.


The quiet moment when I catch your eye and try to read between the lines of your words and gestures, searching your receding depths for hidden traces of this same torture, wondering with mixed hope and fear if that longing still burns deep in you.

I can’t decide which is worse.

To endure it and hope it gets better.

**Or to leave and know it never will.
Basically she said 'I don't need you'
With out moving her lips
I read it from the signs
The signs they led me to the conclusion
That I may not even need you
You're my best friend
And we live such lonely lives
The necessity of ones comfort isn't required in everyday life
So my emotions begin to pack and leave my being
Because I'm done being used
Because I let you
And I still let you but I no longer poses those emotions to show you that I want you
And I know you know
Doubt never entered your mind when it came to my feelings for you
I surpassed the limit of my patience
My anger is settled and my temper has faded
Let alone my soul thats the one thing you can never change
Nor love nor lust
I believe in a higher trust
I hold grieve deep in my heart
Keep digging girl you're getting deeper
Sadly you only scratched the surface
God has put us on this world with purpose
Don't shame it, fulfill it
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
 Jan 2014 Phoebe
I. You were thunder and I was lightning. For some reason a part of me always knew this, but never voiced it out. Your arm was around my shoulders and you were warm, radiating heat like the sun. And in some ways, you were my sun. It seemed that somehow I always managed to trip and stumble my way into your orbit, losing count of the number of times I fell into your warmth, into you. When you asked if I was frightened after you huddled close to me I lied and said yes, only to keep you by my side for just a bit longer, just a bit closer. That night we looked into each other's eyes and laughed through our tears, and in that moment I knew as long as I was with you, it was more than enough.

II. My fingers interlocked with yours. It was pitch black and I was terrified, the wind in my face and the moonlight dimly streaming through the trees. We had danced among the leaves and whispered secrets, but you had gone off first; darted in blind excitement towards the crowd in the main square. I screamed for you, an anxious, desperate and impulsive thing, goaded on by the looming shadows and still silence that echoed around the area. If I had blinked I would have missed it, your sudden appearance at my side with my hand in yours. You smiled, and somehow the night didn't seem so dark anymore.

III. It had been a year since, and none of us mentioned that day, the day that left us in ruins. You had smashed my heart against my rib cage the way poets slam poetry, and the tidal waves had washed us over with tears that the ocean couldn't hold. But you came for me, and in that moment I had forgotten; your face a vague image in my memory. Still, you came for me, relentless like the typhoons in august and the storms in december. You pushed and pulled and wormed your way back into my heart, your song a lullaby to my ears and your gaze, a blanket to my fears. I let you in again, I pushed you out again. You tried, You stopped, You tried again. We were quiet about it, but what we left unsaid spoke volumes.

IV. We are here now. It was beginning to fade before this, to become a passing memory. But I should have known better, and as always you knew before me. You had nothing more than a tired smile, but I saw myself in your eyes again, saw us again. The thunder and the lightning, the grass under our feet, the rain in our hair and our laughter that mingled and became one sound. Your warmth and my heart. In that moment I knew you could not and had not forgotten; it was a loud relic and an even louder memory. It was you. It was me. It was us, screaming from the bottom of our lungs into the air and fields like we did years ago, except now it was in our hearts and in our eyes; I love you. I love you. I love you.

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