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 Apr 2013 jad


 Mar 2013 jad
Nestor David Armas
Forgive me
If my eyes
Do not deviate from you
It is not everyday they see such beauty,
Your voice drifts
To my ears like glorious music
You take control of me,
I feel powerless,
I wish you were mine,
To love with all my soul;
To give you my whole being
To be yours forever,
One desire engulfs my life
Your love for me;
Knowing you would give all to me
Just the same as I,
Overflowing with passion
The feeling so strong
I can feel your lips caress my own
Your hair as soft as the smell of your skin
Nothing worries me;
As your warmth surrounds me
This moment only;
You and I
The world aside,
Never ending; forever lasting
I feel complete; I want nothing more
My heart beats loudly; impatient, desperate
No worse prison that the one within my mind,
When I wake up; reality is there, it saddens me...
© okpoet
 Mar 2013 jad
Robert Graves
Love is universal migraine,
A bright stain on the vision
Blotting out reason.

Symptoms of true love
Are leanness, jealousy,
Laggard dawns;

Are omens and nightmares -
Listening for a knock,
Waiting for a sign:

For a touch of her fingers
In a darkened room,
For a searching look.

Take courage, lover!
Could you endure such pain
At any hand but hers?
 Mar 2013 jad
S Anand
The One.
 Mar 2013 jad
S Anand
When I read the poems she wrote for me,
In reply to the ones I wrote for her,
It makes me feel so high and mighty,
As if no one can ever steal my thunder;

Every time I heard her voice on the telephone,
Making everything sound extraordinary;
She never could help that bossy tone,
Yet sound like the perfect Disney fairy;

If she were mine I'd be invincible,
Without her I cant help but feel invisible,
The very thought of her and my heart melts,
Today I saw her get married to someone else.
 Mar 2013 jad
Best Untitled Poem
 Mar 2013 jad
You remind me of myself.

You’re a shooting star

Because I don’t care where you came from

and I can see where you’re going.

But most importantly

you’re here

with me

right now

and you’re so beautiful.

If I had one wish

i’d give it to you.

You are a nebula,

My cloud 9

And the silver lining.

Your eyes are like planets

so complex

And the closer I observe them the more I feel I understand you.

That’s why I stare

When they rotate and stop at me

I find it miraculous

that planets would defy their own laws of nature

just to pause time for me.

Your hair and skin are like galaxies.

This galaxy dripped drops of excellency when you were created…

Your beautiful  brown skin is hard not to kiss

Because the Milky Way’s chocolate is priceless

Your mind is like a black hole…

So hard to understand and no one will ever know its depths

but it continuously takes in without hesitation.

It attempts to swallow the knowledge of life and existence.

Your heart is the Sun…

The reason for life as I know it


Yet every time I try to get close

you hurt me


Why can’t you trust me with your Sun?

Why can’t I trust anyone with mine?
so this isn't my poem, it's one a very special friend of mine wrote and I'm so in love with it. I really admire his writing and well here's his best, in my opinion.
 Mar 2013 jad
I Love You
 Mar 2013 jad
I love you & it kills me
As I wait for you
To be back!
15 Words for You
© Atul Kaushal
 Mar 2013 jad
Savannah Grace
I would give all of my sunrises to you
my hope
and aspirations
If you would help me
with all of my haunting
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