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 May 2013 Peyton Smith
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I hate making
Imaginary relationships in my mind.
It's terrible.
But with you,
It doesn't feel imaginary.
It feels so real.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I've kissed girls
In my head
Many times.
Never in real life but
In my head, yeah.
They're usually a model or a friend like
Cara Delevingne or
But well,
It'll never happen because
I'm crazy.

I think I have more of a chance with
Cara though personally.
I'll just make out with someone else
Until then.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I leaned my bike up against the gate and
Leaning against the window was the girl
thee girl
The girl with her usual
Frappe in hand
And book in the other.
Her flowing red hair
And glasses
With bright pearls brimming and
Shining against her pink lips.
Her face
Fair and clean
Rosy cheeks and
A smile.
Her clothes
Grey beanie
Flowy top
Jeans and
Combat boots.
Rings and
Jewelry galore
Even some tattoos.
shes perfect
I think to myself as I
Picked my bike back up and
Started riding away.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
Tom Orr
going to war to prevent war

they say every man will defend
when in fact it's a means to an end
something egocentric
a valour
a glory
a small gain for uncountable loss

a crusade ethos of the government
when the governor's meant
to be a guardian of interests
yet to guard his own interests
he'd rather tear a hole
in the only things some people know

a hero, a death
a medal, a death
an honour, a death
a victory, a death
or is it the other way around? i forget

a strong-hearted media
which will only feed to you
a story to spin an election.

and I can wholeheartedly say
the only state
which I possess the mind to believe in
is that state in which you've left this crater

devil's land once called home
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
What if
Dad knew that
I want to die?
Would he want to come
Visit me?
What if
Dad knew that
I might be Bi?
He'd probably slap
The gay right off of me.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
My doctor said I
Can't work out this week.
Not that I did
Last week or
The week before that but
I don't know,
I kind of wanted to
Start a trend for
Maybe eat a bit less (or not at all)
I don't know,
Be skinner (or just 60 pounds less).

What would I be then?
85 pounds?

For some reason
That doesn't sound skinny
Not that I'm ever enough anyways.
And this is kind if a figure of speech, don't take this seriously. Everyone is beautiful, and everyone is special. This world is just cruel and I'm sorry.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I **** you not,
I'm falling for your eyes.
Words of love
I fell in love with a boy at a coffee shop
who always ordered vanilla chai.
I knew it was love because I could
never get up the courage to speak to him.

I fell in love with a bony fingered,
anorexic boy in my math class.
I think it was the way he did the problems in his head,
so he could use the paper for listing
everything he wanted to eat that day, but wouldn’t.

I fell in love with a girl who had dreadlocks
and burn marks on her neck.
I always fantasized about touching them,
asking if they still warmed up her skin.

I fell in love with the older man at the tutoring center.
I failed Spanish so that I could spend the next semester
eye ******* him from across the study table.
I've always had a thing for married men.

I fell in love with girl who pushed up her
*****, and pouted for football players.
It may have been unrequited,
but at least I didn’t catch anything.

I fell in love with the person
who left death threats in my locker.
I’d never known someone who felt
the same way about me as I did.
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