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501 · Nov 2011
Dr. Pearl
I don't need a doctor to tell me I'm apart
I just need a paradox to help me find my heart
and I don't need a dog to show me what to see
I just need my hands to feel around the dark
and touch what is unseen

I don't need a critic to tell me what is good
I don't need society to tell me what I should
I don't need you to tell what I know
But sometimes I would like you to remind me if you would
Because there are so many things I can't but I wish I could.

And I don't need a ribbon to tell me that I've won
because I know I can't improve if I won the first one
I don't need an apology to know that you are sorry
I just need you to feel it when you watch my back as I run
because I will feel it with every setting sun

But what I need can't be guarenteed
and what I know can't escape my greed
So I can be sad as I watch them go away
and when I'm done, I can take the lead.
and cut this necklace and drop the beads.
501 · Mar 2012
If only I could believe
in anything rather than

Maybe then I wouldn't always
trust the taste of your
cherry pepper
497 · Mar 2012
Molten Attention
Humor me.
Make one of my nightmares come true.

You gave me an itch so strong
I'll have to scratch with a knife
in order for it to leave.

What am I to do
when what gets me through
reminds me of you?

**Molten affection.
497 · May 2012
Say Cheese
Raise your glass
to all the Oscar winners
that know how to cry,
but keep your glasses under the table
for all the criers that know how to act
496 · Feb 2012
I made the slit
Dug my finger tips in the crevace
And pulled until the wound bled free
All you had to do was smear the blood on my face in the shape of a heart
I broke my heart over you
And now I'm all apart
495 · Aug 2012
This falling keeps me at peace,
because for one last moment
I am in one piece.
I am whole,
with the belief of no release.
493 · Apr 2012
The universe mocks with
Emmylous and Junes
but there are things far greater
than what rises with the moon
492 · Nov 2013
Pide Piper
...and I'll always be the one
with an empty stomach
and dry lips
and worn out tired hips.

Once a line leader--
I was trampled by my followers.
492 · Mar 2012
Between the Fangs
I try to inhale your words
**** them through my nostrils
but there is no more breath in my lungs
And I can't swallow your words whole
so I chew them up into tiny pieces,
and although they slide down my throat alright,
I can still taste the bits that are stuck in my teeth
...the pieces that scream that you don't care about me.
492 · Feb 2012
You are the intelligence
behind the cellar door,
(the phrase in which
your life is written)
492 · Mar 2012
Pain is the loudest voice in the room
It obliterates the survivors
and wakes the dead.
491 · Aug 2012
Singing I Love Yous
"I love you" is a great way to cover up that stupid line.
Don't be afraid of losing me;
that is worthless worry.
491 · Aug 2012
Side-View Mirrors
Your hand on my lap forces the moon to flaunt its rays through the glass
on a moment that will soon pass,  
and your whispers hit me harder than the thunderclap's applause
as you sing about the Western Skyline with Dawes,
and the warmth your voice brings reminds me that
you're more beautiful than all of those pretty little things
491 · Feb 2012
Private Square
You always bring me close enough
to see the whites of my eyes
before you shoot me.
I need a handgun
a time machine

Save me; I'm scared of everything
490 · Jan 2012
Things can fall apart so easily
but for some reason things never fall together
They can come together
You can put them together
but it's never as easy as if they were to just fall into place

And things can fall apart so easily
but once they have done so
it's almost impossible to put them back together
The pieces never seem to fit right
and you're reading a manual that some other person wrote
that says they know what they're talking about
but they never really do.

Things fall apart
They will never fall together
You can break them apart
You can take them apart
but don't expect the pieces to ever fit again.
489 · May 2012
Naval Waves
Nothing in my belly
but shadows and rivers

and I'm lucky
that all I feel is shivers
488 · Feb 2014
Market Place
...and then they fell in love.
     they say that as if they were running errands.
487 · Jun 2012
What's the point of sewn shut pockets?
To create an illusion
that there's always a place to
keep things safe.

They're sewn shut,
and you're not fooling anyone.

Rip the seems
and keep your possessions
safe and to yourself.

What's the point of pockets,
if they're always sewn shut?
486 · Nov 2013
I assume I'm just in appreciation
of the walkmen making their journey
from my home to the heart of Louisiana
or somewhere.

I am an onyx bird of unusual beauty
with a vision of being ceaseless.

I'm the dark horse without a fan club,
shining bright black.
486 · Aug 2013
Written Off
Clipped wings
     and soft paws.

Cut my fingers at the first joint
     and make me forget how to soar.

Take my weapons
     and means of escape.

I'm flying in circles
     and taking pit stops on perches...

I'm defenseless
with nothing left to be condemned.
485 · Dec 2013
You have a short
attention span but
that doesn't mean
what happens
is not beautiful.

Notice the details
as the universe
lays them before you.

You're ****** unless
you do a ton of blow.
485 · Nov 2011
The Distance
I am me

simple sentence

that no amount of words

can correctly interpret

you are you

you are different than me

simple concept

with a complex definition

we are close

but with a fair distance between us

these kilometers aren't always noticed

so you start your journey

over to me

eager at first

running at full speed

until your lungs shrink

and your pace slows

what you see in front of you

keeps getting further

it is just a mirage

you can't touch it

but you can see it

and sense its presence

and that will have to be good enough

for now.
483 · May 2012
When We Were Holding On
The last time I was here
your hand was in mine
483 · Mar 2012
i just wish.
i could be.
in a place.
with all white walls.
and all white tile floors.
and have big huge paint buckets.
with lots of colours.
and i could create my own world.
and live in it.
without a care.
481 · Feb 2018
Are These Wings or Fins?
You're a winged beetle and I am a lightening roach during our paranormal hour.
Why am I struggling the weight of a vagabond on my slack-spine back with slack strings that bring silly string dreams to my brain starring an amateur fawn.
Why are you attracting your mate this late in the morning?
I think I'm late to my own mourning ceremony.
How phony of me to accept this bait that that I've dangled so familiarly.
Silly me with my silly string lullabies like sighs of goodbye pranks.
Thanks for making me your mate, or am I prey?
I've been growing a frigid light inside me.
I've watered it and watched it grow into a person.
This frigid light suggested a tundra flight in an instant shock,
juxtaposing the dismal night like an instant dusty fish on our musty hidden floor.
I'm just an instant dusty chore,
a crusty crustacean washed up on the faded shore.
I'm just a maudlin faded bore that's always needing more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more.
I wish I wasn't an instant fish, beautiful and shocking,
unlocking a rainbow that's inducing emotions that I'm chemically reducing slowing to nothing,
producing lightening from my murky roach of a lower firefly belly,
that's been on display a lot lately,
greatly failing to focus your unfocused attention.
I'd like to mention how the lines of your words and the lines of your body and the lines of your face have become blurred to me.
Tomorrow they will be crisp and clear, though.
I know they will be and my head will be sleeping in an endless foggy dream.
481 · Jul 2012
Morning Music
Missing that morning music with subtle beats,

but I can only hear mourning music with heavy harmonicas
479 · Jun 2012
Running Away
They're sparkling and the
drums don't lay all neat and
tidy under the melody, but
they still race along me in a
field behind you. But you
look back and they're black
to you. Hold me up. Let me
go. And my heart will race
under the sun, under me

What did you do today?
She sees him from across the highway
He's looking back at her
one hand in his pocket, the other spanning a wave

So she blows him kisses and gestures her heart
but it can't possibly reach him
because cars and semis stretch them apart

so she spins in circles and sees what surrounds
the sight isn't nice
Because he's not around

she analyzes her chances at dodging a bullet
and admits that they don't look good
But she decides that her happiness will always be worth it

She puffs out her chest and takes in some air
and sees him smirking at her
She closes her eyes as the wind blows her hair

Wind below her feet, she skates across the road
she's never felt this rush before
and faster than expected, across from him she showed

Proud of the miracle that brought her across the highway
She reaches for the hand by his side
But he turns his back and walks away.
477 · Nov 2011
Creeping Grace
I'm looking at your face
I'm a creep from afar
You have no idea what I do at night
When all who is watching is up in the stars
And it's not what you're thinking
because I'm not like that
and you know that because I show that
But sometimes I think I shouldn't have
And sometimes I wish I could change
Everything about myself
So I could be more like your face
That I creep on with grace
I wish I could change
that I want to change
everything about my grace
Yes I wish I could change
because you want me to change
so I can end up in a different place.
476 · Jan 2012
I came in first place in
the game of hard-to-
get when I didn't even
know I was playing. I
can look at my ribbon
but I don't see a
winner. All I see is a
lonely blue string.
472 · Jun 2012
Your kisses give me scars
when they break the skin
I hope you love the taste
of my salty blood between
your teeth;
sleeping on your gums
472 · Jul 2012
I rely on other
automobiles to control
my speed. I follow I
follow I follow my
all you want. I wish I
472 · May 2012
Ghost II
Sometimes I turn my head and pretend someone's there.
467 · Mar 2014
We're a tragic
kind of magic.
I asked what time is,
not what the time is.


Your body is rejoicing
within you.



There's always someone in this place;
This place never sleeps.






Munch munch munch on my heart
when you're bored
462 · Feb 2012
I have sympathy for things that don't want it
and apathy for things that only want my sympathy

Yet I own no sympathy at all.
462 · Jan 2014
I am the moon...
     watching over the world
     and making things cold...
          preparing life for the warmth of sunrise.
First the shove
Then the punch
Then the blow from behind the knees
Kick me when I'm down
Stand on my chest
Stick a stake in it
through my heart and into the ground

but if you leave I'll be suffering a slow death at best.
I just hope you don't hear my dying engine sound.
461 · Feb 2012
Buy One Get One
Coffee for two
all alone,
with rivers
of problems on paper
of a middle school girl.
461 · Nov 2011
There's everything to tell but no words to use
So I'm in that moment where nothing's around
But everything's inside, pounding at my chest to get out
Peeking through holes in my heart
because there aren't any windows
Even if there were I'd buy curtains and blinds
because that's just what I do
So if you find any words, give them to me
because I'm running out
because they run away from home
I wish I could go with those words
but they're somewhere at my feet
and I'm scared of going down.
460 · Jan 2012
I won't say "
Happy New Year!"
because I am still waiting
for a new day to come.
459 · Jun 2012
Some things work
and some things don't move at all

Remember that cogwheels
remain turning in every joint
458 · May 2012
Cold Case
We were a cold case.
--emphasis on the "cold".
457 · Jun 2012
My hands waltz
with my heart
when I'm at rest
with you
457 · May 2012
No Time/Scattered Thoughts
Not everything is coming together

but there will be performances anyway


How old are you, again?


Hello, I'm silent and weird

I hope you still like me

Actually I don't care

Come watch, Come wait, Come see

Come On
455 · May 2012
Taste of Waste
You have a new favorite
and I'm not even the next best thing anymore

I don't believe in consequences
and the sky has been crying for days

And I keep having someday dreams
and someday never comes,
it's just a story my hand can't stop scribbling down on paper

I don't believe that dreams come true
and I don't believe in someday dreams
and I don't believe in consequences
and I don't believe in meaningless things

My affection and attention was tasted
and wasted
and now I'm wasted all the time
always in more way than one.
455 · Dec 2011
wish I
could write a
poem in ten words
You can't
find what
you don't
look for

I don't
see you

I'm not
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