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3.7k · Aug 2013
fierce love
petals Aug 2013
her heart was ice
and his was fire
and together
their love was
as fierce as ever

but as soon as
they were apart,

she turned numb and cold
and he turned to grey ashes
3.1k · Aug 2013
petals Aug 2013
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
kiss                                     kiss
kiss                                     kiss
kiss               me                 kiss
kiss                                     kiss
    kiss                                     kiss  
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

*kiss me.
2.5k · Apr 2015
goodbye - haiku
petals Apr 2015
moon twas flickering
so serene and undisturbed,
why must you flee us?
2.4k · Aug 2013
a galaxy
petals Aug 2013
a girl with black bags
underneath her eyes

hair that had
split ends on every
piece you looked at,

and she might have
gone a little awry,

but that wasn't what
her love looked at;

he looked at her mind
because it was so extraordinary;

*her mind was a galaxy,
waiting to be explored
2.0k · Jul 2013
petals Jul 2013
                           ­      acid            



1.8k · Jul 2013
needy teen
petals Jul 2013
i am a needy teen with
dreams that i need to chase
and words i need to hear
and even things that i need
to experience in life
but instead
i sit here wondering
why my life is so
******* up,

silence around me
people are still and
i'm still trapped here
listening to the lies
and gossip from these
mutant mutts

if only i could escape
1.7k · Aug 2013
petals Aug 2013
i want to look you in the eye,
and admit everything.

admit that this all meant nothing to me,
admit that i never cared at all,
admit that you and me were just a joke,

but i can't.
i can't because
if i admitted all this to you,
i would be lying.

and my mother
told me never
to tell,
a ***** old *lie
1.6k · Aug 2013
new pathways
petals Aug 2013
you see that little opening,
at the end of the forest?

that's a new path.

a new path to show
who you truly are inside.

and once you step
into that little path,
it'll show you where to go,
and how to change your life
into the life you've always imagined.
this is ****, i'm sorry
petals Aug 2013
you know,

things could've
worked out for us,


but it didn't,
and that makes me
a little  upset.
i like this poem for some reason.
1.5k · May 2014
petals May 2014
the dream felt so real;

the want and the passion,
the heat and the lust
while my mouth touched yours,

our breaths pacing
our thoughts filled

and all at once,
time moved backwards.
1.3k · Jul 2013
a human
petals Jul 2013
i am no moon.
i am no firefly.
i am no sunshine.
i am no light.

but what i am,
is a human.

a simple human,
that has no good
qualities that is
really worth
looking at.
974 · Jul 2013
a ruined flower
petals Jul 2013
she was the flower
nobody ever
picked because
it was ruined;

petals missing
while the others
just drooped
even the stem
was broken

and after all
who could love
a ruined flower
872 · Jul 2013
will you?
petals Jul 2013
will you remember
me in ten years?

will you remember
my face when we
bump into each other
on the side walk?

will you remember me
when we're both adults?

when you're looking
at your future kids,
will you remember how
i used to dream about
having twin girls?

will you?
because i certainly will.
856 · Jul 2013
petals Jul 2013
and even though
people told her that they
were always there for her
she didn't quite believe it

but how could you
believe such a thing,
when all they did was
pity the ones hurting

she didn't need pity
she needed comfort and

they talked, and talked
but they couldn't do anything
about the problem
just gossip about it
like mangy mutts

and that night,
while she lay in bed
listening to them pity the

she thought,

*"no one cares unless you're pretty or dying"
820 · Aug 2013
my heart, my back
petals Aug 2013
you know that knife,
the one you used
to stab me in the back

i think it went a little far,
and ended up in my heart

breaking me apart,
even more than you intended to
795 · Jul 2013
keep dreaming
petals Jul 2013
i spread my arms
and hands to the winds
willing that their touch
will whisk me away
to a place where i
can start over

but the farthest
it took me,
was to my bed
and as it was
about to fly
out and back
into the depths
of  darkness
it whispered,

*"keep dreaming."
795 · Jul 2013
the memories
petals Jul 2013
upon a starlit roof,
a fresh breeze
revives her soul:
and tries takes all the
painful memories
   a  w   a   y

but it's no use,
she will always
be haunted by them.

but no one can
really take the
memories away.

you can numb it,
try to forget it
or even try to
run away from it,

but you'll never
truly forget the
no matter how
hard and long
you try...
"no matter how much suffering
you went through,
you never wanted to let go
of those memories."
651 · Jul 2013
the boy
petals Jul 2013
he made me forget
about the scars
that lined up
and down my wrist

he made me forget
about all of the words
that people screamed
at me

he made me forget
the voices that haunted
my thoughts, as if
they suddenly vanished

he was the boy
that made me feel like
there was no other girl
he would rather be with

"why did you choose me?"
"you're one of a kind."

but, as soon as he
left, i began to see
the disgusting scars

i began to hear
the voices that
used to torment me

i began to listen
to the things people
screamed at me,
and actually believe them.

he was the boy
that made my life
a living hell
after he left me
for good.
499 · Apr 2015
petals Apr 2015
and now i am dark
without the light i'm nothing;
winter will soon pass

— The End —