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Petal pie Mar 2014
Put my foot in it
Need to look before I leap
Zip it, clumsy oaf!
Petal pie Mar 2014
to be
cherished .

But alas
Petal pie Mar 2014
I'm creating a Lego alter-ego
Called Scarlet.
Her skin is flawless
Her face a fixed fierce determined smile
Her drawn on ******* will never sag
And she never has a hair out of place.

She has a pet monkey by her side
Poached from my brothers 1989 pirate set
After she duelled with Pegleg Pete
And made him walk the plastic plank.

She has lego lovers in high places
Batman has given her the code to his 6860 set batcave
And the white Knight from castle set 70404
Has lent her his trusty steed
And he drank from her cup.

She is fearless and has an interchangeable
Wipe clean wardrobe
She can be whatever she wants
She is **** yet robust
When placed on a high shelf
She may gather dust
But she is always ready
For fun and adventure
And she will never age or rust.
Petal pie Mar 2014
Proud bird with beady eye
Who engraved your shape and form?
Scratched you into being
Gave you life

Were you wandering around a farm or homestead
before being captured
and transformed onto clay canvas?

Your azure head and olive green breast jut out
You are encircled in yellow ochre
Baked sunshine

Are you from the aztec climes
A creature of ceremony
or domestic good fortune?

A wedding gift perhaps?
Whose room have you
graced with your presence?
Whose lives have you witnessed
with your beady eye?

Your body gathering dust
on a kitchen wall
Your design primitive
Yet bold and knowing
Your glaze is cracked
Rustic and yet glowing.
*This was based on a decorative dish my friend brought from a flea market*
Petal pie Mar 2014
Spinning the top dial
Searching for bright painted riffs
Rock n rollered room
Petal pie Mar 2014
I desire a metamorphosis
I know,  I feel,
Life can be better than this
I'd like to rise
A majestic thing
With grace and his glory
Shining in my wings.

Take flight
With colours rare and true,
Pretty like the chalkhill blue
Or glowing like the
Monarch's orange hue.

But instead I am trapped
In the cocoon stage
Wrapped up,curled
Stuck in sinful nature's cage
Wings not yet unfurled

Imprisoned by fragility
Brought on by bipolarity
Kept in emotional intensity
For what feels like eternity

But one day soon
I will feel free
From the cocoon's shackles
That bind me
I will feast on the nectar
Of His good word
And soar and flutter by
Free as a bird

Free in the sure certainty
The promises he's made
Sure of my saviour's love for me
My debts that he has paid

But yet I still feel like the caterpillar
Fumbling around
Still finding my way
I'm grateful for creation
Still orange striped and hairy
Yet not at all scary
Awaiting transformation! :)
Petal pie Apr 2013
You are my apple king
i love you to your core
I love your rounded apple cheeks
And your tender age of four
Your dark shining eyes
Like little apple pips
The cheeky grin that you let slip
from your sweet rosey lips

You like the female breeds
Pink ladies, granny smiths
The sweetness of a braebern
Is what you're content with

Straight from the tree
Or from the shelf
Or from a bowl or box
Three a day
You munch and crunch
My little British ***!
A poem about my little boy Natty
here is the recital! x
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