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Penelope Winter Feb 2022
more often than they should
my eyes land on you

they see your hair and flood my fingers
with memories of snaking through it

they see your neck and my lips tingle
yearning to kiss it again

they see your waist and my arms long
to wrap themselves around it
to breathe in the comfort
to dwell in the warmth

your hands
your laugh
your eyes
your clothes
your every move
they torture me to see
but i cannot look away

i shiver with want
but watch in silence

just too far away to hold you
for if i could
i’d never let go again

- p. winter
what more can i gain from pretending it does not slowly **** me to be in the same room as him
Penelope Winter Feb 2022
How heartbreaking,
They see us now
And think that we are strangers
Who never held each other
High above the city lights.
How sudden are the changes,
How short the autumn nights.

- p. winter
I don’t like change
Penelope Winter Feb 2022
kiss me once again
sing to me
touch me
grab me
i beg you
kiss me once again
pull me in
don’t speak
find me
take me home
kiss me once again

- p. winter
penny presents: the most generic poem ever written
Penelope Winter Feb 2022
I swore to move on,
But chagrined I must tell
I still sleep on the grounds
Where you shadow once fell.

- p. winter
Penelope Winter Feb 2022
My room was once a mess.

Jeans and plants and records and books and rubik’s cubes and pens and playing cards and instruments and journals and sneakers and poems and photos and sheet music and candles and

My head was once full of music.

Show tunes and operas and flutes and guitars and jazz and love songs and hate songs and blues and ballads and choirs and organs and drums and jingles and

My life was once summer.

Friendships and ice cream and sunshine and bonfires and family and concerts and daisies and romance and road trips and skateboards and laughter and

Now I am empty.

Silent and wistful and jealous and solemn and broken and burdened and hungry and cold and angry and hurt and forgotten and fearful and weak and

My room is still a mess.

- p. winter
Penelope Winter Feb 2022
I wake before the sun does now,
And I work until it sets,
I fill my planner with mundane tasks
To create the illusion of living,
I hand assignments in early,
I eat a healthy breakfast,
I match my socks,
I make my bed,
I brush my hair,
I smile at work,
I do everything I am supposed to do.
I look, at last, complete.

No more sleeping in
No more messy hair
No more mismatched socks
No more passion projects

No more passion

Textbooks sit where stories once did.
My record player has been unplugged to make room for new chargers.
My tap shoes gather dust.
I forget the lyrics to show tunes.
My plants have died in my neglect for them.
The music stand holds study notes.

Every fix I had to make
To become what I am told to be
Came with the sacrifice
Of part of my soul.

I have no time for singing,
I daren’t dance and waste a day,
My friends see less of me,
I make it home only to collapse
And pray tomorrow will hold a spare minute
For dreaming.

- p. winter
Idek if you can call this a poem **** it sounds like something I would have written in high school to try to be relatable. I wish I could say this was a list of metaphors. But I truly have started to lose myself and the things I love. I have no time. I have no energy. I have no space in my mind. I gave it all up to finally be the kind of girl whose parents are proud and who doesn’t get dumped and who achieves her goals and who people want to be friends with and who looks like she has her **** together and who isn’t a walking embarrassment or a waste of a human body. And now what? I am tired. I am lonely. I am quiet. I am miserable. And people keep complimenting me on how well I seem to be doing. “You look so much better, your grades have gotten so high, I’m so impressed you have time for all of that!” I have no time. I am not present during the day. I do not come alive with excitement. I do not seek adventure. I do not choose happiness. I choose practicality. I choose logic. I choose to be somebody else. And I hate who she is.
Penelope Winter Feb 2022
as teardrops fall onto the pew,
i bring to Him my love for you,
each prayer from my lips a plea
to guide you safely home to me

- p. winter
sobbed my eyes out at adoration, what else is new
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