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Aug 2020 · 155
A young Boy's Tale
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
This Authentic tale was brought to you
By A Boy through a sheet of paper
Some words that render you to use your loaf ,
Here We Go :

This world Can not Acquire My Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome aboard
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops

Oups !
Sorry for disturbing
Just dismiss it
If it looks somewhat Irritating
Because this young Lad shan't Give Up Working
That Boy was thrown off,
Pricked Heart
Ceased brain by pointed Sharp Darts
Formed with Witty teasing words spit by some fools
Then Battering Starts
Oh Heck , **** , break his neck , then check his pulse
If it goes and back
Cut off  nerves
Likewise cables unto his dreams
If you were me , What would you Choose ?
A bruise? Or Lose ?
That's how it seems
When you re Vulnerable
When agony extent is overall
When the  mixture of anger with Temper is subtle 
Luckily , Temptation plus Sensibility sustained me To be Morally Unbeatable 
With no compassion
By Self-Affection
With Guts injection
frustration is frustrating regardless
I vowed that 
come hell or water , I'll overcome failure
Because I'm not useless

This world Can not Acquire My Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome aboard
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops

Then ,
I experienced another  level of life
I Met A Gal
That looks beloved to My Heart
A soulmate or A pal ?
I don't mind
But she is going to be My Future wife
I was getting optimistic.
Grinning Automatically
Like I Don't know what is arising actually
Sensational Emotions
That soared me up into Infinity
I was like a BoT
brain went Rash
Till I realised everything is Rot
Afterwards , Results came Harsh 
I ve become sad
Yes , that was bad
All these Moments got a transition to Tears dripping onto the blanket of My bed
I Start Breathing with sigh
Why some people are cynic ?
Why others use imitated Lipsticks?
To play role of devil's advocate
And tell you you are his flesh and blood , we are  intimate !
Haste makes wastes
And every Cloud has a silver lining
So . Sorry Honey
I'have no money
i'let you boogie
Swaying Your body contemporary to  Victory symphony
You're happy temporally
I'm not mister patrick
I'm mister master of tricks
Number Six ?
No , I eighty-six
See ?

This world Can not Acquire my Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome abroad
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops

Now after Lending an ear to this young boy's tale,
It is high time i take off the truth's veil:
Success's pavement is too long so it seems endless
Stop thinking about what people say consequentlty
Mjority is ordinary
Don't prove them wrong
Years fly by
Prove yourself wrong
to make their lips get dry
Even what you do is literally mumbo jumbo
Don't ever never Accuse your spirit's echoes
They are not egoes
They Stand by you
Until you realise The vital triumph :
Being number Uno ! 
And who is number uno ?
It is me and you !

That's why ,
This world Can not Acquire My Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome aboard
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops
Aug 2020 · 99
Being Confident
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Hey  Brain , Don t You Observe ?
ItchY Emotions ,
Buzzing Nerves
Emotions's  room within My Heart Has Become Over-Flown
It s Hurting As Kidneys Full of Stones
They are Fighting each Other ,
Hey Brain , Do Something ,
Heart is Fed Up With Tolerating  , He wants to Recover ,
Against The Clock , No Time To Surrender!

Hey Brain , isn t Remrkable ?
Isn t Remarkable They Want To Take mY Confidence Virginity ?
Make Up Your Mind ,
And omit  Any  Opportunity
Keep it Up ,
Confidence is My Girl
She is ****** , She is The Goat ,
She can t Be intimitated ,
I would never let Any ******* Have his Oats
She Is My Prize ,
The Only Female who has to become Spinster
She Is My Girl,
Use Your Noodle Hater !

Am I  Alien ?
Am I Martian?
Because I am Brilliant ,
They NEver comprehend MY Options
They d Nver Catch up My Techniques
That is Why They Name Me "The Idiot"!
Aug 2020 · 70
No Feedback
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Caution ! Attention !
What s Below was written with A dedication
To Reading Haters
To bare brains Lovers
Who esteem it A Sandwich Tasting No  Flavour:
He is not A Reader
Regardless of possessing books i.e Knowledge owner
Apart from that,He Sells them As drugs dealer
Because He is A Nerd i.e not Fairly Clever
I memorize I Get Hypnotized By Overthinking
Brain is days and nights Up And running
Too I m Off And Running
I throw Up I ***** Words meanwhile Positive expectations Are High
In A Paper Ground
But it suddenly Sounds Deserted
Ironic ! No Showed Up Crowd
A Cascade of Tears is Dripping:Weep Cry!
None of them Waits me on A Feedback
Tanned Expectations discouraged me Again
Their inexistence just attempted to Break my Heart And Whack !

But I m Rude I m Stubborn
Differed With The noun "Step Back"
Getting on with the  Verb  to Get Applause: Firelighter writer is back To Pay The world back
Yes , Always On Fire Working for the best Until Death Clings My Neck
Because i m Wooed by Intellect
Inspiration is my silhouette
And My Imagination is deemed Fact

Aug 2020 · 106
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
I am A Child
No Matter how Much I am Kind ,
They  Immersed Dejection In My Mind
My  Wanted Mother , That Sport I couldn t Find ,
HElp Me , Get closer To Me With An Aid,
Chop Chop ,Surger :  At The Drop of The Hat  CHop His  Head ,
Roger !
At The End
They d  store My Ashes within A  Shed
I am From Syria ,
I see Debris Everywhere In This Area ,
Exchanged Shapes as A Flechette
Military Bases  are everywhere Sat Up
How Can I Drive myself away from this Arena ?
Do Not Ask Me AsK China !
Maybe that statement is Lame ,
But Everything is True
It s not A Game
you just Don t Have A Clue ,
What Will you Do With The Fame
If Donald Trump Is Your Name ?
What A shame
Someone Who is Barking out rather  than ironing out
Mental Disorder ,  You are Out ,
Your Strategies Will Never work out
Because :

I M Syrian ,
You Are American ,
I am An Angel ,
You Are A  Villain ,
I am A Dark Horse ,
Who Got A Charley Horse ,
Who One day ,
Himself he Will reinforce ,
So we would Play Together Counter Strike Source !

Miserable Chlidhood ,
That cheered up my Manhood
Like I m Living the Tale of Robin Hood
Grasping A Machibe Gun ,
Fighting For The Country
Helping The Army
Everything Has Become A Fun ,
Reload !
How Does it sound ...
When kins are Laid  Down on The Ground ?
How Does it Sound
When Others  survive for Another Life 's Round ?
Shoot , Bullets , Munition , Rifle ...
Fire , Demolish,  ,pistol ,  Deagle ...
Nightmarish War ,
Landmines , planted C Four
It s A GraveGarden
Locked portals
I can t Unfasten
the Liberty Key has been Stolen ?
Then Journalism starts spinning A Yarn
That we are living like Horses ,
In A Secure Barn ,
Who is The Reporter :?
None !

But :

I M Syrian ,
You Are American ,
I am An Angel ,
You Are A  Villain ,
I am A Dark Horse ,
Who Got A Charley Horse ,
Who One day ,
Himself he Will reinforce ,
So we would Play Together Counter Strike Source !
Aug 2020 · 103
Brain Vs Me
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Your feedback Won t make me  fall back.
Sitting al desko
Playing sudoku 
Bored , frustrated
I m in a Hot potato!
I can't go along with any  decision concerning any intention
Lifeless emotions
Still , dominating inspiration
Brain wants my approval to begin a conversation
Hey stranger ,
Here is a blank sheet of paper
Rub onto it either with a pen or a Pencil
A penny for your thoughts Pencil Warrior 
A cut-throat self-competition
Are you a brave competitor ?
Are you up for pursuing the reader ?
That reading is worth consumin?
That you are eager to be an idol not a dime a dozen ?

So :
You Need  Knowledge Assistance
Then ,
You ought to Get My Maintenance
To make :
Your Wiriting resemble A Magic
Cool And fantastic
Mysterious Not  Obvious
Meticulous  but Not Hilarious

Hey Stranger ,
A Tip To Mention
That Writin if i m not mistaken is A Paaassion
Divided into Words
Whose subdivisions Are  Alphaaabet
With writing, you can be Against The Grain
Writing Evaporates lukewarm Depression Liquid
That s Circulating All Along in Each Vein,
Compiled steam By me into Glammerous Words Falling liKe A Heavy Rain
At That Moment ,
You Bested Your Opponent which is Pain
You showed The Opposite that is Gain
And Everybody is Endorsing Your Work :
That s Insane !

That s why:
You  Need Knowledge  Assistance
You  Ought to Get my maintenance
To Make :
Your writing resemble A magic
cool and  Fantastic
Mysterious not Obvious
Meticulous but  Not Hilarious

Yes Brain , you stuck to the Point
Writing is a god-gifted Talent
I am lyrically fit and Grammatically Fluent
Arrogant ? No  I can T Flaunt it 
Not **** and Bull Story
perhaps I Should Admit it
No It s A Reticence
Illuminated Through A Piece Of Writing
Yes Brain
You are the ideas machine
I m The Typing machine
Let s Leave A Message
Whether is read (Red) or Seen
Nevermind ,
I just wanna make my conscience clear
How ?

That s why #:
I Need Knowledge  Assistance
I Ought to Get your  maintenance
To Make :
My writing resemble A magic
cool and Fantastic
Mysterious not Obvious
Meticulous but Not Hilarious
Aug 2020 · 106
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Let the Nightmarish memories Blow Off ,
Display Reliability just show it off ,
I know vengeance is intense
Reason of countable forgiveness and uncountable carelessness
icy Brains ,they Never Catch it for once or even twice
Domino's zone , You are just a  Dice !
Just Be kind
Keep Demons whispers behind
And God Shall willingly be in your side  
Theasurus Declared : Pride !
Wounded Heart man ! An Extraordinary Cut !
Heart is singing Bass legit
H---E---L---P ....H---E---A---L
How Can Rage be defeated against the Usage of my nut ?
It s Perfectly Hurt ,
Provided pain  by emotions Burglar: A Stupid extrovert
And i m isolated Beyond the hustle and bustle of Our World
Anxiety Siege in  my world type deserted hostel
Defined by one Word : Introvert

No more worries Tarek,
You ve become  Ethics Expert
You used to be Low-Headed
You are Now A Levelheaded Sensible Sport
19 Years Old
You proved them wrong
That You Can Handle responsibility'sword
That You deserve A Successful life as an Award
Because you are spiritually And definitely  Strong ,
Although Circumstances Dazzle And Baffle
You Were beware enough how To Prevent Shizzles
Because you were aware enough how to Knot Satisfaction needles
Pain is Now my roommate , my eyes apple
So ? Who is up for another pain Battle?
Aug 2020 · 129
Doozy of love
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Time Flies 
Bodies Are Distant
Pain is Intermittent
broken into plural of Fragment
You Pulled At strings of Heart
I m Not Unwilling To Tear Apart
Just Sing For me One Part of Mozart's Art
Don t You think It seves me Right ?
Save me from the Evil Deeds
Don t you Have Sympathy For Me
Is that  Right ?
I m not Fancy Agonizing
I Can t keep Up  With  Obsessing
I don t need to A therapist
I am A Callous Rock I ought To Resist
HowEver You Were Energized EnougH To Dig for  An Astonishing Crevice

I m in doubt
I m a bit of sceptic
I can t Believe You !
I can T put my trust in you Anymore
That Doozy of  Love is Actually  not Realistic
I m Loyal
My standards my Reputation
Both are Royal
That s Why I Can t Be roles Player
Because You are The Heart Breaker
I am The  Words  Doctor
I am An Author
Not A Devil's Advocate  Actor
I won t return Back  to Love's Island
Because I ve already become A Defector
Just Do It !

— The End —