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Mar 2010 · 525
Pen Lux Mar 2010
digging through the pavement
with our fingers
we have nothing to show
but asphalt underneath our nails.

sometime's we're attracted,
but mostly we're distracted.

insignificant figures torn
from the edges of what we call reality
wanting to be something more,
only to be left in the dark to struggle with the bends.

sometime's we're alive,
but mostly we're dead.

heavy waves of realization
scorn the oblivious into truth
proving the lack of worth
with each stroke
everything shades itself out
before anyone can think again.
- From Contagious Energy
Mar 2010 · 354
Pen Lux Mar 2010
shying away from the white on the walls
so full of screws and tacs and faces
run your hand across it
accept the lack of life
animate your dreams with reality
fill yourself with good news

I don't want your love unless you know that I'm impulsive

I wasn't happy about it
but i congratulated you anyway
I wanted you to know that I cared about you
that was the only way I knew how
then I hid it all away with the expressions on my face
which was pointless because you could hear it in the taste

I don't want your love unless you know that I'm repulsive
- From Contagious Energy
Mar 2010 · 340
Pen Lux Mar 2010
from the pool to the ground that we sat
our lives stretched for miles
like love melting in the bright gold sun
shading out the light with a black drop of night
everything bursts with shades from
blue to green to grey to red
our hands will gently clasp
glide by each other for a blink
don't pay attention to what distracts
skin tight clothes sticking to drenched bodies
drenched with the freshness of a new day
and all the happiness that we've been anticipating all along.
- From Contagious Energy
Mar 2010 · 399
Pen Lux Mar 2010
with the mind of an artist you'd think that she could come up with
something to jump off the page
strangle you with her words of beauty and then bring you back to life
with every word she has written
but all she can do is repeat herself and stumble, fall, and skin her knees
with the ground at the bottom
to pull something from nothing and force it in a box, then twist it into a
riddle, that's what she does
then she looks at people, makes things sad, tries to believe in her own
lies, then kills with her artificial love
coffee breath, ***** jeans, a tired girl, and a desperate search for
something more
cornering a boy with the shadow covering his face, he's so unknown in
this town that it's almost unbearable
innocence doesn't make him blind but it makes his eyes a portal to his
young untouched mind
she looks inside and tries to find what makes him smile, she unravels
his secrets and a memory or two
everything that came out of those untouched lips made everything
shine and burst with a euphoric light
the lust she had for him was held in a jar with a tight cap and a glued lid,
she hoped it'd never be revealed,
until the day the jar breaks she will forever linger, tense and poised,
until she can somehow relax
- From Contagious Energy

— The End —