I am but a humble pebble
that has been washed up
upon this poetic beach
I will stay a while
but if seas get rough
I may find myself in a new land
May i be blessed
On my journey through
The mists of time
It looks as though this part of m 54 followers / 2.6k words
Are you trying to make me love you? Are you hiding behind words When what i want is your breath upon my skin
Are you trying to woo me With talk so sweet and intentions so real The ice queens heart is beating faster and melting with every word that leaves your mouth
You have such a beautiful mouth I can imagine kissing all my troubles away Moments of bliss oh for a touch of those lips upon mine
The thing is i know i can have you Will i let you hold me a little longer next time Will a kiss goodbye become sweeter With moments we share becoming Something to treasure
Are you trying to make me love you? Because i feel kind of dizzy When i see you or even just hear you it makes me smile. I want to feel your breath upon my skin and the touch of your lips upon mine lips .
Dew falling on fairy faces A child Of pixie blood comes forth in understanding Water coloured happiness In a smile so serene
Naked moments When only your truth is laid before you Flutes of tears Already wiped away Candy tuff's mixed with apple blossom Serves my heart well As i burn the insence And meditate on The moment of mine desire
Come slowly Ever healing Kneeling before The magisty of life Grand in your understanding
Two fairy tears I pay for your love Deny me not The magic of your years For i will die without The webs you weave The threads you sew And the pain you bleed
I can raise above myself And raise you Higher
Place your hand In the hand of life And believe Just beleve It should be so
I want To dry your tears Take away your pain And kiss your Silken cheeks
Come Lets play on the wind Slide down the sunbeams And whistle merry tunes in the wild Let yourself be free To hold my heart Knowing it will not fall
Dew falling on fairy faces A child Of pixie blood comes forth in understanding Water coloured happiness In a smile so serene