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 Feb 2016 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
All that is there is the emptiness
Not darkness
Not cold
Just the void
You could try
I mean to explain it
That in itself has a problem
For my emptiness
Isn't your emptiness
How could it be?
 Jan 2016 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
 Jan 2016 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
Asked what I'd do if my numbers came up?
If millions were suddenly mine
Would I buy a big house a horse or a car
Get a yacht and date models or movie stars
Would I spend all my time from beach to beach seeing the world and dining like a king
Would I spend my nights with ladies of pleasure, whose virtue in dollars is how they are measured.
Would I help all my friends and settle their debts
Build an ice rink where I lived for the kids to just play
There are many of them that I would do
But all of them pointless
There is no you. It was just a thought.
 Jan 2016 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
Some say we have lived our lives many times before
Each life another opportunity
They believe a soul mate criss crosses our path
And that said we miss each other
If I have spent my lives looking for you
Have you been looking for me?
Are we the same age?
Have I missed you?
Are you in a foriegn land?
Or have you moved into the next life?
Dedicated to the universal hide and seek champion, whoever you are
 Jan 2016 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
We miss the differences.
Not because we don't notice,
more because we become too accustomed to them.
We don't notice the nights getting darker till we feel the chill of Autumn.
We notice spring when the low morning sun blinds us, not when flowers bud.
We see our childs first steps, yet fail to notice a grandparents last.
It is as though the important things trade places with the essentials as life overwhelms us, we miss transitions as we age.
We so often don't see when someone who was simply **** becomes beautiful, when we should scream it out loud before love becomes lost.
What we once admired we often despise and yet have no measure of when one emotion became the other, it probably didn't have too, we missed the change.
We loose touch, make new friends, we age but also become younger in so many ways. Lovers hearts, our hearts have the ability to do that, if we notice, yet we seldom do until we loose a friend and the news hits us hard.
For we simply miss the differences.
We just get eroded by lifes daily chores, Work eat sleep repeat.
So step back and look at the differences.
Look at what you have or what it is you need or need to change before it's to late to say it.
But don't miss a moment of it wondering what if? Should I have or I wish I had. Because even if you're wrong, it's right.
Hug your kids, your parents too and show someone how you feel. Even if it's just with a warm smile or just being there. Or something daft
It may be the only smile they see today, or the difference in their life that keeps them going today.
I once bought a welshman a little dragon in an egg. He collected dragons. He was so excited by it, it was like he was a little child for a few minuites. That's how I will remember him. The child like smile. Those are the memories we make.
So be the difference not the differences. No matter how small, to someone it could be all
To Blue. RIP Dragon.
 Jan 2016 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
I pod I phone I couldn't give a toss
Android or Google it makes me so cross
Jumpers with puddings antlers and bells
No ****** turkeys so fights at M and S
Away in a manger?
More like with the fairys!
Mummys half cut with the pre Xmas sherry
Dads bursting out of a suit that's too small
For a couple of kids who deserve **** all!
Santas naughty list is totally ignored
Hundreds are spent to hype it up more
Excess in all and no idea of why
Christmas is lost and the meaning a lie
Gifts for a newborn became a flat screen TV
The Christmas works party
***** or VD
It's Christmas yelled out by Slade and Roy Wood
Danced to by drunkards who hope for some luck
It's over next morning with socks and lynx
Do all women think we're barefoot and stink?
So love to you all and peace on earth
Haven't you heard a ****** gave birth?
Her dad was unknown the father quite odd
Talked like a ****** to some guy called god
She was probably spaced out on Lebanese red
Thought that an angel had been in her bed!
So drink up my friends and remember one thing
It's Christmas tomorrow the birth of the king.
So off to the church and pretend to be good
And full of good cheer
And back to hatred for the rest of the year
Were bombing the ***** out of the Holy Lands
The points been missed
We're all ******.
 Dec 2015 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
There are places that you can sit and only hear the wind tumbling the sand or the leaves rustling.
They are places of great solace and immeasurable calm.
We each have our own.
When you share such a place you share a part of you, and in doing so exchange a memory.
For that place will never be the same to you.. Or them.
 Nov 2015 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
Grow old with me for the best in us is yet to be.
Walk with me, close by my side, not in front or steps behind.
Hold my hand when you feel afraid, I'll embrace you tight until dangers passed.
Watch the lines grow upon my face, watch my hair turn silver grey.
Look for me when you open your eyes, know I'll always be at your side.
But most of all when our time is done, when our days are short and our lives have run.  Know in all I've said and done that for me you were the only one.
 Oct 2015 Peashoot
Micheal Wolf
He sat alone. The sky darkening minute by minute. Autumn was now upon us. Another week and the clocks change. He pondered the thought... Change into what?
A nonsense of language. One among many. The sun now gone all that remained was the violet tones of its reflection on heavy laden clouds. Laden like his thoughts. Overwhelmed with the emptiness, the missing. He said goodbye to the sea and walked to the car, the dog now satisfied. Anyone would think the walk was for his well being, not his masters.
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