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Pearls of White Nov 2013
Shadows dance the night away
You ask me if I'm here to stay

Following the beat is tough;
The music isn't loud enough

Golden eyes that pierce the veil
In search of love, not fairy tale

Whispers in a cloud of smoke
I cannot breathe; I gasp, I choke

Forget me not, can't forget
Stuck in an endless pirrouette

Bodies close, our breathing, slow
The best (and worst) intentions show

Letting go of all things past
Not the First, but will be the Last

Won't deny this thing I've found--
someone to keep me safe and sound

I ask if you're here to stay
As shadows dance the night away.
1.9k · Feb 2014
Mixtapes I
Pearls of White Feb 2014
"The best memories are like overplayed mixtapes: they lose clarity and detail over time, yet they seem to sound better the older they get."*

We listen to the fourth round of Trois Gymnopedies
on our break from the second round of *******

Our limbs entwined, in part because we like it
partly because we're stuck together by sweat and--

The air is thick with scents foul and fragrant
as furniture music fills the gaps in between

Every breath stalls to anticipate the notes
fingers twitch slightly on the downbeat

Ten minutes ago, we made our own music
Ten minutes ago, we were in perfect harmony

She stares at the ceiling as I stare on her lips
I watch her mumble the lyrics Satie never wrote:

A pack of cigarettes,
a pack of cigarettes
Could you please buy from the store?*

We're taken over by uncontrollable laughter
as uncontrollable as the trembling when we came

She shifts to her side, and my arms are freed
I stand and pick my jeans from the floor

I take my time buttoning up my shirt,
soaking in the view before I run the errand

She lies naked still, as I put a jacket on
I leave on the fifth round of the Gymnopedie
Pearls of White Jan 2014
I will love you in the morning and in the mornings after that.
I will wake you everyday, cook your breakfast, make you fat.

I will run your errands, wash the car, clean the dishes.
I will do your homework and even finish your thesis!

I will swim the deepest oceans, ride a bike downhill
and I'll accomplish these goals, 'cause you've strengthened my will.

I will sit for hours with you, locked in meaningful stare,
utterly convinced no other beauty could possibly compare.

I will listen and understand, wait for you to make up your mind;
because of you, I've learned other ways of being kind.

I will hold your hand in public, hug and kiss you as I please.
Our Love Spectacular will be known across the Seven Seas!

I will feed your ego, as you would feed mine.
"Yes, that dress makes your *** look **** fine!"

I will take baths with you, and if I may be so blunt:
I will wash your back, but be more thorough with your front.

I will search for more films, more books for us to read
but you'll always be the only entertainment I'll ever need.

I will sing your fav'rite songs, and we'll make up a few of our own.
We will sing them to our children, even when they've fully grown.

We will grow old together, but I will look older than you.
I'd consider myself a good husband if you don't age past twenty-two!

Eventually I will forget
plenty of these things, I bet.

But know, one of these I hold dear.
My love, let me make this properly clear:

With you, I will love every moment eternal--- in fact,
I will love you in the morning and in the mornings after that.
1.5k · Feb 2014
Shivers (Nonet)
Pearls of White Feb 2014
Your tiny frame fit in my embrace
Shivers travel up and through me
Electrifying, grounding
though it does not shock you;
You've always felt it
The spark within
1.5k · Jul 2014
When Our Eyes Meet
Pearls of White Jul 2014
I dive into deep, still water.
I make no sound,
not a single ripple on the surface.
There are no bubbles,
no pockets of air,
but I do not struggle.
I float in your essence;
heart and thought drift away
with familiar quietude.
Forever I remain
blissfully unaware that I
cannot swim.
Pearls of White Feb 2014
Hands in pockets
Guitar on her back
She's been waiting too long
to find a place she'll call Home
Tonight, she sings of cold weather
But spare change won't spare her from frostbite
1.4k · Jul 2014
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk
Pearls of White Jul 2014
On a night like any other,
I went outside to have a smoke
I saw a gecko on a tree
and to my surprise, it spoke!

Tsk, tsk, tsk
the lizard said
Its haunting disapproval
followed me to bed

The next evening, I came back
to see what its problem was
I asked, "You disagree with cigarettes?
I'll quit the habit, if I must!"

Tsk, tsk, tsk
the lizard said
I can't be certain, but I'd bet
it was shaking its little head

The following night, I returned
to again face cold-blooded judgment
I lamented, "Why do you torment me so,
without reason, with no argument?"

Tsk, tsk, tsk
the lizard went
By that time, my patience
was utterly spent

On our last meeting, I carried with me
a pair of scissors and ****** on my mind
As I approached the gecko with sharp intent,
suddenly the tail detached from its behind!

Tsk, tsk, tsk
the lizard mocked me as it left
Moonlight creatures claim another victim
Of my dignity, I am bereft
The common house gecko, more common in Southeast Asia:
1.4k · Feb 2014
Naked Truth (10w)
Pearls of White Feb 2014
We're never naked;
always clothed with a shroud of doubt
1.3k · Mar 2014
A Thousand Words (Haiku)
Pearls of White Mar 2014
The shutter closes
Plot points fixed in monochrome;
The story unfolds
1.2k · Jul 2014
Lovers' Quarrel
Pearls of White Jul 2014
A word is just a word
if it's just one word

A word is just a word
be it seen or heard

A phrase, just a phase
a few minutes, hours, days

A phrase, when misplaced
leaves a man disgraced

A verse won't make a song
with no melody playing along

A will, however strong
cannot prevent all wrong

A way, when it is found
makes strength of will abound

A rhyme without reason
is like giving order to chaos

A sea is nothing more than
an infinite number of drops

A life is so much more than
a speck in an infinite cosmos

But a word may just be a word
silly, pointless and absurd
1.1k · Jul 2014
Coffee Date (10w)
Pearls of White Jul 2014
She stirs her coffee
He* m u  m   b    l     e      s,
stomach gRumBLes*
wrods fmblue
1.1k · Oct 2014
Pearls of White Oct 2014
I sit still and watch
With eyes sharp enough to cut
As the grey ocean foam
Crashes on the sea wall

Hundreds of black stones
All with difference and irregularity
Stacked layer upon layer upon layer
Now wet, but still greatly unwashed

I sit on the edge
And look down on my feet
I scrape the callouses on stone
The sea foam washes but doesn't clean

I watch as the ocean turns black
My feet kicks the relentless foam
The stone wall remains intact
So I crumble in its place

The sea drags me out
I drink the abysmal drink
I sway to the whims of a lonely moon
I crash on a wall of indifference and regularity
944 · Jul 2014
This Is What It Means
Pearls of White Jul 2014
To look beyond yourself,
you must look over your shoulder

To look beyond yourself
is to see with eyes of another

To look beyond yourself,
you must learn how and when to share

To look beyond yourself
is to give more than you can spare

To look beyond yourself,
you must understand cause and effect

To look beyond yourself
is to be fair, to have mutual respect

To look beyond yourself,
you must recognize your weightlessness

To look beyond yourself
is to feel the weight of the world

When you look beyond yourself,
you carry the burden of others

But as you look beyond yourself,
you'll find that you're not alone
883 · Jul 2014
Show Some Character
Pearls of White Jul 2014
there's someone I'd like you to meet.

Ferdinand is his name,
a great hero he's destined to be!
He was carved out from an ocean trench
Each limb, taken from the base of mountains
On his head rests seven thunderclouds
His heart burns hotter than the whitest sun

I want you to feel the terror of his mighty arms, swinging, lobbing jagged rocks at you

I want you to hear the volts and feel the jolts surging through your spine

I want you to fear him, to be frozen in shock and awe, to loathe him, to love him

I want you to see him too.

*I want Ferdinand to live!

— The End —