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 Jan 2014 Paul Kuntz
 Jan 2014 Paul Kuntz
Your hands were your first language
and all formalities and expectations aside
I want you to whisper into my skin
spell words into my flesh
just like I spelled my name over and over
inside my chest when I first learned
how to make letters out of my fingers
at summer camp in 5th grade
last night you reminded me of that week
more than I'll ever tell you
you are running through thick forrest
you are sunlight through the trees
you are blue skies
and you are also thunderstorms
I have seen both in your eyes
don't ever be afraid to rain
I wanted to tell you
Both storms were on a Wednesday night
the water never touched me either time
yet seemed to soak my soul
arms around my knees
whispered words
I think you were too upset to notice
that you reverted back to the voice that projects from your fingers
sometimes I forget English is your second language
you speak it so eloquently
around your face
as if speaking in perfect verse

"what are you saying"


"you're so pretty"
"you're so pretty"
"you're so pretty"
you whispered

I repeated
using nothing
but my hands
American Sign Language is beautiful //E-- two taps to the right cheek
avoid                         eye         contact    
keep to your own business
don't ever look vulnerable
or lost                                                                  
look like    
you have somewhere to be
and you'll be okay
because people will think
someone might be waiting for you
even if                        
you're all alone
no one knows          
no ones opinion matters
because you're only
a fleeting person
in a crowd
 Sep 2013 Paul Kuntz
Alice Baker
I'm getting lost on purpose.
Going down the bad roads,
Looking out for no one not even myself

I'm sick of this place, there's too much
That already has a tie.
I need something free.

I figure ill **** up a little more,
Maybe find myself in the reflection
Of some gas station mirror in the middle of no where.

I think I'm destined to be happy
Just not today
And not here.
 Jun 2013 Paul Kuntz
Tina Fish
I gotta get this **** out.

I may have taken a little too much,
and my cheeks,
with their inborn heat,
flush as some rush,
struggles to escape,
get out of the way,
releasing today
what was once caged.

Yet to say caged isn’t quite ok.

It was more of an action happily placed
taught to look, not taste, not touch,
not feel nor enfold, or kneel into this,
was too much for one person to handle
a collapse of dismantling thoughts with
no start, no stop.

Let’s just call it pause.

And we press pause…just because,
(nobody really knows)
or chose to watch this channel.

So I channel my beats
to follow one note,
with **** after ****
I’m staying afloat,
hanging on to the last hope
of something worth or other…

I almost wonder, why even bother?

Why satisfy one urge and ******* another?

Oh brother,
I know this selection be confusing,
because it’s tongue tied twisting
thus exhibiting a real moment
caught in Time.

Almost like real TV
with the selected viewership of me,
in 3D.

But to be honest I can’t see ****,
don’t have that third eye perspective,
and can only tell it subjective.

My shoes are at the door.
Even I don’t want to wear them anymore.
 Jun 2013 Paul Kuntz
Ayaba Babe
 Jun 2013 Paul Kuntz
Ayaba Babe
I love my curly hair just-out-the-shower wet.
I love being in my naturalness.
Donning nothing
But a frenzy sea of dripping swirling curls
Whirling around in ripples,
Curling around my naturalness
Flipping and twirling around my *******.
i feel silly.
when my heart skips and flips and i feel like
there is not enough blood that could
drip drip drip into my veins
and give back the breath that you take from me.

i feel strange.
when i can not stop re-reading our texts
and i'm vexed and perplexed because i'm not
next to you. i don't know what to do.
my cell phone is stuck to me like glue.

i feel weird.
when i have not known you long
but i believe that we belong
and i hope you don't think that's wrong or creepy
or too early because ****,
my feelings are strong and i just want to see you soon.
 May 2013 Paul Kuntz
Duncan Leugs
I wish I could show you true beauty
to put a frame to what eyes behold.
I wish I could trace your outline
          touch your details
                    brush your shadows
Cutting stone to your remarkable mold.

I wish I could stop time with a pencil
to frame unintentional glory
to capture you, modest
Making seconds outlast eternity.

I wish I could capture these moments
these pauses so precious to me
Instants of awe and breathless watching
painting to memory what I perceive.

So brief are these hallowed moments
and so erratically intermittent
that I find myself hoping
Forgetting­ the time in between them.

I wish I had the faculty
to contain your gilded beauty.
Instead, I watch, and cherish these moments,
For in them
          I love you
                    and you only.
I wrote this poem when I was in a coffee house doing homework. I looked up and saw a girl standing alone, waiting in line. She had not noticed me, and there were brief moments where she looked completely natural, whether unaware or indifferent to the world around her. She was beautiful because she didn't know someone was watching.
Earlier I had been thinking about how I wished I had chosen a more artistic profession. I wanted to be a photographer or a painter, so that I could capture and remember moments like this.
In this poem, I attempt to make sensual the act of capturing the brief moments of this woman's beauty through different artistic styles.

— The End —