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  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
MS Lim
No, I am not a legislator
of the world*
only a voice
a tiny voice
( vox clamantis in deserto)
but the winds
shall carry the words I write
and scatter them
over faraway fields
mountains and seas
wherever destiny bids

someone would get to know me

just words
words drawn
from the blood of my heart
words I have lived with all my life
and loved like the most passionate lover
words that have made me stronger
than I could ever  have imagined
words that have made me cry

they began so innocently
and I toyed with them
one by one
syllable by syllable
phrase by phrase
sentence by sentence

I  have discovered
words are alive
they give meaning
to all that is in life
and above all
they define what I am
and have given me
the building-blocks
what is
what is not
what should be
what should not be
how to
how not to
to be
or not to be

the jigsaw puzzle
pieces are coming together
and a clear picture is emerging
( a long drawn-out process
but how rewarding!)

Words I no longer could leave behind
and they would not want to release me
then the day came
when I realised
I became words personified

no, I am not just flesh and blood
any more
think of me then
as nothing else
but words
just words
* borrowed from Shelley's : poets are the legislators of the world
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Dawn King
You are so intrinsically fascinated
with romancing the
idea of dancing with
your deepest desires
yet hover on the edges
of realities where
the immediate surroundings
provide chronic cessation of passion;
that you cannot fathom
a minute idea of how to forge
a plan.

Thus the interim loss
of fleeting moments that pass
like whispers giving
hints, hues, and clues
originating from the very
actions taken corresponding to
the growing organisms within
that fueled the
creation of rapture.
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Daniel Ospina
Come and wade with me in Lake Midnight,
Where fireflies join the stars,
Twinkling and glowing yellow warm light,
A swirl of reverie from afar.

Come be one with the water, still and sweet.
We are special guests here
To a concert of crickets, love songs they sing,
Which only you and I can hear.

Come dance with me among moon beams
Illuminating Lake Midnight.
Nature knows us very well, it seems,
Binding our hearts ever so tight.

Come and swim beneath the wild willows,
Watching our bodies become tangled
As we play with the midnight minnows,
Our laughter at a wrangle.

Come to Lake Midnight, where love is reborn,
Amends all that is torn, and makes new what is worn.
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
William Sexton
If nice guys finish last
Than I would move my feet
I would travel mountains
Just to make us meet
But I am just a face here
Interactions forced through screens
Clunky social sites
Stupide jokes
Fake laughs and meme’s
And you won’t really see me
Unless you let me try
But I feel all alone here
And close enough to cry
Because no one ever sees me
No one seems to care
You might pass me by
Just like empty air
Well it’s all your loss
I’m a great good guy
I may not be perfect
But I sure as **** will try
I’d make you my princess
If you dare to pass me up
You’d be all alone
And that’s just tough luck
Cause I would travel mountain
Just to help you by
I would do it all
Just to be your guy
Kiss you when you’re sick
Kiss me when I’m sad
If we could stick together
Things wouldn’t seem so bad
And we’d take on the world
Whether happy or mad
And knowing
Looking back
That we would both be glad
Cause you didn’t pass me up
You gave me a good chance
You saw me through the screen
And thought
I’ll try this guy
I guess
There is a battle inside that no one can deny.
My strength is failing on every single try.
Lord, I am so confused; I just don’t see the light.
Inside is like a hurricane, and every breath brings a fight.
I cannot tell what is up and what is down anymore;
These feelings lead me in circles. I don’t what they’re for!
Lord, I really what to do things Your way,
But I can barely live with myself today!
Lord, please hear this sinner’s plea.
I need You so desperately to change me!
One day I will be running closer to You and Your place;
Then the very next moment I will fall and make myself a disgrace.
What hurts me the most is that I know what I ought to do,
But I know that all I do, I should do it for You:
But how can I do such wickedness for the Holiest of Holies!
I know He knows I am just like all those phonies.
Lord, I know I am so far from where I should be;
I should be able to hear You talking in me.
Oh how weak is my faith Lord!
Strengthen me by Your Word!
Lord my failings are so many I cannot even list them;
My heart grows heavy because I cannot fix them.
Lord please search me and know my heart;
From today may You be my continual start.
Lord I long so lustfully for what is not mine.
I need You to break this from me, I am Your vine!
Lord, my prayer to You is that You will just have Your way in me
I have lived long enough to find out that all I am is nothing without Thee!
Have mercy on such a wicked blasphemer such as I;
May You be my God and cause me to forever in Your arms lie!!
A moment in time
A moment just fine
When the whole world sits silent
And the thoughts fly through time and space
What if you were your own tyrant?
How far have I fallen in this race
Thoughts so jagged the pages burnt
Slipped and fell the feelings weren't
Hopeless despair the trickling smile
Laughing and joking the fool was I
Never look no not once in a while
Patch my thoughts the evil does cry
So many times I turned from You
Now I hold on to the shred I have left
Knowing that it is in all the things I do
Whether or not I will give You what's left
Lord my prayer today
Is simply that You will have Your way
Nothing am I, I cannot breathe
Your glory now I only start to perceive
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