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a third party
oft brings and end
to a budding
tearing the other woman
with her not so nice

one suspected
she was scheming
against me
she'd been telling
my man
to be well shod of me

he took notice
of her every utterance
she put her devious knife
into my back
to derail any love we'd share
down the track

that most vile woman
will regret
what she's been saying
as I'll be lettingĀ her husband
know of the games
she's been playing

one man isn't
quite enough
for her voracious appetite
she's got to take
another woman's man
to satisfy her spite
A lethargy hath encompassed thy quill
Henceforth no ink shall it profusely spill
Twill seek rest in a lovely countryside glade
Daily markings on a page shall conclude
It shall take time to imbibe in quietude
Thy quill's tiredness hath been narrated
It's verve did slowly become deflated
Dwindling away to a lifeless shade
No fetching flourishes e'er on display
The spirited light hath gone from its day
Thy quill departs to refresh and revive
As it's energies are verily listless
Doth come an hour for repose's sought redress
Tis sure to make it feel truly alive
daddy's brow was wrinkled in despairing woe
he'd planted a cotton crop by the river Neosho

a long lasting drought gripped the fields
which finished daddy's cotton yields

in the year of nineteen thirty two
months of dryness did relentlessly ensue

daddy cried out for rain
his crop lands were in such dire pain

the soil set to a crust so hard
nothing flourished in daddy's cotton yard

he'd sweated and toiled in the grit all day long
where his hopes faded of harvesting a bright song

the fool's gold of cotton farming was an illusory dream
which spoiled daddy's income stream
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