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Patricia Arches Apr 2015
Here lies the last of us.
Not the us that you'll look back on as the best friendship ever
or the us that I hoped we would be
but whatever mess of an us that we are
or we tried to be

I tried
at least, I tried
to make an us
I tried to pretend
that hurricanes and
droughts couldn't hold back the us that
I held on to for too long, too much
to the point where I broke us, it crumbled
not into shards of glass like they said it would
oh how easy it would have been to pick those up
and allow time to put it back together
but we, us
crumbled like fine sand

and the wind carried us away
each grain of a story brought into new lands

you are in a different place now

Here lies the last of us.
I am at the shore where the waves crash ever presently
you, you are in a jar
a memory of a place to someone new.
Sometimes words in my mind feel the need to come out and I have to let them. I can not relate to this at all. I don't even know who in my life this would be about lol
Patricia Arches Sep 2014
For the past couple weeks, the lights have been kept on and I can finally see how much I meant to you.

I wish it was dark again.
Patricia Arches Aug 2014
Careless actions and careless words
The very threads that I keep trying to mend and
You're moving at a faster rate
Than I can fix
Please think before you say or do. We're breaking apart.
Patricia Arches Aug 2014
"Maybe I can't stop the downpour, but I will always, always join you for a walk in the rain." He said leading the way.
Recent contemplations since it's been raining a lot and I've been drowning in stress from school. I can do this though.
Patricia Arches Feb 2014
I never liked writing
my thoughts
because I could not put things
into the right words
with the right sentences

the rhythm
the repetitions
the rhymes

I could never make sense
of ink spilling out onto paper
washed in
the salty speculations and
pristine attention to detail

picket fences, red feathered hats, locomotives, and
what I ate yesterday
weren't  as interesting
on the lines of monotony
on what used to be trees
it was always incomplete

but most
of all
I never liked writing
because I couldn't fully explain you
even if I tried

I still can't write you right.
Patricia Arches Jan 2014
The doctors have given up
than once I have too
But you dont give up

You keep going

Picking me up when I fuss
Nudging me when I lose hope
Carrying me when I want to stop

Your hope
Keeps me going

Keep him going too please
Patricia Arches Jan 2014
I never deserved a word from you,
what more a sentence?

Still, You conceived for me a story
You still wrote my chapter within Your book.
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