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Patience Dec 2015
why must I
in someone else's
Patience Aug 2014
"you know, it's been 3 months and you've gotten nowhere as far as quitting cigarettes."

"i know. i'm addicted to them.
it's been 3 months I've known you, and the times I haven't seen you adds to only 12 days or so;
so  i  can  say  i'm  addicted  to  you  too."
/you're making me fall for you/
Patience May 2015
insecure & confused
faced with
having to choose
whether to
remain a fool
or be lonely
& craving for more.
Patience Jan 2018
and that was when i realized
staring into my own eyes
my identity unrecognized
that all it was was broken ties

failed academically
failed monetarily
make the one person i love
feel like picking up the gun
Patience Aug 2015
washed off the dirt
only to unearth
it's under my skin.
Patience Nov 2014
a foreign hello
from a rare butterfly
who's name tag read "happy"
greeted me recently
letting me thrive in its presence
and capture its meaning
Patience Feb 2016
I think I'm in love
with floating above
ordinary boundaries
Patience Sep 2014
i just need some one to talk to
about my life,
my stress, my issues;
but unless im holding
a knife to my throat
no one will take
2 seconds to hear me out.
of course, that only makes me feel worse. . .

why  do  i  have  to  dance  with  suicide
in  order  to  get  someones  advice *?
i feel alone
Patience Oct 2016
It's when it gets to the point
Where my mind's callin the shots
And my feet just won't stay still
And disorder is my thoughts

Where I'm waiting on the ledge
I line my feet along the edge
And peek down the little drop
Distancing bottom from top

And my right foot won't stop tapping
Every bad thought's overlapping
My saddest side just won't stop laughing
My cowardice begins to lack and

As I jumped I saw the sun shine
Parallel views of my own eyes
Resting in the blue cracks lies
Content I never had tried.
Patience Dec 2015
I wonder how long
Until someone catches on
To how addicted to
Everything I am.

Each drug I take,
and lie I tell,
Each guy I bang,
and time I steal

A sick flush of dopamine
Erupts through me
Embracing my veins in
Everlasting euphoria.

I wonder if this makes me
A bad person;
Indulging in sin,
sure floats my boat--
does that mean I win?
Patience Jun 2016
What's more important?
The love of yourself,
Or the love of someone else?
Patience Nov 2016
Sometimes my Psychie drowns me;
Puts a damp cloth across my face
and Pushes down, hard around
The nose and mouth, taking
breath I try to Pry out
of my strangled mouth.

And suddenly, I can't breathe
demons thriving inside me
My head is filling with their screams
Defacing who I see
in the mirror, I can't breathe
I need some help from someone
Patience Mar 2015
in  sleepy  haze*
i  see  my  days
unwind  into
solely  craving  *you
Patience Sep 2014
all the tellings
whispered from
my voice's dwellings
come back
dried and empty;
sadder than
their legacies.

i told myself
all i needed was
a gentle friend
who'd help me mend
the wounds i made
as an escape.

i told myself
all i needed was
a boy who saw
the world in my eyes
to make me alive
and wash away
the tears i shed.

i told myself
all i needed to do
was shed weight to lose
years of abuse
off my beaten back.

and now i have all
that ive wanted before
but im too scared to talk
to the people who care
i dont want to burden
their happiness with
my lack there of.

what do i do now?
i cant smoke
cant pop pills
cant poke
holes in my veins
to let out the pain

what do i do  
when there's no where to go
to rid myself of these thoughts
the things done to me
the things that ive done
that i dont want to live with
no, i dont want to live anymore.

its not life
i dont want
its me
i cant bear.

what do i do now?
Patience May 2016
The beat booms
Echoing through
My heart and ears
Just like the cheers
And off-harmony
Singers who are
Brought to tears
By the music you
Share with them,
Anonymous short-
term friends.
Patience Feb 2015
cigarettes steal my boyfriend from me
every thirty minutes now, not just at night but daily
a hit before you leave, a **** when you get home
it seems like the only thing you do is smoke
stop a conversation for it
no matter what help you get, you just cant quit
intimacy doesnt matter
unless cigarettes are reconsidered
tired of never being enough
tired of fighting, tired of rough
attempts to help your pathetic addiction
the only thing that it does is cause confliction
in our relationship, to your pocket,
to your dads ******* life
you couldnt quit cigarettes
if to your throat, there was a knife
it doesnt matter who they ****
or how they make me feel
or how you act
as long as you get that hit
youll be happy at last.

im tired of them,
im done with this.
just want to move on with my life
from all this artificial bliss
stupid waste of time
stupid waste of life
im above this ****
and i want you to be too.
Patience Apr 2016
how i love your melody
i hear its tone quite often—
resonating deep in me
i crave your burning passion.
Patience Jun 2015
i wonder what its like
to have a guy who finds
everything he needs
in just my eyes.
Patience Sep 2016
Smooth* like chocolate
Your taste on my lips
—I can't resist it.
Patience Mar 2015
fare well to walls fell through
subtle cracks in the foundation.
simple trick to overlook it
in sacrifices for socialization.
lesson learned, confidence burned;
ill have to take a different approach now.
new opportunities are reaching for me
and to rules ill better bow down.
Patience Sep 2014
glass spits stupidity in my face
until my identity dissociates
old habits rendezvous with my senses
dancing with my lost soul
casting fainting spells

the bathroom floor is cold
on my cheek
my body and memory
feel weak
black clouds
all i see
until all i know
is not me.
Patience Mar 2016
my bones tremble
my ribs cave
into my lungs
releasing pain
beneath each breath
I dare to take.
Patience Oct 2015
my dying wish
is to feel something.
Patience Aug 2015
diffused and confused
to wake up in a room
surrounded and scared
a group of strangers
wonders at my well-being
but what do i say to them?
Patience Aug 2015
in reality
there's only me.
Patience May 2016
I met Him at the crossroads,
Where he asked my soul away;
Naivety took hold of me
And strangled me to say,
"All to do,
Is sign this through
and through, and then
My wishes will come true?"

The smile that embraced
The warm flesh across his face
Digs deeper in my mind
As I replay this (all the time):
Where did I waver,
Trip and cave into desire
deeper than my own

Maybe I'll never know,
Might as well give it a go,
And enjoy this whole no-soul
It looks as if
I'll be dealing with it
for quite a while anyways.
Patience Aug 2014
the sick you left
spiraling through my soul
wasting me away
is burning slowly
releasing poison flakes
ashes dancing in the wind's
soft summer exhale.

and the lifting of toxin
no longer weakening my light
makes me feel awake
an ancient savoir id thought i lost.

Patience May 2016
I gaze on the                                I shut my eyes                            The Air cools me;
half yellow half                             Hands shield                              a contrast to the
black                                           my Ears weakly;                        warmth which
panels stacked                             I still hear the                             travels playfully
but separated                              Useless fights                             across my face
standing in the                             erupting due to                           before leaving
face of my                                   rampant emotion                        a smoke trail
bedroom window.                       on friday nights.                   out my window
Patience Jun 2016
basking in blankets
of warmth;
the heat from my high
boils beneath my bare
skin, within my soul,
soothing miffed winds.

i fold
surrender to it,
embrace its exothermic
Patience Aug 2015
wonder if ill get to the day
where i can certainly say
"i promise you that im okay."
or if that day will tumble on
into the midst where others have gone
before it even gets to me
to let me know that i am free.
(atleast for the moment)
Patience Feb 2015
my comfort wont be back tomorrow
my sunshine in this world of sorrow.
no one to share my giggles with,
lost my one and only, my best friend.
and though we both continue to roam
among the earth, with or alone
the bond so broken down between us
would take so long to heal;
i fear that we may lack the patience.
i hope i fear wrong
Patience Dec 2015
crooked frames
that hold no shame
enlighten homes
haunted with strain
where conflict walks
behind the scenes;
where no one's ever watching.
Patience Jan 2017
My insides are rotting
My veins are clogging
My heart keeps stopping
My brain is screaming

Dissociate to escape
But it's not enough
Doesn't take away
Tough reality

Hitting my head
Wishing to be dead
Dissociate permanently
Patience Jun 2016
In your eyes
the way you
who I've become

(I can see it)

In your lies
the face you
when I'm around

(I can see it)

In your words
Your sour tone
my once sound
peace of mind.
Patience Feb 2017
My hope swirls black
Clouds, back and forth
And back, they grasp
My throat, my hope
Morphed into attack
On my soul, panic
Raids the homes of my
Whole range of emotions
Commotion stirs inside:
My heart, throbs like a
Wound; My lungs reach
For air, but lose; leave
Me to suffocate, please
My hope is gone, please
End my constant pain
The tiring waning of
Survival on its tip-toes
Tripping me, I fall
So often
Without getting up.
Patience Nov 2016
my heart is breaking
my spirit aching
spinning around
in circles is taking
a toll on my soul
deep down
there's a hole
and its swallowing
me whole until there's no
more of me left
to compose.
Patience Nov 2014
(whispers  tell  me  ive  found  heaven)
smoke between my lips
******* wounds and numb them through
(and  drown  me  in  your  bliss,)
Patience Jan 2018
I think it will take me a long time to ever truly trust someone again.

Including myself.
Patience Oct 2015
they didn't think id stick it through
the artery on my neck
or that I'd point the gun tip to
the snug bone lining my chin
or take the knife and twist it twice
up both my ***** arms
they didn't think I'd **** myself
I didn't think they were wrong.
Patience Oct 2015
Freckles of time
Fly effortlessly by
Leaving me behind
Closed doors–what I find

is a knack for creation–
Indulging syncopation
In establishing my mark;
I desire differentiation

in my work to designate
The things I’ve done
Quite innate
Is my notion to be unique–

Like a speckle of dust
Surrounded by stars
In vain, I do rust
At the thought of my existence–

in comparison to my surroundings
my hard work isn’t astounding
or significant at all;
my life–like dust–
is smaller than small.
Patience Apr 2016
I can feel it in my feet
a little tingle, a little tweak
as if I'm floating
  above the sea—
And no ones eyes
are watching me.

My heart pounds with alteration,
I think I live to change the face I
wear around, fit to occasion—
I crave to preserve who I truly am.

Fueling my spirits sinfully,
I revel in poisoning
my frail body with much glee,
despite damage done to me.
Patience Sep 2016
Pull the tip of my cap down
Covers my face, it is my crown:
Turns me unseen to those around,
The shadow covers up my frown.

My pale face may peek out too;
Even then, I'm still see through.
Forgotten when in the classroom,
Passed in the hallways by you.

Occasionally, I ponder leaving
All this behind, will there be grieving?
Or will I just remain unseen
And become an invisible memory?
Patience Aug 2015
constant pain
feeling faint
tired always
limbs shake
body aches
sugar fades
from my veins
so fast i fail
to reciprocate
what's wrong with me?
Patience Jan 2017
Tired of having
A gun against my neck
Please pull the trigger
I just want to be dead.
Patience Oct 2014
I've got a question
for you, God
you took so much
when i was young
i was safe at school,
not safe at home
from age four,
i felt all alone
and thought
of death
each day
that went on.
And finally,
seven years passed
and the ones who hurt me
so bad left
and i entered middle school,
so sure
what id been through
was the worst.
Some boys thought i
wasn't "worthy"
of sight, of breath,
so they hurt me
and no one listened
for two years
until i transferred
from my fears.
At 14  i had more pain
in my past
than i could handle,
i couldn't last
i figured it was
my time to go
into my grave,
down deep below.
200 slices
on my wrist
4 were deep enough
to let me kiss
the taste of death
on my fingertips
but not enough
for me to devour it.
I tried again,
just one more time
with pills i swallowed,
and my parents cried
when they walked in,
tears streaming down my face
"I'm sorry," i said.
"My life is a waste."

And still i stand,
leaning on my past
tougher than my youth,
tougher than the rest
And finally,
i get one good gift
of life in mine,
she was my favorite
soul in the world
and i thanked you so
figured all the pain
was worth it now.

I woke up this morning,
and she was dead.
Was fine last night,
And now she rests.
So why, i ask
did you keep me alive
if you're just going to insure
i die inside?
*******. It's all *******.
Patience Dec 2015
pressure on my lungs to ease:
big intake, big release--
the cold just tightens them, you see,
smoke rusts the paths in which I breathe;
it helps my heart, it's calming,
I plead
hopelessly convincing
myself to believe
that I'm not who I've come to be.
Patience Aug 2015
wish i could flee
from everything
as if i were free
from death's reach.
Patience Feb 2015
loss brings out demons
lying in wait
in the darkest part of the soul.
they tell you to drink
smoke, cringe and weep;
they trick you into thinking
you've lost it all.
and I know it's hard
no, I don't understand
because I'm privileged enough
to have my dad;
but just because you don't
have him here with you
doesn't mean you should
waste yourself away too.
why can't you learn from his mistakes?
Patience Aug 2014
there's* a poison that sleeps
inside my head
has lived there a while
built itself a bed.
there's a toxin that leaks
into my lungs
i thought i could control it
but ****, i was wrong.
there's nails hammered
into my frail bones
i don't bother them
yet the cracks still widen.
you could shoot me in the head,
but the ****** bullet
would just sit there with the rest;
making friends with my worst memories
learning my weaknesses,
training against me.

and  in  the  end
                                     they say it'll be okay.
but they've said that since the beginning
so what should i believe?

and  in  the  end
                                     they say it'll be okay.
                                                         ­                 but  i'm  lost  now,
and home is far, far away.
Patience Jan 2015
dont know where i belong
what website i should log on
to in order to not feel so ****
alone; im on my own again.
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