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Apr 2016 · 1.7k
metal baby
pat Apr 2016
God is good & God is great
He hates queers that levitate
Momma said that God is dead & I can touch a thousand men
We're not hippies, we're just dumb
We do drugs. We Have fun

(No Brains!)

Obama, I wanna go-bama
I know you know I wanna
go-bama to a sauna
in the Bahamas, bring iguanas

Obama, I think
I think you know-bama
I wanna go, I wanna wear pajamas
in Bahama mama sticky saunas

(No Brains!)

I don't know how to think
The clock goes " tick tick tick tick"
Gotta speak quick, gotta think big
Gotta beat kids with a big stick

God told me I wrote the bible
Jesus had a black disciple
Jesus got behind the wheel
He'll make Obama great again
He'll make it rain and bring the pain
He'll make it make it make it
(No Brains!)

Jesus cured all my diseases
He taught me what cottage cheese is
Analingus teachers taught the preachers how to feed us
eat a fetus
Jesus teaches
(No Abortion!)

but I don't really think that it's that important
but if you really think that its that important
there's pre-abortional baptism

America runs on fascism
American chicks like circumcision not activism
if it lacks vision then
police could release the crack
in the ghetto snacks
in the ghetto shacks
In the fellow stacks, it'll make a better tax return
I'm like,
(No Brains!)
It's metal, baby
Obama, I wanna go-bama I think
I think,  you wanna know-bama,
I wanna go-bama I think
I think,  you wanna know

It's metal, baby
Don't touch me, I'm beautiful
Touch me touch me, I will sue
Don't touch me, I have a crush
Watch me crush, watch me ****
Armageddon veterans take armadillo medicine
I eat you like venison
Watch me crush, watch me ****
Mar 2015 · 652
you aint lyin
pat Mar 2015
I'm standing on the icy head of a barge, all rusted to ****. P.J. (the lead deckhand) and I wait patiently with frozen line tearing at our shoulders. We're far away from the buzzy, groaning engines of the Mary C tug, and all I hear is the water being pushed out of our way.
        "What direction is that?"
         "Up river?"
          They call rope line. To me it's always been rope and I don't care to call it something else. But they've made it clear, "it is and will always be referred to as line". It'd be nice if terminology was the only thing that ruffled these country boys feathers. Who knew they'd be so strict?  And do I really need a question mark if it's rhetorical?
         I'm on a boat. It's 6:30 a.m., or as they say back home "early as ****". Sun's poking through the trees and it makes that gentle floating snow a bit more detailed. I stick nervously to the rim, but only because I'm new. It isn't worth pretending to be comfortable, at least not on that thing. Besides, falling in the water is basically equivalent to dying here. The safety videos stressed that. Although, they also swore that a crew will alert you to "watch the bump!" whenever hitting up against something. That's not a real thing though. A lot of the **** we watched isn't real. I'm indifferent. After all, I didn't chase a boat to feel comfortable.
          In my heavy-hearted moments, pessimism takes a whack at everything I put faith in. I reject myself and challenge every step that lead me to unhappiness. Big, big questions toss and turn inside my head, and they try to convince me to run home.  It happens.  
           But I'm happy right now, just seeing the sunrise and being surrounded by all these strange factories puffing out clouds.  It's probably all bad, toxic stuff.  Sometimes it's not worth digging into negative realities. For now, they're factories that make clouds for us to enjoy.  P.J. and I both lit up a cigarette and he asked me why I was smiling.  
           "This is a pretty cool job. I mean, what a way to wake up".
He spit casually off the side, down into the water.
            "You aint lyin".
Feb 2015 · 584
know this-
pat Feb 2015
I know that I know more than I used to know,
back when I didn't know  as much as I know now,
but even though I know that,
deep down I still know,
that I don't know anything.
Feb 2015 · 647
oh, go eat your hands
pat Feb 2015
I feel messed up, fixing on sun walks and fun talks.
A run with you, warm and without shoes
through all the hues of existence.

It's interest, you impressing thing.
I could sing about your eyes,
and die from how you smile
I'm not in denial, but I might as well say it.
I think I may love you..
Jan 2015 · 743
pat Jan 2015
Can you focus?
My lies  drip  the way I want.
Tip toe,
tipping so elegantly.
Bangalore's disguised as beautiful ballerinas.
It's sick.
It's incredible.
My Best, and my worst.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
the worst war is in my head
pat Nov 2014
I'm not afraid to say that I am not afraid,
but I think we're lost and it's unsettling.
And I'm not afraid to say I love you to my friends,
and that we like drugs.

If I don't find a perfect job and buy a perfect house
will I meet the standards?

We'll  I'm not afraid of being poor and hungry.
I'm afraid of being Fake, and filled with Hate.
And I'm not afraid to say I'm sick of ***
and the way it makes me think.

Because the worst war is in my head
And the first step would be keeping to myself
But the worst part is in my bed.
when I get anxious I can't sleep..
So can we go
and waste some time

I'm not afraid of being put down
I like the way I live and the way I dress.
And I'm not ashamed
I spent those checks on gas and whiskey
and cigarettes.

If don't purchase trendy clothes and I don't bother lifting
Am I still a man?

Well, I'm not afraid to say that superficial people make me
I want no part of it.
And I'm not apposed to hearing
things you have to say
but I get mad.

Because the worst war is in my head

I'm not afraid to say that I am not afraid
but I'm ******* Scared.
Because all our time is spent with technologies instead of Love,
and Loving life.
I'm not afraid to help you see, but I wouldn't Know.
Because if I say we're slaves to phones and Facebook,
I know that you'll go home,
and you'll waste your time on it.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
oh, sleep
pat Oct 2014
How I wish I had two lives.
One to live to the fullest,
and the other to sleep away.
Oct 2014 · 836
snacker, you're the worst.
pat Oct 2014
Did you see the trees, the way they separate?
Did you see the air behind them, all oblong and jagged framed?
Each branch turning into another,
separating and connecting,  again and again.
Slow, complex growth.
It was natural progression at its finest.
and didn't you feel the way I looked at you?
or did you see it?  It was nothing.
No, it was something. It really is.
The way you are, the way we act,
How we want to act.
The little things I bring you , all those gifts,
they mean something too.
I could say it, but I try not to.
I said "I can't help but keep you in mind"
I meant to hesitate.
Everything I do, there's purpose behind it.
The feelings aren't complicated.
It's a situation,
far from ideal and clearly exciting.
It built up.
The tension felt like long years,
patiently watching in some sort of humble admiration.
But the way you do things, it's getting to me.
It's this appreciation,
for every cell, every action, and every opinion.
It's all so fascinating and it's been filling my head.
Thoughts tricking me in my sleep,
turning life into wondering days.
Your ways, should they be complimented by my ways?
Because, I always found this exciting:
not knowing, not doing,
never asking.
I thought maybe it's enough, what it is.

But for an instant, everything changed.  
Passion and desire took physical form.
The experience, the moment,
it was fast and intense,
and that reveal has wrapped itself around me ever since.
Apprehensive ways were filtered into something else.
Bad undertones, caught in the strainer and set aside.
We could be so innocent,
and we can enjoy what's been neglected.
A mutual leap, hand in hand.
Hands strong and without hesitation,
moving your skin like raw clay,
pushing, clenching.
Comparable to a surgeons precision.
Confidence backing every movement.
Fluid, and naturally rough.
Rough, like the way I pulled your hair.
Precise, like the way I bit your neck.
It was exactly where you'd have me.
Almost harder than you'd ask.
Face to face. My lead.
Me against you.
Your back against the wall.
A strong and careful force,
moving my left to grab your throat,
while the right falls at your ready hip.
The spot I've been dying for.
It's just the way they look.
Smooth skin over hard bones.
Smooth skin that leads into your jeans,
and travels up into your shirt.
Places I shouldn't go,
but there you are, and I see how you feel this.
It feels like you want it to feel.
I feel that way too.
Excitement is at full throttle,
yet, overall comfort is keeping me steady.
A grip on your hip pulls you in closely,
face to face, lips touching lips.
Not just touching, but for the first time.
Not kissing, but desperate to.
That feeling revealed.
This is what it's like, and this is what it sounds like.
Your voice, only raspy air.
Sort of like a whisper.
Not words, but sounds of enjoyment.
Warm breath meeting mine.
Feeling control, then lightning strikes.
You playfully bite my lip causing me to exhale.
Caught off guard
Completely high off you and the way you feel.
At the peak of an experience, almost overwhelming.
Everything led up to that moment,
and if I could have stayed there, I would have.
It was too much and it was not enough.
Oct 2014 · 550
uncanny (10w)
pat Oct 2014
humble ways
of humble men
will crumble in
your apparition
Oct 2014 · 635
consistency (10w)
pat Oct 2014
troubled by
what you do
what you say
you're terrible
Oct 2014 · 411
whatever (10w)
pat Oct 2014
         well I think stuff I guess..

I don't know
Oct 2014 · 481
it hurts so good (10w)
pat Oct 2014
I pursue girls and love
because I am a *******
Oct 2014 · 428
tell me (10w)
pat Oct 2014
do you think I'm bad
because I do bad things
Oct 2014 · 489
pat Oct 2014
I smile at my everlasting loyalty
I laugh at my ridiculous behavior
I search your name on Google
I locate all your accounts
I browse through all your twitter things
I find your videos to be obnoxious
I fixate on your photos
I see you've stuck with the short hair look
I ask people if they know you
I cringe when they talk about you
I wonder if you are bad
I grin because I am hopeless
I sigh  because I am helpless
I hope I cross your mind
I guarantee I don't
I mythologize you on accident
I pretend that this is not that serious
I see people act like this  sometimes
I regret starting this poem  
I dream about you frequently
I create you to be perfection
I own the setting, the dialogue, and the personality
I wake up feeling desperate
I contemplate contacting you
I remember the last time we talked
I think it went so-so
I bothered you many times over the years
I got out of hand
I fear that there is nothing I can change
I wish sappily when I see shooting stars
I met you a decade ago
I figure you still act the same
I bet I still would tense up around you
I love you unconditionally
I want you to know who I am
I doubt you ever will
Oct 2014 · 520
how cute (10w)
pat Oct 2014
there is nothin better
than a dog in a sweater.
Oct 2014 · 434
pat Oct 2014
I imagined my own thoughts
starting with ****, these stains
Stained to the carpet and wood below. Oh, THICK smell and color
A wash board?
A wash? How could we wash such a thing,
A **** stained rug and a **** stained floor?
How could I think of anything else when seeing the lines of stain

***. not just, but of someone. Not some thing,
but man with reason and morals
A confused man.
Not drunken, or ill in health.
He lies always,
caught by no one
He is a confused man with many secrets.
This one,   it is certainly ****.
Whether it is in bottles beside the bed,
or a lean towards the mirror with the sink running fast,
it is always unique.
it is always a secret..
Sep 2014 · 597
words on sound (death eye)
pat Sep 2014
Salad tip ***
yippy mob wall
Alice sauna grill out
Irvin opal acerbate in
nope a two win on our stat yet
tricky yup us soup on twin
act unto Easter roller men
nine ugly mint hour wrapping eat
of all ocean
news itch oh
whence sir ramble off
focal loco wallet da boo
we ouch oak
epee un nah doe
walk err rem mess I owed
ax sack up at dress
suede aim mall Luke wine outfit
turn new aught Don elf
**** gain nip her cent
shoe Elvis sword
Sep 2014 · 424
high fever (510w)
pat Sep 2014
I'd like to begin with an old fashioned signature
" be good to us, and we'll be good to you"
See, in this case we have a few things to explain
One being reality. What is it?
Can we draw a line between what is and isn't, or are we better off inert?
Inert as in, a stationed mental awareness,
rather than a fixed location of matter.
Remember that we can play with both the idea of control, and fate.
A God. Many Gods. No Gods.  It doesn't make a difference.
You claim to know a God, and they claim they know many.
Where is your argument?
You're as wrong as you are right, which brings me to another thought,
If we are continuously both living and dying in This state
then what about when we move on to the next?
Assuming of course there is some sort of life after death
Though, there is no certainty
In fact, how can one be certain death IS an inevitability?
Sure, it happens to those around us,
and we are thoroughly informed that Everyone dies
But, if you haven't experienced death, how do you know it's real?
I'm not trying to flirt around with certainty
I'm aware that I exist and that's all I can really Know
but that is a lonely road, and it literally gets you nowhere.
What I am trying to say though is that matter, or "the physical realm"
it would be nothing without the mind.
Just like the mind would be nothing without matter would be nothing without the mind would be nothing without matter would be nothing without the mind would be nothing without matter would be nothing without the mind would be nothing without the mind would be nothing without the mind would be nothing without the mind would be nothing without the mind...  
You see? One cannot exist without the other.
If we can die, then the physical realm Must die with us.
Death should not frighten you or even make you sad.
What should scare you is that time is constantly moving
Everything around you is going to crumble,
and life will slip through your fingers. Everyone you know will get older.
Your parents. Your kids. Your pets.
They're all coming to an end, and so are you,
and by the time you get there you'll be so sick and tired,
you'll convince yourself you are ready.
One last prayer to God. One last goodbye to family, lovers, friends,
and life.
Last days turn into a couple seconds
a line segment representing your life coming to a point
Lights dim to black. The only sound is low vibration
A Panic takes over every cell
Floating through nothing while understanding that
everything that ever was, is, and will be, is now coming to an ultimate end
your reality is a black sphere in black space
balancing on a long thin breaking stick
All memory and understanding now ending, you fight
laying on your back, feet and hands trying to hold up existence until
Mother- "what made you so upset?"
Son- "I was thinking about time"
hashtag existential crisis
pat Sep 2014
step 1. start out slow with ***** and paste
step 2. mix ingredients slowly in a bowl to bring out flavor
step 3. bake mixture in an oven until room is smokey
step 3. breath in smoke until inspiration is found
step 4. repeat the first 3 steps(ignoring the second step 3)
step 5. repeat step 4
step 4. prepare self for step 6
step 6. tie legs to chair
sit in chair step 7. make sure to drink plenty of water
step 8. make sure to drink water before and after step 8.
step 9. be sure to have a table and pen and paper readily available to use or write things with on the table so that you have something to write with on and on and that way you won't have to write on your hand or lap without a pen.
step. 10 the final step to writing poemz
to my friend Katie  who asked "how do i write poemz"
Sep 2014 · 355
the conclusion(10w)
pat Sep 2014
even when I try
I cannot deny
poems never lie
inspired completely by a  conversation with HP's very own Sam Small
Sep 2014 · 729
opium prince
pat Sep 2014
a Masters hand wrapped in bandages
sad fans walk slowly in the rain
no death. The frown of the boy turns to a smile
teeth missing. Eyes glistening in the tune of the storm
****** around the stadium fight over raw meat, chained at the neck
naked with shaved heads. Red lipstick and overpowering perfume
They were doomed from the minute they left home
airplanes crash in the distance. Smoke fills up the horizon
a wicked sultan pulls at his chained up prepubescent date
before returning to his bedchamber, a master key in his pocket
the eye sockets of his friends and family have been emptied because of distrust
disgusting behavior only him, his slaves, and the Gods can discuss
Sep 2014 · 479
falling for you
pat Sep 2014
fresh air
breathe in
chapped lips
chilling Fall air
leaves falling cold
reds and yellows fall
fresh air from the window
a chapped kiss as hands grip
hands grip hips as chapped lips kiss
naked hips kiss as clothes slip to the floor
bodies hard against the wall next to the door
tripping, over clothes on the floor, and out the door
laughing  gripping hands, dancing down the hall naked
bare feet on a hardwood floor, chilled naked skin, Fall air
long hair and pale skin, running naked to the shower, laughing
a bathroom door, old and wooden, opened with cold hands
cold hands turn a shower on and wait for warm water
hands wait and press hard against neck and breast
chapped lips bitten by teeth as hands grab hips
warm tongues, warm cold necks with spit
goose bumps spread, cold on legs
tiptoed hot water, laughter
wet feet, wet butts, hot
screaming from heat
laughing screams
naked and wet
so soothing
Sep 2014 · 515
helplessly, I lean
pat Sep 2014
I recognized you  the other day
and now, secondary kisses are the reason that I'm missin you

Bring it all  back
take a step back to day one
back to the days  you'd smile back when I'd say hello
back to the day I didn't feel so lame

Back, way before the weakness
faking my interests to impress you
I knew it was dumb

few things came up in my brain when I'd see you
Man, I'd  be writing things down the night before
few things come up when I’m with you
Man, do I get so dull when I’m feeling nervous

I can see  you can be kind of mean
I reek like your attitude
but I think a sweet night is a night  spent with you
and I'd do anything you'd be willing to

maybe I could have everything
maybe we could walk  together
maybe I could hold your hand
maybe I should try

I can tell that
you can tell I've been confused
And I can tell
me tripping up doesn't make you amused

I can do it real cool like you wanna do it
cool hair, an outfit, a tattoo, plus whatever..
and I imagine real soon you'd get used to me

sour taste in my mouth
I'm in temporary isolation
dude, I've been having dreams all about you

fairy tale place
saving up grace  for you now
wow, I can be content living, head in the clouds

but, do I dare say
"we should hangout
yeah, we should do fun things
we could do ANYTHING WE WANT!"
"Just kidding girl
I know you're busy girl
don't need to say it girl
actually, I'm busy too."

who am I to say you'd be happy,
and who are you to say that you wouldn't be,

and who are we to say anything about
anything when
we don't know a thing about
anything at all?

did you misunderstand me? I said I'm in love
I can misunderstand things, now and again
Then again, I'm sorry for saying that

I don't even like you.

sorry for saying that too
pat Sep 2014
"I am going to punch you in the face" he said
wistling sounds
wiped again
It's not a falicy
It's reality
you walk, you talk, you die
wonka? He was a sadistic ****
I'd drink his **** if  I had it in me
Everlasting gob stoppers. Clod hoppers
Fizzy lifting drinks to poo stink
swallow blood fest
**** out the rest
Sarpinos torpedos
squeeze my labedo chester chito
flaming hot meat he don't eat
so discreat. Now wipe your water on my leg.
is it really midnight.
Sep 2014 · 405
been dyin for ya (20 L)
pat Sep 2014
You visit me in my dreams
You wake me up when I am tired
You fill me up when I'm hungry
You keep my spirits up throughout the day
You keep me focused when I need to be
You are there when I want to goof off
You and I have all the same friends
You are always there for me when I see them
You are there for me when I have to say goodbye
You stick with me when I feel uncomfortable
You sit through every late night party with me
You have saved me from every awkward moment
You are there for me when I need a break
You walk me home at the end of the night
You stay awake with me when I can't sleep
You make me feel less lonely
You calm me down when I get anxious
You hold my hand in my darkest moments
You wait with me till the sun comes back
You are the answer to all my problems except you, my one.. cigarettes
Sep 2014 · 480
enter the void
pat Sep 2014
she told me I was selfish
I told her what that means
I followed her to death
She squeezed my hand. She squeezed the life out of me.
She told me to say things she wanted to hear
I told her what she needed

dark tattered bar baskets
perhaps one shouldn't
loose words and gossip
I can't imagine any benefit
puke food and frivolous spending
where are you?

What is your relationship with yourself, with your soul, and with God?
Are you afraid to let go?
Find your trust. Do not question. Do not fear. Drop all reason and listen closely..
Let GO
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
brain mintage
pat Sep 2014
Pensive admiration
It's inquisitive
Punctual and problematic
my entourage
my dwindling embrace
my niche is clandestine
hermetic to myself included
elusive equations
what a term
conundrums around every turn
vague. Not vague
expensive. economical
Living in squalor
a gay romp
systematic oppression
trace it to the roots
It's sad
deliver me always
no longer apprehensive
no longer am I
I am yours truly
pat Sep 2014
blues and greens piercing me
the creased letters had me glad for quite some time
that I drew the line at sanity
I couldn't stand to see my own two legs swept out from under me.
Thunder and rain
A baby's death. a Mothers pain.

I am outside of my skin,
roaming around yours for a bit, because I saw the moon
and it was as soft as dough
it dripped life into me, but forgot the plants below.
Stone cold. Oils foe.

Perishable and measurable beyond compensation.
A complete admiration for the word, for the world,
and everything in between.
Beneath the fiends of men that withstand the bends
and the twists of fate
Deliver us to the gates of heaven
Eleven men stood where eleven men fell down to hell
Demons all, and demons only
prudence betrayed us. A famine of desire.

The baby arose to find itself now buried
Heat. Hells kitchen heat warmed its back
no mother to coo to
earth, for what nutrition it's worth gave humble life and girth
a loam child of no mother and no father

A born saint, feasting on the ashes of mount deity.
Hail thee, oh chosen one
God hath forsaken us!
Our lives of dust
are nothing by compare.

Fools, following a jealous God!
"Call out to me or be forgotten and vanquished "

No matter
a new world order is due
the lamb of the earth shall walk once more
spreading tales and wisdom of our pompous "lord"

Let us take back the earth,
let us take back our beauty.
Our ancestors are dead
Tis a new age without reason to beseech
Have love or find it
make temples that bind it
pray to love
hold the weight of a feather
and let it glide
Sep 2014 · 7.8k
colloquial carrot water
pat Sep 2014
cuz like,
carrots are alright
and washing them is part of an every day thing.
Think about it..
We could build our lives around
the creation and destruction of carrots.
Everyday could be like black satin astrolabes
in a carrot sized environment.
No more would we have to wait in line
at complimentary fashion tables
for what we once remembered as carrots.
"Does it fit in the paper?"
Yeah.. I would think so.
I would think it really, really fits.. ok?
Sep 2014 · 526
my friend Mija (10w)
pat Sep 2014
Your smile
is all it takes
to make me smile.
Sep 2014 · 613
come a little closer, baby
pat Sep 2014
my body,
I cover it in wet socks
I fill my pockets with locks of her hair-
due to being scared that she'll stare at my **** while I ***
and the trees, when they bark at me
I say things carefully
and I prepare to be  taken advantage of.
I'm not a fan of your plans to fill my urethra with mud.
I like blood when it's thick like lipstick, but prefer it loose like diarrhea.
It moves down my legs into puddles on the floor.
I close the door and spread it. I adore the chore.
I fed it to my pets kept in my cardboard box.
A white fox and baby ox, they're used to eating nothing but rocks.
they devoured it
I shower in their ***. It powers me.
You see?
***** stained teeth. The man in the mirror hath no sheath for his blade.
He spares no spades and he lives alone.
He's an equestrian.  He's a ******* equestrian and I spat in his face.
Where are your horses now you disgrace?
Why am I not surprised that you despise every lie I have devised behind closed blinds?  
Do you hear me? I cry because I've spent my life dying.
It's a sickness. It's a **** fest  to test the spit that we ingest.
My intestines hang low and heavy, resting on my dresser.
I undress her time after time in my mind when I ******* at night.
She was a shoe-in.
Her name is Gwen and she **** in my sink.
It didn't stink, but it was black like ink.
I left it there for days, much like her hair that stays safe in my pocket.
If I had a gold locket, I would fill it with the glue her eye sockets produce in the mornings.
I'm warning you.   I am as crazy as you think I am not,
and if I find you, I'll abuse you till your family doesn't recognize you
Because that's what I do.
If you're feeling confused don't assume that I am used to it.
Don't assume anything.
Don't assume that I am watching you
Don't assume  that I'm watching you
I would never watch someone like you
You're a freak and you disserve me
I don't disserve you
You're a peach and I am nothing but a fly trying to reach into your meat to plant my seed
You need it though. Don't you get it?
I'd die before I'd let you leave my basement and become some *****
You will follow orders, or I will carve them into your skin with a small metal pin
you will listen, oh mother of my kin.
God would have me betray you
God would have me slay you for your sins
I am only man. What would the Gods say of me?
I try to be right, but **** the light.
I'd be a fool not to fight it.
I might as well control my own destiny
and pick at my own festering wounds metaphorically speaking.
I'm tired of teaching myself lessons and of being a pest to the men around me.
I don't owe you anything
You owe me your skin and bone
I own you, you snake.
I can see you want only to bite me
I despise you and your kind.
Racist folk. blind to the world.
shallow girls with ***** toys they stole from their parents.
Apparently you need me to take care of you.
I'll tie you to me, and me to my car as I drive it into the lake
I drown in reality to float in a dream
Sometimes You gotta let it all out   #diarrhea
Aug 2014 · 665
the power I have(10w)
pat Aug 2014
we can't choose our life,
but we can change it.
Aug 2014 · 672
the importance of choice
pat Aug 2014
I am loving and I am loved
I wonder what life would be without all this stuff
I hear the cries of trapped souls all around me
I see the beauty in life
I am loving and I am loved
I pretend that the bad doesn't faze me
I feel impressed by the world around me
I worry that humanity is teetering
I cry for the twisted minded
I am loving and I am loved
I understand the world we live in
I say optimistic things
I dream about wonderful possibilities
I try hard to say good morning
I hope that they all say it back
I am loving and I am loved
Aug 2014 · 459
easy come, easy go (10w)
pat Aug 2014
woke up tired
drove up
"I'm sorry, but you're fired"
literally just got fired this morning lol
please leave me optimistic comments (=
pat Aug 2014
when alone,
do I choose my identity
or lose it?
Aug 2014 · 491
ten words(10w)
pat Aug 2014
tentative tentacle tenders
attend potentially molten
rotten  kitten tents often
get it? cuz like all the words have ten in them and like there are ten words and like the number ten and like yeah the title and also 10 is also the number. Sooo, it works. thanks
Aug 2014 · 393
if walls had eyes (10w)
pat Aug 2014
things I do
inside my room
would make you puke
pat Aug 2014
When I see you
I'll realize that I missed you
Aug 2014 · 395
a poem about space
pat Aug 2014
































































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Aug 2014 · 409
(10 birds)
pat Aug 2014
~'~   ~'~   ~'~   ~'~
   ~'~   ~'~   ~'~
      ~'~   ~'~
this took me a lot longer than it would have taken you lol
Aug 2014 · 617
the struggle is real (10w)
pat Aug 2014
a ****** in the hair
we have all been there
pat Aug 2014
when life gives you food you don't like...

Eat it
pat Aug 2014
Don't freaking tell me
he took the easy way out.
Suicide is ******* everyone
including the people committing it.
pat Aug 2014
distracted by the endeavor
to write poems that are clever
poems are more fun than washing dishes anyway  :p
Aug 2014 · 402
smile!!! (10w)
pat Aug 2014
Your body's like peeing
it is better in my bed.
pat Aug 2014
spending time with you
there is nothing to think through
Aug 2014 · 400
my insecurities (10w)
pat Aug 2014
when you think of me
is it always good things?
I can't help it /:
Aug 2014 · 355
procrASStination (10w)
pat Aug 2014
when I spend time with you
I always get behind
Aug 2014 · 452
fair is fair(10w)
pat Aug 2014
you have me
all I want
in return
is you
pat Aug 2014
I don't even know you
yet I owe you everything
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