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 Apr 2013 Pasquale
Mike Hauser
I wish I had a dime

For every time I said I will

Or that I said I would

But didn't do it still

Instead of sliding down the slippery *****

Of never do nothing hill

I could be paying on

My never ending never do it bill
 Apr 2013 Pasquale
Were we but a dream
from which
I have awoken

Were your words
but promises
you should not have spoken

At least take once more
my heart
as love token

and as day breaks
let it be
all that's broken
 Apr 2013 Pasquale
 Apr 2013 Pasquale
Why is it that anyone
Should ever cry in his lifetime?

Can't we all try to be
A part of the human race?

Instead of jumping down
Our loved one's tender throats
And hurting inner feelings
Many have exposed to you?

Oh, can't we just try
To open up our hearts
To the one we admire the most?

Of the one we admire the most....

S T, 5 April 13
Wow...this is weird.
Put this one down when I was....16 or so....with me sister.
Gosh, lemme think now....ah, never mind...WAY too far

Can't believe I'm actually putting this one up.
Will prolly delete soon, yeah.

Take it, read it and throw in the fire!
 Apr 2013 Pasquale
I couldn't know you'd need me then!
Just a human with all frailty and much fault....
Do you think the wind blows differently
When  it passes over leaves and trees?
That it says: "Wait, lemme stop here a bit
And blow on this one leaf  in a special way"
Hardly! Time to get with the manure beneath
And see that sunrays shine on everything
And indiscriminate clouds shimmer on all,
How haphazard, the way the wind blows.
So, don't hang your head and moan so much
Time dawns for you to get over yourself
Don't you see that I'm still here?
Now quit getting your knickers in a knot!
You rant and rave while I pant and slave
Dissect my every move, make me aloof
How can you possibly go counting
And re-arranging all the marbles in my head?
You're so insecure, you make me mad
So exhaustive are your constant jibes
So tiring to soothe your unfounded fears
I'm having to placate you so often of late.
Before it all gets blown out of size
Sit a while in  (h)arboured thought
Confront the dreads which cause disquiet
A trove may wash up....but broken, on your shore.
The wind comes not with tardy tidings
For it isn't the what you say or do
But forsooth, the how which carries weight
Let's not over-whip each other so.
My thoughts may be wanton, wild or reckless
Telling tigs bend on a riotous grind
Yet feckless deeds don't follow suit
Pardon my slightly-misbehaving mind.
Patient and respectful, I remain to be
Just guard against esurient whims
Paucity of faith and clockwork trivial'ties
Will lead us down a road of trials.
Fallen martyrs should not feign, see
The wind makes no pretense. It just blows....
Now, I really couldn't know you'd need me then
'Cause, baby, that's the way the wind blows!

S T, 5 April 13
How the seasons and nature can teach us things.....

Let's ....lisssssssssssten to that wind whistling in the treetops or howling late at night......

However it blows, it tries to say summat....if we but....spoke

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