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721 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
I look back on what you wrote me
3 years ago
often in bittersweet fashion
the things you said about "staying open"
and it took me that amount of time to get there
3 years
it hurt like hell but I did it
I hope you are proud
I am nothing like I used to be
524 · Nov 2020
paschelaco Nov 2020
you will never know love ,
love . why measure it if unknown .
walking on a secluded rocky island .
with small creatures and history untold yet
that describes ours . standing there and feeling
every radiant beam of light caress your body and
cover you in freedom .
that's what you feel like to me .
503 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
your idealization was questionable
your actions went on to prove my point
therefore I am not stunned by the
person you have become
455 · Aug 2020
paschelaco Aug 2020
as our dreams and fantasies fade
the future doesn't look as bright
definitely not the one we painted together
we are different
I like to think maybe we just didn't have time
we didn't make time
maybe it was a simple fix
I guess we'll never know
454 · Aug 2020
paschelaco Aug 2020
I am from chipped beveled glass
from hand-me-downs and prideful hearts
I am from the burning cities of Perth
where art is a way of life and beaches are home
I am from a peaceless nights' sleep
with covered ears and whimpering cries
I am from closet thoughts
from the "what ifs" and "could nevers"
I am from the empty holidays
with lonely living rooms and booked flights
404 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
I love you
not because you try to pick up the pieces
you allow me to do that on my own
you know I am too prideful to ask for help
you stand along my side and hold me as
I fix the distress I have gathered over time
and when I drop my needle and thread
you are patient
388 · Aug 2020
paschelaco Aug 2020
I once pride myself on my ability to be unreadable .
maybe I still do , who knows .
there is this comfort in not having anything to lose ,
or so it seems .
but there's this thing in your smile...
I've never been one for reassurance but those two words were all that I didn't know that I needed to hear .
there is solace in knowing that I can feel .
maybe I don't want anyone to feel it the way I do .
your laugh makes it all undeniable ; I can't help but look and wonder where you've been .
how was life back home? any cobblestone roads?
I'll wear my heart on my sleeve and try
maybe you'll help me get the confidence I fake .
322 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
stop listening to people
who don’t like themselves
tell you what they don’t like
about you
313 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022

I have everything I will
ever need to live a life
that is just as precious
as the pages as this
book we have written together
called truth

265 · May 2022
paschelaco May 2022
I realized I didn’t need to “loosen up”
I will greet you with a mouth full of barbed wire
until you learn to stop approaching me
with your hands
I am not a fantasy
and I am especially not yours
anger does not save
but boundaries do
262 · May 2022
paschelaco May 2022
I enjoy all the moments her and I have captured
I feel at peace in her presence  
although sometimes when you look at recordings of us together-
you can see my fears..
when I coward
when I flinch
she’ll often cry-
it fills her with disgust and rage
to know that’s all my brain has known
it’s simply an instant reaction
the nightmares and sweats -
it leaves me skittish to most  
everyday is a little bit more healing
together and apart
as we trace the scars left and kiss them anyways
256 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
last laughs have never been my guilty pleasure
but recently - I smirk
I did not wince
I do not know which I like more
I sat and read over the same words
ones that are hard to believe
not because I don’t believe you feel them
but because I know you felt that
way about yourself far before I came along
so recently - I smirk ,
I did not wince

I do not feel guilty

I did not wince
220 · Aug 2020
paschelaco Aug 2020
three minutes can feel like an hour,
but three minutes can't make up for a lifetime.
It can't make up for sleepless nights and future talk...
thoughts of old times with words at the speed of light,
although... this isn't enlightening.
maybe for a second, or a minute, or three.
I don't get to know that.
I pride on the simple fact you knew.
a hey with no name and a simple question.
just a simple question...
that's never the case but it's still scary.
it's scary because we care
it's scary because we loved, hurt, and lost
what am I losing now? myself?
186 · Aug 2020
paschelaco Aug 2020
maybe you'll find home in the silence
or comfort in the canopy of the trees .
the soft coos of the wind bring peace .
you'll call it home and never want to leave .
but for I... this freedom has been relished for
simply a nightfall with many more to come and
stories to be told . It never disappoints ; the home
I found in this silence is irreplaceable...
181 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
in one given moment
it all began to make sense
with your chosen words
I could see clearly what you wanted
it was all the precious pieces
it was repulsive but
looking now
I think it will be just fine
173 · Aug 2020
paschelaco Aug 2020
maybe it's the way your lip quivers ,
it quivers when you have more on your mind than you'd like to admit .
saying something true , bold , something you know you can't take back .
whether it be an "I love you" or "I'm scared"
you'll stare with intent with thoughts of none .
what if? when will? will we? I can't...
don't worry... me too .
I wish I could sooth your thoughts like yours presence does mine .
162 · Dec 2019
wild apple blossoms
paschelaco Dec 2019
off season bearings
just by a month
not all things ripe have fallen
waiting just for you
beauty with every purpose
with no intentions of partaking
fresh stitches at every seam
you too only last for two
so we make the best of time
doused with laughter and sunburnt cheeks
didn't know spring could last a lifetime
two , two weeks of bloom--
and we're already half way through
the seasons don't deter the seeds we sow
with sunshine like her its endless
so we water with unknowing scythes
knowing that any season can be ours
139 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
"how'd you know? who told you?"

"no one, you just look different now"
135 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
I want to get better
131 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
I always drove
it provided a sense of control
you in the passenger seat
but I always missed out-
looking at you-
studying the features of your face
deciding which freckle was my favorite
so when you ask me
"why do you keep staring at me"
and I reply "I'm just looking"
I am catching up from all the times
I didn't get the chance to
119 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
I made the 116mi drive alone
in silence, yet there wasn't a quiet moment
walking the street brought nostalgia
although I had never been there before
I could see it as a place you and I would
go every year - special occasions
as I walked in, I could not recognize myself
I don't think I could see us with this life
in this life, just not the one we painted
at least not as one.

I asked for a table for one.
118 · Jun 2022
paschelaco Jun 2022
I’m better although-
it comes and goes as everything else does
sometimes I still cry when I eat by myself-
especially when I’m sick
something I used to enjoy so much
I cry
not because I feel lonely but-
because it reminds me of February
I know it gets easier
but it doesn’t change the fact it is hard
sometimes I will film it
it makes the time go by faster
I watch them sometimes
watching the tears become just sad faces-
that turn to half smiles til there is nothing left
108 · May 2022
paschelaco May 2022
the easy choices are that.. easy
I like me when I am by myself
others do too whether they know it or not
It’s pretty often-
nearly everyday
I know that what I seek is from within
so I pull my search to a halt
I make the easy choices
“hey, we need to talk”
I like me when I am by myself
others do too
96 · May 2022
paschelaco May 2022
“you’re seem more gentle now”
not longer out of fear
not in a cry for protection or to be a haven
but in the most observant way possible-
I have become softer than before
96 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
sometimes that’s all I remember
the purple and red lights
***** before noon
and empty pill bottles
people liked me the most back then
I sometimes think that was the problem
they liked me the most
I don’t think they ever knew me

being sober gets quiet

I like this life

the sober one
96 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
living often lies in between the memories
or at least the things we think are memorable
but often those things will stick with us
the things we truly miss are the things
that slip our mind the quickest
the common places
the things we had done so many times
we just forgot
the things we eventually took for granted
94 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
slowly but surely I began to set myself ablaze
all to keep you warm-
I struggled but you would never know
I consider pride my best friend
I cannot be angered
as I did not speak
therefore silence
led by peace

I am still learning how to speak up when I was hurting
I tend to take these things and turn them on the people
I love and care about the most...
91 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
and every day that went by
I felt like I was selling my dreams
everything vanishing before my eyes
there is a thin line between
comfort and complacency
for I have never sat still
I rather not find out
90 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
often times I wake up sweating
still stuck in my nightmares
ones where I rather die then
remember those experiences
they leave me still for hours in
a pain more agonizing than grief
I was strong enough to leave
although I am still fearful
combing gravel out of wounds that
I never asked for
now I have to prepare myself
for the conversations about the
scars that are left
90 · Jun 2022
paschelaco Jun 2022
and if I could do it over again
the only thing I’d do is find you sooner
so I could love you longer
86 · May 2022
paschelaco May 2022
sand crusted eyes and auburn tint hair
honeyeaters chirping outside the window
“you’re not the same bloke you used to be”
I feel a drenched wetsuit graze my face
“you just going to stare at me? get up!”
she opens all the living room windows as I stretch out upon the couch
the hardwood floors are lukewarm
I can smell the saltwater from here
I almost forgot what the horizon looked like
“grab your board, I want to show you a spot”
she said as she rushed out the front door
I could hear the pajero start from the kitchen
I scampered down the stairs and tossed my board on the upper racks
as we drove, we traced all the familiar roads
filled with the sweetest memories
the music faded in and out with small static in between- it felt almost feverish
we rolled to a stop on a questionable trail
she could see the confusion in my eyes but I knew I could trust her
we began the hike of what felt like forever
upon surfacing from the trees
I saw what I only thought I’d see in my dreams
so captivating- I stopped and stared
the sand felt like cloth and the water was flat
“all the legends start here”
she began running to the water and I trailed close behind
and for a split second we were 10 years old again
racing each other to the shore
she always won anyways-
we paddled far beyond the outside
the sun began to break the horizon
we sat and watched as it reflected on the water
I brushed my hand upon the surface
It was like touching a painting
I felt weightless
I closed my eyes
I could feel the warmth upon my skin

“I guess you’re a benny now”
“I guess I am”

there was a bit of silence that past-

“are you alright?”
“yeah, it’s just good to be home…”
85 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
and whenever she kisses me goodbye she traces all the parts she tells me she adores
starting at the bridge of my nose-
kissing every beauty mark I have on my face
going down to my neck and to both sides of my cheeks crossing over each of them again
I can’t help but smile and blush
kissing me once more on my lips
before we stare at each other just a few
seconds longer

I wish this goodbye was simply goodnight
83 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
one day it clicked,
I didn't leave because I stopped loving you.
I left because the longer I stayed
the less I loved myself.
in exchange for your self-loathing, sadness,
and fears - I gave you my optimism,
and patience.

I just wanted you to love yourself like I loved you.
the weight of the both of us is too heavy to bear.
82 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
she woke me up by kissing me
all over.

for a second, she paused.
"I am going to keep kissing you until you wake up"
she warned.

with my eyes still closed, I smiled and told her
"I guess you'll have to keep kissing me forever
because I am not waking up"

and without hesitation,
she said "okay."
as if the thought of forever didn't scare her at all.
as if kissing me was all she wanted for the rest of her life.

and she kept kissing me.
all over.
79 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
and "just like that"
I was back where it all started
I could feel their hands engulf me
the pulling getting needier and harder


I am not satisfied often but-
with their hands around my neck
to me, there is a constant craving
one that I will be a **** for
I grasped
I could feel my vision going out
there is something invigorating-
I could feel everything slipping away
but all I could say was-


closer and closer to the line
that I hope you would cross

I want the pain to match the kind I have in my head

the kind with-
swollen eyes
bruised faces
****** lips
and sore hands


79 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
"what do you miss most about her?" he asked.

she smirked as she pulled the cigarette away from her lips.

"I don't know, probably the ***"
77 · Jun 2022
paschelaco Jun 2022
as time passes and I heal
I end up more and more angry
looking back at the things I once


and the places I once called

77 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
I find it ironic we both believed we weren't
enough for each other in our own ways -
77 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
I'll never know if any of it was real
I do not feel like it was
I do not want to know
I do not know if being used
or fleeting sincerity is worse
75 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
I yearn to be with you... home
yet it is the most petrifying place to be...
with you
I hold my breath as I tiptoe down these
old mahogany steps
hoping my head can make it to my pillow
so I can survive another night-
only then will I have
some sort of peace.
there are few nights I go to sleep famished,
afraid of what will happen if I were
to speak my mind to you
I cannot fill that space
every ill-mannered thought you possess
has already taken a seat at the table
consuming the you that I once knew
and I am again left unfed...
expected to stay another night
74 · Jun 2022
paschelaco Jun 2022
and if the multiverse is real
then there is one where you are still here
there is one where I stayed a little longer
one where I said “I love you” one last time
one with a few more gas station slushees
one with another glazed eyed smile
73 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
you are like my hometown
I know every backroad-
the roads whisper from time to time
I'll walk down memory lane
with small smiles
"do you remember when-"
although that's all you are-
my hometown

everyone outgrows their hometown
72 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
covered in sweat
I plopped onto the hardwood floors
what felt like hundreds of boxes
all done in a few trips
small cobwebs in the kitchen
and dust in every corner
although daunting
there was you
and every day ahead of me
laid out like a golden brick road
a house
a dog and cat
a healthy life partner
all in a brand new city
I smiled
the first of many
71 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
Just like mom and dad
she was tired
she put on a smile
just like her parents
she cried quietly
drawing with pens of silver
not like her parents
finally herself
creating a level of hatred
that only she would have

only she could know

prized possessions
70 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
we are wet firewood
soaked in tears, too much for our own good
too ruined to reignite but so much left to burn.
we both know the dry season isn't coming.
70 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
frequently - I am not present.
although, every time I-
fixed your hair,
rubbed your back,
held your hand,
clasped your necklace,
wiped your eyes,
things I have done for
myself -
countless times.

I was there.
69 · Mar 2022
paschelaco Mar 2022
add it all to the list
I know I will
enlightenment -
demonization -
all the way to disgust
I am not as strong as I once was
69 · Feb 2022
paschelaco Feb 2022
"I know she's gone but I hate her"
she said so confidently-
I'm not sure if she was looking for agreement.
little does she know there is a little piece of you
in every single thing I do that she holds so dear.
there's a part of you in every song I listen to-
you know, the ones that she'll have on repeat.
as they fall, it makes my own all the more justified.
I would fall for me too-
after all
I fell for you.
68 · Apr 2022
paschelaco Apr 2022
It has been two years without you
you may not be the one I walk
down the aisle for -
but you'll be the story I tell
my daughter after her first heartbreak
the story of a girl I lost too soon
67 · May 2022
paschelaco May 2022
I have a garden in my mind
a forest in my heart
an ache in my chest
from love torn apart

orchids so pretty
bluebirds up above
only these orchids have thorns
and the birds do not resemble love

you said “push through”
so I grab those orchids
and hold them tight
reach up to those birds
despite their great height

I am gifted with ****** hands
and pricked fingers too
but this pain is familiar
it reminds me of you

I take back those flowers
dried up and bruised
from bluebirds who plucked
and hearts that they chewed

I placed them in a box
and I taped up the lid
I put them away
in a place well hid

with no more to feed from
the birds have now fled
I’ve patched up my holes
where lilies grown instead
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