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 Sep 2013 Parker Smith
 Sep 2013 Parker Smith
it was almost as though ten thousand moons
shone through your irises
but I still felt like I was fumbling my way
through an endless tunnel
desolate and alone
in complete darkness
with no guidance
even though you claimed to be by my side

a hand to hold
a shoulder to cry on
                    the usual clichés
                    few are able to find
One more shot,
I thought.
It won’t make a difference,
just one more drink.
I stumbled to the table containing a small assortment of poisons.
Not much to chose from, but so many possibilities lie at the bottom of each bottle;
snakes in the grass
(which one will bite tonight?)
A little liquid courage here,
a shot of lust there,
and a floor full of regret and humiliation the next day.
The latter, I know, is guaranteed.
Although from the sound of the debate between
my lunch and my vice that
seems to be reaching a crescendo, that is, all the way up
my throat,
it seems “the next day”
had decided to come early.
Running to the bathroom,
party-goers splitting before me like the Red Sea for Moses
as they saw the look on my face;
(I almost made it this time, too.)
With shame all over my shirt
I reached for the toilet,
(arms outstretched like salvation was possible,)
and hit my head on the pristine porcelain plateau before me.
A killer ache ran through my head,
starting at the initial wound and seeping into the rest of my mind,
clearing my fuzzy brain if only for a second.
As I rest my head on my bitter-sweet friend,
rooted to the pipes below the ground
with no choice but to bear my burden,
I stared into the eyes of the
creature in the mirror.

(It knew that I knew that it knew that I was nothing.)

I closed my eyes,
if only to see something other than this being that demanded to be called Me,
undeserving of the title once bestowed upon a
little girl
with strong convictions.

A girl with
aspirations and hope,
not this abomination in the mirror,
(never meant to be this.)

I closed my eyes harder,
feeling the strain on my pupils,
wishing the nausea away and calling forth colours.
Bright blues,
radiant reds,
and opulent oranges.
Tunnels twisting and turning into each other,
hues and shades I had only dreamt before.

Sure it hurts your eyes, but it’s worth it.
I could never reach the end of the
recurring green tunnel,
not since I was a little girl
at the meetings shutting my eyes real tight at prayer time.
Letting the colours wash over my vision,
my own words to god
at an age where words are few and insignificant,
visuals ruling over all.
If it’s beautiful and eye-catching it must be good, I had reasoned.
(I didn't grow out of that mind frame in time.)


The sound should have brought me back to the present, but instead I dove head first into that frustrating, never-ending dull green.

When I opened my eyes, I was 8 again, -

-alone in the dark.
With the absence of the cheerful sound of the Flinstones
that emanated from my television 5 minutes ago,
everything seems so loud.

The silence closes around me,
a dark cloak of anxiety and childish fears,
digging icy fangs deeper into my subconscious,
turning shadows into evil spirits
and running ghostly fingers down my spine.

I get up to see what made the noise before,
the one that shattered.
Each step is torture,
with every one I am more certain
that I will feel a tight grip on my ankle,
as the ghoulish monsters bring me
under the bed
to devour me
asking me
if I’d like to know how
I taste
in their voices that drip
with slime.

But no monsters claw at me tonight from under my bed,
for they are already waiting,
on the couch.
I approach him cautiously,
a man stripped down to barely nothing,
splayed out on a cheap upholstery island surrounded by shards of glass.
I do not know this man,
only the body he parades around in.
He makes deep, scary noises, far beyond regular snoring.
Something has possessed my father.

I try desperately to shake it out of him,
yelling “please, please wake up!”
But he won't.
Instead he responds by throwing his teeth out at me
and wetting the only piece of clothing
that he bothers to keep on.
I was lucky he wore anything at all this time.

Crying I run to the bathroom,
run the hot water and let it run over my hands.
Blistering hot.
My tiny hands are turning a lobster red,
but the fear seems to rush out of my every pore
and into the rushing water,
and I feel some peace return to my chaotic state.
I feel clean.

“Where does my money even go?”
he yells,
right before he shows me
what the ******* represents,
“Look at you, you’re so *****.”
This is when the monster that hides
within his bottles begins to come out,
after it makes him
throw things
and before
it put him to sleep.

I sit on the floor and cry, pressing my eyes so as to distract myself from the fear that keeps clawing its way up my throat.


My heart forgets its size and tries to evacuate through my mouth, and I realize there is someone coming to the door and god don’t let it be the monster, please god. I open my eyes-

And there's the monster,
staring back at me,
in the mirror where I’d left it.
Copyright Krystelle Bissonnette
 Sep 2013 Parker Smith
luna lovers
 Sep 2013 Parker Smith
you only loved me
when the moon was high
         (and you were, too)
and the stars in your eyes
shone so bright
but not because of me
 Sep 2013 Parker Smith
I dream of girls all the time.
Can't help it. I just do.
But, there is always this one
Guy I can't ever get out of
My mind.

He just gives me these butterflies that
Flit and flit and won't stop and
That smile he flashes me makes my
Heart thump and thump!
He makes my mind go absolutely
Nuts for him and I just
Can't stop thinking of
The way his eyes are so
They're like an ocean after a storm,
And when the seaweed gets wrapped around
In the waves and makes this
Kaleidoscope of colors, that
I just can't anymore.
He has these hands- I know, weird that I mention them-
But his fingers are so long and strong, but
They're so intricate and delicate that
I can't stop imagining what
They could do
To me.

His voice is so deep and
Smooth and that laugh of his just
Cracks me up.
His smile shines so bright and
I can't ever get enough of

It's crazy,
I don't think of guys,
But the thing is--
He isn't just some guy--
He's thee guy. He's a
Handsome man that can
Run a mile in under 6 minutes and can
Actually teach me how to
Do well in math, my worst subject.
He can make me smile when I'm
Feeling down and he can even
Get the deepest, darkest
Secret out of

I wish I knew what I wanted.
 Aug 2013 Parker Smith
Ana Leejay
where's the meaningful tug
pulling each other from the waist
our palms resting on each other's side
the fast world of businessmen and
mothers, us, standing like a patched heart
saying our goodbyes

where's the moment of silence
the pause, the deep breath, the uncertain
exhale, where's the lip biting, the half smiling,
the word choking, the not knowing

standing like two dandelions in the open field
facing each other, with nothing to say except
for when the wind blows,
we give each other a hundred wishes

where's the promise to never forget each other
where's the clever comeback to hold back the tears

where's that one moment that sums up everything
the birthday card, the christmas present, the one last trip
where's the humbleness in our voice
like we were speaking in goodbye

you disappeared out of my life like a name I forgot
like a word on the top of my head

so sudden, yet so smooth
like tender rain
like a distant anthem

sometimes the significance is not in how it ends
but the parts of you that are left afterwords

sometimes is all the time
 Aug 2013 Parker Smith
You are beautiful and flawless and so tiny and perfect i don't understand why you're so sad because your worth is exactly the same if not more of what the sun means to the world. You are the sun in my world its like someone took something so much bigger than what it seems and stuck it into a little nutshell like a chestnut or a kernel of a popcorn or the meat inside a pita you're so amazing words don't even touch it there isn't a combination i could ever give to you or an equation or any sort of math problem that could calculate the value of what you mean to me. To tell you the truth it makes me really upset that i am supposed to be your best friend and i couldn't help you before it got too bad. I should have noticed. And I hate that. I'm so sorry that i couldn't do that and that you didn't feel that you could come to me. If i could take all your pain away and give you every ounce if happiness in the entire galaxy of planets, i would. You are the only person in this world who deserves that much and you may be sad now, but you won't be sad forever. I'm not categorizing you as "depressed" or that you have a fault because you don't. I am weak. I bottle everything up and take it all out on myself through thoughts with no physical action. From this day on i promise i won't ever let you feel like you should be ashamed or nervous to tell me anything i love you you're my sister you're the most amazing person I've ever met and IM lucky to have YOU. The next time you think of picking up that blade of the razor or the edge of those scissors i want you to remember exactly what i just said to you and I want you to try your best to put them down. I don't want you to hate yourself. It's pretty sick that a person would rather **** themselves than be who they are, your worth to me.. Your family..Your That's unconditional love. D.B is worthless to your life in the scheme of things and i know that its going to be hard but all i ask is that you try, i can't expect you to stop as much as i wish i could do something to make that happen i just want to know that you are trying. It's 1:14 and I'm crying and i just love you and I don't want you to do something horrible that could make me lose you forever, when my dad left i felt so worthless like the only love i ever believed in wasn't even true and i know i hide things a lot but i was so close to the edge and i wouldn't have made it through any of that without you. THATS the kid of impact you have made on my life.. And I think that's pretty amazing.
Dad, I hope you're not in your head,
Hating who you are.
It was an accident, I would still try to.
I hope you have peace, quiet for now.
The heartache that surronded your life.
Easing up, floating away until you feel none.
I don't want you to see yourself right now.
I don't want you to think that all you are was a chronic illness, a brokedown body.
That flames have now kissed.
Know that your intelligence still intimidates me.
Your humour quick, smart.
Even as I watched your body attack itself.
Slowly taking your life away.
As your anger and hate for what your body did to you.
Became all consuming, I still know who you are.
You are the amazing cook, terrible math tutor, lunch at home, you were my picture of strength.
You were the one when I was little to cuddle me.
You were the very proud man, who in a few calls could get it done
Dad,  I can still see your face.
I can still see the fright, the knowledge.
The forfeit.
I want you to know I loved you.
I want you to know I respect you more then any other person in this world.
I was with till the end,
and I know you will be with me.
I almost am excited for it to be my time.
To feel those arms that were so strong when I was little hug me once more.
To hear you say, welcome partner, we are home.
Until then, watch me close and yell at me loud enough for me to hear.
Help me with my choices, get me through this tough life.
I wrote this one morning, when I was sitting beside my father's bedside in a hospital. I had it as a draft and just saw it, I don't remember writing it. I wrote the last two or three lines tonight to finish it.
It's such a different perspective to see her self-hatred outdoes my own. She's a brilliant, dying star. Vacuuming away all the evil in her, siphoning it through her throat. Flush it down. Pulling apart her bones from the inside out. I can understand that.

I've been thinking offhandedly, not on purpose. Take a deep breath, look up at the clouded sky. The blown, restless leaves endlessly remind me of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Let my mind go blank. Refocus, come back down from wherever I went, finding I've been working questions over while unaware. Autopilot likes to steer toward the ground. I've been thinking offhandedly, not on purpose, of the best way to say goodbye.

I've been dreaming of writing this down all morning, all night. Who's to say I haven't been anxiously awaiting this all my life? To tell you what it's like to hate yourself so much that others become mere blips on the radar; still there, but so unrecognizable. I become unreachable. I've been dreaming of opening myself up, seeing all the things that are tucked inside, away from my reach. They all tell me not to go looking for trouble, but hell, how could it possibly get worse? I'm curious.

Lying here loathing myself for being so pitiful. So pathetic. Part of me knows I am wallowing, stewing, dwelling. The other part knows what they don't: there is nothing of worth  here. Take it all away, no more trying. Drop my cards on the wood between my elbows, stand & take my leave. You guys can split my poker chips. It'll be lovely...not waking up to the bleak, the empty. Not to have to face myself in the mirror, with my troubled eyebrows & worried lips & the nervous twitch of my mouth that wasn't there a month ago. Not to wake up to every 'can't'. Not to stare into my own blank, listless eyes; numb. So mortified of myself, miserable with me, yet so distant, removed, disinterested, distracted.

Please don't be upset if I think of you before I go. Understand that just because I want to die doesn't necessarily mean I want to leave you. Don't count this one last sin; dreaming of my fingertips memorizing the contours of your face, kissing your eyelids, your cheeks, your mouth, your neck, hands, tears. Breathe in the scent of you. Maybe you could give me some courage to hold onto as I let go. Don't penalize me for this, please. Let me live in how much I love you one last time. I'm sorry this hurts you.

I just figured out how to say goodbye.
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