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We're laying down the soil
Carefully, before the roots start to grow
And we'll nurture this on that day, and
For the rest of it's life, so

Why do we question each other?
It's healthy but seems reclusive
That we focus on ourselves
And try not to be more intrusive

Maybe that's what's best for us
We can tend to individual leaves
And when we meet back at the stem
We can discuss what's up our sleeves

Let's just try not to distance too far out
To where we pull too much sunlight
This needs to be an equal partnership
So this flower can withstand the night

But, right now, let's focus on the dirt
The gift, the curse
The reason for life
It helps, it destroys
Just the same as a knife
We take it for granted
It's a wonderful thing
It never goes to waste
Like a beautiful ring
It taps on windows
It breaks down doors
It revives nature
But, that's what it's made for
If you ask yourself
What brings joy and pain?
My favorite thing in the world
The Rain
A poem I wrote about four years ago to my mother during church because I couldn't jam out in my head. Enjoy.
646 · Aug 2015
Cowards Always Lose
The pen touches the page
And I am whisked away
To the inner emotions I never show
Instead of moving forward
I act like a giant coward
And lock them up deeper below

I've tried time and time again
To believe that we were always just friends
But I can't see you with someone else
My heart attacks my feeble mind
If it so much as tries to find
The courage to just let you be yourself

Our hearts were engulfed in my chaos
Causing suffering, denial, and loss
But it split our universe in pieces
Your distance from me might seem the same
But, to me, you're galaxies away
And no amount of patience can fix this

I brought this on myself
For trying to keep you safe
And now our love is strong
But useless, like this page
It's getting increasingly harder to try and accept the **** that's happened to me the last couple of months. But I'm hoping the closer I get to expressing it in my poetry, the closer I get to closing out that portion of my life.
The screen lights up
Pupils dilate
Increase in heart rate

Fixation on old memories
Breath quickens
Loss of common sense

Instant regret of feelings
Useless romance
Lose sense of balance

Selfishness and inconsideration
Cling to fiction
Refuse to question

Attempt an apology
Voice cracks
Sincerity lacks

Imagination floods my thoughts
Everything you have read
Might be in my head

Please let it stay there
Recently reunited with an old...friend maybe... a couple of days ago. This is me trying to be simple with my thoughts since then.
631 · May 2015
My thought process gets clouded
Like a public shower that's too crowded
When you waltz into my mind
My vocal chords are slit open
And pull out from my rotting skin
When you asked me why I'm too kind

The way I treat you is foreign here
On this unassuming blue sphere
I'm an alien to this thing called love
When you act like I praise you too much
And smile at the slightest feel of your touch
I want to take your past to a cliff and just shove

The forest, that is me, cannot be navigated
Only landscaped and appreciated
There is a great view of the lake
Once you make a home and get comfortable
I can give you a life that's more affordable
There's just one favor I'll have to take

Do you have room in your heart for me?
Just a poem I wrote for my best friend.
555 · Jun 2016
The Doghouse 6/7/16
7 a.m.

The familiar sound of singing robots
Wakes me from my mummified state
Postpone instead of dismiss yet again
Did I pick the couch or recliner today?

Stumble into the pitch black bedroom
And fumble around for my uniform
My eyes only adjust when I am finished
So I can perform the morning norm

I love yous and kisses are exchanged
Between multiple people in the house
Before everyone leaves to their jobs
Or tries to remember their sheep count

7 a.m.

The sounds of deep sleep and coughing
Accompanied by the touch of your body
Only become clear after a different alarm
And multiple beings having to go "*****"

You walk back in and start your routine
While I watch with infinite fascination
And as you finish I start mine as well
You starting your annual salutations

So multiple people perform the kisses
And I love yous like any ordinary day
It might be the poet in me but I swear
I would never want it any other way
The next time my eyelids touch
I better not see your face again
I've torn myself too ******* much
From our storm way back when

(This is the point where I lose my focus and just go to sleep)
536 · Sep 2016
What An Idiot 9/18/16
I wrote about her
It was always for her

I'm only twenty years old
With one tragedy to claim my own
And I act as though I'm battle-worn
When the real threat was never shown

I've ruined my vision of love
With the memories of our destructive ways
I'm broken and falling under
Slowly trying to replicate our escapades

I never want to feel that passion
If it's towards you, and only you
But I need what we had together
This haze is difficult to see through

I wrote about you
It was always about you
I destroyed my future for a chance
**A ******* chance
533 · Apr 2016
(Not) The Only One 4/1/16
In a few minutes
You will have had your release
Your alone time
Your stress relieving time

And I will join you then
With different blankets and sheets
Different attitudes
Different emotions

But why act like I'm important
When I'm not the only one that sleeps
On your mattress
Against your skin

Why try to make me feel better
By talking about our life in big leaps
Learning and fighting
Marriage and children

I don't need consoling like that
No matter what I think I might need
Release of stress
Or just alone time

I don't need it
The moth flies towards the light
Seeking shelter from the monsters
But, as it soaks in the warm embrace
A door shuts, and the safety it felt shatters

But the light is still there
So the moth hovers around it's surface
It finally has a home for the night
No matter what it's instinct says

Just as it lands in the perfect spot
And tucks it's wings in to rest
The moth feels a sudden chill
The light vanished, leaving it in a mess

It climbs the walls and windows
Desperately searching for a way out
But it soon gives up hope of surviving
And asks itself what this was all about

Soon the family that lived there
Finds the moth next to the front door
And sticks it in a glass case
So they can admire it forevermore

Now, were the humans cruel
To bring about that fate?
Or was the moth just unlucky
Simply being in the wrong place?
505 · Mar 2015
Interlinked (3/4/15)
I've relied on my words for my sanity
But the pixels are unforgiving and calculated
My bones can not express myself clearly
They creak and moan with years of hatred

This distance is only sustained
With airwaves and power lines
Late nights with mono dialogues
My ears cave in and create mines

I have changed and we both know it
The seasons exclaim that knowledge
Our seperation bombards my happiness
Further driving in that wedge

Every other time we could make it work
Our hearts interlinked in lines like these
If we could make what we have out of nothing
Then we WILL bring any obstacle to it's knees

We both have been through our own wars
And we can still smile, laugh, sing
So just survive the onslaught with me
And we will conquer everything
497 · Mar 2017
Paper Border 3/21/17
Stub your toe on the border
Of what my words have constricted you to
Everyone else updated their passports
And took the nearest plane in view

They build and shelter
But ultimately suffocate
So why is it that you stay?
Not making an attempt to relocate?

I arrange my words like a foundation
Thinking at any second you'll tear it down
But you've been using your love as adhesive
Working alongside me without a sound

You don't see our life
As an overfilled notebook
I've been fabricating your opinion
When trust was all it took

I spread my words messily now
Like a kid enjoying chocolate too much
Fear of departure is absent now
All I can look forward to is your touch
Six years can seem like a short time
When you spend it with the one you love
Now I wish my life seemed too quick
That way I can say it was you I wasn’t void of

Ok, that was extremely corny and stupid
Can I start over and try not to ****?

Thank you

Today will be the day I spend with my family
The ones I haven’t seen in what feels like years
But, I know for certain I will only think of you
And all of your patriotic screams and cheers

There is no escaping this now, I know it
But, why would I escape this heaven?

Ok, scratch that line…

**** it, I’m just going to be lame, ok?

I ******* love the **** out of you man
Everything you say/do is my *******
I’ve been trying to write around that for years
You are the only person that I can explain

This infatuation with our friendship
And how ******* amazing we make each other feel
Let’s keep yelling and cheering each other on
And keep this friendship we crave real

Thank god I decided to be stupid
Now I can get some sleep

Goodnight, sweet dreams, and love you bro
How should I feel?
What rhyme scheme is it this time?
Is it generic and overused?
Or unexpected and real?

Should it be anger?
Or sadness and regret?
Wait, aren't those the same?
I forget

Should I be happy?
Or too scared to be sappy?

Someone tell me the emotion I should feel today

The thing that made me feel anything left
The day she sent that stupid message
The useless hours spent at the mall
I despise it all

Was it the comparisons to other people?
Or the unjustifiable denial I had?
The solution was inconceivable
At least when I was mad

But now, there is nothing at all
Just all laid out on the wall
Taunting me with every sleepless night
So someone force me to laugh
To cry or show my wrath
So I can feel human and then I just might

Learn my rhyme scheme again
My life is changing so much, but I can't feel anything different about it. So, yeah that's just freaking great. Thanks for reading, I guess.
Lost friends and family scar me
Destroying walls and replacing them
Dwelling on the past is unhealthy
But so is picking up this ******* pen

So many lives are better
Because of my presence
The mistress I desire, I cannot get her
Fearful of the thought of my absence

My shoulders strain with the weight
Of the lives I vowed to care for
Happiness always seems to dissipate
When loved ones are left behind locked doors

My life needs to be my priority
My emotions in front of my needs
So no one tries to show me pity
And I'm not left to cry and plead

Appreciation and love is all I can give
I will hold you dear and not change
Our closeness in this old life I live
No matter the distance or vocal range
439 · Sep 2015
Never 9/17/15
It's quite dark in here
With this boulder above my head
You've been out in the sunshine for years
While I've been practically brain-dead

You've been able to have the time
To get comfortable with how you feel
But when I'm ****** into your changes
You expect me to accept what's now real

With no help from your end
When I've helped you for years
I'm struggling, but still managing
To add you to my list of fears

Because you said you can't stand
To watch me slowly lose my mind
But you forget that I was there with you
When you lost it. Every time

But you have your new family
And your new boyfriend to go to
I don't care if you think you need me
I sure as hell don't need you

And, hopefully with time, I never will
So go live your life on that sunny hill
435 · Jan 2017
Fear Of Everything 1/10/17
When I was a young boy
Alive and well in the north
I was always quite annoyed
By the silence brought forth

From the graveyard down the street
And the weights tied to my feet

When I was a young man
Broken but happy in the south
My future was devoid of plans
By the silence from my mouth

Protecting my feelings from others
Always trying not to be a bother

When I become who I aspire to be
The man that can be loved without fear
Will the past come back to haunt me?
Destroy all the people I hold dear?

I'll silence every doubt in my heart
After all, I've known silence from the start
Momentum is the only thing keeping me
From losing my mind and all that I've worked for
Our memories drag with the weight of worlds
Each reminding me why I regret everything before

But this wheel has picked up too much speed
To stop for useless feelings and unsaid words
So, sorry, but not sorry, about that little detail
And please stop making my emotions seem absurd

I've learned to feed this fire without your help
And I plan on keeping it nice and tall
Your carbon dioxide and water is not needed
And stay away from the fire extinguisher on the wall

Just do what you do best and be happy
Or sad, or angry, I could really care less
I thought I needed you in my life forever
But all you gave me was emptiness

Do me one last favor, please?
Keep not talking to me like I'm a disease

I love every second of it
It's been a long freaking time since I've found the time to write, but here is one I wrote out of sheer frustration.
I'm supposed to write something sad, right?
Something really depressing, but relate able
That's the theme I've been riding on lately
Unless someone else finds that debatable

That's what I thought

Surprisingly, I'm not in that mood
And probably won't be for a long time
So these might get happy and cheesy again
But, don't worry, they'll at least still rhyme

The reason for this shift is quite simple
But the most complex thing I've ever seen
To think this all started with a swipe
And her attention being in my dog more than me

I'll explain more in time, I'll quench that thirst
But I need to enjoy this first
This keyboard has never felt more like home
When it bridges the 500 miles between us
I use to be so confident behind my vocabulary
But now these notebooks are all gathering dust

Repetition is my only skill now
But it's the only thing you're used to
I want to show you the secrets I hide
But I guess I don't know them too

I don't care if the time of year is coincidental
To the way I'm trying to change who I am
I still have to fulfill the promise I made
To improve this ******* I built with these two hands

I'm done questioning myself and my motives
They're what brought me to this point in time
The world's going to need a new pair of pants
After my body's clock has it's last chime
Beginnings are hard, right?
Especially after eons of repetition
Fingers curl, bend, and break
At all the right angles
To either hold the utensil
Or press the keys on the keyboard
Always just using muscle memory

Imititating the smile you burned into my mind
Your laughter echoing in my ears
Your touch so enticing
Yet so distant and unforgiving
Intimacy with others seemed mute
No matter what I told myself

Now those thoughts are flooding back
Filling every orifice
Every aperture
Every stuck up synonym for a hole
I'm drowning in the same situation
But in a different face
A different smile I've never seen
A different laugh I've grown accustomed to
A different touch that I lust after
I need
I want
I have to work towards

Will I lose myself like before?
I tried and failed a couple times
Almost succeeded, but never quite
I have blunt permission to love
And be loved by
That should be enough, right?
Will these fingers curl for someone else
With the same elegance as before?
The same bends
Same curves
Same angles
Will those help me describe her curves?
Her bends
Her angles

I can write my heart out about
My love for her personality
But that ****** up every time before
These fingers need to improve
In their muscle memories
In their beginnings
**** me, they're hard
First official free verse, of course it being about the same **** I always write about. Love never escapes this heart. Anyways, please leave criticism so I don't **** it up and just go back to the same boring rhythmic poetry.
My heart-rate is unreadable
But for something I can't describe
This is probably just me being an idiot
Or just something I shouldn't advertise

But it seems like we dance around
The elephant in the ******* room
Just making sure our skin doesn't tear
When it touches under the sun or moon

I just can't ******* tell right now
If this is mutual or just in my head
A mockery of my emotional distress
Or signals that are correctly read

I won't be able to focus on anything
Besides my insides being torn apart
Should I feel bad about these feelings?
This situation demolishes my heart

I'll tell you when you pinched a nerve
Like when we talked that Thursday night
But is it OK if I'm still totally confused?
And only slightly filled with fright?
I’ve tried and tried
For nights upon nights
To see when I fell in love with you

But, even back when you seemed like just another face
I still strongly believe my heart was in your place

Both your house and your arms
From our first hello to our last attempt to keep warm

I need to stop this before I ruin it
But I just needed to tell/show
That our love for each other and what we have
Is the oldest and most amazing thing
I’ll ever know
Through text
We talk as confident playmates
Through voices
We talk as awkward soul mates

I lost an hour in your arms
But only the second hand moved
The restraint was unbearable
With the sight of beautiful you

But it was the best I'd felt in years
I wouldn’t dare call this romance
That word has no use here
What we have is saucier than France
But not filled with as many tears

The term I want to use now
Only has meaning from your lips
Not from comparing it to cows
To storms or even to long road trips

Nothing can compare to our love, babe
I apologize for doing so for so long
If poetry is all about comparisons, I’ll change
I’ll re-write those stupid wrongs
381 · Jul 2015
The satellites betray us
In lies told by followers
We choose to believe because
It is all we have ever heard

Sunlight blinded my future
And brought drought to my past
When everyone was certain
There would soon be an overcast

You brought the darkness
The winds and the flood
Not knowing it was essential
Drenching me in water and mud

I danced in your storm's embrace
While you took shelter in my dry spell
We complimented each other perfectly
But the satellites couldn't tell

Your tempest shifted direction
And I was left chasing clouds
You found shelter before the last rainfall
Leaving me shaking and without sound

There are still temporary storms
That roar through my fields
But you no longer need the sunlight
And I am no longer am a shield

Let the followers believe the satellites
I know the truth now
I've rarely been able to write poems as much as I used to. But I hope this one is the one people are able to relate to the most, since it's the most important one I've ever written. Just remember people, everything can get better, no matter what.
Slowly our lips separate
The air heavy with desire
You retreat into darkness
Heat quickly rising higher

My intentions become null
For love and respect alone
Is this act duplicated by him?
Are the same feelings shown?
380 · Apr 2015
Auto-biography in Progress
Ever changing notebooks
To accommodate the various pens
A collection of words to match
But only one person to attend

Is it lonely up on that stage?
Would you rather be on the balcony?
Far away from the center of attention
But never changing distance from me

I have tried to build a life
Out of the only thing I can control
When those fail me, will it be alright?
Will they hold off the torment of our souls?

The fate I have scrawled out for us
Was only on pages like these
If you're writing in a different tone
You never have to get on your knees

Communication is what keeps us alive
It creates unbreakable bonds
Please read me your pages
So our souls will remain strong
I'm trying to stray away from being extremely forward in my poetry, so I tried to be at least somewhat symbolic.
380 · Apr 2016
Just Avoid Me 4/17/16
Let's try to be subtle
About the fuckery that happened here
Except be torn apart by fear

It's obvious only he could fix
Whatever the **** was wrong with you
You didn't give me a ******* chance
To try and be ******* concerned too

You are insecure and emotional
I understand and will accept that
But you know I'm insecure myself
And now I feel like I've fallen flat

When I can't do ANYTHING to help
You know I feel so ******* useless
But look at you now, only listening to him
Shoving my feelings aside into a big mess

I need to accept and cater to your emotions
But you need to do the same for me
Or at least start to
373 · Aug 2016
Safe House 8/11/15
How did you get in here?
Did you tip the bodyguard?
I can't think of anything else
Getting in was supposed to be hard

I had always thought that
If you came back into my life
I would welcome you with open arms
And forget about my emotional strife

But now that you've casually claimed
My memories like they're a priceless object
I'm left to wonder if bringing you back in
Is something I should just learn to accept

The door was locked and sealed
And the fence filled with barbs
So, how did you get back in?
That was supposed to be hard
Pull back
Stop trying
It's not working
You're slowly dying

Wait for her
Focus on your life until then
Your back needs to relax before
You try to bend it backwards again

But don't show frustration
Insecurity or loneliness
She doesn't deserve that treatment
Be just as independent as she is

Make your mind focus on your life
You can still be interested but not clingy
You aren't on the ******* Titanic
Just a low-class and broken down dingy

Wait for her to respond
Even if it's just for new plans
Don't let your mind be the devil
For these idle hands
Usually I'm pretty good with words
But you turn my vocabulary
Into something completely absurd
But not as bad as it could be

Like a fat kid to a piece of chocolate pie
Our lips were bound to touch
But with held hands and locked eyes
The desire was too ******* much

By the way, your lips are soft as hell
There really is no other way to describe them
And where we go from here is hard to tell
But it'll be a lot more fun than before then

(This is the part where I **** up the subtlety of this poem.)
Screams of terror
Slices through the silence
As the free fall
Plays out in sluggish seconds

I need a new upgrade
From this heart inside my torso
One that actually stays put
And doesn't always want to show

I'm falling into the same waters
I worked so hard to escape from
The difference is I can stop this
Change this heart for something numb

The real question is
Why don't I?
Everyone is so scared of me
Of my future
And my past
And everything in between

It's not fair that they get to plant
The single seed
Of their doubt
When I always said I freaking can't

Now my mind is no longer
In the clouds
Above the pressure
And my love growing stronger

No, now it's back to planet earth
Amidst the fear
The continuous struggle
Of questioning our love's worth

I know I jumped in too early
But my love
For everyone here
Is too much for this to be

Just another failure
"Although I'd love to be
While keeping it nice and neat
What's worse?"
Six Gallery
334 · Jul 2016
Recipe 1/17/13
Whenever you're around
There doesn't seem to be enough oxygen
Whenever you're around
The happiness I have breaks through from within

The sun supplies the human race with life
But it spews out the recipe for beauty
I guess you must have created that recipe
Because you are five times more than just a cutie

When you're not around
I'm trying to think of clever stanzas
When you're not around
Everyone but me seems like their at a Quanza

The message I'm trying to send
Is seeming really forced and fake
But, that's because all these emotions I feel
Are way more than I can take

When I try to talk to you
I can't find the right words in my head
But, then I think about it later
And I beat myself for all of the stuff left unsaid

I can usually interpret my thoughts
But, you've made them as dysfunctional as Cleverbot
331 · Sep 2017
Perfidious 4/26/17
My eyes are imaginative
At least the ones in my head
They don't look for anyone else but you
Even the back of my eyelids
Still paint your face with ease
The songs I associated with you
Only use teamwork and build lies to my heart
You see
My emotions are horses
Galloping, grazing, and resting with joy
But always alert to danger
My emotions are never alert
They fall for girls with pretty eyes
Soft voices
Gentle frames
Touches so hot they melt my skin and soul
But my mind keeps the center cold
For when you come back into my life
So it lies to my heart
"They will only break you down"
"They hide their fangs well"
Whipping it back into submission
I want to gallop
To sing and dance
To love again
**** my paranoid and delusional mind
Perfidious: Deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful
I crossed your imaginary line
We both knew was there already
Your precision of dismemberment
Always failed to surprise me

People say duct tape fixes everything
But hatred and regret work even better
My world has been built from failures
That come from every single ******* letter

The devastation
You left my heart in
Clouds my perception
Of forgiveness
Have no idea what this turned into, but I don't want to get rid of it. I know it probably seems like none of these stanzas go together, but I'm lazy.
Every word is a brick
Fortifying the border
I cannot afford but alas
It'll help keep order

Everything in me is screaming
"Don't block us out, fix us instead"
Not realizing this is directed at me
I drain thoughts from my head

These ideas need controlling
Not roped in like a bull
Don't **** it off and leave
Grab the horns and fight the pull

Then maybe this wall
Will crumble and fall

And I might actually be ok
311 · Jan 2017
Froideur 1/23/17
Self-esteem has never been
A strong suit of mine
Either I have too much or not enough
The right definition is hard to find

But I'd rather constantly question
My worth to the rest of the universe
Than struggle with the digestion
That no one wants me to be heard

So I write, I yell, I scream
Rhyme literally everything
And crack jokes so I never take myself seriously

So I never have a case of froideur
Froideur - An attitude of haughty aloofness; cold superiority.
My body is punishing me
For the change in weather
Just like what my mind did
The months after we were together

I rebuilt myself with help
From nothing and everything
But my heart still beats for you
And trust me, it's terrifying

Frustration from this hopeless love
Can never be fully diminished
If there was a blue flame, it's red now
Against everything I've wished

Although I crave a companion
To embark on this treacherous journey
I'll always have your ghost near
So why bother trying to be happy?
So remember when I fell in love with every girl that talked to me? Yeah, **** me for trying to move on and failing. It's a shot in the dark, but if you're reading this Jennifer, I'm always here if you need closure. Because I always will.
Clouds gather and darken
Stretching out over the open water
Full of broken souls and shattered dreams
Without someone to warn them

The wind howls and gains strength
Curling the waves into tsunamis
Sand littered with shards of seashells
Amplify the storm's growing wavelengths

Water licks at your toes and you shiver
Your face sullen with doubts and regrets
The rain pulls you closer to the edge
Screaming out the happiness you couldn't deliver

Before you let the tempest take you
I grab your wrist and part the clouds
The sun shows faintly, inviting peace and serenity
Your eyes dilate but transfix on the view

"I can show you a world where you can be free"
I tell you while I guide you towards the grass
"Let me shield you from this madness, and I swear
I'll fight my whole life for you to be happy"

The rain stops, the wind dies
Flowers bloom and sweeten the air
Our world can be like this forever
As long as I'm yours, and you're mine
My eyelids should feel like anchors
Ready to sink and aid my attempts to sleep
But they are more like open sails
Guiding me to thoughts I shouldn't keep

You don't need me to cause havoc
On the island you call home
It just gets so lonely out here
On the waves of life, alone

But you've nurtured your shelter
To where you have things figured out
My life never changes, but I insist
It's me who's caused that to come about

I'll make sure to stay in the reefs
Littered around your safe haven
And if my boat gets torn to smithereens
I promise I'll drown before I give in

Because you are my friend
Even if just under certain circumstances
So let's tell silly jokes to everyone
Until the wind pulls us apart by great distances
I hate this poem for lack of rhythm and whatnot, but it is a poem nonetheless. I think I might have feelings for a person I met at work, but she has so much stuff going on in her life that I feel like I would get in the way of her plans. But even if it meant losing my job, I give anything to make it a possibility. Anyways, thanks for reading.
290 · Aug 2016
Exchange 1/19/13
Most good things start in the summer
It's the teenager's romantic dream
But, to me
Summer's not all what it's cracked up to be
I'm but a stone's throw away
From what I want most in my world
But, the mood doesn't seem set
And my love has grown bored
I try to entertain it, like I entertain everyone else
I find that
The entertainers can never act serious
You find my poems funny and cheesy
But I'm trying to make them inventive and mysterious
I've grown accustomed to the cold weather
There are too many love birds in the spring
And I hate the warm feelings from the sun
And the loneliness it selfishly brings
I want your warmth, not Helios's
But, only through winter do we need it
I want my breath to exchange with yours
But, only in winter would you see it
If you love summer more than winter
Then I believe I'm at a stalemate
I will learn to love the summer
But, don't expect me to NOT show any hate
For the sun mocks me in the most horrific ways
And that's just in the first phase
Every collection of pixels
Programmed onto the screen
Every line of sulphur
Etched into scraps of dead trees

I still can't make my hands big enough
To grasp the relationships I always crave
My tongue is no match for my hands
And not even the way that I need to behave

I just always left lust behind
In the pursuit of emotional connections
Now this empty bed plagues my dreams
And what's on the nightstand? Rejection

But definitions have become twisted
My love is still compared to the first
And now my throat knows of no other
It always has this ******* thirst

Can lust finally catch up to me?
Is that a bad subject for my pleas?
A perfectly normal birthday poem about ******* my life up by not being a normal guy and being bold enough to be forward and have ***. Yay me.
"Beer. Trucks. ****."
"If you have money
I'll give you what you need."
"My spirit animal is Garfield."
"I'm a juggernaut
In love's battlefield."**

How can you narrow your life down
To 150 characters or less?
I do that every time I write
About how my life is a mess

Structure is what I lack in life
So I maintain it in my art
Does that mean I've grown stale?
Souring people's mouths like tarts?

I haven't had a full meal in weeks
No one else shares my space in the sheets
My love is stretched but still poignant
Can I just hire a ******* clairvoyant?

Have I described enough?
Or am I still chock full of secrets?
Something I'll always regret
Is never knowing that stuff

Dumbing down my English vocabulary
My teachers would be so proud of me
It's hard to tell
If I should feel hatred towards anything
Should I start from the beginning?
Would that help?

Should I be mad towards my parents
For loving one another but apparently not enough?
There are infinite definitions of the emotion love
Who am I to judge their past intent?

Should I be mad towards myself
For halting the progress they both worked towards?
They would both tell me with conviction that those words
Are just bad for my mental health

Should I be mad towards the world
For ******* my life into where I am now?
My happiness has elevated past the highest cloud
My smile never curls downward

Should I be mad towards the past
For constantly occupying my entire thought process?
It never helps to dwell on mistakes and losses
Even if they pile up way too fast

Should I be mad towards the present
For shifting my actions without my permission?
I can't always see today as an inescapable prison
Though it's difficult to live in the moment

Should I be mad towards the future
For making me question and doubt everything?
People have died having that way of thinking
I will too if I continue, I'm sure

I feel the need to have hatred
Towards literally anything I can find
But my life's perfect in my own mind
Clearly, by what you've just read

So what was the point of this?
Probably to bring out my inner neautralness
249 · Dec 2017
Boring Analyzation 12/6/17
Thirty one lines
Is all I need
To satisfy the poet in me
The creative, but repetitive side
That no one needs to see
**** satisfying it
It hasn't helped me cope
With love, loss, and sanity
Or even anger, sadness, and hope
It's only helped itself
My voice doesn't even want to be involved
It just mumbles and mispronounces words
Like a ****
And my heart rate increases
Around any girl it finds viable
For love, loss, and sanity
For what my poet side should have been doing
My overthinking hinders wit
And compliments
Instead to people I barely know
By me just being polite
**** that definition
**** everything about love now
I never knew what it meant
And I've destroyed the word
Burnt it to the ground
By rambling on about the same girl
That I ruined
And who ruined me
Actually, probably only the second part
Although I'm sure I helped her
Have I been enjoying the last 9 years?
Surrounding myself with things I don't need
Like memories of when I was 13 and in love
With the thought of what now disgusts me

I obsessed too much
And then a bit more
About how I'll impress
Every girl I adored

But I latched on too tight
And ****** up my life

Why didn't anyone teach me
How to chill the **** out?
Instead of wanting and not telling
What the hell was that about?
I expected her to read my mind
And not waste 5 years of my life
I can't finish this, I hate it's very existence. Thank my stubbornness to keep everything I write. Or don't, I know it *****.
217 · Jan 2018
Watershed 1/2/18
Always alone|Always alone
Resisting darkness|Embracing happiness
Slowly failing|Slowly succeeding
Same routine|Same routine
No motivation|Constant motivation
Easily frustrated|Hardly frustrated
Not opinionated|Generously opinionated
Steadily destructive|Steadily constructive
Impulse driven|Conservatively planning
Never social|Occasionally social
Constantly anxious|Slightly anxious
Continuously questioning|Never questioning
Sometimes stupid|Sometimes stupid
Too gullible|Not gullible
Wanting change|Accepting change
Needing love|***** love
Craving affection|**** attraction
*Time to be me
204 · Dec 2017
Coverage 10/18/17
I said in the beginning
That I would stay neutral
Lose my voice
My mind
My heart
So no one would hate me
So I wouldn't make mistakes

But I make mistakes every day
And I know at least someone out there hates me
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