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228 · Apr 2015
Paige Apr 2015
Happy spots are rare to find,
but when you do,
claim them as your own.
Paige May 2014
All the things I should have said
are already written down, on this little website. Yet I am just another insignificant url  on the internet.
But maybe if I had given each
just one of the poems they inspired me to write, then maybe it would
be different.
I have never been able to actually say
how I feel correctly. Ever since I was a
little girl with big, pink glasses,
a pen has always been
my voice.
Too bad people can't hear the
sound of someone scratching
their name onto a piece
of paper.
225 · Jul 2014
Paige Jul 2014
I feel so anxious.
My heart is racing,
my mind is overflowing.
I don't know why
because everything is
I should have drank
a beer.
I am smoking
to prevent myself
from pulling out my hair.

I wish I could call
my boyfriend,
but it's 2:27 a.m.

I just felt like I needed
to write.
I know that this
isn't anything profound.
224 · Nov 2014
First snow
Paige Nov 2014
I saw my breath in the air
for the first time this year.
How appropriate that as
the season changes so
does my life.
He is talking to me again.
But I can tell there's a lot he's
not saying.
There's a lot I'm not saying.
I knew this day would come.
We have a relationship
like magnets.
It doesn't matter how far
apart you put them,
a force you can't control
will always bring them
back together.
224 · Mar 2014
Why I made a new account
Paige Mar 2014
I have to start over.
Almost two years
of writing
for nothing.
My heart is broken
in a way,
that those poems
that I poured my
life into
will never be published.
Everything I ever
wrote about Iowa
and my sunshine
is gone.
But I was told that
it was creepy and disturbing.
I can't even express myself
any more.
I don't even know if
I want to any more.
I am officially depressed.
Paige Jul 2014
This week has been
unbelievably bad.
You probably wouldn't believe
me if I told you.
It feels like my life is crumbling
like a sand castle,
and I have no control over what
happens next.
I just want to stop.
Stop moving, stop caring, stop s t o p
But for now,
I'll solve my problem the only way
I know how.
Ignoring it.
When I get home I'm going
to drink that beer in the fridge,
and hope that it doesn't taste
as bitter as today.
221 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
He just sits there quietly
as I am talking away.
I missed you.
Conversations were something
that just happened.
You loved my stories,
and would always chime in
with your own.
We were always talking.
I wanted to know everything
about you,
and I think you wanted to
know everything there is
about me.
221 · Mar 2015
Paige Mar 2015
When your words are
not fair you find yourself
tongue tied.
221 · Feb 2015
The Troubled Mind
Paige Feb 2015
How fascinatingly scary
the troubled mind can be.
She fell in love with one,
so quickly, she thought she
must be crazy.
He was everything she never
thought she wanted.
He was flighty, dangerous,
wreck less, and highly unpredictable.

Every day was a new adventure,
and that was what kept bringing
her back to his bed at two o' clock
in the morning,
wearing his t-shirt and her underwear.

She never got to know how
much he loved her,
or if he even did.

Turns out, she was flighty too
and she ran away,
and locked herself inside with
a bottle of wine,
peeking out the window
looking for his reflection.
After she drank her nights away
with someone else
for more than a couple of weeks,
he was gone.

And she was left to go on
with her days, as though he had
never been a part of them.
And the sad truth is,
now she is the one with the
troubled mind.
219 · Mar 2014
I don't understand
Paige Mar 2014
Today was nothing
like yesterday.
How can it go from
being so great,
to feeling like it's
over in 24 hours?
I don't know what
to do.
What to say,
what to think.
It felt like we were
strangers tonight.
I only need some one to
be nice to me.
To care, and be on
my team for once.
I don't think that's
asking for too much.
But maybe it is.
I don't think I
will ever have a successful
219 · Jun 2014
Paige Jun 2014
It doesn't bother me
anymore that there
have been people who
left my life
without saying good-bye.
The beauty of age, time and space,
is that it can erase all
the pain and worry you
once carried.
I am comfortable with
who I am,
and I'm done apologizing
for being just that.
It's just not worth it
to try and make others happy,
while forgetting about yourself,
to be criticized or drug down
by people who don't
understand what you want
out of life.
So I can count my friends
on one hand,
but at least I'm happy.

I'm not afraid of what
you think anymore.
219 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
Isn't it nice how at the time
when heart break takes place,
we can just sit there playing
Edward 40 hands,
while attempting to give
the world the *******,
because **** it,
we don't need love,
we don't need that person.

But oh, just wait.
In about a month you will
be writhing on the floor in
crying over the last bottle
of wine,
because alcohol doesn't even
numb the pain anymore.
That strong, independent
single woman walked out
of the room awhile ago and now
all that's left is this shell
of a person who can't find a reason
not to call and beg for them back.

And in case you haven't been
to both sides of the table,
there is no winner.
Whether it was your choice
or not, you'll still end up
on the floor, in some random room
in your house,
where nobody ever sits.

But enjoy the "freedom"
while it lasts,
because you'll never be free
from who you are.
218 · Feb 2015
Paige Feb 2015
If I walk out the door,
you should know it doesn't mean
I'm leaving.
It means, I'll be back.
I don't plan on breaking
your heart,
but sometimes I fear
that you'll do just that
to mine.
It won't be because you
leave me,
or cheat on me,
or move far away.
It'll be because you
don't catch up to my dreams.
I have so many hopes
for the future,
and I can't help but worry
that you won't turn out to be
everything that I hoped
you could be.
217 · Mar 2015
Paige Mar 2015
I need to wipe this
smile off my face.
But I can't when it was
created by you.
217 · Jun 2014
Yeah it's pretty negative
Paige Jun 2014
I feel like a very
small fish,
in the world's biggest
I'm so
overwhelmed and it's
taking it's toll,
see the dark circles
underneath my eyes
and whatever this look is
that has been stuck to
my face for weeks.
Working 80 hrs and getting
less than half of that
in sleep has made me into
somebody that I don't like.
I don't even care about
smoking *** anymore,
because I already
look like I'm ****** up.
So much for summer time,
and the beach.
Being an adult *****.
Really bad.
So if you're 17,
I probably hate you,
because I envy
that carefree ignorance
you carry.
Don't grow up.
Go find Peter Pan,
better learn how
to fly,
The breakfast club was
right after all.

When you grow up
*your heart dies
216 · Jul 2014
Just an hour
Paige Jul 2014
I came home from work
and started watching
and then I got a beer.
I drank and I watched.
And then I realized I
needed cigarettes
so I decided to take
a walk because I was
feeling a little tipsy.
On my way to the Village Pantry
it seemed like everyone
was looking at me.
I got my cigarettes
and walked back home.
I passed by a lake
and it was beautiful.
The world looks different
when you're walking.
Then I got home,
and took off my shirt
because the beer made me sweat.
So I took a shower.
I heard the neighbor's dog
barking and prayed that
no one was here,
for me.
The water felt good,
so I stood under the shower
head for awhile,
and debated messaging him,
and telling him how I feel.
Then of course I backed out,
so I grabbed another beer,
and sat back down on the couch,
and I was right back
where I started.
215 · Oct 2014
A few minutes
Paige Oct 2014
I think I saw you
looking at me,
as I hopped out of
my car to pump gas.
I didn't actually think
it was you.
My heart was beating
a million miles an hour.
I wonder if yours was too.
215 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
When I was a little kid,
my idea of what heaven
looks like was the biggest
cloud in the sky.
The ones that had colors
like pink, blue, yellow.
And now that I think about
I've never had a more
beautiful thought.

Tonight I stared at a cloud
that was stunningly pink.
Behind it, the sky
looked like a painting.
Eventually I stared so long
that it turned into a dragon.
And I remembered when
I tripped on mushrooms.

I need to eat some again.
215 · Jul 2014
not fair
Paige Jul 2014
I want to tell him
that it wasn't fair to
finally ask me to be his,
when he knew I was someone else's.
Especially since we both considered
ourselves in the friend zone
with each other,
because I was taken.

I haven't heard from him since
that evening when he asked me if
I wanted to give us a try.

And I said, not right now.

He couldn't be my friend,
because he wanted to be my everything.
Paige Aug 2014
I remember being told to,
watch out and
be careful with him.
He's crazy, he uses people,
He's dangerous, he's wrong.
He never was to me.
Even in his darkest moments
he never put hands on me,
he never tried to take anything
not even a cigarette.
I gave them to him because
sharing is one of my flirting
He never tried to force me
to do anything I didn't want to.
He didn't scare me.
He was nothing like what
anyone said he was.
He was wonderful.
215 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014

214 · Jul 2015
11:05 p.m
Paige Jul 2015
That's okay,
I'll just go to bed
and pretend I
don't think about you.
214 · Jul 2014
Paige Jul 2014
I have tried opening up
to him.
I started telling him about
my trich,
because lately I feel like I
need to talk about it more
than ever.
But I have no one that will listen.
He just sat there silently,
so I assumed he was listening,
but then the subject was changed.
How can a person feel all of these
feelings and deal with all
of these emotions alone.
Tonight he gave me 15 minutes
of his silent time on the phone,
even though we won't communicate
again until tomorrow.

So I guess I will keep talking
to all of you,
in hopes that maybe one of you
is listening..
Just this time.
214 · Dec 2014
Paige Dec 2014
Jealousy is an emotion
that sneaks it's way in
a few days a week.
But I know,
I've got it good because
I have a best friend
who I just happen to be
It's been over a year and
he still makes me laugh,
and let's me know every day
that he loves me.
And every time I fall
he always picks me back up
and makes me smile.

I am lucky.
214 · Sep 2014
A little thinking
Paige Sep 2014
I am not good at being alone.
Probably because,
growing up I always had someone
there with me.
I'm an identical twin.
So it's no wonder i feel
empty when I'm by myself.
I like to think that I'm
but I'm beginning to think
that's not true.
I need someone sitting beside
me in the passenger seat,
and at the movies,
and someone there
to watch shows with me and
help finish bowls.
I need a constant friend.
Paige Aug 2014
I gave myself some
friendly advice,
and said how lucky
I am, I have everything
I've ever wanted.
So why do I want to live
in the past,
when things weren't as
good as they are now.
I am awesome and fun,
and beautiful.
So why do I feel like
I need him to prove it.
I have someone that loves me
like someone is supposed to.
I have a great job and
I'm finally moved out.
I have money and I take care
of myself.
My car runs,
and I've made it really far
on my own.

Today I am proud of myself.
And I'm going to be happy.
214 · Oct 2014
Paige Oct 2014
Sometimes I am angry
that I'm not in love
with my life.
In fact,
I hate it 90% of
the time.
I've always wanted more,
but mostly just
And around here,
finding happiness is like
finding money on the ground.
It doesnt happen very often,
and it never lasts long.
I think somewhere along
the way I lost my grip
and I watched as my life
tumbled out of my hands.
Every day I wake up
and hope that I'm suddenly
just going to catch it again.
So far, no luck.
212 · Jul 2014
Iowa again
Paige Jul 2014
Sometimes when I think
about him it makes me sick
to my stomach.
Like I'm going throw up every
nice word he ever whispered
in my ear.
Sometimes when I think
about him, it makes tears fall
to my hands.
Like every time he touched me
is all being felt in this one moment.
Sometimes when I think
about him it lifts my soul.
Like every time he made me smile
just happened.

Sometimes I think about him.

Sometimes I wonder if he thinks about

211 · Feb 2015
Paige Feb 2015
I'm having what I call,
one of my insomniac nights.
I have no desire to sleep,
and I'm restless and unsatisfied.
But I've had a bad "pull day."
I've lost a lot of hair,
and my anxiety is soaring.
So I'm sitting in the dark,
wishing for a joint or
a beer.
Something to make me feel
any other way,
than this way.
211 · Apr 2015
Paige Apr 2015
Waiting is the worst part.

Waiting to clock in,
to clock out,
for a response.
Waiting for pay day,
to sleep,
to smoke a cigarette,
or a bowl.
Waiting for that minute of
happiness during a day that
feels like it's never going to end,
yeah, that's the worst part.
210 · Jan 2015
Paige Jan 2015
Maybe I do it
on purpose.
But it's for a good reason.
I believe the saying that
goes something like,
distance makes the heart grow fonder.
I can't wait to live with him
But it's nice to have someone miss you.
209 · Mar 2015
While I'm asleep
Paige Mar 2015
I look forward to going to
sleep at night,
because that's when you're there.
I can talk to you,
and be with you.
And for, what is probably
only ten minutes of my life,
it feels real and it feels good.
I know it's sad to look forward
to my dreams and live them
as good as real life feels,
but it's the truth.

I guess I just miss you.
209 · Sep 2014
A blast from the past
Paige Sep 2014
Somebody told me that
I am cool today.
And it was from one of the
last people on earth
that I ever thought I
would hear it from.
It means a lot making amends
with people who you've
had problems with in the
and then connect with
them on a personal level.

Today it feels good to be me.
208 · May 2014
Ho, hey
Paige May 2014
Pause for a second,
and think about
pick one of your
favorite memories.
Maybe it's the same one
that I'm about to share.
It was a perfect summer night,
just the two of us on the roof.
We had spent hours talking,
while your phone
played all the music
we fell in love to.
And then you pulled out your
guitar and asked,
Do you sing?
I was shy when you
began to play,
so you sang the first verse.
And then I joined in.
you were just smiling
at me,
strumming all the
right notes as I
sang into the night.

I belong with you
you belong with me
in my sweet arms.

you kissed me and said,

I heard that song
on the radio tonight,
but it has never sounded
as good
as it did
208 · Jan 2015
First dream
Paige Jan 2015
I rang in the new year
with you all over
my dreams.
I guess,
the boy that I spent
a year wishing I could
is coming with me
in this one.
208 · Sep 2014
A year ago
Paige Sep 2014
I dream a lot about
being taken away from here,
from this 9-5 job,
from car trouble,
and struggling to pay the rent.
I dream a lot about
a boy with tattoos on
his wrist,
and how his fingers used to
hold me so tightly
after he had one too many
drinks, and he tasted like
I dream a lot about a man
who showed me what real love
is like,
and helped me realize
that breakfast is my favorite
meal of the day.
And that coffee fixes everything.

So I guess you could say I
dream a lot about the past,
and I keep hoping that somehow
if I wish hard enough
that I can get it all back..

I just still don't know how I'm
ever supposed to get over last summer.
208 · Dec 2014
Paige Dec 2014
My anxiety is ruling my life
205 · Aug 2014
Paige Aug 2014
I've been thinking too
much this morning.
I am surprised that I even
still believe in love.
Believe that it really exists
and that I could be happy
with one person for
the rest of my life.
Look at my past relationships.
I have been used,
taken advantage of,
and left heart broken at the bottom.
I am beginning to believe
that I'm getting what I deserve.
I used to think I
deserved romance and
constant happiness,
but now I think I'm stuck in
this pattern of bad relationships.
And it scares the **** out of me.
Because I don't want to live
like this for the rest of my time
awake on earth.
204 · Jan 2015
Paige Jan 2015
He said,
I have a surprise.
and then handed me a
He wrote a song about me.
And the hopeless romantic/writer,
in me fell in love all over again.
204 · Nov 2014
The best story ever
Paige Nov 2014
I want a love story like
*When Harry met Sally.
202 · Jun 2014
This isn't a poem
Paige Jun 2014
It's a thank you. I have never felt like I was good at anything until I began writing poetry about 2 years ago. I found this website and I visited every single day. Over time, with encouragement and practice, I feel like I have finally become the writer I want to be. Sadly I deleted my old account, but I couldn't leave. If you like the poems I write, have ever liked one of them, or shared it, thank you thank you thank you. My big dream is to one day publish the poems I write here. So it feels incredible to know that real people have super positive feed back.
Again, thank you for helping me fulfill my dream, and my heart.
201 · May 2014
I feel bad
Paige May 2014
I feel like an *******,
because you're right.
I don't hate you.
Sometimes I just
don't know how to feel
when I think
about us,
because it's almost
been a year since
I met you.
But remember,
I'm crazy :)
I make quick
and my emotions
change even faster.
There is so much
I could tell you.
And there is so much
I want to know.
201 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
There's a photo
that hangs in his
living room.
It's of a little boy
with big brown eyes,
and crazy dark hair,
he's smiling.
I know it's him.
Although I have never
and he has never told me.
As I left today
I realized I have
never seen him that
happy before in my life.
He left all his joy
behind with his childhood.
201 · Jun 2014
When can I be done
Paige Jun 2014
Isn't it ironic how
when you want to be
you can't find an
empty park bench.
But when you need
some one,
all you hear are the crickets.
And everybody's got an
opinion that just ******
you off, about the way
you live your life.  
Doubting that you'll
make it,
you can't do it.
The only time they want
you is when pay day comes,
and their sticky fingers
****** your profit
before you can even
buy a coffee.

How much can a person
take before they
give up?

I'm still figuring it out.
201 · Apr 2014
I'm pretty anxious
Paige Apr 2014
I should be doing
but all I can think
about is you.
It makes me feel guilty,
but dangerously excited.
You are like tripping
without eating anything.
even though I'm sitting down.
You are like dreaming
although I'm awake.
You are my sunshine
on this cloudy day.
And I can't wait
to spend my time
with you,
and escape into
the moment.
201 · Aug 2014
Just see me
Paige Aug 2014
Let me get one thing
If I was to leave him
it wouldn't be because
we don't have *** enough.
It would be because
I don't deserve to feel the
way i do right now.
I deserve someone who
thinks the sun won't rise
tomorrow if I'm not there,
that everything about me
is beautiful,
the way I pull out my hair,
and say my name.
Someone who can't take their
eyes off me even when I'm just
changing my pants in front of him.
I will not settle for
second best,
when I know what
it's like to be someone's
I don't want money,
or to be taken out
on dates,
I just want someone
who can't see anyone
else when I walk in
the room.

My sunshine understands.

So why can't he?
199 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
I feel like
I should be writing.
Like it's something I
need to do.
But at the same time
I have nothing to
write about.
At least that's how
it feels.
I've spent the day
getting high,
listening to music.
Chain smoking.
Not much you can say
about that.
I am tired because
I stayed up late
texting Iowa.
I don't remember
what I dreamed about.
198 · Jul 2014
Paige Jul 2014
I wish I could write
more about being happy.
Because I am.
I'm not sad/depressed
all the time.
It's just hard for me
to write anything that
isn't completely cliche.
But there's a lot that I've been
happy about lately.
My boyfriend,
moving out/more freedom,
the money I make and what
I do with it,
music music MUSIC!
the weather,
the major I picked for College.

I just don't want you to
think I'm just one big sad sack.
Although I am most
of the time.. :)
198 · Sep 2014
Four years
Paige Sep 2014
I have spent so much time
about the day I saw you again.
What I would say,
what I would look like,
what you'd look like.
And it was nothing like the
romantic gestures my mind
But my heart did stop
for a second,
and then start beating
I lost all words and just
stood there looking at you,
Oh my god,
so handsome..
even more than I remember.
And then you were looking at
but I couldn't tell if you
liked what you saw.
This girl that you've talked to
for years..
is she everything you thought?
Does it matter?
It does to me,
because I felt my face
catch on fire,
and my hands started sweating.

I mean, I was a mess.
And I still am.
197 · May 2014
When did this happen
Paige May 2014
As I pulled up
my heart immediately
remembered that
blue Bonaroo bandana,
and that old red car.
He was standing in front
of it,
with the hood up.
I knew he had to see me.
I'd be lying if I said
I didn't care,
when I didn't see his
face light up with a smile,
and his hand waving hello.
I didn't know that
this is how things are.
No longer greeting each other
with a smile, and
its been a long time.
What hurts the most,
is that he lied,
when he told me he'd
always care about me,
because now I am nothing
more than a stranger.
I guess he's just another
cigarette brand that
I can't smoke anymore.
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