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197 · May 2014
When did this happen
Paige May 2014
As I pulled up
my heart immediately
remembered that
blue Bonaroo bandana,
and that old red car.
He was standing in front
of it,
with the hood up.
I knew he had to see me.
I'd be lying if I said
I didn't care,
when I didn't see his
face light up with a smile,
and his hand waving hello.
I didn't know that
this is how things are.
No longer greeting each other
with a smile, and
its been a long time.
What hurts the most,
is that he lied,
when he told me he'd
always care about me,
because now I am nothing
more than a stranger.
I guess he's just another
cigarette brand that
I can't smoke anymore.
196 · Apr 2015
Paige Apr 2015
I want to tell him
some things that I know
aren't fair.
But I feel like it needs to
be said.
Because I don't want
to keep this in until I die.
What do I have to lose?
Should I just keep my mouth

I just took a long break from
this poem.
Everybody loves Raymond is on Tv.
I just don't know what to say.
Because I know what I want.
But just like I have for the past year;
I won't say a word because I know
I shouldn't.
192 · Jul 2014
jumbled together
Paige Jul 2014
This is all too much,
how can one week out of
an entire year feel so **** long.
My hands have hardly left
my hair alone,
and my smile has only made a
brief appearance.
Well what's wrong?
My whole entire life. Its not going as planned,
its not what I want.
I always need money, but I don't want it.
My job is everything I hate.
And I am stuck here.
I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I'm stuck.

I just really need a break from life
for awhile.
192 · Sep 2014
Stuck in love
Paige Sep 2014
I have gotten to that point.
The one with the feelings
that are all too familiar.

The one where I am happier
when I'm not with him.
The one where I am beginning
to feel like I'm staying for him,
not me.
The one where I miss who
I used to be,
and the mind set I had that
protected me from people,
and emotions.
The one where I feel a sense
of freedom when I'm in my
car alone.

I don't know what this means.
Or if I'm just an *******,
or not truly in love.

But I am beginning to feel like
I don't want to live like this
191 · Aug 2014
I am fine
Paige Aug 2014
I'm not going to
give you any more
room in my future book.
I'm not going to let you
be the only thing that
helps me write.
Or makes me happy,
or makes me feel beautiful,
and young and hopeful.
Because I'm all of those
and you haven't been
there the whole time.


I'll be fine.
190 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
Last year I started
taking pictures of the same
spot in the road
as the seasons changed.
Because with a new season
brought new changes
and I just wanted to
hold onto time,
and make it stop
190 · Jul 2014
If only
Paige Jul 2014
If I had known then,
what I know now,
then I would have done things
a lot differently.
If I knew that those days
really wouldn't last forever,
then I never would have left,
I would have always participated.
I would have gotten **** drunk on a Thursday,
even though we had school the next day,
just because,
I would have gone on every
smoke cruise,
every walk to the gas station,
I would have tripped sooner,
been myself sooner,
I would have stopped worrying
about him so much,
and started worrying about them
If I knew then,
what I know now,
then maybe I would still
have friends,
I wouldn't feel like an outcast
in my own home town.
Its stupid,
but I can now accept that
I ****** up the relationships
I had with so many people.
Its my fault.
Its my fault.

If I knew then what I know now,
I wouldn't hate myself so much
Even though it's been over a year, I still can't forgive myself for ruining everything with my friends from High school that I loved more than myself.
189 · Jan 2015
Paige Jan 2015
I think about that conversation
we had so long ago now.
When you told me that you
wanted to apologize and that
I was one of the few people you
wanted to make right with.
You told me you wanted to
start a family,
start a life.
So why didn't you ask me to join you?
When things could've happened.
When I would have said yes.
I don't think I've ever had
someone say to me,
I want to start my life with you.
and mean it.
And the funny thing is,
he was so close.
But it was still not close
187 · Oct 2014
What I need
Paige Oct 2014
I may be indecisive
sometimes and
I don't ever know what
I want to eat.
But I do know that when
it comes to him,
he's all I really want and need.
187 · Mar 2015
For me
Paige Mar 2015
If that wasn't meant for me,
than he had the same experience with
someone else.

I should just delete my Facebook
186 · Jul 2014
Paige Jul 2014
It's sad but it's true.
People are more likely
to pick a side,
than to lend a hand
when some one is falling
I'm empathizing for a friend I have on Facebook. He is going through a break up with a girl he was with for years and has a baby with. And the amount of negativity going towards him bc he's sad is heart breaking to me.
186 · Jul 2014
I don't want it
Paige Jul 2014
Did we miss the moon?
I'd lie in your arms if I could
Such a common pain
Repeats itself again and again

Flowers grow in the springtime and leaves fall from the trees
I've been GONE for so long, you just threw away the keys
I understand it, but I don't want it

I know it so well, you tripped me and I laughed when you fell
This isn't how it should be
I've let you drift so far, from me

But please hold onto the memories
Before we really crash and burn
We've got ourselves so wrapped up that we've forgotten how to learn
I understand it, but I don't want it
I think these lyrics say it better than I could.
For Iowa
184 · Nov 2014
Paige Nov 2014
Sitting in my room in the
listening to Ween,
and checking my phone
every few seconds,
is familar to me.
I know they say,
you shouldn't go back,
you should move forward,
but then how come it feels
so good to sit
and just let yourself believe
for a second that it's all true again.
It was good wasn't it?
I'm afraid of what might
happen if I ever actually
asked him that question.
181 · Jan 2015
Paige Jan 2015
If I haven't written about you, then I didn't love you. I know, because for me, with love brings agony, and like most who spend their nights writing in the dark, it comes easier when it's painful.
181 · Jan 2015
I hate this
Paige Jan 2015
I have to complain a little bit.

These below freezing
icy roads and snow
are the things I fear the most,
and I knew it was coming.
This is why I was pushing so
hard, and not letting it go
when we were fighting about
him getting a job.
Maybe we would have a place
together by now,
or maybe he would be the one
that has to drive every single day,
and run his car to the ground.
I mean, it's been over a year.
And we've only talked about it
a few times.
To be honest, I hate it.
I hate all of this.
176 · Oct 2014
Dream no. 2
Paige Oct 2014
I saw him in my dreams
It happens all the time.
But in this one,
he was standing close behind me
and I turned around to
face him,
unaware of how close we were.
I can remember the thought
that went through my head
as I kissed him.
Even though it's wrong
you'll never get another chance.
He kissed me back but then
turned away.
I think he said something
like, I'm over you.

But I said,
I miss you
175 · Aug 2014
Two things
Paige Aug 2014
I am my worst
My writing will
never be good enough
because I can't
write about things
that make me happy.
I will never be beautiful
enough because I am
missing a patch of hair.
174 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
Even though we're miserable
Sad here,
angry here.
This is where we came

And yet,
somehow we're still here,
so it can't be that bad.
174 · Mar 2014
He doesn't know
Paige Mar 2014
If only he knew that
he is my muse.
I get my best material
out of the things
he says,
what he does,
and who he is.
And I love him for it.
But I am actually so
happy for once.
And just one more kiss
that tastes like beer
and last summer,
isn't worth losing some one
I might spend the rest
of my life with.

But I wish he was happy,
and I wish it was because of me.
174 · Apr 2014
Spend the night
Paige Apr 2014
We drove to work
and went home
But this time we got
to sleep in the
same bed.
We smoked a bowl
while we watched tv,
and then made
love under the covers.
I fell asleep to the
sound of his heart beat.
I wish I could wake up
like that every day,
it was like we were
It was wonderful.
173 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
I know what people say
about distance in a relationship.
If it's a good strong, trusting
relationship, then it'll be okay.
And I just wanna ask that person,
Have you ever tried to maintain
a relationship where you go
from seeing each other every day
to hardly at all?
And did it work out, still with
that person?
No? I don't even need the reason why.
So next time someone says something
about worrying about space,
be kind, but don't lie.
And if you can't tell the truth,
then just don't say anything
at all.
172 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
I wish I could
take a picture
of the you I love
and put it in my
171 · Sep 2014
In all of my dreams
Paige Sep 2014
Recently I have been
able to forget about him
all day long.
Until I finally close my eyes
and fall into a deep sleep.
And then,
there he is.
The main character in all
of my dreams.
The other night we were on
his couch again,
and then he was kissing me.
I remember the way his
hair felt in my fingers.
And last night it was like
I was chasing him,
trying to get closer,
but all I got to see was his face.
I'm going to try to not
read into anything,
because they say when you dream
about someone else it
doesn't "mean" anything..
But I think it does mean
I miss him.
171 · Aug 2014
Paige Aug 2014
I am too tired this morning.
I'm not looking forward to
the 8 hours I have to put in
or going to my childhood
home afterwards so my car
can get diagnosed.
I just want to go to bed.
Maybe I'm in a bad mood.
Maybe it's because I'm sick
of feeling like I'm staying the
night at a friend's house every
time I lay next to him.
Sick of trying to make him
happy when I'm not.
I don't even know what's left
to save anymore,
or if I even care.
At this point I'd rather be alone,
because I am tired of being
let down.
170 · Aug 2014
Love twice
Paige Aug 2014
I know I said I'm  done writing about him, but he was in my dreams
all night.  Even then, we didn't talk or touch but he was always there behind me.
I woke up when I  saw him looking at me,
and for a second as I took my first few breaths of the morning,
I could feel him.
My heart is bleeding, I think I can actually feel it, and it hurts.
Heart break sounds so beautiful,
but it feels like dying.

I know you can love two people at the same time. I know it because I've felt it.
170 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
Sometimes I feel so
****** up,
because I can't get him
out of my head.
It has been so long
since we last spoke,
and even longer since we
were good.
So how come
a year, and a lifetime
of changes later,
can I not get over him?
Hearing his name or
seeing his face still makes
me feel a bit anxious,
because I want to know
how he is.

I mean,
I know that we have wrecked
every chance we could have had,
and I know that he was probably
over me,
before this summer even started.
So what is wrong with me?
168 · Nov 2014
Too much
Paige Nov 2014
My eye ***** can't stop
I feel like I could cry
for days.
It's not all because of
my car dying tonight,
it also has a lot to do with
my whole day and
my whole life.
None of it is going right.
I'm tired of trying.
Of fighting.
I just don't want to do it
167 · Jun 2014
Paige Jun 2014
I'm unhappy
even when
I'm happy.
167 · Mar 2014
Get out
Paige Mar 2014
Sometimes I want
to scream at him
to leave me alone,
although he's no where
Sometimes I wish
I had never turned
to him with my problems,
and that he was there
to catch me.
Sometimes I really
wish I could just delete
him from my life,
And not worry every day,
wondering if he's dead,
and what could have been.
I want to tell him
how much he terrifies me.
He's unstable, and
so am I.
But he is crazier
than me,
and how do you
catch the wind?
Sometimes I hate him
for coming into my
life and changing it.
166 · Jun 2014
When it rains..
Paige Jun 2014
I hate to only talk
about you,
when I'm sure you
wanna hear about me.
But, I can't ignore
that old familiar feeling,
just as the rain slows down,
and the right song
plays on the radio.
I swear,
it's like you're there
beside me.
165 · Apr 2014
Love love love
Paige Apr 2014
I miss my
I wish we could
just live together
so we never have to
be apart.
I want to spend the
rest of my days
with him,
have babies that
inherit his smile,
and take his last name
as mine.
I'm so in love,
I'm blind,
and all I want
are his arms around me.


164 · Jul 2014
The dream
Paige Jul 2014
The big dream is to
one day publish a book
of my poetry.
Not for money, or fame,
but for me.
It may not be on the horizon
but I have no doubt
that one day you may
be reading this,
written in ink
on a crisp white page,
with my name on the cover.
But until the day that
my little book is sitting among
the greats,
I will keep writing, practicing,
suffering, smiling,
and trying.
162 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
I don't think,
that ever before this time
in our lives,
that it was so hard to get
people to feel passion,
and express it.
Whether it's anger or happiness,
people would find a way
to be open about it.
It's not about just voicing your
opinion on topics,
it's about living hard,
feeling strongly,
loving passionately.
Nobody feels anymore,
and those of us that do have
been turned into aliens for feeling,
feelings loudly.

Because we are alive.
158 · Mar 2014
Is it over
Paige Mar 2014
It's not that I'm
afraid I won't
find anyone else,
it's that I don't
want to.
I wanted us to
work out so bad.
I've tried so hard.
But I need to move on.
I'm done, I need to be.
I need to be.
But I love him.
158 · Jun 2014
The greatest gift
Paige Jun 2014
I would do anything
to catch a glimpse.

I hope that I get
to keep trying for
the rest of my life,

to make you smile.
157 · Jul 2014
It is okay
Paige Jul 2014
I think I am coming to
on my own,
that it is okay that I still
feel love for him, that I still care,
even if I never find out if he does too.
We were more than just a few months.
We were best friends,
we were all each other had at that time.
I loved him for exactly who he was,
and he loved me, for me.
My heart will always want him
to be happy, to have peace.
And that's okay.
It is okay to care about someone.
I need to remember this, so I can stop
wondering why why why.
152 · Jul 2014
the best
Paige Jul 2014
It's when I think I'm at my best,
and everything is going great
when I finally realize it's really not.
152 · Jun 2014
I'm sorry
Paige Jun 2014
I'm sorry,
if this breaks your heart,
although I hope it doesn't.
But I have to be honest.
When we kissed,
I didn't feel anything,
except guilt.
But in a way,
I'm glad it happened.
I think I can stop
wondering what could
have been.
We both have too much
to lose.
I felt bad that I
couldn't tell my boyfriend
that I saw you that night,
because I knew it
could ruin this great
thing I have going.
We are both better
people than that.
And I hate lying.
After I left,
I realized I really
am in love,

but it was him

that I was so afraid

of losing.
148 · May 2014
You are my sunshine
Paige May 2014
I thought of you today.
I can't even describe
what it felt like.
It was as though
I saw you,
and we talked to
each other the way
we used to.
I felt like I did
when you loved me.
So I cried my
eyes out as
Lying eyes
by The Eagles played
while I drove home
with forgotten tears
in my eyes.
What I would give
to just simply
talk to you again,
is more then what I
could ever offer.
147 · Apr 2014
My rhyme for him
Paige Apr 2014
I tried my best.
To save you from
your past.
But there's only so
much I can do,
and it never lasts.
So I take back
that kiss,
and the rest of
my heart.
I have to accept that
we will always fall apart.
136 · Apr 2014
What would I do
Paige Apr 2014
I have never
considered what I
would do if you
wanted me back.
I never thought you
would keep that
promise you made
so many months ago.
I can't say what my decision
would be,
I think I would just
let my heart decide.
131 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
Life is unfair huh?
yeah, only if you
let it be.
And I'm sick of
thinking that way.
I'm done making excuses,
and settling.
I am going to
be happy,
whether that means
he's a part of that
or not.
130 · May 2014
What I need
Paige May 2014
This isn't how I wanted
the day to go.
I needed him to
save me from
and hold me all
night long.
I need his love
to keep me sane,
to keep me alive,
to keep me happy.
I need him.
Paige Mar 2014
He's drinking again.
He is receding,
and lost in his
own damaged
and out of his mind.
He had a light
when I saw him
for the first time,
but it has gone out,
the rooms are dark
and he is gone again.
But I still knock
on every door and window
begging to let me in.
Because even though
he's bad for me,
he is the most real
thing in my life
and even if his
soul leaves this earth,
this connection
will never end,
he will never leave
my heart.
130 · Apr 2014
My love
Paige Apr 2014
I know that
I have found
the one that will
love me forever
if I let him.
He told me that
he missed me so much
that he woke up
in the middle of
night and started
talking to me
because he
forgot that I wasn't
there beside him.
I am so in love
106 · Mar 2014
Paige Mar 2014
I cant write today.
I ****.

— The End —