Trivandrum, Kerala, India There are times when there is no poetry in me.
Such times always come and go.
I see things welling up in me and then draining out... 40 followers / 1.7k words
All day up the hill on wobbly legs we climbed to reach the Elephant Rock and crawl our way to the top at sunset to look down the final ledge into an eagle's nest!
A hundred crows flutter, in a cawing, cawing, flutter—they wing up and down and up and down and round the crow, vacant-eyed, shiny-feathered, lying on the tarred road, under the sun, after a hit and run on the highway.
Flowers mesmerised by their glow aloft the tree do have vertigo.
A flower, lowly perched, mesmerises my grandchild, chasing... a blue butterfly.
It is often quite windy in the quiet suburb where I live. My grandson Kunhoottan is 21 months old. We spend much time daily exploring the surroundings.
dont you think to believe in something is to take a position? is it possible to take no position at all..? you neither believe nor disbelieve in anything. dont you think there is something different happening in that totally blank space?