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i dont want to know you more than i do
u know nothing about me
idk why this is so hard for me
U don’t know how to feel for another person it’s all self pity and a sickness in your stomach that you don’t want to feel anymore
god is just a memory where you need her to be
i love you sorry about all this mess
idk if i can take this anymore
u ask someone please tell me the truth
they lie to you
and thats all there is
starting to believe in none of this is real
already dead u just dont feel it yet
i dont trust you or anyone
u abandoned me at the darkest time in my life and for that i will never forgive you i always was there for you
done giving my whole self to people that dont deserve it
reminding myself that every door I open is also an exit
change your password
keep to yourself
done trying im here now but you are not ready
I dont trust anyone
maybe i already turned away what i needed
begins to feel how everything begins to feel

is there anything else
A sphere that no one can penetrate
i still dont trust you
something isnt right
******* for using me
past life
reunited love
nothing else
even when im together im alone
no one sees this like i see this
a woman riding the beast
week 1 constant intense ***
week 2 slightly dimished
week three effort dissapears
conversation changes
everyone else is of higher importance
because u have alreay overcame the challenges and claimed what you fought for
texts dissapear
*** dissapears
except for in the movie in their eyes everytime another challenge walks by
and u are alone now together
dreaming of sleeping with other people
for the rest of your life
i am the master of the monotonous
and distance hardens the exclamation
nothing is returning nothing is never ending
there are no eyes that can see what is needed
neadrathal, white club dragging black ink through cantankerous white leaves, love is an iv,
long refuted poison of a debutants dream, it just blankets u while you sleep
and walk away
blank down colorless empty streets
I can read your mind
You can read mine
What you built is not what you needed
And I’m still watching over your building
real love does not exist
no one will ever see u how u want to be seen
people need what is not given to them freely
when they recieve it everything else diminishes into nothing and a relationship is born
nothing alive is breathing
i see u just slide by
like nothing ever happend
like years never happend
like i never showed u life when you were empty
like u never took from me any chance of living right
both of you really ****** me and u know i never deserved it
i know things i cant tell u
if i tell u its on me and
i will never let it be that way
how is dark and where is god
approaching the end
all i want is real love ever since i can remember everything else  is a byproduct of trying to find this nothing else has ever mattered
u dont even know me
or make the effort
it all changes in the morning
what i was is gone
u need to embrace reality
i showed u sylvia plath for her head in the oven
not her words i youtubed hunter s thompson for the ashes in a cannon not the drug use
starting to believe love does not exist
i really dont think this will work
what is the purpose of anything
with everything that is dying
why can no one be transparent
even when things are so obvious
everyone can love and respect you in the world and it means nothing if the one you want too doesnt see it
terminally sad
in unending repair
never meant to feel happiness
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