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 Jul 2013 Once An Angel
I found no comfort
Cradled in Mother’s arms
And I never believed Father
Could protect me from all harm…

So I should have seen it coming
A world without love
Empty of compassion, void of mercy
False faith in gods above…

Faceless now, nowhere now
Is my loveless yesteryears
Abandoned as the stepchild
Who pretends to disappear…

I found no comfort in
Studying ancient words
It all adds up to trusting in
Stories so absurd…

So take me now, wash me now
There’s nowhere now for these pieces that won’t fit
Force a square peg of logic in a round hole of superstition
And brokenness is what you’ll get…
Running away , running away
Running away , running away

Where am I running ..........?
To the place where there is no Pain

Where am I  running ..........?
To the road where there is no humps

Where am I running.......... ?
To the place where there is clear vision

Standing at the edge of a Cliff
thinking how to cross it !!!!!

Wild Animals , Floods , Thick Forest
Uncivilized people , Desert Land , Corrupted  Cities
Hard Manner , Selfish Nature ,
Troubled River , are there
Far across the Cliff
Can see a Child riding a White Horse
No Fear or Troubled heart What the Future will be ,
a Beautiful Rainbow , No pain in that land
T want to go there , I want to go there


Suddenly a second thought is coming ,Realizing
What am I doing ...........?
Why am I running away ........?
Will this pessimist thinking help me .....?
If I go !!! Will this make  me happy forever ...?

Now I am thinking to go back
face the Challenges that comes across
I have the Potential , to change my thinking
To change the Place where I am
Just as beyond across the cliff

Will Sleep in peace now
 Jul 2013 Once An Angel
Feeling really depressed
I'm running out of breath
I'm always second best
And it's getting to my head.
I always say I'd rather be dead
And I've never said something that I never meant

I'm the one who gets abandoned when something better comes along
People use me for entertainment, and no, I don't think that's wrong
That's all I am, something to use
This poem has me in my feelings, making me blue
Crying, because who am I to you?
Just one of those many toys from which you get to pick and choose?
I'm a fool,

Thinking you actually care
Telling me you love me? Don't you dare.
I've been hurt badly enough not to believe that ****
It's like my heart's a puzzle, and there are pieces amiss

It's like my heart is spilling on these pages as I write this poem,
It's been quite a while since I've truly felt "at home".
I feel like a stranger in a foreign land
I say I can save myself, but I don't really think I can
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