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Jun 2016 · 413
one step forward and one back
is the way to your destruction
my mother says
she preached and cried and yelled just to get the message through my heardrums
am i dreaming?
worries was her rights
Jun 2016 · 399
will you listen?
dead corpses whispering into your ears
trying to tell you their stories
from alive to forgotton
will you listen?
your words are like fake gold to their souls
will you listen?
your voice are a sin to their worlds
just listen don't talk
will you listen?
Jun 2016 · 393
When her eyes are like the hudson river or when her lips were a diversion of her words spoken
Or when her hair was pushed up like a barbie doll
but i never knew it was the end
my heart was broken ,my tears felt like blood dripping down my cheeks
I was alone
thinking the end is near ,saying main friends i give up
my memories is as new as my hairstyle
am starting anew and i don't want you or need you
because i am not making the end i am moving on like you
Dec 2015 · 904
Where do i start from?
Everyday i fall and the next day i rise
Before i was calm shy and don't even know the meaning of the word willed from starter now i am aggressive can be be sweet and kind strong willed and imaginative
what changed and why?
Everyday i make myself strong minded and i try my best to fit in but not anymore
I survived every bullying everyday and neglection
why? but am fine
Don't underestimate me
I don't surrender i toughten up
Everyday that why i am very happy on the outside
But inside i have a story
It is about me
Dec 2015 · 682
Just because i am black
Black written bold on my forehead like a tattoo
Agun pointed by the side of my head
Just because i am black
I am black so my punishment is that i must stand up for other race to sit down like they are the ruler just because i am black
We surround ourself with our own kind
We work as a slave to other race well anyways that is the olden times
Just to earn money for our children but we don't complain do we?
Sometimes i think that our identities are nothing to other race
Inspired by the olden times
Aug 2015 · 489
Tears dripping down their eyes
Corpse on the ground, people crying and shouting and shouting and i don't know why just clueless.
When you see the corpse on the ground lying cold and the question that comes out of the their mind is, Is he coming back?
And the memories just makes the water from their eyes flow like waterfall and rolling pins
But the actually question that comes from their mind is , Is he actually coming back?
Silence is what they get as a reply or is his memories going to stay with us?
Pain was written bold on the parents forehead for rituals.
His nose was covered in cotton buds, punishment for leaving his parents in old age.
Sometimes people wondered what was the reason of his death was cancer, ***, diabetes  or was he murdered?
Or who is going to take responsibility of his children that he left behind, His old aged parents who are likely to die soon or his friends who are nowhere to be found?
Their mother is gone now the man made the children an orphan.
Jun 2015 · 391
Your lips is a diversion of your words your spoken spoken
your hair are like lullaby strings across my heardrums
Your eyes is like the oceans of the never ending planet just glowing, unique
Your hands are like cushions soft ,comfortable and beautiful
Jun 2015 · 691
My names means
My name means strong willed
the strongness that keeps me safe and protected
People say my name is *** *** but i don't think so
they give me names that has the meaning of nothing
but i want to be unique different from the rest
My name means the equation of addition that keeps me invovled
My name means wealth surrounds me and when i look around me i see nothing but black and white environment
My name that has been changed from wealth surround me to god to me now it is my middle name
My name means emotion that was given to me from my grandmother  alive but not forgotten
My name means
Jun 2015 · 412
I will stand up until my legs are paralysed
I will shout out to the every last breathe that i own in my body
I will fight as long as i want until people are tired and they had enough
I will conquer my fears and stand up like a stick with strong backbones
I will give people a benefitting reply until my blood is hot and red
I will live everyday like my last
I will write my words in rhyme and walk on the stairs of hope that is already broken
I will dance along to music of sorrow but i will survive
I will kiss my dreams and say hello to my present
I will my determination as my closest friend
                                  I WILL
Mar 2015 · 517
You nurture my blood and filled it with contents from the sky
When I undress my skin it is not in danger it is in alienation  it is reality
The interviewer asked if I neglected why little Richard provoked one black emptiness #Your final silence in middle school was Kenny G's lawlessness
When you lose a moon it blinds like trayvon
But the moon is like a piece of your body removed called decoded
Mar 2015 · 301
The voice that encourage you to jump height of despair
The voice that echoes in your head that you have to focus and jump
The voice that helps you even though
The voice that says get set ready and go no more turning back no more failure just try your best
The voice that makes you laugh until you became  breathless and makes you cry but their shoulders are always free where you can lie your head  on
The voice that says come on you can do it either you are good or not
The voice that supports you in everything whether it is good or not
it is the voice I hear
The voice that shouts out of its own breathe to make you learn one lesson that you are unique
My team is my voice who is your voice
Mar 2015 · 544
My face is my map
The map of Jigalong written on my forehead
crises after crises
countries after countries
back and forth from other countries to mine
Walking like a never ending cycle
The wrinkles on my face and my white hair that whitens like snowflakes
My dark chocolate skin that melts like butter kept under the sun for too long
My face is my map
The silence of the cold weather and the rolling weights that goes in unison .
The rain drops that goes on my wrinkles is like bomb shell stuck on my face forever
The only thing left is my frown and a rough journey ahead of me
Inspired by an old man from Jigalong an he  walked in his life from different countries and how he might have felt
Feb 2015 · 370
When you see me
you think am a rude girl
When you see me
you say my name rhymes with bummster
When you see me
You ask me why is there dots on my lips and a mark on my forehead
When you see me
you think am annoying and poor just because I can't afford a lebara scratch card or because I talk to you in the wrong time
When you see me
You think I need help because of my anger
When you see me
You think I am  ugly just because I am black and fat
But what do you see if you look a little deeper
Will you see a rude girl instead of a nice one or will you see anger instead of frustration or you think the dots on the lips mean I am cursed
Whatever you say but do you think I would be broken
This is  my English poem and I hope you all like because it has lots of feeling kept in it
Feb 2015 · 381
My form class
Everyday in the early morning
My form class gathers into the classroom until our teacher comes his  name is called Mr Davis
My form class
Making noises and having fun, we sometimes even bring out  our phones and headphones
We sometimes even use our teacher's computer to watch films
My form class
Is the funniest place for me to me
Reading for an hour in silent

People whispering books flipping back and front
I don't know when it is going to stop
People  with their cold cough spreading microbes
People clicking their pens up and down
                       so disturbing!
   Reading for an hour in silent
People opening and closing the door just to go somewhere all the time same person
People disturbing the class making insensible noises and reading loud
                so annoying !
Reading for an hour in silent
          is what it is like in my
        English class set 3
Jan 2015 · 359
My family sitting down as I was in pain
doing nothing staring instead of helping
Me in pain hoping my family could understand my pains
My family speaking when their mouth is full with food, coming out from their mouth
as I take a deep breathe in hoping the food doesn't come into my face
My family telling me off comparing me with my friends as my eyes filled tears when I get to my room
My family me insane because I fight in school instead of taking my side when it wasn't even my fault
My family waking me up just to get me to school on time sometimes beat me up to wake me up
My family is my
Jan 2015 · 464
I hate you when you are  not there when I need you
I hate you when you leave me like a child with no memories or knowledge
I hate you when you allow me to go to a school where I don't belong
I hate when your soul rise to the death of despair into a dark shadow
I hate you when you boss me around to do this and that every time you come from work
I hate you when
you are not around
Jan 2015 · 4.6k
Addiction, that says continue in your brain
Addiction, that tells you it can't do you no harm
Addiction that makes you happy on the outside but destroys you on the inside
Addiction that gives you an option of either you live or die
Addiction that gets you in trouble and then you get use to it
Addiction that says don't worry nobody is gonna tell you off
But do you know how much your addiction can  cost you
is your life
when your family warned you
you never listened to their words all you could hear was people thoughts echoing in your ears
Stop right there we are here for me
Jan 2015 · 746
Headaches, Headaches
that feels like a pain that can never be cured
That feels like a battle going on in your brain
That feels like your life is about to end no peace just sorrow
That never be cured when you just use paracetamol
you either cure it or no hope just expectation
Mi Familia
Somos los nigerianos
En mi familia tratamos a los demás como hermanos y hermanas no como primos
Mi Familia es divertido y es divertida
Mi Familia es quelquefois grosero especialmente a mi Madre y mi tia'
Mi Familia
Mi Familia es una familia enorme porque mi abuela tiene cuatro hijos dos de ellos es mi madre y mi tia'.
En mi familia es duro ser mayor a dos primos
En mi familia comemos comida nigeriana
Mi Familia es mi orgullo porque somos un equipo
Inspiration about
my family
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Let it go when  u have nothing to lose
Let it go when u are in pain
Let it go if u think your life is about to end
Let it go you are only depending on your parents
Let it go when you come from an adventure and you want to rest
Let it go life isn't about losing
Let it go  u know life is not about happy ending
let it go it is not that u are a coward
Let it go so u can meet Demi Lovato
Let it go because if u don't
You won't have a future to hold on to
Inspired by let it go song and some of them are my family and my future.
Dec 2014 · 758
Her name is Ms Perry
In the world it is rare to find someone like her
she teaches poetry
but remember her name is Ms Perry
she is soft and nice like those nice sweet that you find in the shop
some of them are sour but still we children enjoy them
Her name is Ms Perry
I love her smile she is fun and funny also beautiful that makes my day
Everyday I hope to see her in my English class
But remember her name is Ms Perry
she is a poet, Her full name is Sarah Perry
That is a name I will remember
Her name is Ms Perry
Remember that name Sarah Perry
because there is no one like her.
Dec 2014 · 892
Detention, for 30 minutes all you can hear is people passing by making noises
and the next minutes you can hear nothing just the time ticking by tick tuck tick tuck and silence at last
Teachers walking by with their heels making noises
and then you hear banged doors open
then closed when the time keeps on passing by you don't notice
Teachers typing and clicking and it becomes more annoying
Detention for 30 minutes
no phone, no tablet not even an electric devices
The last time you wanna do is sigh
Detention for 30 minutes
is pain  on silence!
Dec 2014 · 2.2k
I wake up in the morning at 06:30am
past or not in the winter
it in the morning
Then I go to the toilet washing away all my intestines
It is my daily  routine
Take all my clothes off looking at my goose bumps it still my daily routine
Going into the bathroom then brushing away my germs in my teeth
it still my daily routine
Taking my bath cleaning away my pain after dressing and creaming
next am dressed ready to take a 242 bus to school
the next thing I know am late
My daily routine is pain!
Dec 2014 · 405
Eyes are like roses
feeling cold as if her life is about to end
past memories coming back as her worst nightmare
veins popping out of her hand like she has been neglected
Her random stranger self as a stranger without no memory
Gone mad as red water drip down her chin
Random pains going and coming she doesn't know when like, random
headache come her eyes are red forcing herself to cry.
Random is
her blood
Got inspiration from crying after getting hurt
and my eyes were red
Dec 2014 · 15.2k
She was a transgender scared to go around people in her school hoping they wouldn't run away from her cause now she has a different face on
Ever since she started in high school after getting influenced by one which wasn't her fault just her emotions got carried away.
Every time she goes to school she remains lonely like a person that is new to the school.
When she tries to confront her feeling to her friends thinking "how couldn't be my friend I regret ever meeting her" as she run rapidly also thinking" she is going to assault me like the rest"
When she goes to class people start sticking a post-it note behind her back saying "I want you for personal gain"
Teachers has also been thinking of expelling her from school .
                                           Transgender is
                                                   life threaten.
Dec 2014 · 338
Love is true
love is comfort that kisses you goodnight
love is a betrayer that betrays you every time
Love is the ultimate power that keeps you strong and together
Love is  something u can't say but express with your heart
Love is something that can never be bought
Do you know what love is not
A Hater
Dec 2014 · 502
Down the alleyway street dark like the day just finished too early at 4:30 in the evening.
My friend missed out school to find attacks that are impossible to happen
Lost Love are missing from the heart attack,
like the lung stopped while the clock was ticking by tick tuck and stopped
Deep emotions that went down deeply through their veins like electric shock.
Heart attacks road is not ending, people froze like hard ice that stood there breathless.
Heart attacks are attacks that are not meant for you to fight alone.
Pain and sorrow when the time struck 10:00pm and all you can hear is time ticking by like time travel and the monitor of the patient beeping beep! beep!
As you take the last breathe and you are gone then tears dripping down your chin like pearls.
Heart Attack is like
Thunder Striking!
My inspiration was people dying of heart attacks and how their family member must be feeling I know this because someone of my own died on heart attack

— The End —