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Ocean Blue Jul 2015
I want you to know
That you are here
In my mind,
In my thoughts,
Every single day
Deep, so deep inside my heart,
My fortress,
Your territory.
I want you to know
That, like a rock breaking the waves,
Firm I will stand
And wait
Until you... (I don't know what)
Not so clairvoyant,
You ignore what I said:
I always keep my rare promises.
None of them ever gets lost (modesty)
Don't underestimate my patience,
My Love.
Ocean Blue Apr 2015
Dreaming of you throughout the day,
Meeting your smile in every rainbow,
Looking at pics of you last May,
Catching your voice in each echo,
Watching the news of where you live,
Searching for you after you leave,
Behind each word, each poem,
Was it you ? And the message you chose,
Where I read Je t'aime
Maybe you mean someone close?
Counting in years,
Before our paths meet again,
Because you know
Against time I never complain.
And of course, my heart,
Oh for you never stops to beat and hurt.
So, Darling, please
You tell me... if this is not Love,
What it is.*

Definitely somewhere between longing and slavery...
Ocean Blue Apr 2015
On this special day,
I know
You can feel
Across the ocean,
How much
I pray for you.
Just like
And tomorrow
And the day after tomorrow,

God bless you
Ocean Blue Apr 2015
5774 days ago,
You appeared in my night,
365 days ago,
You came back within sight,
122 days ago,
Suddenly you chose to escape,
Leaving me alone
With memories to reshape.
Now I sit
Next to the old olive tree,
Counting its rings,
One, two, three...
You know how
I'm patient
And life has shown,
So resilient.
One day, maybe
You'll send a sign
And again,
Let our hearts entwine.*

  Mar 2015 Ocean Blue
I'm still unable to see your view of me
from your ocean blue eyes
you say it's a sight to see forever
your love, never disguised

I stumble in confusion
as to why you see me the way you do
It breaks my heart and mends me
to feel this love between me and you

You're the only one to love me this way
forever keep me in your sights
never let us lose this love we share
that I see deep in your ocean blue eyes
for my husband  x
Ocean Blue Mar 2015
... What is in my heart,
You would be surprised
By the pace of its beats,
Whenever I long for you,
Morning, and evening too.
And if you knew
How often I think of you,
Most likely
My love you would reject
And, once again,
Alas, we do not control love...
Ocean Blue Mar 2015
I survived:
My father's death, who left too early,
My mother's trip to the land of forever fog,
The loss of a child,
A few years in the Pool,
Swimming with gentle crocodiles,
The mountain trail somewhere East,
An angry crowd in Musutiste,
On the same day, the shelling in Studencane,
A few disappointments,
One recent betrayal,
And the black cloud nightmares.

I will survive:
The daily headache,
The selection at the Academy
The fading love,
The obsessive longing for Someone,
Yes, I will survive
It all.

So help me God.
Musutiste and Studencane on February 20th, 1999:
twice on that day, God decided it was not due time for me.
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