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Words aren't enough
I'm silently drawn
by your invisible touch
as if your soul has wings
and it could reach me
fly to me, from distances
near and far. You are,
a gently blowing breeze.
Oh how you captivate me
fascinate me, satisfy my
never ending curiosities.
An unsuspecting suitor
Come to me, wild as nights
fierce melting sky
Melt with me, into the sand
into the darkness
Laugh with me, oh laugh
till the moon says goodnight
Hold me, oh hold me tight
Kiss away those sorrows,
as the sun begins to rise
I saw infinity when I
looked into those eyes.
I  swear I saw life itself form,
when those lips parted with a smile
Come with me love, won't you just stay a while?
© 2013 Christina Jackson
I doubt I will ever forget
The note you left me
On the day you walked out that door
I'm going to find a new world under the ocean
Somebody once told me there are ghost towns there
Do not mourn my departure, for I am happy now

With that, you married yourself to the Thames
Leaving me with a hole in my heart
For all of eternity
 Mar 2013 Olivia Amelia
Cam E
i like to think that i’m content

but i am completely out of my comfort zone

with nowhere to go but here
The light of dawn grew,
into my hands and the lines in the corners of my eyes..
and it was soft and sad all at once
because it was upon awakening that i’d remember you always.
And it was you,
clumsily smiling and looking at me with those eyes that shot through my heart like daggers.
And it was you,
who taught me that flowers could grow in my darkest garden corner
and i,
slowly rocking,
came to be still and safe.
And as the light filtered through my curtains at 6 am
I wondered if you were out there,
watching the light come through your curtains,
Jane stood
in a field of kale
waist high
gazing toward

the Downs
you stood beside her
your hands
just touching

fingers feeling
cows nearby mooing
we’ll have to go up there

in the summer holidays
she said
take a picnic
mum’ll pack

it for us
she likes you
you gazed at her
sideways on

her dark hair
tied with ribbon
her grey coat
buttoned to the neck

coming to her knees
that’ll be good
you said
I went with my dad

way over one day
while he was working
amongst the trees
and I found small skeletons

amongst the fallen leaves
don’t what it was of though  
probably a squirrel
Jane said

or rabbit
did it look like
it could have been
a rabbit?

no idea
you said
it was small
could have been

a squirrel I guess
I put it in a glass tank
along with chalk rocks
with sea fossils inside

she nodded and smiled
she held your hand tighter
and she drew you
though the kale

toward the edge
of the field
where cows
were eating

the fenced off
kale crop  
and you walked
onto the dusty road

between hedgerows
and down the lane
by your cottage
the lane narrow

the hedges full of birds
and song
and you sensed
her hand in yours

her fingers thin
entwined with your fingers  
and on you walked
by the small stream

at the side
the smell
of the farm
in the air

the cows
and hay
and she there
beside you

her hand
and your hand
her coat sleeve
brushing against

your arm
her eyes
full of dark beauty
her lips slightly open

no words just breath
on the air
and you feeling
that joy of just

being alive
and being there.
I have to say I like these hours of morning best,
When the sunlight pours in the cracks of
the open window beside your open bed,
When you’re still lost in the lands of dreams…

There’s a faint happiness in your face,
Eyes closed, you have escaped awareness,
Which I consider your biggest burden,
& I’m happy to see you relieved of this

Sure enough, given enough dawn light
you’ll return to your familiar scenes,
Wake up to put on the clothes you wear,
like armor, like a shield to make you stable

You don’t have to be like that with me,
I’ll take you the way you are, preferring
the vulnerability & hope in your nakedness,
In my own dreams, I hope to see yours

I have to say I like these hours of morning best,
When you slip in & out of the here & now
I’ll rub the sleep from your sullen eyes,
I’ll put my kisses & hands on your body

Hoping to keep you in only the places,
Just the spaces, where you can be free.
 Mar 2013 Olivia Amelia
I've learned to submerge
in sparse droplets of
your scent and skin

I let them melt on my tongue
so that they may sustain
my body for months

I will bathe in this for a moment
but your fresh wet scent
will linger

and I refuse to quench this thirst

though I know I'm going to drown.
Work in progress, what do you think of it.
 Mar 2013 Olivia Amelia
The crashing waves roar
And the stormy winds blow,
The tide drowning out
And becoming low.

The sunset peaks
From across the sky
As the dolphins jump
And leap so high.

A woman emerges-
More like half woman, half fish.
She helds a seashell close to her heart
And makes a wish.

"Oh let my father see I belong
In the shore, not the sea."
She whimpers a cry
And whispers her plea.

The waves are roaring
And lightning strikes,
Signaling King Triton's arrival.
He has come forth to fight.

The mermaid cries
And starts back into the sea,
Where her father thinks
Is the right place to be.

She wants to be human,
That is her only wish.
If only her father would see
And grant her the gift.

She wants legs
To roam free,
But all she will be is a mermaid,
Lost at sea.
I actually really like this poem.
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