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983 · Mar 2018
olang phesto Mar 2018
I knew the moment I saw your face that I will find the real me only if I have your heart for ever
Stole my heart then I stole yours
I look at myself in the mirror all I see is us
Sometimes when I am mad I act weird, I don’t call, and I don’t text and when u call I hang up
But deep inside I know I am wrong, I should pick them I should text, should call.
To me u are an angel, u embraced me when every one else was busy judging showed me the right path
And every time my phone rings I always hope it’s you
Crazy, freak and stupid they can call me because of you only.
We converse till late in the night but still can’t get enough of each other
You and my poetry are the only thing that I commit to
Remember those first days when we took late weird walks along the river banks like freaks
Kissing, caressing chatting enjoying the breeze
The sounds we hear was our hearts beating, the water rushing through the rocks we call “guu”
The feeling inside our hearts was splendid
Even the skies were happy we finally met
And the dazzling moon shined bright we my lips met yours
Sometimes when I have a bad day and my spirit is low
And my life seems like a dark tunnel
But when I hear your voice and I smile for the acquittal
You will be my last
I know we will everlast.
And if you ever leave u will still find me in this love that u left me in.
and if you never come back i wont forgive myself for letting you go.
673 · Aug 2018
Bleeding from Ur love
olang phesto Aug 2018
The protest in ur heart , it started with that.
Ignoring the fact that i gave to the limit my muscle would entrench the most,
what ,was i to give ?
Ok what was i to sacrifice for u to stay?
And if Ur leaving don't forget to shoot me here,
or any place that will **** me quicker .
coz i hate pain
516 · Aug 2019
olang phesto Aug 2019
chwer koa e wanga,
kochimo piny e lemba
kochiko e tika
ka gi lwar e lowo ,
374 · Aug 2018
olang phesto Aug 2018
Ungali futa subira tu
Hali yangu mbaya imefanya umenikimbia
Sina, hope, nilikuambia?
mapenzi yakweli nilikupa sio kutania
Marafiki wanakuulizia niwaambie nini ?
Nimekuzoea siungelitulia.
Alafu moyo unaujinga bado unakuhitaji
308 · Mar 2018
olang phesto Mar 2018
I wrote this poem on a bumpy ride to Masogo
Touched my heart with you everything, found me when my heart was pretty wounded, nursed it and gave me hope to love a gain.
I know u are always worried about me from school, how my future will unveil.
Thanks for being closer to my heart, a company when I was alone, and a teacher when I lost my way.
You gave meaning to my life, started this **** like a joke look at were we are now closer than close.
Lately I have not been asking “beby be ihera” BUT NOW I just narrate the part of my story “beby aheri mapek”
Long late night conversations that never end
ITS not easy to combat the reality that you aint here.
Staring at the moon at night I feel your breath from a thousand mile away
I have never asked God for wealth I only ask for your company for ever
Lets just trust us we are better than ROMEO AND JULIET,
Constantly u walked out of my dreams my dreams go wild
And now that you are not physically here I wish I would dream about you when I fall asleep.
Every time I hit my pillow I feel alone without FELICI around.
306 · Aug 2018
olang phesto Aug 2018
Broken promises
broken trust
broken heart
broken me
Did I forced you to promise
and every heart break song sounds like our story
said u loved me never will u leave
then u go and cut me out
shield me out from the place i call home
its so weird that who broke Ur heart,
is the one Ur heart needs the most.
I don't sleep at home cause mama she asks questions,
And real answers hurts
To take me out of misery i would prefer death after heat break.
303 · Aug 2019
olang phesto Aug 2019
most people fight their darker side but
lately they find away to give in to it,
we always have a monster in us,bu
unless we unleash it always its ready to consume us
being free is not about answering to no one
its about freeing yourself
fighting the inner you
finding small things that makes you happy
things that you do to be you
take responsibilities as they come
delete trash from your memory
find a way to give your darker side light
rather than to fight it
forgive yourself before you forgive others.
291 · Aug 2018
olang phesto Aug 2018
I don't want to come between you and your man,
does he love you without a reason?
Better than me is he ?
I have been drinking too much
And thank God that I still have my life,
How did we get here,how did we?
Afraid to vex u,How would i hurt you?
Am I suppose to be happy that you are with a good guy
269 · Jan 2018
olang phesto Jan 2018
You will feel emptiness one day,
and wont forget how loneliness feels,
kept me at bay
should been there with you
And now that my pain is plain,
my sorrow is just an echo
those broken
never cared
I sank while
you floated I should have known
257 · Jan 2018
olang phesto Jan 2018
my pain
was not the time you left
it was the time I remember how close we were
was the time my friends asked why you left but i had no answer
was the time I remembered how i am fond of you.
was the time I dreamed about you
was the time I came across two lovers
was when  smell your perfume.
203 · Jan 2020
We lied!
olang phesto Jan 2020
This ship is wrecked
this relationship is broken
because every-time ego wins
we never backed down
we said forever
but forever is dedicating
forever is sacrificing
forever is understanding
have we ever sacrificed
are we satisfied with love
we done
are we sure
we wont love
199 · Jan 2020
olang phesto Jan 2020
Berni chalo ler chieng
jiduto gombo bedo kodi
jolweny thao
jogoro goro
jo chwecho chwecho
poets ndiko
jogedo gedo
Ruothi nindo otamo
jothumbe gocho
chuo matek tek tho ne herani
erani loko chuo joneko
kona gima onego atim

— The End —