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Turn on the shower
Feel the soft touches of the water
Smell the Fresh air
Feel the water relax your hair
The heavily scented soap
makes circular bubbles float around.
Shut eye
and mind-travel to whence the day begun
The dirt trickles down with the water
All that is stale is washed
Slide into clean clothes
and plan ahead for tomorrow.
After a hard day's work
       Its good to take bathe
I thought yesterday
and would be thinking today.
i would be dead if i wouldnt think tomorrow.
Thoughts exists.
It has roots that no body sees.
It is voicelss but it cries.
It is toothless but it bites.

Worries runs like River through veins.
A safe passage is all but unknown.
Dearly wanting to be un-lost;
but then the words unspoken
would lead me.

I lay on my back
and blankly stare.
Slumber is approaching
but i must remain awake.
My heart yearns for relief.
My eyes remains open for the truth un-seen.

I ask Faith to hold my hand
and Courage to wipe my tears
because it takes no small amounts of Pain
to make it through the Rain.
This is for those whose heart bear a great burden.

You will make it through
at the end
The day began on a sunny note
For hours it shone
wet clothes wrinkled in heat
the clothes of the labouring man was wet.

the sun shine went bleak.
The winds arose in its greatness.
Sands and weightless filth rustled in laudatory.

The first
we heard
was a sound like a Tornado,
sweeping through the trees and dry land.
Doors and windows rattled in response.
Pregnant trees
forcefully delivered its fruits.
Road gossips fled.
The clouds thickened.

The lighting struck,
making free-hand sketches on the clouds.
The sounds made
felt like God was smashing bottles in heaven.
Children ran under their beds
and tightly blocked their ears.

This went on
for a while
till the wheather blew the whistle for 2nd half.
The clouds cried sweetly
and intensely.
The winds pacified the clouds.

Children came out in troops,
******* dressed
They delighted in the taste and feel of the rain against their skin

Whatever that wanted to remain dry stayed hidden.
Moments later
all was quiet
except for the children.

Soon it was nightfall,
bon fires were made.
The youths gathered to hear and tell stories.
The occassional flies made their way to these gatherings too.
Amazing night ahead
I thought.
The beauty of Nature.
Weather in Africa
Like the serpent,
Danger must never be directly approached,
but discreetly addressed.
Power is vernomous.
One bite and your moral senses are paralysed.
The night is the moment for shedding;
Either to assume new evil for the personal good
or to enthrone morality and good service for the greater good.
The threshold to strike back in revenge is sensory education.

Nature makes us susceptible to pain,
harm and disdain.
Wild actions prevail
to cover Timidity in veil.
The tentacles of pleasure
relief the pressure
and gives you something to treasure.

we are connected
in more than one way
with an ounce of darkness in each way
It happened everywhere
but in Egypt.
Pain inflicted him all around
and built a temple made of huge mountain stones around his heart.
It was hard for him to stay alive.
The distant past accompanied him like a suit case.
He made sacrifices
and still got losses in return.
He was wealthy in beauty,
tasteful and big in body.
Ladies would be mummified
around his hot and delicious presence.
But then, they would want
nothing more than to have him in their beds.
He enjoyed the attention as every male would
but, then at times he would think of it as a curse in disguise
till he met this creature in Egypt.
She wasnt particularly attractive
but she represented something very rare;
something very peaceful and flowery.
He mentally encased her in his body.
She was no commoner in intelligence and grace.
At last !
He can be complete.
She hardly was an early riser.
Life at home for her was hell.
Violent voices
and mean threats.
She wrote this on a sunny start of the week, monday.
The sun seemed to have been greatly amused at her wrinkled face.
Recently, she discovered she would release a ****
whenever anxiety or nervousness hit her like a dart.

Her daily life began by 4:30am.
There she was in comfort on her irregular bed,
till a sharp light hit her face
and a thunderous voice boomed her ear drums,
His foot steps made so much sound than his voice.
It was her father.
It wasnt his voice that struck her,
or was it the sight of a whip that he wielded so callously.
It was the angry look he always beared on his face.
It was almost as if he was angry with God for waking him up everyday.
Mixed feelings of fright and fuzziness gripped her
she hastily greeted
He didnt respond.
Her sister stood behind her bed
whimpering in fear.
Only then did she discover who the whip was meant to trash at that moment.

The night before
was a nightmare she have seen before.
Her ingredients failed her,  
her attention
and her organization
towards the food preparation.
Her Mom hated excuses
Her Dad hated losses and bad soups.
Her promises flew away
Phone accessories became her get-away.
It wasnt the intensity of the funny smell,
or the intense awareness of the pepper and salt,
but it was the searing look her mum had.
Her mom must have mentally shredded her like cabbage, she thought.
Her mom wondered why arguements stuck in her tongue like a tatoo.
Most times she resented her awkward behaviour,

She saw life has an eazy game.
She thought mistakes were a part of our imperfection as human beings and hence should be constantly made.
She didnt understand why God placed her in that family.
Her mom would constantly remind her of the future
She could hear her voice in her sleep
Her mom would speak with her eyes
when her anger has reached a certain height.

played a role
in her usual condescesion.

The environment
played a role
in her usual sadistic talk and thinking.

Yin and Yang,
Cold and Hot,
the order of seasons
Either you can change
or you can not.
Such is the nature of Monica.
I'm not afraid to do the Lord's work.
You say Vengeance was here before,
but i say i was there first.
I'll do my business in the name of the Lord
because its no secret.
If you're not ready to die
best prepare for it and await its coming.
My testimony testifies
longing for your sincere replies

You can always call the police,
call the coroner,
call the sheriff,
call the entire fearless hood.
I put my fears in my holster,
smoke the cold breeze
win the ladies with two knees
and stand tall like the street lights.

I know the pleasure
in a man's strength.
Heaven comes down
like a cold rain.
There would be no shelter for the weak-hearted.
No place you can go.

Put all your hands and fists in wild cheer,
someone put a tall ring amongst us,
caging us both.
I'm a vigilante,
you're a wanted man
and everybody knows

Traces of The Whip
at my back.
Its deep, dark and long
because i have a history
The sun shone
My head struck
My mind fuzzy,
The searing heat.
Reminiscencing can be such a wierd mental journey.
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