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Tightly hung up on the past.
Darkness and Decisions.
Confusion and Counsel.
Help seems silent as stars,
Quiet and Queer.
Night never gives away,
Worries and Wrinkles.
Pray it all ends
retain little faith in you,
luck will shed its light in your path
and leave no fatal aftermath.
Fear begets Fright.
Courage makes a Conqueror,
climb up, up, up,
Mountain Menace is the challenge,
reach up, up, up
Fate is plain,
and destiny, yours to claim.
The zenith is near,
race for it at your own pace.
Communicate with my spirit
and it'll tell you all my merits,
show you all the roads that leads to my greatness
and it will burst your ego till its weightless.
Spring fast
regardless of the past.
Feel your soul's warm whisper
and feel no dispair.
Sedate failure
and keep your white dress pure.
You're correctly sold out.
++  Amma Wait  ++

when i still can remember,
when i still have eyes to see,
when i still have hands to hold,
when i still have the heart to love.
So long shall i shoot blue sparks of affection at you with my eyes.
I shall find a way to bear and give my burden-love.
My thoughts swim in your careless truths.
When you still live, so shall i live;
Turning the night into day, leaving your foot-prints in my pathway.
The sun sets,
The rain comes,
Then the sun shines.
Amma wait.
Just like the say,
" cold wheather is a wheather for two "
This poem is a poem for Two too
Can i count on you
to be my man?
Just enough love
to keep us above.
Numerous Mistrust regulations
keep us from reaching the remark, congratulations.
Your dipped your tongue in pungent waters.
Now, your fresh breathe became odoured.
Your insults just give me the strength.
Your eyes tease mine in mockery
but soon it will be my own turn to laugh back.
No one will make u forget the way i laughed.

Can i count on you
to stay away from me?
You came, you saw, you took.
All the sweetness in me will never be over before my life-time.
You traded Faith for Flesh,
Interest for Injury
and Love for Lust.
All you ever experienced with me
is just a tip of the ice berg.
It gets interesting for you
when i go on hurting.
I will get better,
no matter the wheather
For i am stronger.
You will witness the radiance of Life in me
and you wont have a spot of that brightness in your direction.
Challenges and competition notified.
Every step codified.
Tears and sweat pacified.
Achievements and advancement glorified.
Regression and depression terrified.
Muscles and struggle verified.
Foes and conspirators mortified.
Plans of progress and purpose sanctified.
Grace and the Goodness of God testified.
Sweet pleasures of life.
Trials, Torment and Torture.
Eulogies and Elegies of visible characters.
Promising and decisive.
No conflicts, No dilemma.
an expression of the mind.
Multiple steps in successive movements,
bringing life, love and laughter.
Self-fulfilment and self-worth.

an expression of the body.
Creative display of energies,
inducing a seismic shift emotionally.
Self-discovery and self-confidence.

an expression of the soul,
communicating in its artistic qualities.
Messages, movements and mystery.
Self-expression and self-realization.
Desire or duty,
Love or lust,
Head or heart,
Want or necessity.
Over and over
i'm filled with emotion.
Unconditional coalition.
Brittle decision.
Feeling fusioned in a long-lived germination.
Certainty prevails, no hesistation.
On you, before men, i will make my jactation.
Your love shields me from labefaction.
Asunder, a mere machination.
Generations to come
tell our story
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