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Ojaswee Das Jan 2022
belle's rose, wilting one petal at a time
the creation of adam, gods hand yet to touch yours
you're 0.8 seconds away
from descrying the back of their head disappear into the distance
one last time; one heartbeat away
the inception of an everlasting process; the decay.

languished simply, because of the life left within
shoulders slouched, so as to crease what's in between
you let out a sigh
struggling to pick broken shards off the austere snow;
blotching blood stains so diluted by what your eyes let go
you realize what's so undoubtedly you; an overflow.

an overflow of musing so raw, each drop a crystallized sapphire kernel
burgeoning beanstalk in the hearts of every passerby
all led to the glasshouses you once vowed to unfalteringly stand by the refracting light dilating naked memories; an open invitation to pry
you lack distrust that things could ever go awry; they do.

stubborn; you never learn;
you live in denial, waiting for their return
your presence incomplete; the twinkle in your eyes masking your defeat
your glasshouses broken and beat; slow deplete
repeat repeat repeat

you fight shy of taking up space
last row corner seat, you almost always leave without a trace
your voice too mild to return an echo, your soul leaking too gentle to show
you long for warmth, yet you leave behind nothing to embrace. you know.

a paradox on your own; you're a daunting dilemma
you can love into thin air, hushed or acapella
your burning eternal, yet you soothe all fire
hollowing for your world, but there's nothing you desire

your heart's been plucked from the souls you've warmed
only to be left astray in the cold
yet you pick the pieces less frozen and hand it over for them to hold

obscure; oblivious, and obedient
to everyone but your own
you're fighting battles; for everywhere but home

withering and drifting
brittle dust in the breeze

worn out to the extreme
bittersweet; free


p o t p o u r r i
Ojaswee Das Jan 2021
It's not always that when you look outside your window,
you see something looking right back at you
Almost as if the something could read your kernel.
Your deepest despair.
The glare had this  flare that you both shared.
It was rare.

It's just a cat. You said.
but when have you ever been able to convince yourself this easy
It's not. You know.

You're still looking at it, as it looks back at you
The same way. Both of you reading;
six minutes fleeting, seven feet away;
eighth trait she's feeding, from her ninth life today.

Your grandma told you stories.
Kings and lovers who hid a part of their soul.
Their anima, in an animal
so their quiddity was never fully stole.

It's not true. It's not real
Just some unfathomable fairyland scam.
But then why is it that when I bleed
It's only you who seems to understand.

Ojaswee Das Jan 2021
Belle's rose, wilting one petal at a time
The creation of Adam, gods hand yet to touch yours
You're 0.8 secs away
From descrying the back of their head disappear into the distance
One last time
Thats one heartbeat away
From the inception of the everlasting process; the decay
Ojaswee Das Apr 2020
The black blues looking back at us
As we try to enumerate what actually is 300 billion in number
Stargazing you - beams a little brighter
Especially when you extend your arms to show me what you out-pass
The stars. The night sky. The moon. The universe.
Theres this unexplainable spell you cast

We’re intoxicated. Can’t tell if its the whisky or just the night
We’re isolated. The rest of the world is tucked in behind closed curtains.
And your mere sight, is the brightest thing tonight
Are we in love? I cant tell

You’ve always known your way around things.
You know the constellations.
You know that if you flip your hair one more time,I’d die in admiration.
You know how to tease between conversations.
You know this isn’t just infatuation.

You know your way. Like I know mine around your hair.
Your accolades melt my barricades
Your smile is my gatorade
Your laugh a grenade
And me, is what you've attained

You’re a bomb. And I am your ****
You’re singing to me. Your voice lets me travel through time
A cascade of memories flashcards
You’re an enchanter. Big time

We float through the night.
Arms extended for each other to lay upon.
Head on shoulder and eyes on eyes. Fingers intertwined.
We kiss each other one last time before the dawn breaks.
Its about time we leave.  

Will I see you again? I dont know
but one thing I do know
I'll always have you on my lips
At least your name if not your kiss.
Ojaswee Das Aug 2019
My hearts a greenhouse and you’re the sun

You keep my garden alive
The rays you endow of hope and new beginnings
The occasional downpour that washes hulking feelings
And your blazing sparkling image that reflects off the ceiling
You’ve kept my garden alive

These sunflower seedlings, they always look upto you
You infuse into me all thats exciting and new
The spring avenue

Just like the morning dew on a spiders web,
You add beauty to the intricate
Even if you were a million light years away
A million more I could wait

There are a thousand stars in the sky,
But you’re unique, you’re the only one
And thats why,
My hearts a greenhouse and you’re the sun
Ojaswee Das Aug 2019
ather aether Katherine
quintessence she’s never been
confess profess depress
transgress the process
A lifecycle.
With little to no progress

repress to the oppress
Obsess the agress
Compress the mess
Say yes to impress

You’re not blessed
Be ready to face
The detest for this
Damsel in distress.
You’re not allowed to egress

We’ve all been trained to stash
All that we have had for the brash
Trash. thats what we are if not unerring

pristine is an acknowledgment to disguise
kitschy fustian ostentatious. Be that.
No less. No more.
Katherine tried but failed to fit anymore

We’re all Katherine. You and me.
we don’t abide. We don’t fit. We don’t belong.

Life’s not fair.
Ojaswee Das Mar 2019
Our hands entwined. Your eyes lost in mine
My face, marginally looking down
when you distract me from the night sublime.

Your fingers pressing tighter against  mine
your focus unwavering from my eyes.
Hinting the love you were trying to put forth,
you put behind one of the two strands of hair,  that had
perfectly framed my face.

Now, that I had pledged myself to you
You effortlessly pour the three words into the night

You say
“I love you “
I only smile.

Masquerading my racing heartbeat
I put behind the other loose strand of my hair.
Your gaze unagitatingly still fixed at me
I am aware you’re anticipating a reply.

But what could I possibly say?
The customary “I love you too”?
Darling, I say that to you everyday
In ways, you never knew.
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