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Sep 2012 · 893
A Thought on Human Beauty
OdotLondon Sep 2012
What is beauty?
Beauty is...
lines and curves on faces
eyes nose mouth
some characteristics culturally specific
others set apart one from the millions
chemical reactions
products of love, circumstance and above all
a natural art in itself
The way it is
a wonderful way
the fact that the beauty
of another human being
like you in more ways than not
can render you speechless
mesmerized enthralled
by something so commonplace
that you possess it as well
Sep 2012 · 2.4k
Orange (Based on a Prompt)
OdotLondon Sep 2012
You forgotten color you

no real word rhymes with you so

you’re only rhymed with slang

sign of autumn

complexion of jack o lanterns

patterned with black you are the color scheme of a holi-

well horror day

you are

the color of the sky when

moon relieves sun

you look good with stone washed blue jeans

sun dresses of your hue please the eye

elmer’s glue nozzle tip

you are the good OJ

no gloves or lame *** raps

most important you are my mother’s favorite color

for her to love such a weird tint

just marks the seed of a weirdness that I now embrace

OdotLondon Sep 2012
Love would be disappointed

to have such an unloving act performed in his name I

guess there was more fish present than I stated

and I was selling them

So afraid to hurt her that I hurt her

A secret turned flame of truth

because that’s what fire does

Two wrongs don’t make a right

just a broken heart


and we blamed it on love
Sep 2012 · 773
OdotLondon Sep 2012
We only meet where lips meet

soft sweet your scent

smooth your skin

perfect if I ever saw felt or tasted it

plays back like my favorite thing

song movie video


I meditate to you

so I can see you in my sleep

your hair brushes my forehead

our sweat mixes creating

a love potion potent

with potential to end hate as we know it

our lips lock like front and back doors in the hood

tongues tie like two way races

skin to skin we share faces

**** air I like your breath better

we make different shapes but they all feel the same


vertical horizontal

open closed eyes

high off of your air


my fingers long to grasp yours again

no umbrella yet the rain doesn’t seem to touch me

I’m all yours

at your disposal

shelf me until your lips want more

I’ll just be waiting
Sep 2012 · 1.0k
Good Morning
OdotLondon Sep 2012
You’ll never hear the words
If you don’t listen
Recognize your worth
Beyond the sheer appeal of your reflection
Express yourself

It’s never too late to live
But if you’re not living your dead
Be the change you wanna see
Life’s alphabet starts with u
Know your favorite song
And play it til you hate it
Sing it like you made it
Appreciate all the beauty created
Even the stuff you gotta tilt your head to understand
You’ll never be perfect
But If you were you wouldn’t learn anything
Then again how would I know?
I’ve never been perfect
Everyday can be awesome if you let it be
Bad days only exist when you label them as such
Don’t think
Find your metaphorical paint brush and get the stroking
Give life
To whatever you touch
Think lush
Rather than not enough
And begin your awesome day with
A goodmorning
Sep 2012 · 585
Death After Life
OdotLondon Sep 2012
Do things just go black like the tv at bedtime?

I had this belief that on the day of your death

you feel complete

No one around you knows unless you tell them

The scary thing about death is it’s unknown nature

So used to living I can’t imagine not

so used to motion


thinking and feeling

Do we really fly?

Of all those to die,

I’ve never had the chance to converse with one of them

If curiosity kills this cat

will my questions ever be answered?
Sep 2012 · 1.5k
OdotLondon Sep 2012
There are three sides to a story
and I've shied away from each
lost my touch I've grown so numb
to my own feelings
now a new language that I'm
in no way familiar with
only fluent in silence

My problem is inspiration
before long turns to disinterest
will to a won't
or a can't
or a don't
so I don't

words are objective
their meanings subjective
so splattering words on a page
like paint on a canvas
or colors on the world
is a step in the right direction
a try

a seed
that will hopefully grow into a
strong poe-tree
with multidimensional branches
that I can climb to escape
But there's no escape if I don't try.

— The End —