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I'm still adjusting
To the fact
That I will never
Be kissed again
If I said we burned bridges that would be an understatement

After being tangled in your sheets for weeks

The bridge did not just burn

It exploded

You slipped away for the hundredth time

Not that it should have mattered

We were just friends

But all I remember is slamming my hands into my steering wheel as the hottest tears streamed down my face

It's been three going on four years now since we've even spoken

But I still miss parts of you

I never met someone so opposite me

And yet who totally understood my inner struggle

The bridge that once connected us

It's gone now

And I have to realize there's no rebuilding this time.
I jokingly say
I'm gonna jump off a bridge

And you laugh and say you're coming with me

But you don't see how close I am to the edge do you?
You brighten

Each day

For that

I love you

Even more.
When I'm lying awake at night
I think about your eyes
And I find It's no longer hard to sleep
I find that suddenly my soul
It brightens just a little more.
Always waiting
For yet
Luxourious kiss
For you see
My heart
With you is
And your lips
They press on mine
And send my mind
All this joy
A jolt awakens my sleepy soul
For you brighten each moment
And with you even I
Dread sleep
You kiss me sometimes
With this fierce passion
Like I'm all that matters
Almost as though
Your kiss
Tells me you love me
And when you cup my face
Or run your hand through my hair
My soul brightens up
And suddenly
The clouds part
For I can finally reach
As long as you
Are by my side.
I love you always my King.
You emptied my wallet

And I think it emptied my heart.
A heart

Is never


To be broken.
I think of you
Every time
I walk into my room
And see the bed
That we broke
I remember when I would dream of you,
It use to make my heart ache,
If I dream of you now,
It probably still would,
Not because I want you,
But because the dreams remind me,
Remind me of all that we had,
Everything that has turned to dust,
All the words,
All lies!
They broke me so quickly,
They forced me to runaway,
Run to my dreamland,
I tried to make the pain fade,
But all it did was stay,
You will always be my heart-breaker,
I can't change it,
And maybe you can't either.
You meant nothing and I remember us
Holding hands
And being what others desired.

You meant everything and I tried to forget
Our hands entwined
Our lips matching with every second
The love that emitted from my every pore.

You made me happy and I wanted to create things
Moments of love
Hands that never let go
Lustful times
And A future.

The only common factor is me
And how I ended up broken.
I broke down
As the memories
Of the last six years
Passed through my mind
Of all our ups
And even the downs
And I cried
Knowing that there
Is nothing for me to grasp onto
Knowing that to me
You'll always be mine
My baby and sweetie pie
And the last wonderful day
Will always linger in my mind
I cried because I missed you
And because I want you back
I cried knowing I'd have to wait
And that even in waiting
I may never get you
But I sit here crying and reading
And spilling my heart out
No longer blocking off
How I truly feel
No longer holding in my ache
And my tears
No longer stopping my thoughts.
I'm a girl with a broken heart

I'm nothing much

I remain

Scars are gone

Cuts have healed

Tears have dried

Loneliness is consuming me

Feeling trapped

I need to escape

Pain is suffocating

Sorrow overloads me

No one has ever undestood

I am nothing

I'm abandoned

Leftovers to the evil

Not good enough to keep but good enough to use.
You left me
After promising to stay
*There are no words for that
She promised herself she wouldn't fall for him
And as she promised it
She realized she had already broken it.
Every ounce of joy
Is gathered and destroyed for me
And that is the way of life
I am so use to people hurting me
I am so use to being left
And as time goes on
My too big heart
Will finally wither
You can only take so many hits
Before they stop hurting.
Broken leg
Let it heal
Broken heart
It may never
Be whole again.
For years
I thought your emotional abuse was love

I deluded myself for so long

And even now I wish that some part of that pain was love.
You always told me
I'd move on first
You were wrong
You said that
If we fell apart
I'd move on
That I'd
Be happy
You were wrong
You told me
That we were
Gonna have a future
You were wrong
You told me
I was your dream girl
*You lied
It's those brown eyes
That have me trapped
In the realm of love
They took my soul
Left me this empty being
I need my soul back
But I fear what those
Brown eyes will take next
They already have
I can offer.
The thing that hurts the most
Is the brutal and unrelenting truth

**You don't care
You don't love me
And your easily
Burying all the memories
Of us while they replay
In my mind on and on
Forever reminding me
That I wasn't good enough
That I was unlovable.
Someone knocked into her
And for a moment they saw her muddy brown eyes
And they way the sparkled

They realized that she was alone
But they kept walking
Not apologizing for bumping into her

She rolled her eyes
So use to people not seeing her.
Not sure what this was. Haven't written in a long time
He always tried to save me
Called himself my protector
He tried to purify me

It took me a long time
To realize he tried to fix me
Because he couldn't deal
With fixing himself

He could not be his own protector
He could not save himself
And for that he blamed me
For that he carved his name
Inside of my chest.
This is it
I'm playing all my cards
Showing you myself
In all of it's weak glory
Here I am
On my knees
Telling you
I Love You
Admitting all I denied
I'll walk away
Pretend I don't care
That you don't love me
I will try not to care
Knowing I'm not good enough
But if you catch me alone
My eyes
Will be bleeding endless tears
My heart torn
And my body now hallow
Because pain
Burned me to deep
To deep this time.
You're the only one who has ever tasted me

And I hope my juices
Have burned your insides.
We'll pretend
We never argued
Like I never cried
Like it didn't hurt
And we didn't fall from our pedestal
We'll bury it
For another month
Until the storm once again stirs
Awakening the truth
If we don't fix it
We never will
And this
Will never
Truly be okay.
And I hate you

Not because of all the ways you broke my heart

But because the way it still flutters over you.
I use to want to be a butterfly so I could fly away but where would I fly to...I would be alone but I am alone now so what is the difference...Being a butterfly give me the ability to explore this cruel world perhaps I'll see some good in people...Maybe being a butterfly would make me realize that I just want to be me...
My heart

                         Once a caterpillar

Not yet grown

                             But once it knew


                           It grew

To be

                             A beautful butterfly


                           And fluttering

On it's way

                            Straight to you.
Years later
And you still
Have my heart
Feeling like
Butterfly wings
Fluttering against
My insides,

Oh so softly.
Baby don't do that
Just be mine

Put the drink down.

*For me
I'm sick of this
Sick of not being good enough
Sick of being changed
Sick of you telling me to change
To pretend
Sick of arguing
Sick of fighting
Of the tears
Sick and tired
Of being knocked down
I'm not who you want me to be
And if I'm not
Good enough for you as I am
Then maybe you should go
And if you don't
Maybe I'll have to.
Wrote this while crying at school... Problems in Paradise.
When you said you wanted to kiss me
I burst into tears
Knowing you never would

Realizing I can't remember the last one
Just the sting on my cheek as you left

I wish you were here

I wish you'd kiss me
Your ghost
Will always rattle
Within the cage that is
My soul.
Your soul
Has been
Calling out
To mine
Since I first
Could retain
Any memory

My heart
Has been
Calling out
To yours
Since that
Day we
First met.

Our bodies
Have been
Calling out
Since that
When we
Our first kiss.
For a while
Without words
My mind became mad
Sulking and aching
And suddenly words
Came and so did
Warm arms.
Sometimes I  wonder
About your love
And whether
Your hearts care
Is fading
Despite everything
It feels like our hopes
For our future together
No longer exists
Like you stole it from me
Locked it away
Along with the tenderness
Care and sense of romance
I worry if our flame has burned out
Or if my heart is still too wounded
To feel your love like before.
It's been five days
Since I have hugged you
And kissed you
And felt you close
It's been three days
Since being demoted
And a mere one
Since the fire
Of rage slowly
It has been
So hard
But for you
All the pain
In this cruel world
Cannot change my love.
I fear this
I'm afraid of this friendship
Petrified to be hurt
Horrified at the mixed feelings
And Signals
I want this to work
But with us
It never seems to
I hope that it'll all be okay
But sometimes
I think you make
Me just too happy
And make my heart
Flutter too much.
My body wants you

But my mind is angry

Angry with your carelessness

Angry with your childish ways

I love you

But I hate the things you do

I want you

But I need space from you

How is it

You made me love you and dislike you at the same time?
I love you with my soul
You can't just expect me
To *let go
My body was "beautiful" while you were inside of me

But when it just was
You'd ask when would I lose the weight

My **** were just fine when they were in your mouth

When they weren't you'd ask when I would get a **** job to "even them out".

You'd tell me I was perfect
But " I'd be a real knock out" if I just worked on myself.

I still somehow told myself you loved me.
Pitter Patter*
Raindrop Perhaps,
More like the falling of tears,
Failing friendships,
No relationship,
Feels hated,
Feels alone,
Nothing she can do,
Only watch as her heaven becomes hell,
They think she's fine,
But it's only a mask,
The real her is slowly dying,
If they just looked her in the eyes they could see,
How much she was really loosing it,
She felt like she was floating away,
Her Oasis Became A Trap And She Couldn't Escape,
She Couldn't Escape Life.
I'm lost


I'm lost

In this cold

Winter wonderland

I'm lost

With this family of mine

I'm so lost

Without you.
I hate
How badly
I want others
To love our story
As much as I do
Knowing they
Never will
And as always
My anger melts
Into salty tears.
Whenever I
Think about
You hard
Entering me
The most
Amazing sensation
Runs through
My body
I tremble
Moan and
I shake
And one
Day it
Won't be
Fantasy or
A dream
One day
It will
Be reality.
I want you
With a passion
That is yet to be known,
You see
I want you
Now and forever
For you
Are the light
That brightens each day
And if you are ever down
I'd like to make you smile
Or try my best to
Because that's what you do for me
You make me
So amazingly
And completely
I fear the start of this new disaster because I know it'll lead to my broken laughter.Can't you help?Can't you end this massacre before it evolves into my hurricane of tears and the shards of my heart?Can't you stop the wind from blowing evil words into my ears?Can't you stop him my love,
from making me happy as you once did?It seems not.It seems impossible to prevent.That's the worst part of seeing the disaster and knowing it leads to broken laughter all you can do is watch as everything you hold dear falls apart...
It's when you
Love is coming for you
And you let it take you
That you have found
Your soul-mate.
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