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Before I met you,
The life I lived was dull to a T,
Before I met you,
I did not laugh and I did not smile,
Before I met you,
I had never had a friend so close,
Before I met you,
I had never experienced what love was,
Before I met you,
I was never hugged,
Before I met you,
I was never loved,
Before I met you,
I never got kissed,
Before I met you,
I was not happy nor was I sad,
Before I met you,
I did not have these scars,
Before I met you,
I did not cry so often,
Before I met you,
My heart was intact.
After I met you,
My life wasn't as dull,I laughed and I smiled all too often,I know what's it like to have a friend so close,I have loved more deeply than I ever imagined,I was hugged everyday we saw one another,I was happy and I was sad,Scars appeared and tears were cried,and my heart felt as though it died...
I love you
And I want our
Happiness back.

*Please bring it back
I love you
And it hurts
Because we can't be
It hurts because my efforts
Aren't helping
I'm heaving and crying
And it doesn't help
My lungs feel like
Their gone now
My heart is just a rock
Of pain and love
Only beating
With hopes
I'm hurting
Because I can't call you mine
Or hold you
Because my fight
Has left me weak
And there is no one here
Protecting me
I'm so alone
I hurt so bad
And all I want
Is your happiness
Even if its not with me
Even if I break
And turn to ash
Little kids fight
Grown people talk
No matter how angry
Weakness posses you,
Overcomes the darkness within and all life is ****** out of you,
Joy can occur but still there is a force holding you down,
And you seem to be drowning,
Reaching for help where none can be given.
How sad can a happy life get?
Behind the curtain lies a sccared and traumatized person,
Her wounds will not heal for internal wounds have branded her,
Every breath she took reminded her of the past,
Of all the pain,
The let downs,
The wrong choices and the words unspoken.
To believe I am this girl,
I am you breaks me,
For what am I but a fool,
I can't see all the good because I'm blinded by the sorrow,
I am weak and there is no mercy for me,
I fall to pieces by the simplest of acts,
I am nothing in the world of somethings,
To be worthless in the whirlpool of worthy lives.
Can no one feel my pain?
Am I truly that alone?
Truly I am,I am.
Put on a smile and pretend that it's all okay.
I believe in love
I believe love is amazing
No one can ever
Destroy that belief
You see the way I look
At someone else
But you can't see
The way I look at you
The hunger that's rising
The urges that I can't control
My desire
To just press your lips
Right against mine
To hold you and not let go
I would risk it all
To keep you
Have you whisper "I'm yours"
I wanna lie in bed
Curled up next to you
And tell you
How amazing you truly are
And no matter what anyone says
You don't need to change
Not for me darling
And not for anyone else.
For Someone Special...Wonder If They Know It's For Them...
My sorrow
And apology
Rings true
My tears
Heavy but
My love
More real
More honest
Than anything
I've ever known
Or have ever felt
Believe me
When I say
I want nothing
More than
To spend
The rest of my life
With you
Growing old
Creating an
Amazing story.
You cherished your zombie games,
you loved grabbing your virtual shotgun,
now let me take a turn at your game,
let me take that gun,
I will aim it at your heart
I will shoot,
my broken heart will be avenged,
one bullet seems fair,
then be my zombie
so I can shoot away the pain you caused.

I May Never Stop Shooting.
My hand on your chest
Leg spread
One atop yours
Pillow tucked
Beneath my head
You lie straight
We whisper good-night
Say "I love you"
And fall into the
Most blissful sleep
We will ever know
And yet in the morning
I awake in a similar way
You lying beside me
I blink and blink
Just to make sure your there
And you are
All I know
Is that this is it
Because for the rest of my life
All I want to do is fall asleep
Beside you
And wake up
Beside you.

With you
Was the best day
Of my life
And each day
Without you
Is the worst.
God cannot
Magically make us
Form in front of each other
But what He  can do
Is give us the will
To seek out one another

Two September's
Ago He gave me
The sudden urge
The sudden inspiration
And courage to find you
And that day
That I realized
You could be
A part of my life,
I think that was number one
On the list of best days of my life.
My favorite days,
Are the ones where you look at me,
Deep and long,
And all you seem to do is want to hug me,
To give me those eyes,
To smile,
To hold my hand,
My favorite days,
Are those when you kiss my whole face
Before you kiss my lips,
Just to make me smile,
And the way you wrap my legs with yours
So we're trapped together,
My favorite days,
Are the one where you're happy,
In one swoop I could
Lose my best friend
And the love of my life

And maybe I wasn't
The love of your life

But you always were the love of mine.
I remember how lonely
This time of the year was
Without him
And now that he's here
And mine
I hope that you feel
The comfort I do
I hope you find someone
To hold and keep you grounded
And safe
I know this time of the year
And it can be tough all alone.
Nothing makes
Me happier
Than to hear
Your voice saying
*I Love You.
I'll be writing our love story until
The day that I die
Because until then
We do not have a ending.
I read
To prove
That I love God
And that I
Fight for
My soul
But sometimes
I read
To prove
To myself
I'm strong.
I've read
The last few nights
When I feel
Weak or down
And it always
Makes me feel stronger
Maybe one day
I'll wake up tired of dying

Maybe one day
The thing that makes me happy

Won't **** me.
Day One Of Two:
I'm crying
Cringing in disgust
For this is me
My horrible weakness
Me in all my broken glory
I have it all
Yet I'm so incomplete
I'm a missing piece
That will never find where it fits
I'm a lone star in the dark sky
I whisper to myself
I tell myself how horrible and worthless I am
How I'm a nothing and always will be.

Day Two Of Two:
I'm floating on air
A miniaturized sun shining bright
I think there's nothing to fear
I have it all
I'm free and ready to fly
Fearless and free
No weight or sorrow lying on me
Smiling at nothing
Just living
Questioning nothing
And just trying to be me.

Yeah I'm crazy
Those days
I was experiencing
Something no one believes I have
No one listens to my pleas
No one listens to my horror
They ignore my evidence
Ignore me.
Like a bird in search of a nest
I nestled into you,
In hopes I'd find comfort,
In hopes I'd be home
But even within the warmth of your arms
The cool winter breeze nips at my fingers,
Oh I need more warmth,
I need to get closer
For the safety in your arms
May sway if the wind picks up much more.
I washed it away,
I cried it away,
I willed it away,
And yet they stay,
Clawing from the inside
The memories,
The memories that will forever
Break my soul,
The shame,
The self hatred,
Oh but the cruel, cruel, memories
They remain inside
They crawl over me in nightmares
And never seem to fade,
Existing only to destroy
Only here to mock me,
And how it works,
For in the pit of despair
I see them
And my skin wants to tear
And my innards turn out
Oh evil past
Why won't you go
I begged
And I prayed
And I sulked
And yet still unmoved they stay
To torture,
To oppress,
To forever keep me
To forever keep me
One day I vow to forget
But for now I am haunted,
Haunted by a girl
Who was me
And not me,
Who acted like a beast
But felt like a prisoner
Oh and the aching returns
And churns my very chest,
It impales me with such suffrage
To remember,
To remember the memories.
Josh if you see it, this is kinda what was on my mind during our talk last night. I'm sorry.
My tears,
The bitter rain in which
I once loved,
They run down my face,
The face with the mask
Of joy and contentment
And yet beneath is
Utterly destroyed
By unsatisfaction
By loss in something
I believed was everlasting
By a love that was always
Incompleted because of reality
I'll never love him...he's right handed....
Its ironic
One of the reasons
I don't want him
Is he's a non-believer
Kissing me
I melt
With joy
All around.
My favorite colors are black and green
Which I find ironic
For me green represents life
While black death
I teeter between feeling alive and dead
It's like asking a rainbow to choose just one color
It's rainbow, it is all the colors,
I am black and green
Not one or the other
I am both.
I love black and white photos
And I think it's because
They seems to catch the moment
So perfectly that you don't need color

All you need is a smiling face
A shimmer in someone's eyes
A laughing face
As though you can still hear it
All you need is one perfect snap
To have a perfect picture

I like black and white pictures
Because whenever I imagine
A simple black and white photo
I think of you
And your smile
I think of me in your arms
Leaning back to kiss you
I think of an abandoned path
One I once journeyed on

I love black and white photos.
But I love you more.
I stayed
I love you
And I wanted
To prove
I could be
A good wife
Sticking with you
Through any stupidity
Or nonsense
I wanted to prove
That I'm strong enough
To leave
But crazy enough to stay
The truth is
My life
Without you is predetermined
And I fight that destiny
Telling me
It's not time yet
And that another time will be
Because I want you now
Could make me want to leave you
No matter how much my heart hurts
Or how broken it becomes
It will always belong to you.
So I have trust issues
Blame the people who used me
So I cant get through a day without thinking about death
Blame the people who abandoned me
So I feel worthless
Blame the things that fade
So I'm not the strongest
Blame everyone who brought me down
So my heart isn't whole
Blame the ones who broke it
So I'm messed up
Blame the people who judged me when they never knew me
Or all I've been through.
Maybe it's all the ****
You smoke and sell
That made you go
From the boy who
Laughed with me
Talked to me
And cared for me
To the boy who
Laughs at me
Talks about me
And doesn't care if I live or die
I blame the **** for
Killing the sweetness
And replacing you
With your evil side.
Her heart
Is crippled
From loving
All the wrong people

Love is too blind
She should've seen the pain
And the heartbreak
That waits for her
I'm more sure
Than ever
You are
The one
I've always
The one I'll
Always need
And the one
I will forever
My heart is the ash
You dug up
From the pit
Of despair
My soul
I don't care
How scary it is
If it would help
I wish to see
Because I need to understand
I was Naive,
So easily tricked into believing anything,
I didn't see the heartbreak waiting for me in the end,
But there is was,
And now all I can do
Is try to put my life back together again
It feels impossible but I want it so badly,
Maybe one day someone can come along
And fix what others decided to break.
Blinded I fight
To get
Just one slice
Blinded am I
Blind and foolish
My naive ways
Tricking me
Into a unknown
And untrustworthy trust
For I believe
Blatant lies
My battle
Though tough
Shall be won
For the mask
Covering these
Dark eyes of mine
Will soon be unveil.
No I didn't see
You should have just
Pointed it out to me.
To be yours
Is to know bliss

Sweet and wonderful.
You used me
I was your crutch
Whenever you felt weak
You used me
And I savored
Being leaned on
Now all that remains
Is ash in my lap
Where you use to lay
The blood boils in
Utter hope that I give in
Give into the pain
But if one thing
Being your crutch taught me
It was that sometimes
You have to rebel
Even if you feel like your losing
You have to tell yourself
There's a chance
No matter how little
I don't know you yet
But I love you
You bring me
Laughter and joy
The simple
Idea of our
hands entwined
warms my
Cold heart
I need you
Not just now
But forever
Please just
Be mine
Even if
only for
a little while.
My hand under the blanket

As I imagine you

You're smile

You're body

Every touch we've never had

By body tantalizing

Goosebumps everywhere

It's so wrong to think of you

While I lie next to him

But my body

It doesn't care

It's fun just to imagine

I hold in your name as it all collapses

I dare not let him know why it happened so fast.
I call you beautiful

As though I am not

As though I was not worthy of having you

Except I was worth it

And more

Because a beautiful face hides so many lies

And a beautiful body hides even more

And so it's fair to say you hid a lot from me

Behind all the beauty was deceit

And I'm okay if people don't see me as beautiful for my face or body

Because I know my soul is just perfect.
I dreamt of you again

Just like I've done a million times before

And I awoke

Remembering your face

And wondering...

How do I break a bond

A trauma bond

One that convinced me
Mind, body and soul that I needed you

How do I take control of my dreams

So I never have to dream of you again.
There's no future for you there

But here,

There's a whole lifetime

For us to enjoy.

Has your desire and passion
Faded with your love
Mine had,
Until I thought
About your boots
And for the first time
In three days
I wanted
I desired you
I stopped being numb
For a singular moment
To think of how well you wore those
Black boots
And I wondered
If I'd ever make love again
To you or anyone
I wondered how long it would be
Before I stopped being disgusted
By the image in the mirror
Or if I'd ever let anyone in again
Ever let them know when and what I eat
Or let them see my stretch marks
Or let them rub my back
I found myself wondering
If I'd ever move on
And find happiness again.
I think what bothers me most

Is that I still think of you fondly

Despite you up and leaving me

It bothers me so profoundly that you could just walk away

And it bothers me that I still want to dance in the glow of your presence

It bothers me that I care for you

Worry for you

Miss you

It bothers me that I thought there was more to us than there ever was.
You were the first person to tell me they loved me

And the first person to make feel worthless.
Her brain screamed
Run you **** idiot
Her heart bellowed
But I need him

No, you want him, there's a difference
I love him so no there's not
Why must you always be in love?
Because I do, in hopes to be loved back
It's not him, it might not be anyone
****** brain, it's worth a try
But it's not worth more heartbreak

Maybe it is.
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