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The love
Only grows
With each day
And I can
Only hope
It is Never

*Not when
Summer comes
Not when it ends
Let it Sever.
Wasn't sure about adding the italizied part.
Falling in love
It always felt
Like I was finding my way
I was learning where
The heavens stood
And how far they reached
Love led me
To the depths
Of heaven
And I discovered
That even heaven
Has a dark-side
And when I reached
It I realized
I was the only one
Falling in love.
With a hug came an explosion of joy,
being in your arms for even seconds,
I could not shake the comfort from your embrace,
I had all I would ever need yet I yearned for more,
Just the gentlest of kisses,
Just the smallest of forbidden touches,
Love will help me pursue my desires,
Love is strong and fights,
My broken heart tries to walk away,
It is weak and sad,
Eventually I will break through,
Eventually I will be with you.
Whether you loved me with a fourth of your heart,
Or with the tiniest pieces,
I was happy
And I loved you with every bit of my heart,
I would've gladly taken that fourth.
You are my dream man
And even when we
Were young I knew
My heart would
Whisper each night
He's the one
He is your true love

And I smiled at the thought
For you were and are my best friend
And now to be yours I see how right
My heart always was
Because you make life worth while
You make every bad moment
Every tear
Every cut
Every sad thought
Worth while
I awaken each day
With a smiling face
Knowing I'm yours
Looking into those eyes
And seeing your love
It completes me
I love you
For you are my soul mate
You are my best friend
You are my lover
My fiancée
My one true love
And one day
You will be my husband
And I'll sleep peacefully each night
Knowing I am forever yours
Knowing I'm your wife
And that our struggle
Has all been so
Worth all the wonderfulness that has yet to come
But that I know deep in my heart will.
It's not that
I have nothing
Flowing through my mind
It is simply that
I have too many thoughts
Ideas and images
And I currently seem
Incapable of sorting them out
Into anything worth
Expressing poetically
It's hard to write
When conflicted
And bombarded
By endless emotions
That are always changing
With new information
There is plenty I can say
I simply fear
The emotions and words
Will be to jumbled to
Or to successfully
Express how I'm feeling.
Know here
And now
I love you
With all that
I am
And ever have been
I hope you see
That you mean
Everything to me.
I find
Myself wishing
I could be everything
That you want
Everything you deserve
Everything your looking for
I wish and wish
But I'm still just
You are both the rainbow
And the *** of gold at the end of it.
I think
The reason it hurts me
So much is because
Im here
Trapped with every memory
While your free
Your somewhere I haven't been
And I am everywhere you have
My bed,
Where we made love,
Where we slept,
Where I laid on you,
My shower,
Where we made love,
My couch,
Where we cuddled
And watched movies
My kitchen,
Where we cooked
Where we ate together
And said grace
My school,
Which you use to sneak into
My hall,
Where we made love
For the very first
And very last time,
My heart,
Where your name
Always was,
Even before I knew your name
It was you my heart called out to
You are everywhere
And I am nowhere.
I can sense you
Your presence,
It reeks of evil.
If this
Is a test
I quit,
You won,
I'm weak.
You still haunt my every nightmare.
I woke up with a pit in my stomach. I'm engaged...but you still disturb my dreams.
I still fight it everyday,
The urge for the blade,
I see one and think how easy it would be to take it,
Take it and swipe it across my flesh,
The urge it never fades,
I've been trying to quit since day one,
But my heart has grown weak and heavy,
It fills with pain with each inhale,
And is trapped with each exhale,
The urge can hide itself,
It fools not just me but everyone around me,
Then It comes back,
Stronger than ever,
Then I'm desperate,
Desperate for that blade,
For anything,
Anything willing to pierce my skin,
I need it,
Need it to comfort me,
To make the pain let out just a little,
To Help me,
Help me feel anything,
Maybe I'll be seen,
But then the world turns on me again,
Again I'll be alone,
Stuck In the Darkness,
With only my Evil Urges.

She collapses in on herself finally


At last they have broken her

The proud woman

The strong woman

She has faltered

At last

They have ****** the love from her lungs

And she *exhales

The dust of brokenness escapes her lungs

She has withered now

And so the world

Will never know

How wonderful

How strong

Love can truly be.
Why and how

Are so many of our young innocent bodies stolen from us?
The worst part is
I still expect you
I was waiting last night in bed
To welcome you home
Hug you and cuddle
Into your chest just a little
Imagining you saying
How you've missed me
I still expect to see you out the window
Walking up the street to meet me
I still expect you to kiss me
To hold me until I sleep
To show up one day
And get all your stuff
And tell me how you're sorry
Sorry you left me again
And you never will again
I still expect you to love me
When you have long gone
I miss you
And your shadow lurks
On every wall
You were completely flawed
But I loved you still
Because we were imperfect love
I still expect you baby
Always will.
I am a lost puppy
Searching for a forever home
Only to find abusive owners

I am my own disease
It's always been that way
My happiness depends on others

To be loved
To love
Is the only way
I could ever really smile

I have this incessant need
To be someone's

To be held by a man
With a glimmer in his eyes

To feel beautiful

No matter how long I am alone
Whether a day or a year

The loneliness sinks in and eats at me

Without someone to be mine I sit and wallow
The racing thoughts increasing by day
The urge for a blade
The pain
The desire to give up
To give in

I lose hope when I am alone
Hope for a future

I don't know what to do anymore
I don't know how to fight this

I just wish I knew how to be happy
Without needing someone else

But that will never be me

Big can be beautiful too

The size of the clothes you or I wear,

Are just numbers,

They do not define beauty.
No, I don't always love myself,
No, I won't always,
Because I make mistakes
And I'm allowed to hate myself for them,
I'm allowed to forgive myself too,
I'm allowed to mourn for myself,
So no, I don't wake up everyday loving me,
I work really hard at it,
I tell myself to smile more days than not,
Because truth is, smiling is hard,
I may not always love myself,
But I still have the capacity to love,
To love with all of me,
Just because I struggle,
Does not mean I do not deserve happiness,
In fact I deserve it more because I struggle,
Maybe I'm not perfect,
Maybe I'm far from it,
But I have to remember,
Even if I don't feel beautiful,
Someone else out there
Might just think I am,
Someone out there might just think,
I am perfect.
The storm
And brutal
Has finally
And now
All I have
To do
Is dry
And hope
The sun
Have you ever looked into someone's eyes?

Usually it's weird but it doesn't seem like that big of a deal right?

But have you ever looked into someone's eyes?

And every part of your body comes alive and you're just so sure it means something, I mean it has to.

It's amazing how just a look

Just eyes on yours
Can send chills through your entire soul.
If I closed my eyes long enough
If I closed my eyes tight enough
It would be your hand on my cheek
Your lips on mine
Leading a trailway down me
If I closed my eyes long enough
You'd be there
And my pain would not.
I'm closing my eyes
You know me,
The real me
No else does
So it gets lonely.
No one knows the meaning of... or the dot or on the rocks one here knows who I am. I have 1 friend with ulterior motives and ugh im sick of it here. Its impossible without him.
I saw your face today
For the first time in
Far too long

And it was somehow
A breath of fresh air

My eyes widened and I smiled
But my heart gasped
Aching for you
Aching because of you

God I love that face

More than I ever planned to.
I'm not blocked but it wouldn't let me send a message...congrats babe. I'm glad you're happy now.
You told me
I love you as a friend
You've never heard
The smack
Of a facepalm any louder.
I don't want
To be
One sided love
Is just a one way ticket
To heartbreak.
Still as I wait for your memories to fade...I find myself spending days thinking of you.I hate it...I wish it gone I wish I never met you...But then I wouldn't have felt love.I wouldn't have felt your sweet kiss Or calming hug.I would have never discovered that someone could mean as much as you mean to me...

Memories don't die but sometimes they fade...
The pain

Always fades

One way

Or another.
Just as we become so strong,
I feel it fading away,
I feel the laughter fading,
The jokes and smiles lessen each day,
I feel the hug fading,
They've become so emotionless compared to before,
I feel our kisses fading,
The passion has it all faded too?
I feel your love for me dying,
But is my love fading as well?
I can't seem to understand,
This feeling is so strong,
Every time we are "we"
The love fades away,
But every time it's just you and I,
The love is so strong,
How could our love be fading?
Will it return from the darkness?
I need this love,
I need you,
Please stop the fading
If there is anything you can do...
Reading old messages
I can see now
How we pushed each other away

Made small statements
To both seem like we were okay

Did everything except say goodbye

Just slowly let each other go.
She wasn't bitter

She was do **** disappointed

She believed you

She had hope


You failed her.
I knew
Better than this.
I have now failed at every dream
That I have ever had

And most of all
There Is Failure all around us.

      Failure to hope.

Failure to dream.

      Failure to believe.

There is failure in education.

       Failure in love.

And there is failing with yourself.
You just have to try for sucession.
Hated for loving
When all I was supposed to do
Was care in secrecy
Hated for caring
When they wanted me to love
Hated for speaking
When silence was the only thing
To escape my lips
Rude and cruel boys
You surely are
What miscommunication
Because in that love
There was care
In my care there was
A small love
In my words of silence
Only goodness was expressed
Yet I am without you three
The one who wanted
Lost it
The one who wanted
Couldn't achieve it
And the one who wanted
Silence of his desires
Never got me.
To Erique who now hates me because I loved him
To Jose who hates me because I didn't love him
And to Cesar who hates me because I told a friend that he was flirting with me as well as her,
Why can't they understand
That without him
I sit here and wither away
That everday i found strength in him
And now everyday i find weakness
In his absence
Why can't they see
That without him
I am nothing
That our love torn apart
Damages me
Why can't they see it
I need him.
As I teetered between between being sleep and consciousness I felt your arm wrapped around me like fairy dust that was left behind because when I was jolted awake by this feeling I knew I'd turn around and you, you wouldn't be there.
I think I believe in fairy-tales
Because , well

*I believe so deeply in our happy ending.
I used to
Dream of kissing you
Hugging you
Holding your hand
Making love
Hearing you say
You loved me
The way I loved you
I begged to God
To the stars above
And I tried so hard
To explain
That I knew
You and me
We were meant to be
I cried so many tears
I shed so much blood
Felt so much pain
And somehow
Lucky old me
Finally passed the beginning
Of that fairy-tale
And now after
After my praying
My wishing
My hoping
And my dreaming
I have you
To Hug
To Kiss
To love
My dearest King
You surely did
Rescue me
Even if it was from myself.
Crap... Reminds me of my older middle school stuff.
Once upon a time
You were my prince
My knight in armor
You rode up on your stallion
Rescued me from hell
The smell of you
Clean and new
Enticing me to get closer
The feeling of your arms
As they wrapped around me
Warming any coldness
And causing my heart
To quicken its beating
Then one day
The feel of your lips
As they fought with mine
Your the victor though
You wanted your dominance
Need it too
The touch of your hand
Leaving me breathless
Making me desire more
Knowing I could not have it
Teasing me with touches and kisses
The love we shared then
Has faded away
Died and disspeared
Your sword slashed me
And memories
Burn as a reminder
We lost each other
And now
My prince
My adorable knight
Has become nothing
But a distant memory
A part of a life
I never truly could stay in
My fairy tale ended
Because fairy tales
Are not real.
No, she does not believe in fairy tales
She's not delusional,
She knows fairies aren't real
She knows a frog won't really become a prince
She knows, she really does

But she does believe in love,
She believes there is love stronger
Than the hearts capacity
That love is not held in one place
But in all of someones being,
She believes in true loves kiss
She believes in a happy ending for herself
Even if it may come with struggles

So no she does not believe in fairy tales
She believes in the love that they can inspire in someone.
Once upon a time
I fell in love with this man
And this man
Would break promises
Break my heart
But I was sure he was the one
I was blinded by love
I never saw the pain he caused
I loved him so completely
I believed I would never love again
Then one day
I met this other man
And this man
Truly kept his word
He was a dreamer
And no matter the day
Or how untrue it felt
He made sure he called me beautiful
So much so I'd believe him
And this man is the man I intend to spend my life with now
It is possible to love again.
Getting engaged in two weeks
I wanna wrap you in my arms
And tell you everything will be okay
But sometimes I realize
I can't always get what I want
And while your away
I think of why this happened
And I think its God asking us
To fight just a little more
To prove that even in distance
Our love can survive
I think He wants us to try
And never give up
I think He loves us
And that's why Hes doing this
To help us see that even apart
We're fighting to be together
He wants us to appreciate what we have now
So we'll appreciate all we'll achieve even more
I have faith things will work out
Because He gives me faith
Because you give me faith
Because no matter what
I love you
And this battle is just another step
To the wonderful life in store for us
He didn't bring us together to break us apart
But instead to make us stronger together
Don't give up yet baby
For all will be okay
Our love will fight on
So baby smile because what we have
Not for what we don't
Give thanks we have this instead of nothing
Smile with me knowing that
As long as we never give up
All our dreams are possible.
I smiled
I won
A **** away
And keeping
My true love near
I've finally won
And I know
It's because I love you.
She held her cold lifeless body,
Swearing tonight would be the last she spent alone,
Knowing when she awoke,
She'd put on her fake smile,
Pretend everything was okay,
She faked so well she almost believed it,
She gathered her things,
And drove,
Crying along the way,
All alone in the car,
Because no one would see her there,
No one would wonder why,
She parked,
Wiped her make up smears away,
Put her fake smile back on,
And she got out of her car,
Whispered to herself:
You have to try, even if you feel like you're failing.
It hurts
To even smile
In pictures
It's too fake.
I tried to take a picture with a smile
And all I could do was frown and give this weird fake smile. Agh it hurt.
And she watched

As each one of her dreams

Came c r a s h i n g
Around her

And all she had left was the dust

Of a fallen star

She once wished upon.
I fell in love
With your
And your smile
Your jokes
And stories
I fell for
The way you
Wrap your
Arms around me
The way you
Comfort me
And the way
You make my
Heart flutter
I fell
For the way
You looked at me
And the way
You cared
Unlike any other
I fell for
The way
You made me happy
And I fell
For your
You fell for mine.
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