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953 · Mar 2014
Love Rebellion
I fought against being clingy
Despite your requests
Because i knew
Once i became clingy
You'd see me for my weakness
Not for my strength
And our blossoming love
Would forever die and fade

*Oh how right i was
951 · Jan 2013
I'm sorry
Will you stay?
Or will
You break
My heart
The choice
Has always been yours.
949 · Jan 2014
Light Wishes
It aches
To know
That in this
Difficult time apart
I cannot suceed
In making you happy
I know you wish you were here
And oh how I wish
That you were too
But in this time apart
I hope you feel my love
I hope that you see
Every laugh and smile as
My attempt to be happy
To prove my love and
Deep affection
My sweet love
I hope that one day
You'll see the world
A little brighter
I wish being yours
Made it so
But you dream
Of happiness
In each others arms
And until that day
Know that I love you
And that you will always
Be my sunshine
My star
In every night sky
You are my forever
And that
Will never change.
949 · Dec 2011
Love Is Evil.
Slowly the air stops blowing,
My tears are they showing?
Do you see my pain
It's my heart that was slain,
My smile has now died,
At least I can say I tried.

Our love quickly faded,
Your love for me was no longer stated,
Memories of us are burned into my mind,
That happiness I'm determined to once again find,
But when we kissed sparks didn't just fly they soared,
With you I never did feel bored.

So as I try and move on you have to know my heart always loved you,
And now in my lonliness I don't know what to do,
While a part of me wants to forget
A part of me know that with you I made no regret.

I'm sorry you want this to end,
But don't expect me to go on and pretend,
You broke me and made me weak,
Now my future seems bleak,
I will not act as though I'm okay,
Because I'll break down and cry as I watch you walk away
For the last time.
948 · Mar 2014
You lie to us both
Saying that someone can
Replace everything
Replace the engagement
And the love,
The passion,
The utter flame of love
We weld from the depths
Of God's grace
He is not you
But a solution
Because though
I may never love
At least i am distracted
When he's around
At least for a moment
He can make me smile
And forget the ache
But you have to know
I cant love him
I cant love anyone
Because i still love you.
Missing when you loved me and fought for me.
945 · Aug 2011
The Dark abyss dream
There you are,
Standing in the Darkness,
You have no clue where you are,
It's just black,
Silence envelops you,
Traps you,
And for a moment fear comes over you,
Then,by some force,
Maybe a jump or maybe you've been pushed,
It's like your falling,
Falling deeper and deeper,
Into that dark abyss and It never ends,
Your body Is asleep but your mind is a play,
The interpretation for this dream is unsure,
But know while dreaming of the abyss,
Your body may squirm,
Wishing to end this frightful dream,
I for one wake up,
More like jump up and on occasion,
I wake up screaming or in tears,
Because I fear it is real,
I fear I am falling,
And that the abyss never ends,
And I will forever be trapped in the darkness and silence.
942 · Apr 2012
Noisless laughter,
Bickering surrounding me,
Anger will build,
My only release is escape,
I'm locked in this cage,
A class full of people whom I hate,
They mock me,
And I mock their idiocy,
*** heads,
And quitters,
Surrounded by the unfavored,
Suffocating in the abyss,
Darkness devouring my insides,
Hatred grown,
Loath in process,
They must be ended,
They too must change,
I am not alone,
I will survive,
I will find my way out.
938 · Aug 2011
Evil Urges
I still fight it everyday,
The urge for the blade,
I see one and think how easy it would be to take it,
Take it and swipe it across my flesh,
The urge it never fades,
I've been trying to quit since day one,
But my heart has grown weak and heavy,
It fills with pain with each inhale,
And is trapped with each exhale,
The urge can hide itself,
It fools not just me but everyone around me,
Then It comes back,
Stronger than ever,
Then I'm desperate,
Desperate for that blade,
For anything,
Anything willing to pierce my skin,
I need it,
Need it to comfort me,
To make the pain let out just a little,
To Help me,
Help me feel anything,
Maybe I'll be seen,
But then the world turns on me again,
Again I'll be alone,
Stuck In the Darkness,
With only my Evil Urges.
933 · Feb 2013
Blinded Imbecile Am I
Blinded I fight
To get
Just one slice
Blinded am I
Blind and foolish
My naive ways
Tricking me
Into a unknown
And untrustworthy trust
For I believe
Blatant lies
My battle
Though tough
Shall be won
For the mask
Covering these
Dark eyes of mine
Will soon be unveil.
Look what you've done,

You broke her,

After making her feel like she was the one,

It's not right,

It's not fair,

You took away her light,

You don't even care.
932 · Apr 2014
I thought
If you left me
I'd hate you
Want revenge
And do stupid stuff
But instead of
Wearing those
Black see through *******
The only thing I want is you
And since I cant have you
I'll have our cat
And call her mine
Call her fatherless
And make her chubby
Because of my frustration
And hurt and my anger
And I will love her
As I love you
As if she was the product of us
Because in a way she is
Because every time
I look at her,
Hug her and cuddle
With her,
Every time she bites me
And eats ham
I think of you,
I think of us.
I hope one day you come back, at least for her.
929 · Apr 2014
Fallen For You
I fell in love
With your
And your smile
Your jokes
And stories
I fell for
The way you
Wrap your
Arms around me
The way you
Comfort me
And the way
You make my
Heart flutter
I fell
For the way
You looked at me
And the way
You cared
Unlike any other
I fell for
The way
You made me happy
And I fell
For your
You fell for mine.
927 · Feb 2012
What A Sucker(10W)
Love Was Always For Suckers,You Made Me A Sucker.
They answer hate with hate
I answer it with silence
A lack of participation
Trying to keep locked up
Not to reveal my anger
To assure safety
No hate for me
Though hate grows
I'll keep it in
Sure not to show it
Or my weakness
Hate is not solved with hate
Or silence
Hate is solved
Only by a better understanding.
923 · Oct 2013
This Isn't A Poem
I told someone we're having problems

I don't know if that was the word for it
But lately I feel like your hiding things
Even from me
I know we're going through
A rough time
But I hate feeling so far
Like my own heart is floating away
And I know yours is breaking with each word
And I'm just making things worse
Because thats all I'm good at
And I'm sorry
I just want you back
Your smile has vacated
And you seem so numb
You distance me
And act like I don't care
But I do
I want it all to work out
Just as much as you
I want you in my life
I want you to stay forever
I wanna be your wife
Forever loving and faithful
But I feel so far from you
And I feel your loneliness even now
I feel your wish to be at home with me
Cuddled in a cacoon of love
But you know my goals require me to stop
Taking so many days off
And it's making me feel like
I'm trapped between a rock
It feels as though I'm in that room
Where the walls are closing in
And there are no ways out
Or simply too many to choose one
And I just want you back
And I know you have to worry
But since all the stress has arose
You kiss me less
Hug me with desparity
Begging to be saved
When I'm in the same situation
You show less emotion while showing
So many
You love me
But it feels colder
And I'm scared
And I miss you
And I don't know when things
Will get better
But I'll always be here
I'm not the type of girl
To give up on what she loves
Baby I don't want us to cry anymore
I don't want to hurt
I don't want us to live our lives
In a loveless love
Please show me you love me
Just hug me with a smile
Or kiss me with a passion
That's not a solution
Kiss me like you want me
Because you love me
Hold my hand and squeeze
Smile at me
Smile because we have each other
Smile because we're soul mates
And we're engaged
Chase me
Tickle me
Ressurect our love
And please stop worrying for one second
And just be with me
You are my sun
And you are clouded
I'm here and try to help you shine again
Believe in my love
Trust me
Come back to me.
I just want to fix it. Maybe I'm just overly hormonal.
A single tear fell from her heartbroken eyes
And fell so silently onto his bare chest
She kissed his cheek and left
A heart heavier than the one she'd arrived with

She had never been one to leave before today
But she feared his absence
And pleading with him so he'd stay
Was no guarantee

He awoke alone with a moistened chest
His fear arose as he saw the note she had left

"I'm doing something you never did...saying goodbye."
He got up and ran, he knew where she lived but even more
He knew where she was going.

It began to pour and her tears blended with the rain. She made it here,
The only place she might find some comfort,
The place they first met.
She grabbed rock after rock and hurled at this building
Screaming how evil and unfair it had all been.

He saw her throwing and ran faster toward her

She stopped throwing and broke down,
Crying and cursing, missing him but knowing
She simply couldn't change what she had done
Or the pesky fear that invaded her.

He grabbed her by the arms and said "Never say goodbye again."
He had learned her pain

She fell into his arms tears still flowing with the rain
She was a complete mess.
She whispered
"How can you know you won't leave me again?"

He smiled and said "Love, it anchors us together, it keeps us
from ever truly being apart."

Her heart sighed with relief so she asked "You still love me after I left?"

"Of course, you still loved me after I left." and he chuckled and something
Just felt so right.

She truly believed they'd be together forever..."I love you."

*And he truly wanted to be together forever,
And he'd make sure they would be..."I love you too"
919 · Apr 2014
I stared into the mirror last night
And I cried
But this time I cried not because
I disliked what I saw
But instead because of what you
Always saw in me
Because no matter how I looked
You found beauty in me
Even when I
Was simply a crumpled mess
You'd hold my hand with pride
And tell me I was beautiful
So thats why I cried
Because your words
Made me feel loved
Even if everything's changed
Those words
Meant everything
You mean everything.
919 · Apr 2013
Revived Neediness
I never want you to go
And if I could
I would keep you
Near me always
I get so needy
And I fight it off
So I don't seem weak
But It's true
I need you
I can't help my ache
But It wants you so close
For now and always.
She put me down again
And I guess
That's where the
Insecurity began
Her and then the doctors
I think she started at 10
Or maybe 13
I can't tell anymore
She made me shed a few tears
And I fought the urge to do more
I fought off my desires to scream
And to swear
But it's like the *** calling the kettle black
Or whatever the quote is
And I hate it
I hate judgment
But most of all
I hate it from her
I hate when she tells me
How I never do anything
And acts as though I don't try
I hate how she doesn't understand
How she never has
I'm big
I can deal with it
Why can't she?
Why can't society?
915 · Aug 2011
Sometimes it's easier to lie and pretend you don't wanna cry if they see it in your eyes,and ask why just let out a sigh and deny what they ask,just put on your mask and pretend it's okay,eventually they'll go away.Though the pain has a tendency to stay and perhaps your mind will betray itself and let out a tear,don't let them see you in fear,hurry before your make-up smears,before the darkness never disappears,and before your end nears.
914 · Feb 2014
Hug Hope
All i hope for
Is that returning
To your arms
Will make everything
Okay again.
Old poem session
913 · Jan 2013
Butterfly Fly Away
My heart

                         Once a caterpillar

Not yet grown

                             But once it knew


                           It grew

To be

                             A beautful butterfly


                           And fluttering

On it's way

                            Straight to you.
913 · Feb 2012
"One of Satans Spawns"
Loving you was once precious and the light it gave once let me bask in the glow,
Now I realize how you've destroyed all the possible sucess I could've acheived,
You are not an angel like I once claimed you were,
Now in my eyes you are only one of Satans spawns,
You try to repair it all but you only make it worse,
You think I don't know the truth,
Like I'm some sort of ****** fool?!
I know better than to play by your rules,
This time when you try to "fix things"
I'll say "***** YOU" and walk away,
And when I go don't expect me to come back,
Not for you,
Hell no.
To my heartbreaker...>:O
912 · Nov 2013
My Soul Is Being Ripped
You don't sense my sincerity
When I say I wish I could change it
You don't listen to me
When I say I have been faithful and trustworthy
You have ignored my broken heart
If you looked in my eyes
My soul could reach out
And beg for your understanding
It would beg for you to do
What you use to,
910 · Mar 2014
I always wished
You'd wear cologne
But i don't think
I'd ever stop smelling you
If you did.
905 · Aug 2013
Raindrop Kisses
I'd guess I'd have to say

Your kiss

Is always like the rain

Its always refreshing


It can wipe away thoughts

It demolishes my fears

It soothes

I love the rain

But I love your kisses

A million times more.
I love the rain it makes me feel so good.
Just like when he kisses me.
904 · Nov 2012
True Colors
You savage
Evil lurks
Your near
Demonic eyes
No soul
My hate is true
You lack any
Any care
Can such a
Have a heart
I never knew
A creature like you
Can play nice
But it's never long
Before true colors
Are revealed.
903 · Nov 2012
Guilty Pleasures.
Passion beginning in short kisses
The moment tongues are thrashing
You pull me closer in a fit of desire
My pleasure audible
I seem to press closer and closer
Feeling your warm body tremble beneath me
You must be losing control
Because your pushing my hips away
I move them closer to feel your body
Hard against me
Your losing control
Circling my pant line
Almost giving into temptation
Giving into me
But you fight
Until you can't bare it
Any longer
And your hand
Crashes into my skin
In a beautiful feeling of pleasure.
900 · Sep 2013
You Make Me Stronger
I was never strong willed

I could never stop tears

Or control my own heart

I was weak to you

Weak for you

And when I fell in love

It hurt

But here I am

Years later

With you

As mine

And baby

I've never felt stronger.
897 · Sep 2011
To My love(Letter)
To My First Love,
Do you know that I still love you?
Do you know why?
Let me explain,
The first day we met,
you wanted to be my friend,
I said no,I'd fall for you,
And you being so stubborn,didn't care,
We weren't just friends though,
We were best friends,
We would wave every time we saw each other in the hall,
If we didn't sit together we'd stare at each other,
Which always made me laugh,
We'd walk together,
Talk about the most random things,
Laughed about nothing,
We went through rough times,
But our friendship always came first,
The first time you hugged me I screamed,
I loved your hug though,
It was perfect,
Light and still tight enough for me to feel your warmth,
You would make me play silly games,
And made me hug you,
It took forever to hold in my scream when we hugged,
But eventually I learned,
Then we shared a perfect hug,
More than one,
Two I remember perfectly,
One where I laid my head on your shoulder and looked up,
I looked into your eyes and saw you suddenly look at me,
Awkwardly beautiful,
The second,
I was sad,
You put out your arms knowing I needed a hug,
And I ran into your open arms,
Feeling better immediately,
You asked me out on a Monday,
That was year and a half ago now,
We shared our first kiss on a Wednesday,
Not only our first,
But my favorite,
The last day I saw you was on a Monday,
Only a week since you asked me out,
you walked out of my life,
And then I had no life,
I fell apart,
Without you.
So this is to my love,who I saw the other day after a year and a half of not seeing you,After loving you nearly 3 years,I walked away,Too scared,But it's okay Because I will see you again I'm not gonna give up until I do.
895 · Aug 2012
Pulled In By The String
I Don't Know You Well
But your smile
Makes my heart
Your greeting
Makes me
At loss
For words
When I see you
Everything else
And all I can see
Is you
All I see
Is the string
That's connected
From my heart
To yours
And I'm
Being pulled in.
892 · Nov 2013
I am inferior
For in your eyes
I am simply sin
No matter how I beg
For forgiveness
I am a monster
Am I not?
For did you not agree
With the cruelty he dealt
The accusations
Of being nothing but a
Young lustful *****
Is that what your calling me?
I thought you loved me
And yet I have spent all day crying
My heart begging to be torn out
And my hands anxious for the blade
My mind shattered
As memories of us replay in my mind
Our hugs and kisses
Our cuddles and care
The proposal which you took back
That which shattered my dreams
And I fear he was right in calling me
For I believe God is punishing me
I have sinned and prayed for forgiveness
And I am repayed with only this agony
I cannot cry for I have run out of tears
My world distraught by the power
He holds over you and I
To disrupt our present
With the past
That which I have begged forgiveness
My voice
It goes unheard
And the pain undying
If you were here to look me in eyes
Would you let me break inside as I am now?
Would you watch me crumble?
Or hold me and love me?
Haven't you always preached
Letting go of the past
Haven't you preached forgiveness
For I am broken now
And I will not yell
And I may continue to cry
But still I will not give up
Our battle is too hard
But we've fought to long
To give up now
So I remain
With this aching
For I too love you
And I too forgive
For love is forgiveness
Love is compromise and acceptance
And I accept you
And I trust you
And sometimes I wish that was returned
But I see no matter how faithful I am it will not
I have sinned so
I will not be trusted
And I'm always gonna be
Border-line accpeted
But love goes on
So I will stay
And be yours
And offer you my heart
And let you cherish or hurt it
For my love is powerful
And it will not quit
For true love
Does not sway or diminish
Only grow with each twisted fight.
I Am Fire And You Are Water And You Attempt To Contain Me.
891 · Sep 2015
I linger in the pain

Turning my chest to charcoal

You use to reside on my lips

Now lipstick goes unsmeared

And a smile not shown

You use to reside beside me

Now my hand is empty

My feet cold

My bed vacant

My laughter unheard

My beauty dissipated

And overall

You use to reside in my happiness

Now I am only half of what was once

A whole.
889 · Oct 2015
Why couldn't you love my temporary tattoos
Or my make up
Why couldn't you stand my dream catchers

They were a part of me

Weird ole me

Why couldn't you love

Every bit of me?
882 · May 2013
I'm twisted
My mind a disaster
I'm so vulnerable these days
So easy to set off
I cry like a fool
And you watch
Because my foolish tears sting
I wipe them away
And I need you
I need you
I'd like to attack you
So that your once again
Deep within me
But the time has passed for that fun
I've shed tears and it's turned you away from
Pleasurable thoughts
And back to the sweet ones
But I like it when your like that
I like when you want me so badly
That you simply can't keep your hands off
I'm twisted
Because I want it
I want you
And the odd part of it is
I want you even more once I've had you
I simply cannot stop this desire
My love drives me to the incessant need
To be so close that your pelvis and mine stay
Connected,together in sweet sweet ecstacy.
881 · May 2012
Happy Birthday Star.
Happy Birthday Darling
If no one else says it
I will
My girl
Your older now
On your way
To becoming a grown up
Your no joke
You are strong
You Keep me going
I can only try
To describe you
I would say your
And Honest
I trust you
Your an amazing person
And star you light up my day.
877 · Mar 2014
Brutality and Honesty
The thing that hurts the most
Is the brutal and unrelenting truth

**You don't care
You don't love me
And your easily
Burying all the memories
Of us while they replay
In my mind on and on
Forever reminding me
That I wasn't good enough
That I was unlovable.
I remember seventh grade
When life was wisping by
I remember how full my
Heart was
And how naive I was
I remember the fall leaves
Slowly dancing around us
I remember how
Peaceful it all was
And I remember how
Hard I'd scream and laugh
Whenever you gave me those hugs
Those amazing hugs
As though I was wrapped
In a snuggly cocoon
I remember how fun it was
To be your best friend
And how I loved you more
Each and every day
I remember our snowball fights
And how we laughed
I remember that mound of snow
And how I felt a spark when
Our faces neared and
Our eyes lingered
I remember running to your arms
With my declaration of love
And my acceptance to the idea of us
I remember the rain just two days after
The most beautiful drizzle
I have ever seen
And I remember running my hand
Across that pipe
Smiling knowing what was coming
It wasn't just my stomach with butterflies
It was all of me from head to toe
I remember sitting on the step facing you
And how a tap kiss scared me
And more made me jump back
And the most romantic thing
I'll ever know
Is when I said I couldn't out of fear
And you whispered "I know"
As you slid closer and kissed me
So passionately
I remember you and I
Falling in love
I didn't let you go
Because on that day
On all those days
You proved to me you,
You were worth fighting for
Your always worth fighting for.
I know you hate when I remember
But I remember the good and ignore and forget the bad
I remember all those things that made me smile
I loved you then just as I love you now
I hope you forgive me for my reminiscing
But these were special moments in our foundation
I love you for all these things and more
You've made me so happy
I hope you never forget that.
Our love
It began years ago
In a middle school
Either a classroom
Or cafeteria

Our love
It began when eyes met
And hearts skipped

Our love
It began when lips met
And worlds collided
When the rain
Blessed us

Our love
It began when
You walked up to me
Also the moment I realized
I couldn't refuse your offer

Our love began
When we fell apart
Distant to far for comfort

Our love
It began
With an idea
At a second chance

Our love
It began when our lips
Reunited and we remembered
What is was like to really be kissed

Our love
It begins
With every new adventure
And we get to laugh
Because we know
Our love will never die
We'll just start some new twisted adventure.
870 · Feb 2014
Your everything to me
Your smile cradles my aching heart
And all I wish for is your everlasting presence
I need your comforting hugs
And your sweet soothing kisses
Our passion that makes us wild
Can only be soothed
By our harmonious love making
Oh how sweet and tender your touch is
Yet so rough and precise
Knowing my body's every weakness
And when we're done we have each
A sweet sense of easement in our lives
As though entwining bodies
Makes life a little easier to live
You give me faith in life
Every bit of strength I find
Is found in my happiness of being yours
You are the goodness in all this chaos
And I awake each morning
Only to get closer to the day we can be reunited
Oh my sweet lover I miss you
For you are my everything
Even when it seems like I have nothing.

*I love you
870 · Feb 2013
I love you
You make
A part
Of my sad soul
Finally brighten
And see the light.
869 · Apr 2014
Prayer 10w
I pray more for you
Than I do for myself.
868 · Jan 2014
Lovely Dreamer
We are stronger
Than any obstacle
We have been through
So much and here we are
Still fighting
For something
SO WORTH fighting for
Here we are
Battling every day
For our love
To rejoin
And to once again
Meet at the lips
And slip into bliss
Here we are
Aching for each other
Heart, body, mind and soul
A love unlike any other
Surpassing the teenage years
And entering us into adulthood
For together our dreams
Become real.
Love makes dreams
Not only possible
But come true.
867 · Feb 2022
Half Love Story
I loved you enough to ruin myself

You loved me enough to ruin me too.
866 · Nov 2012
Beside You
My hand on your chest
Leg spread
One atop yours
Pillow tucked
Beneath my head
You lie straight
We whisper good-night
Say "I love you"
And fall into the
Most blissful sleep
We will ever know
And yet in the morning
I awake in a similar way
You lying beside me
I blink and blink
Just to make sure your there
And you are
All I know
Is that this is it
Because for the rest of my life
All I want to do is fall asleep
Beside you
And wake up
Beside you.

The truth is
Without you
I feel so alone
So I cling to anyone
Who's willing
To be a leech
Until you return
Is my life all day
I just hope you see
I love you so much
That I miss you most
When your away
My body heart and soul
Try to replace you
but I just need to look into your eyes
To be close
With them
I hug
And poke
And tug
And laugh strangely
They're not you
They do not complete me
Like you do.
862 · Feb 2013
I simply
Do not
The complexities
Of myself
So no
I do not
But I try
I try to
Solve this puzzle
Of me
And hopefully
While I piece
Together the images
And hidden meanings
Maybe I can start to
Understand the puzzle
That is you
Or the
Hardest puzzle of all,
Wanted to write something and somehow got this
Oh well
854 · Jul 2011
The pelting rain
I love when The rain pelts me hard it makes me laugh the harder it rains.Doesn't it sound insane well I liked that pain it wiped away the memories I wish could fade even though there was still a strain It all felt okay In the Glorious rain.I could feel no Pain Yes Maybe I was insane.But It's okay now because I no longer feel my old pain.Yet I still miss my friend the pelting rain.
850 · Jan 2013
Lustfully In Love
My body's running off the deep end
Trying to get closer to you
My body it wants you
We're lustful teens
But we're also in love
Your uncontrollable shiver
Turns me on
I have fight back urges
When your away
Images and thoughts
Of making love with you
Rot my mind
No one will ever touch me
Like you do
I get nervous when
The chance arises
But even though I retreat
I want to march forth
And let our bodies be one
But every teen girl fears
This is all you want
Even though I know its not
My past has traumatized me
And my body's begging I let go
I need to
Because my body wants to be with you.
Always waiting
For yet
Luxourious kiss
For you see
My heart
With you is
And your lips
They press on mine
And send my mind
All this joy
A jolt awakens my sleepy soul
For you brighten each moment
And with you even I
Dread sleep
You kiss me sometimes
With this fierce passion
Like I'm all that matters
Almost as though
Your kiss
Tells me you love me
And when you cup my face
Or run your hand through my hair
My soul brightens up
And suddenly
The clouds part
For I can finally reach
As long as you
Are by my side.
I love you always my King.
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