Surrounded by better things,
Unable to touch,
Their happiness sitting there,
Mocking me,
I try to brighten my own world,
But the darkness always comes,
How can I make it fade?
My future seems bleak,
My heart is broken,
And I am alone,
No one loves me,
No one loves a complicated girl,
Especially one that likes black,
And actually has a brain,
Or at least that's how it seems,
I'm caving in,
I have my friends,
But they seem so distant even when their near,
I'm weak,
And I'm scared,
Thoughts flow in,
Bad ones mainly,
Ones about blood,
I miss it,
I miss the feeling of the cut healing,
But I've been strong for a while,
Am I ready to ruin it again?
Darkness constantly envelops me,
And I'm just trying to break free.