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600 · Dec 2012
Please Do
I'm afarid
To run
I'm afraid
You won't
Chase me.
600 · Jan 2013
Nothing makes
Me happier
Than to hear
Your voice saying
*I Love You.
You said your other personality
Was the spirit of anger

Well baby,
Didn't you know,
My whole personality,
Is the spirit of love,
Of undying hope

Didn't ya know that girl,
Who once loved you the way I did,
Could never stop

Didn't ya know,
That despite so much anger,
Despite your unwillingness to forgive
Despite every bad day

The spirit of love within me never died,
She lives forever,
She is me,
Love is me,
You cannot **** us,
Cannot knock us down,
We will always stand,
We will always love.
598 · Mar 2012
Scattered thoughts,
Incomplete sentences,
Partial ideas,
Broken words,
Unable to explain,
All that comes to mind clearly is frustration,
And I continue with it,
My mind is flustered,
So many thoughts,
So many wants,
So many impartial moments.
598 · Mar 2014
No Bloodshed
I told myself
And promised you
I wouldnt hurt myself
And yet I do everyday
When i wake up
And face reality.
I have not cut but i no longer need the pin to feel the pain or aching sting.
597 · Dec 2015
Honey Pie
Let's face it
I'm in love with everything you say
I'm in love with everything you do
And ****** baby
I'm just in love with you.
597 · Nov 2013
Never Ever Ever
Take comfort in my love
And in my smile
Find faith in my faith
And find sincerity in my heart
And know that my soul
It will never stop fighting
For what it truly loves

It will never stop fighting for you

*I will never stop fighting for you.
596 · Aug 2014
If you*  love  me
Then don't go.

Please stay

Stay with me.
595 · Mar 2013
Sick and Tired (Literally)
I wish
You were
To hold me
And help
Me feel better
I wish you were here
So I can know
That everything
Will be okay.
594 · Feb 2017
Painfully Beautiful
Everything is better with you
Movies are more intresting
Music has meaning
And even my tears
Are just a little sweeter

With you,
Life feels good,
It feels like I'm living

I love you
Maybe I always have
Or maybe I just
Keep falling in love with you
Over and over again

Either way it is the most
Painfully beautiful feeling.
I had a dream last night

            ­                                                    I lost you

You ended us

                                                          Al­l I know is I broke

Knowing there could never be

                                                           Another you and me

I couldn't  do anything

                                              To escape from the nightmare

Except wake up

                               Because I can't even live in dreams

If I don't have you.
I'm not sure what repulsed her most,
The fact that she went back to him makes her hate herself,
The stranger roaming her body,
It makes her clench at the memory,
Letting him control her,
Thinking of him sickens her,
The one who took a part of her innocence,
The Monster,
That she let destroy her life,
A momentary lack of judgement,
It brought her  whole life crumbling down,
For the few nights she let him touch her,
She spent hundreds crying,
Crawled up in the fetal position,
Wishing it was only a bad dream,
Wishing it was anyone but her,
One mistake ruined her,
She will never forget,
It haunts her soul,
It scares her to even speak of it,
She is Forever Scarred
No one can change that,No one.
591 · Jun 2013
Typical Poets
Poets are almost always sad
But that's because
We've been hurt
We've suffered
We've endured
But most of all we've persevered.
591 · Jun 2016
Wasn't Always
I promise you she wasn't always broken
She use to be a whole
But life kept hitting her
Right in her fragile heart
She loved too hard
Loved too long
Always forgave
Buried the pain
But it lingered in the air
It touched her in the dark
Scared her
She use to smile all the time
Though she can't remember that now
She use to laugh
Use to explore and feel free
She was wild and happy
Now she's barely there
Just a shadow of a girl
Calling herself a woman
She wasn't always broken
She was so in love that she felt
As though her heart had grown
Maybe that's why the brokenness
Hurts so badly now
She wasn't always broken
But I think a part of her was never
Quite whole either.
It crumbles from beneath you,
You watch in both silence and fear for your world has collapsed,
Your sins are unforgiven,
The pain only surges through you.

Alone in the darkness and nothing seems right,
You watched life be taken and death be given,
You must realize that this is now your everyday life,
Breaking down and letting the world fall to infinite pieces.

It all crumbles and all your left with are the memories you've buried,
Your poor soul burned by the schorching memories,
The one person who can help is acting as the devil
And truly you are alone.

Now you cannot ignore your arrogance,
Your face to face with the worst of you because it's all you've ever seen,
Escape is unreachable for the darkness in you outweighs the light,
And still you watch as it all crumbles beneath you,
Feeling the pain and suffering,
Feeling the terror you cannot control.

You let it crumble but you don't look away for a moment in fear of any good you may miss.
589 · Sep 2013
To Slip Away
A heavy chest
Blended with heavy tears
To make our sins fade
I can only beg
Our guilt always trapping
But to imagine a day
When we are free
When our sins are done and buried
And we have been forgiven
The day that we forgive each other
As well as ourselves is the day
Hearts are free from the weights
And tears dry and fade
I await the day we can let go
Let go and forget
And when it happens
Our freedom will truly be free
And our love will continue undying.
589 · Apr 2014
Homesick Without You
I love you
And I want that
To be enough
I want
Everything back baby
Your hugs and kisses
Being your honeybun
I want our dreams
To come true
With our little child
With our grand romance
Always vivid
Darling won't you just
Find your way back to me.
You always make everything okay,So please promise you'll stay.
588 · Jan 2013
My Shirtless Man
In a fit of lust
We lose control
But when all is done
I smile as you put your shirt back on
Realizing how good you look without it
And remembering all the days
I use to want to see you so ****
So bare
And now
After my patient waiting
I finally get to see
And I'll never get tired of looking.
There are moments
Without him
When I doubt
When I fear
And writhe in agony
For his absence almost feels
But I go to him
Each time I see him
Cuddle closely
And try not to let go
My closeness is
That he's still here
He hasn't left me
He loves me
I need him
I find my strength
In his arms
My joy
With his lips
And my survival
With his heart.
We're in love but it's more complicated than even he knows...
More complicated than he CAN know....
588 · Oct 2016
First Loves
The pain they give you
Is equal to the love you feel.
588 · Dec 2012
Just As I Promised
My knight in black armor
But I am no princess
I'm the snake your the charmer
I'm so wrapped in your sound
For eternity we'll be bound
I am your love slave
It's always me you save
With your love and affection
You shelter me with your tender protection
In my eyes I see no flaws only perfection
You rescue me
And I just wish you could see
How badly I want you
Forever and eternity.
Haven't rhymed in sooo long sorry its bad.
588 · Apr 2014
Has your desire and passion
Faded with your love
Mine had,
Until I thought
About your boots
And for the first time
In three days
I wanted
I desired you
I stopped being numb
For a singular moment
To think of how well you wore those
Black boots
And I wondered
If I'd ever make love again
To you or anyone
I wondered how long it would be
Before I stopped being disgusted
By the image in the mirror
Or if I'd ever let anyone in again
Ever let them know when and what I eat
Or let them see my stretch marks
Or let them rub my back
I found myself wondering
If I'd ever move on
And find happiness again.
587 · Dec 2012
It's when you
Love is coming for you
And you let it take you
That you have found
Your soul-mate.
If I could put my love for you
In words
Or in actions
I think it would enact world peace

That's just how much I love you
That if I could express it

The whole world could feel it.
586 · Aug 2015
10W Father?
I wanted a father
But life gave me a stranger
I loved you
I did
I promised
I always
But I
Buried it
So I could
Bury the pain
But now
When our lips
My heart
And I
I believed
You were
My soul-mate
My true love
I believe
And though
I'm scared
Thank you
For just the hope.
There were so many words,
She never got a chance to say,
He walked away,
Before she even got to say a thing,
Little did she know,
He would never return,
So there she was,
After the best day of her life,
Walking away with a smile that could be seen a mile away.

It took two days,
For her to realize,
He was gone,
And never coming back,
And this time,
She only felt numb,
She wouldn't believe it,
And when she admitted it to herself,
She poured out in tears,
Everything good she felt,
Now was evil,
It didn't take long,
For that blade to swipe across her arms,
In a instance,
She wanted nothing more than death,
She ruined her life,
All for him,
And he never told her how he felt.

It took 9 months to hear his voice,
She wept with shock and joy,
He told her he loved her,
And she replied the same,
But then,
He faded,
Again she was nothing.

9 more months to see his words,
Now his heart is cold,
Just as hers becomes slightly whole,
He has just enough time to wound her,
He does,
But still she loves him,
Still she dreams of him,
Still she hears his voice ringing in her ears,
Whispering of how he loves her,
But now it's no longer truth,
And now,
She must find a way,
A way to live without him,
Even if it takes all her life,
Because It just May.
585 · Nov 2013
I 'll never stop loving that scar
Because it's what I remembered most
When you went away
584 · Apr 2011
Crying in the rain....
So maybe It won't be the same it's okay maybe I'll go insane then I'll never have to feel the pain...It will be such a strain....But my heart won't die in vain...Yes the heart you've slain...The one that appeared so plain...The one that started off so sane...Now my heart feels sprained....It's okay I'll remain....But I refuse to refrain from from crying in the rain...
582 · Sep 2011
Confused Hearts
My Shaking hands running through my hair at the sight of you,
Stress and pain,
My heart stops dead,
My eyes widen,
I walk away,
More like pace,
But I turn around each second,Just to catch another glimpse,
The one I waited forever to see,
That face,
Exactly the same,
Too bad your heart no longer says my name,
My heart?
It has yours written all over it,
But it's crossed out,
From all the times I tried to let go,
I still don't know If I succeeded,
I'm doubtful,
But still hopeful.
Passionate Kisses,
To Spiteful Ignorance.

Tender Hugs,
To Evil Glares.

Sweet Laughter,
To Painful Silence.

Eternal Love,
To Everlasting Hate.
582 · Apr 2012
To Do List.
Kiss my neck,
Run your lips by mine,
Let your hands roam me,
Let mine roam you,
I'll kiss you here,
I'll hold you close,
Feel warmth grow between us,
Waiting for our bodies to entertwine,
waiting for an explosion of exotic ecstasy.
He calls me beauty
Himself the beast
But why do I feel so monsterous
For my betrayal was only
Yet knowing
He'd never forgive give me
No such motive to stop
And I feel I've gone too
Despite how meaningless
The encounters
Still these
Horrible things
Must not be revealed
For even though he loves me
This is unforgivable
And in an instant
To soul mates can be torn apart forever
A future can come crashing down
And the truth may even end two lives
So I bare the agony of the truth
I cannot destroy this
I will not let him know
This unto my grave I shall take
For the good of myself
For and my future spouse
and even for the child we hope to create
No matter how beautiful he claims I am
I know I am a monster
Who hasn't experienced much attention
and seems to have some
But has no ability to turn it away
Even if I have everything I will ever need.
May God forgive my sins ..
581 · Aug 2016
Late Night Reveal
The worst thing she does to herself
Is talk about you like you were
Just there and everyone missed you
Like somehow your shadow
Is still standing beside her

She does this to pretend she's not alone
She does this because for seven years
Of her short life you were there
Weaving in and out
Weaving your way into her soul

And now finding anyone else
To weave into herself
Seems pretty **** impossible
So instead she thinks of you
And let's her heart ache

She has so much love
So very much
And now has no one to give it to
Just her empty memories.
579 · Feb 2011
The wind...
The wind blows and I hear it whisper lightly in my ear...I can't make out the words...But as it blows I imagine a field and I seem to be in the center the wind blowing sweet memories into my mind,It's so siren yet I feel the danger for the bad memories approach...And still I listen as the good memories turn bad...
579 · Mar 2012
With a hug came an explosion of joy,
being in your arms for even seconds,
I could not shake the comfort from your embrace,
I had all I would ever need yet I yearned for more,
Just the gentlest of kisses,
Just the smallest of forbidden touches,
Love will help me pursue my desires,
Love is strong and fights,
My broken heart tries to walk away,
It is weak and sad,
Eventually I will break through,
Eventually I will be with you.
It's not that
I have nothing
Flowing through my mind
It is simply that
I have too many thoughts
Ideas and images
And I currently seem
Incapable of sorting them out
Into anything worth
Expressing poetically
It's hard to write
When conflicted
And bombarded
By endless emotions
That are always changing
With new information
There is plenty I can say
I simply fear
The emotions and words
Will be to jumbled to
Or to successfully
Express how I'm feeling.
577 · Sep 2015
Why won't you love me?
I don't want ***
Despite what my body tells me
I want to feel close
I want to feel loved
I want to feel weightless
I want you.
575 · May 2017
Wish upon a thousand stars
Do you ever just make a wish
Whether on a star, a time, or any other thing
And have this part of you truly believe
It will come true?
You were that wish </3
575 · Sep 2012
It's Always There
Perhaps it's
the sleep
That ignites
My hidden
I awake
Go on like
Any other day
But my hate
It emerges
From its
dark corner
My hate
For school
People, words
And life
Let me go now
Let me fly printout dreamland
let me
Sleep away
The deep seeded rage.
573 · Mar 2012
Be My Zombie.
You cherished your zombie games,
you loved grabbing your virtual shotgun,
now let me take a turn at your game,
let me take that gun,
I will aim it at your heart
I will shoot,
my broken heart will be avenged,
one bullet seems fair,
then be my zombie
so I can shoot away the pain you caused.

I May Never Stop Shooting.
572 · Oct 2015
I Deserve More
I was consumed for years by you
Drowning in my own love

I have now resurfaced
From the depths of you

While some days were good
Some were bad too

And I finally coughed up the heartbreak
I was letting myself choke on

I cannot love a man
Who was not dedicated to loving me

Who ever I am

I am me now

As scary and new as that may be

And while I still dream
Of my happy ending

I know I can't keep expecting you to choose me

Maybe someday someone else will choose me
Without doubt or question

Maybe they will love me without breaking me

It will happen one day

Because I know I deserve that happiness

I deserve to know what it feels like

To wake up everyday

And just smile.
Thank you for helping me stop hurting myself but I want happiness more more leaving me.
572 · Sep 2011
Not Meant To Be
My heart has no spare,
But no longer do you care,
I still remember the way you'd stare,
Your glare,
Bright like the sun,
You were just trying to make me feel like number one,
But our love is done,
Now your heart begins to ignore
All that we stood for,
After all your lies,
After all my cries,
We're out of tries,
I guess we're not meant to be,
Now we're only you and me,
No longer a we,
No longer sharing history,
And it seems no matter how hard I dream,
No matter my schemes,
You and I weren't meant to be.
To My First Love.
572 · Jan 2016
Arch Angel
You were her angel
She just didn't know
You did not fly
Out of the depths of heaven
You fell.
Let me go
The chains
You've placed
Are heavy
And I'm tired

Leave me be
No more
Please no more
I'll let the
Chains stay
If you just go
My past
My pain

Leave me alone
I don't need you
I don't want you
Please go
Your no longer safe
And all I'm searching for is safety

So leave me be
You aren't being fair to me.
About someone who won't leave my life alone.
My heart
Is like a
Large dog
In A small
It barks
It cries
A new
No one
Rescues it
Just leaves it
Lets it rot
And die
It gave up
And let go
Because hoping
And holding on
Was too hard.
Here I am
The one left behind
Left by a unwanting father
Left by friends
Left by all those whom I've cared for
Loved ones included
And now in my darkest place
You leave me too
Off to a new place
Leaving behind the girl who loves you
Tears cannot even comprehend my pain
You walking out of my life
It means I don't get my chance
It means another person hurts me
Once again I'm alone
You've left me now and there is no turning back
This is good-bye my love.
I'm not over you,
But this feeling isn't for you,
My love isn't for your heart,
It's for our memories,
The memories you so gleefully deny,
But I made myself remember,
I thought we could've been forever,
But after all my hopping I'm left with only a broken heart,
I'm so confused
You said you loved me,
And now your saying you never did,
Did I do something wrong?
You kissed me,
and now you won't even hug me
Did I make a mistake?
You use to be my best friend,
and now your a stranger avoiding me in the street,
I'm sorry if I did something wrong,
But I guess there is not use for pleading,
No use for wishing,
Because now everything that was is gone,
I spent so much time stuck on you,
And now you make me feel like it was all wasted,
I just wish you understood.
I Just Miss Who You Use To Be.
568 · Jul 2012
A Re-lit Candle
I think of you
Your smiling face
And the feelings
That inhabited me
In your presence
It was as though
You re-lit a candle in me
That burned out years before
It warmed me
And lit me up
I never wanted it to end
But when I thought it did
I realized it was a trick candle
And thoughts of you
Kept it lit
My fire won't burn out
Because no matter how hard you blow
The fire remains.
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