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Dec 2015 · 654
Binge Eating
Maybe one day
I'll wake up tired of dying

Maybe one day
The thing that makes me happy

Won't **** me.
Dec 2015 · 182
Not Written
I try not to write about you
So I don't miss you
So I don't want to cry

I try not to write about you
So I don't remember the good times
So I don't remember the bad ones

****** I'll never forget
And that's just so hard to admit.
Dec 2015 · 183
Just a Thought
I never even dreamed
That such a person
Could hold so much
Within their souls
Oh my dear
It eminates all around you
You are gorgeous
How can such
Perfection exist?
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
She let herself go unloved
She let herself fall more in love
She let the friendship grow
Hoping one day
In the middle of making love
He would slip up
And confess
He's in love with her too.
Dec 2015 · 558
Honey Pie
Let's face it
I'm in love with everything you say
I'm in love with everything you do
And ****** baby
I'm just in love with you.
Dec 2015 · 145
Toe Memory
At the end of the day
No matter how much
I know you hurt me
I will love you
I will miss you
I will remember you

Past all the pain
There was always
True love.
I remembered you helping me when my toe was messed loved me...just...not in the end.
Dec 2015 · 136
When you think of me
I hope you realize
You're the one
Who chose to walk alone.
Dec 2015 · 263
My Christmas Gift
His lips were on mine
And my body wanted to fold
Wanted to give in
To everything

I wanted to hate it
But instantly
I found myself loving it

I hardly noticed the way
His beard brushed against my skin

I was so lost in the want

I almost forgot to be scared
Of something so wonderful.
Dec 2015 · 247
Free Birds Sing With Pride
She got lost
She thought she was loved
But really he was her master
Well now
She can slide on a skirt
Put in her fake plugs
Smack on a temporary tattoo
And go out and buy another dream catcher
And guess what?
No one will tell her she looks
"Like a poser"
"Like a ******"
No one will tell her believing in dreams catchers
Are silly and evil
She will slide on that **** skirt and smile
Because she is free
She will go out
And she'll tell a better man
That she finally feels free
That she can finally be
Dec 2015 · 176
Lips Lorn
He kissed me

And I kissed him

Like I kissed you

Like my whole body wouldn't live

If I did not delve deeper

I wish it had been you

Because sometimes

You would kiss me

Just like that.
Dec 2015 · 197
Wish on Christmas
I use to wish for you at Christmas

This year

I'll be wishing for something else

Maybe someone else

I'll be wishing to find a man

Who will truly love me

Who makes promises

And actually keeps them.
Dec 2015 · 177
The change
At eleven I met a boy
Who was my soul-mate

I lost him at 12
And years later he was returned
But it took so much time
To realize
That once he left
He was no longer
My soul-mate.
Dec 2015 · 417
Not my Valentine
Your I love you's
Are like the Valentine cards
I got that another classmates
Mother forced them to give

I am unwanted
Yet sent sweet
Soul caressing words.
Dec 2015 · 261
No Luck Here
Life tells us there is always going to be
A *** of gold at the end of the rainbow
But living teaches us
That sometimes we travel all that way
To discover only a empty ***.
Dec 2015 · 139
Babble 102
I am so alone

The trees are devouring me

I will be one with the wind

I do not wish to disturb

I only wished to love.
Dec 2015 · 115
I Love Me Too
I think I have loved myself all along

I was just too scared to admit it to myself

While I may not be perfect

I can see the reasons why I am worthy of love

I can always see the glimmer in my eyes.
Dec 2015 · 164
Do Not Reign Over Me
I have lived my life for others

I am so ready to take the reigns

I want to live for me

For once

I want what I want

Even if I don't know quite what that is.
Dec 2015 · 112
Cross My Heart
You are every dream
I never knew I wanted
All coming true at once

You are every shooting star
I have yet to see.
Dec 2015 · 137
I hope you listen to our song
And cry

I hope you realize all you let go.
Dec 2015 · 154
Caged and Loved
Your ghost
Will always rattle
Within the cage that is
My soul.
Dec 2015 · 194
Hey You
Oh my dear
You are infinitely better than me
That is why I cherish you

You're caring and sweet
And gentle

But of course you can be rough
When you want to be

You make bits of me melt that I did not know
Could even melt to begin with

You are sun
I am shadow

I am okay with this
I have been blessed to have you

To feel you
To know your touch

Your soul
Is infinitely more beautiful
Than any words can describe

My flaws
Led to such wonder.
Dec 2015 · 329
Dear Soul-mate,
Where ever you are, I need you right now. I need you to find me already. I'm sitting here in a puddle of my own tears, and I could use a hug and kiss. You would know just what to do. You would break out a science fiction movie or series and sit me down with some nuts and berries. You would let me lay on your shoulder and look up at you with amazement. I don't know where you are but I believe in you. I believe you exist, and that you belong here with me, I think I need you more than words can say. My heart has so much love to give and no one wants it, no one will love me baby, so where are you to change that. You'll sing the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack, and love my cats, you'll play board games, and video games, and make sure to let me win every once in a while because you don't want me to get mad at you. You will let me teach you card games, and you'll kiss me passionately, we will always make love, and we'll always solve fights together. You will always let me be the little spoon, and play with your beard or your Adam's apple. You'll always tell me you love me. I know you're out there, and I miss you right now. You will never comment on my lifestyle choices and if you must you will refer to me only as fluffy. On my bad days, you'll hold me and let me cry into you, and I'll let you do the same on your bad days. We will both be a little crazy. You will be willing to go to my favorite towns as mini vacations. You will believe in marriage, and want to be a father one day, just as I hope to be a mother one day. You will always understand why I like superman more than batman, and you will never make fun of my belief of bigfoot or aliens. You will smile at me and I will smile back. Baby, I know you're out there, and I will find you. I love you already.
You were her emotional abuser
Stringing along her hopes and dreams
To shatter them every so often
You made her feel ugly
You made her feel unworthy
She was addicted to you
Addicted to the pain you fed her
Until one day
She woke up and you broke her again
And inside she snapped
She had enough
She couldn't let you go on
Telling her you were her king
When you treated her like a measly two
She let go
In one heartbreaking swoop
She tore every bit of herself apart
Just to stop loving you
Maybe there is a man out there
Willing to treat her like the queen she is.
Dec 2015 · 316
"Too Beautiful to Cry"
She felt the tears slide down her cheek
She has lost so much
She has felt too much
She is not beautiful
She is crying because of you
Because somehow she let herself repeat her mistakes
Because each day she hopes
For so much more
Because she is greedy in wanting you
In wanting to love you
In loving you
She gathers these feelings
But sometimes
When you say something
Ridiculous or silly
She laughs
And whispers how she loves you
How did the sun ever shine
Before she met you
How did she ever smile
Because now they feel more genuine than ever
She hates herself for loving you
But she loves you
Maybe you know
Maybe you don't
But she can never say it to you
She can never risk losing you.
She has already lost too much
Dec 2015 · 188
My past finally said goodbye
With a block to the face

Goodbye hopes and dreams of eleven year old me

My past finally will fade

I will no longer live in the shadow
Of what you wanted me to be.
Dec 2015 · 217
Sometimes we're in a rush

In a rush to find love again
To be loved right this time around

Sometimes we're in such a rush
We fail to realize that rushing
Will only get us false love
False happiness

It is in our patience
When we are most rewarded

I am patient now
Awaiting fresh kisses
And sweet I love you's
As I drift to sleep.
Dec 2015 · 277
Lucky me
When we first met
I wanted to poke you
Just to make sure you were real

Because how is it possible
Someone so perfect could really exist?
Dec 2015 · 441
I Promise I am
I love you
I do not say this lightly

I do not mean
As a friend

I mean I'm in love with you
With every little bit

But I distance myself
Because loving you

Loving you the way I do
Is gonna leave me broken

Because while you love me
While you care

You are not in love with me
You do not care for my heart

I'm in love with you
Your eyes gleam

Your smile stings my soul
I need you in every way

I want you in every way
Do not underestimate this

I am in love with you

That is the truth.
Dec 2015 · 498
Fill me up
My heart is tangled in you
I think I have fallen
I fought it so hard
But it just sinks in
And I hate it

You will never love me
You will never wake up beside me

I will never feel your lips on mine

I am a hallow shell

Waiting for someone to fill me

Fill me with love
I beg of you.
Dec 2015 · 214
Love at not first sight?
A stranger fell in love with me

He knew me two days before professing it

His commitment is unwavering

He has a sweet voice

I could love this stranger

I could want him

Do I love him back?
Dec 2015 · 560
She covered herself
In white silk
It irritated her skin
But made her beautiful

Someone had to see
Everyone has to see
She danced in the wind
Silk flowing all around

She smiled and laughed
The people watched
Like she was a show
Little did they know
The silk that made her
So **** beautiful
Was slowly killing her.
No idea what this was
Dec 2015 · 508
Sweet Stranger
I've known you
Such a short time
And you already know
The contours of my soul.
If you wake up tomorrow
And I'm not there
Please know I loved you

If you wake up wanting me
Please know I could not stay

Falling in love with you was a blessing and curse
You are the sweetest thing I have ever known
And I am eternally thankful

But I could not stay
And face you
Knowing that you did not love me

If you wake up tomorrow
And I'm not there
Please know I miss you
And I hope you miss me

Please know
I loved you the moment we met.
Dec 2015 · 397
My Own Disease
I am my own disease

It spreads like wildfire

My veins burst

My skin bruises

My insides begin to die

I am my own disease

You are the cure

So far and out of reach

I will die

Before ever even getting close.
Dec 2015 · 268
Explaination of me
I am a lost puppy
Searching for a forever home
Only to find abusive owners

I am my own disease
It's always been that way
My happiness depends on others

To be loved
To love
Is the only way
I could ever really smile

I have this incessant need
To be someone's

To be held by a man
With a glimmer in his eyes

To feel beautiful

No matter how long I am alone
Whether a day or a year

The loneliness sinks in and eats at me

Without someone to be mine I sit and wallow
The racing thoughts increasing by day
The urge for a blade
The pain
The desire to give up
To give in

I lose hope when I am alone
Hope for a future

I don't know what to do anymore
I don't know how to fight this

I just wish I knew how to be happy
Without needing someone else

But that will never be me

Nov 2015 · 212
Don't you dare think I forgot
Just because you did
November 23rd 2009
You asked me to be yours
November 25th 2009
We had out first kiss
November 30th 2009
We made out and then you left me
September 14th 2012
We met to kiss and when we did
You asked me to be yours
October 11th 2012
We made love for the first time
December 11th 2012
You proposed and I said yes

Somewhere between we fell apart
Even if we came back together
We were never quite whole again.
Nov 2015 · 156
Sweets Please
I wanna stuff myself with the sweetness

That you refused to give me

For so very long.
Nov 2015 · 287
Barren Ice Rink
When you tell yourself
You will fall in love
Is when you fall the hardest

I hit the dry pavement with a smack
We were at the ice rink at fifteen
And you said those three words
With a heart full of fear
I said them back

I was so right to be afraid

It's starting all over
And I'm gonna run
But sometimes
Running hurts
Just as much as that **** pavement.
Nov 2015 · 135
Failed Me
She wasn't bitter

She was do **** disappointed

She believed you

She had hope


You failed her.
Nov 2015 · 148

Don't touch me

Don't look at me

Don't speak to me

I might love you

I might love you

And you might shred me to pieces


I can't do this

I cannot love again

Without ever being loved back


Don't let me love you

Don't let me hope

Don't let me hope

That you could love me too.
Nov 2015 · 255
Brain and Heart Argue Again
Her brain screamed
Run you **** idiot
Her heart bellowed
But I need him

No, you want him, there's a difference
I love him so no there's not
Why must you always be in love?
Because I do, in hopes to be loved back
It's not him, it might not be anyone
****** brain, it's worth a try
But it's not worth more heartbreak

Maybe it is.
Nov 2015 · 399
I won't write a book about us

We were a whirlwind disaster

But I loved every heart wrenching moment

I won't write you a book

Because we failed

I'll write some fiction

About us working

About us loving forever

Just like we promised

I'll write some fiction

And it will be beautiful.
Nov 2015 · 207
Point In Time
There comes a point
When you have to pick up
Your heavy disheveled body
And say enough is enough

When you have to walk away
Because staying is too hard
Because breaking yourself
Is slightly easier than being broken

There comes a point
When hope stabs you
And when it fails you

When you realize this
Know that you are strong

Know that you'll be okay
Know that your body won't always be
So **** heavy.
Nov 2015 · 229
I can't trust anyone now
I can't trust my own judgement now

Thanks for that.
Nov 2015 · 92
Last Year
You were here last year
You held me last year

Why is last year so **** long ago?
Nov 2015 · 277
10W No Logic In Lust
The more I have you
The more I want you.
Nov 2015 · 155
Waiting for a replacement
You kissed me for the first time
Six years ago today

Best kiss of my life.
Nov 2015 · 156
Past and Maybe Future
She has two paths to walk down
And at the end of both
She is left a broken woman

The question is
Which path
Has more smiles
Along the way.
Nov 2015 · 146
Kiss her
Kiss her ******!

Push her against that wall
And just kiss her
Steal her breath

Take her by surprise
And feel her as she melts
Into you

Kiss her you fool
She's asking for it

Kiss her,
Make her see
How perfect the two of you could be.
Nov 2015 · 133
Need Please
I need to be loved
To be held close
And kept warm

I need kisses everywhere
To feel the laughter
Bursting from you

I need you
Now, here, there,
Everywhere, and always,

I need you please baby
Be mine.
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