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Feb 2016 · 149
Just Words

I love you




Best friend



I care about you

I want you to be happy

You've been through too much*

These are just words you say

It's action that makes them feel true.
Feb 2016 · 219
Go Ahead
You can look forever

No one will love you like I did

No one will love you with such heart wrenching devotion.
Feb 2016 · 193
The Flawed and Broken
I spent my whole life
Being kicked by the people I love
So when looking for someone new
I always settle
Not because I want to
But because I don't deserve to be with someone perfect
Because they do not belong in my chaos
Because I need love there and then
Even if it is utterly flawed
I spent my whole life
Being deemed imperfect
From my family
My friends
Even my violators
I was never good enough
Do not love me
Do not caress me
Do not tell me I am perfect in spite of my flaws
Do not get that close
I will fall in love
I will be broken again
Girls like me
Don't get perfection
I get what I get
No complaints
Appreciate what I have
Because in a instant
I will have nothing and no one again.
Feb 2016 · 346
Leather Jacket
You are the black leather jacket left behind

Like the jacket
I have known you nearly 8 years
It has a rough surface
To protect itself from damage
But inside it's cushioned a bit
The color itself reminds me of your hair
And it's zipper represents the secrets you always kept
You left that jacket
Just like you left me

How could you let go of something
After holding onto it for 8 years

How could you not even care?
Feb 2016 · 504
To Her
Her whole life has been a whirlwind of her own battles

To her mother her life is perfect

To her father she is nonexistent

To her brothers she is the forgotten

To her professors she's the failure

To her best friend she's a sweet girl and a fun time

To her cats she is caretaker and lover

But in the end all that matters is that...

To her she is flawed, she struggles, she's lost and confused, she lacks beauty, she is too big but doesn't wanna be small, she is fatherless, she is a **** survivor, hushed secrets, she is over sexualized, she is used, she is all too hopeful, she loves just too much, she is shattered, she struggles to hold on, she still fights the call of the blade, she is all flaws condensed into a single person, and she is starting to burst at the seams.
Feb 2016 · 209
Lust, Love, Want
In the lust
There is momentary wanting

The touch of skin on mine
Leaves me wanting more
And though all has been done
The lust cannot keep up with the desire
For more
It only momentarily suppresses it
With the sweet caress of fingers, and lips, and bodies.

For a moment lust is in charge
Getting all it needs
Not knowing that
Want and love were waiting for it to be over.
Wasn't sure about this one, sounded mumbled at first.
Jan 2016 · 217
The Broken Girl
My ribs are cracking
Stabbing into me
As all the pain oozes out

My body is failing me
My soul is faltering
I am dying

I am in a war with myself
That those around me
Are too blinded to see

I will not be rescued this time

The question at hand is

Will I be strong enough to rescue myself?
Jan 2016 · 162
Save us
My tears are so hot
They nearly burn my cheeks
As they roll down

I'm burying my face in a blanket
Wishing it was your chest

My soul is aching
I feel yours too

We are entwined

There seems no way
To break this bond.
Jan 2016 · 163
I know why it won't work
Not with anyone else

Because they are not you

No matter what they say
They are not you

How can I still love you
After all the heartbreak

I'm dying

I feel it

I can't go on much longer

I think about the knife everyday

I feel so weak without you
Come hold me

Just one night.
Jan 2016 · 191
Eat me whole
Do you still hear my echo at night
The beating of my heart

Do you still feel me in bed
When I haven't been there

Do you feel my shadow lurking
Watching you heave your emptiness

Do you feel it
Placing a hand on your shoulder

Hoping one day you'll come to your senses

Can you feel me all around you
Swallowing me in the air you breathe.
Jan 2016 · 190
Things we learn
He lives in me
In everything I do
In my past
And in a way
My present and future
Though he is not here
He has created bits of me.
Jan 2016 · 748
More than you know
Her heart shimmered
Brighter than all the stars

Her capacity to love
Was greater than any others

She had loved you beyond
All human bonds

She had loved you

She loves you

Into the depths of eternity
She will love you

The two of you
Were such bittersweet perfection.
Jan 2016 · 329
He always tried to save me
Called himself my protector
He tried to purify me

It took me a long time
To realize he tried to fix me
Because he couldn't deal
With fixing himself

He could not be his own protector
He could not save himself
And for that he blamed me
For that he carved his name
Inside of my chest.
Jan 2016 · 197
Cold Depression
The cool chill
Of a dark depression
Blows into me
Fills me with sadness

I dream every night
Of you
I am haunted
By my loneliness

I wake up everyday
With a heart
Shattered from
My very own failures

The depression freezes me
Won't you come defrost me

Just a little?
Jan 2016 · 227
My soul
Still oozes
The scent of yours

The pain of first love.
Jan 2016 · 176
I'm alive
But empty
Without you

My soul
Misses yours.
Jan 2016 · 954
I have a new bed
And I love it
But it doesn't feel right
Without you holding me in it.
Jan 2016 · 222
Beating beating gone
And her heart?

Oh it still beats your name.

I still see our numbers and your name everywhere.
Jan 2016 · 301
You hate this
You know what I find ironic?
The way you always left me
Dumped me
And still wanted me to be there
And when I did it once
Compared to your dozens
You abandoned me

I find it ironic that you didn't want
To be like your father
Who left you
Who hurt you
But you became him

And that's why you were always angry

You couldn't forgive me
Because you hadn't forgiven yourself

I find it ironic that you said you loved me
As you left me

That you made promises
And broke them all
Always fearing I'd break mine

I find you ironic

Your scar
Your eyes
Your very essence

I had loved you so completely
And love had blinded me to the flaws

Love blinded me from the irony

You must not have loved me
Because you poked and prodded
Every single one

Still I miss the irony
I miss your confusion

I miss your arms
Your scars

I see now

And I still don't care

I still forgive you

And yes

I do love you.
Jan 2016 · 174
What's Gone
You loved me

Even if it wasn't perfect

It's more than anyone else

Ever has or will.
Jan 2016 · 217
Little things
I am the only one
To notice the small
Intricacies of me
The little dimple
On my left cheek
That only shows
The way my eyes
Always glimmer
My freckles
That lace my body
The rosy color
Of my face that never stops
I see me
And one day
I hope someone else does too.
Jan 2016 · 265
This **** spackle is everywhere
I'm trying so hard
To cover the holes
Cover the cracks
Bury the smell of tears
With fresh paint
No one will ever know
Not until they push on it
And it cracks
Not until they too
Break through the wall
And decide to try
And tear every bit down.
Jan 2016 · 412
Expecting you
The worst part is
I still expect you
I was waiting last night in bed
To welcome you home
Hug you and cuddle
Into your chest just a little
Imagining you saying
How you've missed me
I still expect to see you out the window
Walking up the street to meet me
I still expect you to kiss me
To hold me until I sleep
To show up one day
And get all your stuff
And tell me how you're sorry
Sorry you left me again
And you never will again
I still expect you to love me
When you have long gone
I miss you
And your shadow lurks
On every wall
You were completely flawed
But I loved you still
Because we were imperfect love
I still expect you baby
Always will.
Jan 2016 · 153
Sorry But...
I'm in love with you
And every time I think about it
I fall a little more.
Jan 2016 · 149
Hey there J
It'll never really be over
Not between us.

We are infinite souls

I will find you again

One day.
I keep my promises
Jan 2016 · 268
These men
Make me feel like body parts
As though
I am only as good
As the depth of my ******
The size of my *******
The roundness of my bottom
These men try to use
They try to simplify
Something so meaningful
Don't touch me
If you cannot love me.
Jan 2016 · 694
The Forgiver
I miss you

And kettle corn

Video games
Until 3 am

Still I miss you
Even after

All you've done.
Jan 2016 · 484
You monster
You left me
You stopped fighting
You don't get to judge me
You don't get to call me names
You lied and cheated
You broke my heart
You guilted me
You broke down every bit of me
You destroyed who I am
You abandoned me
You cannot expect me to be the woman
You wanted me to be when
You could not be the man
You claimed to be
You hypocrite
You are so bad for me
You still have a a hold on me
You will still be loved because unlike
You I keep my promises despite
You and despite what I do now
You will be loved
You were my first
You were suppose to be my last
You are now a ghost of us
You killed the future we saw
You killed the future I saw
You ripped them from my arms
You named them
You will never know them I won't either
You will never know my kiss again
You live in your dark shell
You will never leave it
You blamed me for the evil
You brought more of it with your anger
You brought more of it because
You could not forgive or trust

Why did I have to love such a beautiful monster?
Jan 2016 · 207
Listen Dammit
I warn
They don't listen
I fall in love

Every bit of me
Falls apart
As it falls together

Unspoken love
Unrequited love
It is cruel

But it is still love.
It is still beautiful.
Jan 2016 · 560
Arch Angel
You were her angel
She just didn't know
You did not fly
Out of the depths of heaven
You fell.
We are nothing and everything.

I want to be in your arms
Having you hold me tight
As we say how we've missed each other
You'll kiss me for the second time
Not understanding how rare it is
For me to enjoy a kiss
Not understanding it's how I first knew
I had fallen in love with you
My dear friend with benefits
Whom I call baby cakes and honey bear
Who calls me princess and babe
Who shares I love you's and means them
As just as friends when I mean more
Who makes me call it love making
Who I believe and trust
You touch everywhere
Even the stretch marks
You want to see all of it
You call me beautiful and say how happy
That I always make you
We make love fast
And it is wondrous
My legs tremble
You love that they do
You ask if I'm okay
I'm timid and just nod furiously
You laugh and call me amazing
Telling me how tight I was
And I hold in tears
Because you're the only one to say it
We text after we part
Letting it all unfold
All the things we didn't do but wanted to
Repeating how amazing making love is
I smile and wish you knew how I felt
Wishing I could call you mine
But instead we talk about other suitors
And you tell me to be careful
You're so cautious and always worry
And I love it
You don't think I'm weird or crazy
Even though everyone else always has
You say I'm flawless and cute
You say I'm perfect
And I say you're perfect too
We are nothing and something
We are floating between
And I might love it.
I wonder if you're seeing this J.J.I or I.S.N.
Jan 2016 · 157
Just Rambling
I have cried
Too many tears for you

I have missed your embrace
Too much for someone who
Betrayed me
Broke me
Left me

You were flawed
And I still saw perfection
The love bubble has faded
And now I see
Who you really are

You are as lost
As I always said I was.
Jan 2016 · 417
Liar, Cheater, Heartbreaker
For every bit of love
I had given you

You have given me

I was everything
I could ever be

And I was never enough
Body, mind, or soul.
Jan 2016 · 193
Learning to Smile.
No we're not together
But we're not quite apart either

We dangle in the middle
It is wonderful
It is beautiful
And I love it.
Jan 2016 · 157
I showed the pictures
Of the last sweet thing you did
You didn't remember

I still have them
They remind me
Why I kept holding on

One day
I hope I have the courage
To delete them

The way you deleted us.
Jan 2016 · 224
Home Sweet Home
I still call this home for you
Because once upon a time
I was your home.
Jan 2016 · 208
What About Me?
We shared a soul
Felt what the other felt

Do you feel my brokenness now?
How about my tears?

Do you feel every inch of me
Fighting to live
While inside I die?

Do you feel my suffering?
Did you ever?
Jan 2016 · 219
Make Love
Just come home baby
And make love to me

Make love to me
For the first
And last time

Make love to me
Over and over

Kiss me until I can't feel my lips

Make love to me until I can't walk
Without trembling

Make love to me with the lights on
And call every flaw beautiful

Make love to me
If, and only if
You truly love me.
Jan 2016 · 215
Wrong Again
"Oh me? I'm the best at loving all the right people at all the wrong times."
Jan 2016 · 183
I Still Have Your Stuff
The truth of it is
That she still cries in the shower
Remembering you

She will love you
Forever and always
As she had always promised

She loved you throughout
So much pain

She loved you after lies
After cheating
After leaving

She loved you as infinitely as the stars

She misses you everyday too
But you're gone now

You stopped being the man she needed
And she stopped being the woman you wanted.
Jan 2016 · 282
I'm Not The Root
She twisted
Out of the confines
Of the woman you wanted her to be,
That you expected her to be

Because one day she realized
Nothing she ever did to better herself,
Could change who you were.
Jan 2016 · 158
Last New Years
Last New Years
You went out of your way
To kiss me at 12:01
To make another girl happy

This New Years
I won't get any kiss

I think that my pride
Is slightly better than even
Your kisses.
Jan 2016 · 198
Whether or Not
Whether I admit it or not
My heart is still a bit broken
And somehow with those pieces
Of a first love long lost
I have adventured
And begun the new story
Of me and another
Who whether realizing it or not
Has started to piece me back together
I may not be quite whole
But I'm much less broken without you.
Dec 2015 · 233
Blind and Consumed
Her heart
Is crippled
From loving
All the wrong people

Love is too blind
She should've seen the pain
And the heartbreak
That waits for her
Dec 2015 · 193
I wish all my wishes
That I am your wish.
Dec 2015 · 174
Abandoned again
I don't tell anyone
But I still miss you
Out of no where
I wish you were holding me
I miss you
More than my broken heart
Can ever fathom
I miss you
But you are gone
We are done
You have left me.
Dec 2015 · 145
Fallen Stars
I hope you know
My love
Is so much more
Than that of friendship.
Dec 2015 · 166
Next Chapter is Here
I thought you were going to be
The only chapter
But we finally finished
Writing about the struggles
We've both turned the page
To begin another
Beautiful disaster.
Dec 2015 · 810
The two tango
She finally found her anger
Buried deep beneath
A flawed love
She finally saw you
When another man
Showed her
Just how beautiful she was
And she wondered why
You could never
Make her feel as confident
As he makes her feel now
She wonders why you
Stayed for so long
When you were only loving
Her a little bit
He isn't even in love with her
And he looks at her
Like his whole world
Is displayed before him
He does not consume her body
But instead indulges
Takes every inch to cherish
To touch her everywhere
Even in places she hates
So she knows
Even the stretch marks
Are beautiful
Because she truly is
Inside and out
She is beautiful
And somewhere along the way
You stopped realizing that.
Dec 2015 · 140
A part of me misses you
I don't know how
To make her stop.
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