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Go ahead
Call me or message me
Tell me how you hate me

And I'll remind you
I loved you when you were afraid to be with me
Because we were only eleven and our peers opinions mattered

I'll remind you that one year later
We had our very first kiss and it was perfect
Except for the part where you moved away
And didn't tell me

I'll remind you that when you called me
I had just suffered statutory **** for the first time
And you told me you loved me for the first time
We were only twelve

I'll remind you
You stopped calling

I'll remind you
You moved back
And dated my friend for a month
And I was so happy she ended up liking girls

I'll remind you I forgave you
I tried to be friends again
I told you about my other ****
We talked about our failed relationships
We were fifteen

I'll remind you it was your idea to meet up and kiss
And how we talked for an hour before I couldn't take any more
And I kissed you and we didn't stop
We never wanted to
But you caught your breath and asked me to be yours
And as scared as I was I said yes

I'll remind you we ditched school only a few weeks later
And you told me you loved me and I never believed you more
Then in that moment by the skating rink
And I almost cried saying it back

I'll remind you that we made love
We made love everywhere and all the time

I'll remind you that three months in
You proposed to me
We were fifteen
And I said yes

I'll remind you that we broke up
On and off for stupid reasons
And that you always ended it
And I always waited for you to change your mind
And you always did

I'll remind you that at sixteen my best friend and her boyfriend
***** me and you thought I cheated
And you hid your revenge for over a year

I'll remind you that we survived months
Of long distance
And with our libido it was hard

I'll remind you when you moved in at seventeen
You promised you would stop leaving me
You would stop breaking my heart

I'll remind you that we stayed up late in the living room
Watching movies until we fell asleep there together
Because at first it was the only way we could sleep together

I'll remind you that your family's opinion of me didn't stop me
From visiting them with you one Christmas

I'll remind you that no matter how many times the darkness
Emerged from you I accepted it

I'll remind you that when we slept together you made me
Spoon you and rub your back and I always would

I'll remind you that you stopped kissing me
Stopped making love and started to pity **** me as
Youtube videos played in the background
And I would cry and go unheld

I'll remind you that you talked to her
After promising not to
Because you broke a lot of promises

I'll remind you I still forgave you

I'll remind you that one morning
You held me
Which you hadn't done in so long
And we woke up just like that
And you told me you were leaving
I didn't cry at first
But I felt every part of me break
More than it ever had before

I'll remind you
You blamed my mom
But she loved you like a son
That's just how she treats her kids

I'll remind you
You asked me out again
Not long after we had make up *** a few times
And I cried because it all felt so different

I'll remind you that with a broken heart
I ended things for the first time from eleven to eighteen

I'll remind you that I wanted to stay friends
That I wanted you to prove you loved me
Because I always stayed when you ended things
And you disappeared like you always did

I'll remind you that our story is messed up
But that we loved each other somewhere in that mess

I'll remind you that you will always be first in my heart
And that nothing can change that

I'll remind you that I forgive you
Because I love you
Because no matter what happens
You're my best friend

You were the first person to show me
Just how happy I can be

You taught me so much
And my heart,
It'll always be yours
Even when I mess up too.
Dec 2016 · 251
Code Name Winter
Winters with you were never so cold
Your presence brought an unspeakable warmth
And now I hide under covers wishing your body was there
I miss that warmth
I miss going out in Winter
I miss standing in the middle of the sidewalk and letting the cold air
Just hit us full on because you couldn't resist kissing me
I miss that
I miss Winter...
Dec 2016 · 274
Dear Books,
Fill me with your love stories
Help me imagine the love I cannot have

Fill me with your sorrow and heartbreak
So I feel less alone with mine

Fill me with comedy
So I may laugh for the first time in too long

Fill me every word you have
Teach me what it is to love and to care
Teach me what it is to forgive
Let your ink fill my veins
And let me live a better life.
I found an old Christmas card
And it almost broke me to see
Husband on it
Because you were so **** confident
At one point
That you would be exactly that
And now,
Now we're strangers
And I can hardly remember you holding me
Or when the last time you told me you loved me was
Was it when you left?
Was it after?

This Christmas, like every Christmas for 8 years,
I will wish for you
For your happiness
For us whatever God intended
Because I believe
Once you call yourself that
Maybe, just maybe
You shouldn't be a stranger.
Dec 2016 · 185
Random Thoughts On RJ
No two were ever more like Romeo and Juliet than us
Torn apart by our families hatred for each other
Both on the brink of suicide
Both planning it
We're unafraid of knives
We only ever cared for words
Because they always stabbed so much deeper

Will we let their hate defeat us
Or by the grace of God
Will we find the strength to love each other
The way we always have.
Dec 2016 · 198
Always You
I guess we're both moving on
Both living separate lives

But can you please
Just inform my heart, head, and dreams
They're not listening very well.
Trying so hard but it all feels so wrong.
Dec 2016 · 732
Snow Winter And Being Alone
You loved winter
And I think that's why I hate it so much now
Everything ***** a little more without you.
Numbness swept over her
She hadn't even realized that she's felt that way
For two days
She knew she couldn't let it continue
So she sat and thought
Thought of everyone who has hurt her lately
God, there were so many
But it's because she always cared so much
And for that, she was always broken
So she thought of everyone who has been leaving her
She thought of the words that made her heart ache
She had to feel it all
And suddenly the hot tears began
And they stung her cheek as she wiped them away
Knowing they wouldn't really stop
For her, there was only the numbness or the tears
But more than she hated those she hated herself for the urge
The urge to slice into herself
It had been four long years without it
And all she could think about was the knife waiting
At the bottom of her purse
That someone left her for defense
Forgetting she was weak
Or maybe not caring
So she teetered between the numbness
And pouring her heart out into a pillow
Hoping one day she will find something to stop it
Hoping the thing to stop it,
Wouldn't be the knife.
Dec 2016 · 321
Reaper of Love
You called hatred love
You would tell me you loved me
Right after a fight
Right after you cheated
Right after you talked to her
Right after you left me (every time you left me)
You would tell me we belonged together
After you would turn something you did onto me
My past was labeled as a hall pass for every wrong you did
My cuts for you poison filling my lungs
I could never escape you looking down on me
I was never good enough
But you whispered that I was your paragon
Your queen
So what was I to you?
Evil or happiness?
You were so back and forth
One day it was love
And the next the Reaper appeared
Demeaned me
Said we would fail
You broke me all the time
And I forgave you
Out of love and naivety
You were my whole world
But you broke so many promises
You left me so many times
Can you really say you loved me?
Dec 2016 · 159
I don't think I'll ever be happy.
I'm not happy without you
But you weren't happy with me.
Dec 2016 · 517
Holding on/Letting go
I always told him
He couldn't let things go
But here I am
Incapable of letting him go.
Dec 2016 · 610
I don't care
I don't care anymore
I don't care about the past
Yours or mine
I just want you
At the end of my life
I will still want you
I don't want the past
To keep me from being happy
Not anymore
You were,
No, you are my soul-mate
I don't care what anyone says
I don't care
Because all I know
Is I love and miss you.
Didn't know I still felt so strongly until I saw your picture. I faltered. My mask fell. I need you. I was never a paragon. Neither were you. We were imperfectly perfect. Always will be.
Dec 2016 · 232
I saw your face today
For the first time in
Far too long

And it was somehow
A breath of fresh air

My eyes widened and I smiled
But my heart gasped
Aching for you
Aching because of you

God I love that face

More than I ever planned to.
I'm not blocked but it wouldn't let me send a message...congrats babe. I'm glad you're happy now.
Dec 2016 · 408
Marks of Love
When you left me
For the last time
You took a picture of us
I wish I still had
I miss your face
That scar
That somehow
Made you perfect
I wonder if you have it still
I wonder if you look at it
And say how you miss my face
And my freckle
That you use to kiss
We were imperfect
And we fought to love each other
Because it wasn't easy
But we found it in those little things
We found it
Dec 2016 · 393
Fifteen To Nineteen
I was engaged at fifteen
and believed I would live my life
Happier than my wildest dreams
I am now nineteen
He left me
I am not happy
I am alone
I have nothing going
I have to remind myself
How much changes in time
I may be broken now
But maybe one day
I can be as happy as I was
At fifteen
With a ring around my neck and hand in mine
As we skipped school
To celebrate a love
We believed was forever.
Dec 2016 · 284
Medal of Valor
If you can love someone
Even after they have broken you,
You deserve a medal.
Dec 2016 · 222
Her heart was swollen
Swollen from loving you,

For loving you despite many heartbreaking actions

It was swollen
For those she had lost
For those she would come to love
And those who would leave her like you did

Her heart was swollen always waiting
Waiting to find another heart as engorged as her own
Waiting for the swelling to just go down
Because ****** she was tired of loving and being left

Her love was so pure
How is it that those who love the most
Are broken the hardest.
Dec 2016 · 113
What if her womb is always empty?
What if in the end, she is completely alone?

What if she fails at every hope and dream she has ever had for herself?
What then?
What was her purpose?
Dec 2016 · 132
Someone knocked into her
And for a moment they saw her muddy brown eyes
And they way the sparkled

They realized that she was alone
But they kept walking
Not apologizing for bumping into her

She rolled her eyes
So use to people not seeing her.
Not sure what this was. Haven't written in a long time
Dec 2016 · 271
I Feel You
I feel you
Like you were somehow
Embedded into my ribs
Your name echoing around inside of me

Are you reading this?
I feel you
I always have I've just tried so hard not to

Why us my love?
Why did God give us this great love
If we always fell apart?

Parts of my brokenness still believe
I silence her in unspeakable ways

But she goes to sleep in tears because of it
I feel you
I wish it was real.
Nov 2016 · 675
Broken Promise
You left me
After promising to stay
*There are no words for that
Nov 2016 · 279
Punched. My ramble.
My gut bellows

What a fool I am

To believe even for a moment
That I could look past first love

That I would stop needing him
That I would stop wanting him

First and foremost he was a friend

He didn't understand me
Not completely

Oh how he knows my soul
My truest desires

He's gone from my life
Wiped away like chalk

A faint impression left behind

How oh how could I ever tell myself

That I could find even a glimpse of happiness without him.
Nov 2016 · 261
Irony thy name is time
Time is a funny thing
2 years ago
Seems like just yesterday
And 10 years from now
Feels like tomorrow.
Oct 2016 · 562
First Loves
The pain they give you
Is equal to the love you feel.
Oct 2016 · 533
Need You
Even after all this time
When I feel broken and alone
I tell myself I need you

You started my brokenness
I don't need you

Or maybe I always will.
Oct 2016 · 451
She sighed into the cold air
Watching her breath

She hoped someday
Somehow she wouldn't feel
Like this
So in love with love

She hoped when she whispered
"I love you" into the night
That one day
It wouldn't be unanswered

She was so tired
Of loving so much
To be used and left
She was tired of lies
And of being alone

She felt like he had to be out there or maybe she had already met him and he was one of the people who left her

She wasn't quite sure
She wasn't sure of anything
She was lost
But she was still full of love
Even if she had no one

She sighed and whispered
Because no matter how the world breaks her she will always find love and she will always find hope.
Oct 2016 · 248
Rambles? Just Broken
The truth of it is
I am not good enough for them
That's why they leave me

They must wake up one day
And realize
I'm not beautiful
And they were crazy to ever say so

They must wake up
And wonder
Why they tell me they love me

They must wake up
And see
I'm flawed inside and out

My hair is thick and unruly
My body is not pretty or toned
My heart is fragile so I worry too much
I say "Hi" at random moments
And I'm too scared to touch
Because I think I'm a bother
I cry for no reason sometimes
I care too much and this scares them
So they see this and leave
Along the way making fake promises
About staying friends and about
Maybe one day being together again
But they'll always see me as flawed
They'll always see the failure
The crazy animal lady
The ****** who loved them too fast
I will never be perfect
And they will never love me for my flaws
They will never love me period
And no I'm not okay with living
As a broken woman
Because it's simply not fair
To love so much
To be broken every time.
Oct 2016 · 416
The Hope to Hopeless
Once again I believed
I had found love
Because I loved so strongly
I believed it could be enough
For the two of us
But as strong as my love may be
It cannot make them stay
They are destined to leave
They all are.
Oct 2016 · 189
Questions of my life
In what world
Do you expect me to be happy
With a broken heart?
Oct 2016 · 192
I've realized there isn't really
A "good" age
I hated being young
And I hate aging.
Oct 2016 · 437
Broken Rambles 818
Every ounce of joy
Is gathered and destroyed for me
And that is the way of life
I am so use to people hurting me
I am so use to being left
And as time goes on
My too big heart
Will finally wither
You can only take so many hits
Before they stop hurting.
Sep 2016 · 347
Awakening and Rambles
There he was
Awakening her soul
A soul that had taken
Hit after hit
That had been so damaged
She couldn't believe
The way it lurched forward for him
She touched her face
Just to make sure her smile was real
And to her surprise it was
Was he real
Oh his touch was
Where had this man been
All those lonely nights
Her dreams she figured
And somehow once again
She has found hope
Hope in a forever
Oh she feared he'd leave
Like everyone before him
But she needed those smiles
So she held on
And maybe
Just maybe
She's found her forever.
Sep 2016 · 676
Vines and Simplicity
In the thick vines
I have found new life
And he breathed into me
And suddenly
I remembered
The sweetness in simple things
In sunsets
In being wrapped in warmth
In smiling
Past the thorns
The blood and pain
I have found
A new beginning
And it will be great
And it will be forever.
Sep 2016 · 489
The Final War
If you can live without me
I can live without you
I will be strong
I will fight this fight.
Aug 2016 · 329
Amazed and Alive
Out of nowhere
Will give you
Exactly what you wanted
And exactly
What you needed
Blessing are the
Greatest surprises.
Aug 2016 · 562
Late Night Reveal
The worst thing she does to herself
Is talk about you like you were
Just there and everyone missed you
Like somehow your shadow
Is still standing beside her

She does this to pretend she's not alone
She does this because for seven years
Of her short life you were there
Weaving in and out
Weaving your way into her soul

And now finding anyone else
To weave into herself
Seems pretty **** impossible
So instead she thinks of you
And let's her heart ache

She has so much love
So very much
And now has no one to give it to
Just her empty memories.
Aug 2016 · 191
Paths Not Taken Haunt
One day I hope you wake up
And miss me the way I missed you for so long.

I hope you realize all we could've been.
Aug 2016 · 195
Looking Back
With every step she takes
She looks back
Still hoping
You'll be right there
Behind her
Ready to catch her
Ready for her.
All Great Loves Look Back
Hey there,
I know we don't know each other very well, but I thought you ought to know how much I love you. I've waited my whole life for a man so wonderful, a man who maybe, just maybe, could love me in the same insane way I love him. I know my love of ice cream and the color green is a bit crazy and that I can be wild and weird but that's something I hope you'll learn to love. We can watch science fiction series together and have snacks, of which I got way too many. You'll kiss me all the time and it'll always make me smile. You won't look at me like I'm a total loon when I refer to you as the father of my cats, or at least I hope. You'll watch the same Friends reruns with me whenever they're on. You'll soothe me when my anxiety is bad. You will always be extra careful when we are making love because you understand what I've been through. Hopefully, you believe in aliens and bigfoot like me because that would be so cool. If I'm lucky enough to find you please know I'm not good at letting go and that I will love you so much, even if sometimes I try to act independent and self-sufficient. I hope you're real because I have so much love to give and it's hard when you have no one to love. It can get pretty confusing but I think once I meet you it'll all become clear.
                 Until we meet my love.
Aug 2016 · 330
Typical Rambles
When she drives by old places the two of you use to visit
She slows down just to stare a little longer,
Ignoring all other vehicles
Because you are more important
Because you always were
She put you first so many times
You put her second and third and
Sometimes she wondered if she mattered at all
So sometimes she cries herself to sleep
Not out of anger or frustration or even loneliness
But because of how long it has been since she has been held
Because it has been so **** long
Since a kiss has made her feel her heart in her toes
Sometimes she misses you
Not because she has no one else
But because she knows there will never be anyone else
You were her every wish and prayer come true
As selfish and terrible as it may seem
She wanted you
Just you, in any way you would take her
You were her entire world and the worst part
Is that you still show up in her dreams.
Aug 2016 · 176
Smile, Cry, Memories
She still smiles at the way he laid in her lap.
Or at least the memory of it

She still cries when she thinks of him calling her a liar
Because she always told him the truth

She still smiles when she thinks of the way he held her
And how it was the only place she felt safe

She still cries remembering him leaving her for the 8th time or so
Wonders if he knew how broken she was in the end

She still smiles when she thinks of their grand plans
Such a beautiful future

She still cries when she imagines the child she could not share with him
Her first love, whose child would've been beautiful

She still smiles at the thought of his name and wonders
Does he ignore it when he hears my name called out
Or does he grimace, am I memories to him anymore?

Are they good, bad or totally forgotten, am I just a shadow
Of what once was, am I the memories?
Jul 2016 · 408
The only way to find happiness
Is to risk unhappiness
Take a leap
And pray you land on your feet
And that on the way
Nothing gets broken.
Jun 2016 · 586
Wasn't Always
I promise you she wasn't always broken
She use to be a whole
But life kept hitting her
Right in her fragile heart
She loved too hard
Loved too long
Always forgave
Buried the pain
But it lingered in the air
It touched her in the dark
Scared her
She use to smile all the time
Though she can't remember that now
She use to laugh
Use to explore and feel free
She was wild and happy
Now she's barely there
Just a shadow of a girl
Calling herself a woman
She wasn't always broken
She was so in love that she felt
As though her heart had grown
Maybe that's why the brokenness
Hurts so badly now
She wasn't always broken
But I think a part of her was never
Quite whole either.
Jun 2016 · 546
To You
I wonder all the time
If you think of me
If small things remind you of me
I wonder if you run your own hands
Through your hair
I wonder if you've found love again
If you're out there and you think of me
Please know sweetie pie
I miss you everyday
We can never go back
But I hope one day we can move forward
I know I can't find love
Not when my heart always wears your name
But I hope you do
Maybe she'll be innocent
Maybe she'll be a good cook
Maybe she'll have all your love
She would be the luckiest woman ever
I was once a lucky woman
But that was in another life now it seems.
You haven't been in my bed but I still imagine you in it now. All the time. Holding me like you use to. First love. Love always. Spencer and Serenity. My dreams.
Jun 2016 · 309
She takes back everything
She would let him hurt her
Every way possible
If she could get just one
Just one
Moment of love and affection
The pain he gave was always easier
Than the pain a life without him gave
And his love was the sweetest
Nectar she had ever known
And now she will never taste
The bittersweet flavor she had loved
So **** much.
Jun 2016 · 367
Sad Rambles
She ***** up
As tight as she can
And she cries
And her soul aches
And she misses him
For the billionth time in her life
And it's all so pointless
And all she wants is a knife
And all she does is cry
Everything is falling apart
And she has nothing
No happiness
She misses love
Misses hugs and kisses
And comfort
She misses so much
She's broken
And she can no longer fix herself
No longer pretend it'll be okay.
Jun 2016 · 771
Happiness isn't monetary
I don't care about
How much I make in a day
I care about how many times
I smile.
Jun 2016 · 258
See me
And what no one understood was that she didn't just crave love, she didn't just need love, she was love, every bit of her too big heart was love.
May 2016 · 424
Dear Momma, (Confessional)
There's so much I haven't told you out of fear. You've always blamed me so harshly for the little things, how could I ever tell you the big ones. I am always disappointed in myself, so when I get that from you too, it hurts twice as hard. I don't want to keep secrets anymore. Let's start where I can. That neighbor, when I was only thirteen? Whether by your definition or not it was ****, and it began so much heartbreak and destruction. A year later, after you finally let me come home, my depression was bad, I cut all the time, I tried my ankles and thighs so you wouldn't catch me. I was walking home one day, wearing my cheetah girl skirt, and just saying that I feel like I was a child regardless of how I rebelled against it. I was fourteen then when a older man approached me with two street kids a little younger than me. We talked and the kids left, I was an idiot, but in those days I was so lonely, it was nice to have someone to listen. We kissed, and I left, when I walked home another day, he invited to to hang out with him for a little while, I foolishly did, not expecting anything bad, because I see the best in people. Well, he ***** me and took my virginity, I walked home crying, believing I could never tell you because I didn't want to lose you again, I didn't want you to hate me or blame, I did that to myself already. When Joshua came into the picture again I think we both thought everything would be okay again, he was a distraction but not a solution. I loved him very much but he didn't treat me right. He always blamed me too, hated them for what they did, and in small ways he hated me for not fighting, for always freezing up, which is in fact a natural reaction for some girls. Do you remember that couple at my Quince, the ones who wouldn't stop kissing? I went over his house to work on homework with her because she was my best friend. The brothers were there blasting video games. We were in his room working on math when the couple started to try and take off my clothes. I tried to stop them, thinking they were joking at first, but after I screamed they held me down, one on my arms the other the legs, and they ***** me, I only got away when he went to be with her, I was sixteen then. Joshua thought I chose to do it when I told him and blamed me. Joshua and I always had issues, and when he left I thought I was still going to be okay, I didn't need him. I want to say that this isn't because he left, because it's not, it's because I don't have anyone to talk to anymore, and you always say we're friends too. My depression has been coming back for months now, my anxiety has gotten worse and I've been having panic attacks. I hate college, and realized I don't want to be a marine biologist anymore, I don't know what I want besides to be happy. I recently withdrew from all but one class. I use to imagine slicing open my wrists when I tried to go, and I would sit there and cry for hours. The price of school was adding to my stress, I hoped withdrawing from courses would lower the bill but it hasn't and I'm still trying to talk to the university to figure out my options. I have an extension in my last class because of my mental health issues. I've seen a therapist here a couple of times and they think I could have some ptsd in addition to my anxiety and depression. I know at home you don't really see me struggle, but that's because I try to hide it. I've cried in the showers plenty. I still haven't cut myself which has really been a struggle. I was considering transferring to community college or taking a off semester to volunteer, but I'm still not sure. I know I am far from the perfect daughter, but I am your daughter, and I'm trying my best. Still being alive has to count for something right? I don't know how you'll feel about me after reading this but I hope you know no matter what I love you, you've been a great mother and I'm sorry for everything I've put you through, I hope one day you can forgive me.
Not a poem
May 2016 · 395
Learning Lessons
I am nineteen years young
And I don't know what career I want
When I grow up
But I do know
I want to be happy

I am so tired of paychecks
Forcing us into these holes
Saying you can't live without us
When they know **** well
We don't even wanna live with them
Because unhappiness is just as bad as poverty

You still don't want to move
Still cry yourself to sleep
If you sleep at all

You still have a hunger inside of you
Unfed and wild

No I don't think poverty and unhappiness
Are very different

One way you live to survive
The other you barely survive to live

There's a knife at my throat and it's labeled
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