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Jul 2017 · 220
Lost Everything
Swirling so fast
All down the drain
I can't seem to get a grasp
On anything
It's all slipping away
How do I stop
My whole life from
Going down the drain
How do I stop
All of it.
Jun 2017 · 417
Will I Die?
Each day I think
"What if one of us dies today"
And I know that's a grim way to look at things
But I know if it were to ever happen
I wouldn't want us to be like this
Living separate lives

I don't want to die not knowing if I ever meant anything
And I just don't want you to ever die
Because I love you
And even when I think about dying
I think about you
Not me
Just my life
Just you.
To me,
The craziest thing about life is how
You can spend all these years with someone
Have all these memories
Have all these plans about marriage
About children and promises of a forever type of love
And one day it's gone
Because **** got too hard
Because someone bailed and couldn't deal
Because they don't want to fight for any of it

The worst people are the ones who make the plans
And then cancel after getting you excited about them.
Jun 2017 · 352
Now I'm Seamless
You've been cutting at my heart for years
The smallest remarks or wrong wording
Just tears at the seams of my heart until
There are too many ****** holes for me to fix or fill
And all I wonder is was it an accident or did you plan to **** me all along?
Jun 2017 · 250
I Wonder
Sometimes I wonder if you see our memories like I do
Flashing by in your mind
Every smile and kiss and tear
All those years
All those precious moments

Sometimes I wonder exactly at which point in those memories
You decided you did not love me anymore

Sometimes I wonder if you knew I loved you
With every single bit of my soul
When you had me sleep in your arms

Sometimes I wonder
If you maybe loved me
If maybe you felt like we belonged together the whole time
Or was it just me?

I wonder if you knew just how many tears
And how much pain I have felt since I met you

I wonder if you know
How hard I tried not to love you
But it's engraved in me
And nothing and no one can etch it away
Not even you hurting me for the umpteenth time

I wonder if you miss me
Because I miss you every morning
And I miss you every night
And **** it I miss you every moment in between

I wonder if you care at all
Or if you've just passed me off as the crazy girl
But f* man I feel like I was just in your bed
And now someone is in my **** spot
And yes that is my spot
Because I can guarantee they don't rub your back
Or let you be the little spoon
Or play with your hair the way you love

I wonder so much
But it'll never be answered
I am just a dumb girl
Who fell in love with a crazy boy
And now we're all grown up
Living these separate lives
And I just can't see myself being happy that way.
Ramblings of a mad woman
Jun 2017 · 434
Teeter totter
Teetering between
I love you
And I will wait
And I will fight.

Tottering with
I need to leave
I have to stop this love
You'll never love me
You will never fight for us.

I will fall one way or the other
But the in between
Is just as scary
As imagining a life without you.
Not a good one but its been a while and I'm all types of irrational.
May 2017 · 607
Gotta Live While We Can
My greatest fear
Is that one of us will die
Way too young and way too soon
And the other one will be left
Wishing that instead of wasting our time
Looking for someone else
That we had made things work
That we were meant to be but never can be
What if I don't wake up tomorrow
Will you miss me
I will miss you.
May 2017 · 349
For the first time in the years I've known you
I'm finally angry

Angry at all the broken promises
The leaving
The leaving
The leaving
The ending of us
Over and over

I'm angry you made me feel
So special
And you go and toss me aside

I'm angry at every man
Who has seen me as an easy target

Whether for my lack of beauty
Or my heart that is too big for my own good

I'm angry at you
At everyone
At myself for letting it happen

I'm angry for the pain

But most of all I'm angry
Because I know I'll always forgive.
May 2017 · 559
Wish upon a thousand stars
Do you ever just make a wish
Whether on a star, a time, or any other thing
And have this part of you truly believe
It will come true?
You were that wish </3
May 2017 · 212
Wrong signs
You hugged me every time I walked through the door

We held each other on the couch

We made love in nearly every room

You kissed my cheek almost every time

You accidentally called me beautiful
Or at least now I believe it was an accident

I washed your dishes

We ordered food
Watched movies together

Laid on the floor staring at each other

Laughed together


You called me "babe" on accident each visit

I held in "I love you" a million times

You kissed me randomly

Let me rub your back and run my hands through your hair the way I know you love

You cuddled up to me so much

I slept in your bed

I slept in your arms

But whenever the end would come

A switch went off and I was lucky to get a hug goodbye

Never really got kisses goodbye

I should have known from that

But I hoped so much all those little things meant something

Meant I meant something

But I guess everyone's wrong sometimes.
May 2017 · 201
Cursed Generation
I don't know the monster who poisoned the well of loyalty

But I do know he deserves a cruel death.
May 2017 · 237
There was a love in her heart
No one could ever quite understand
Not even herself
And each day she lived
She wish she didn't love
Didn't love a man who either;
Couldn't love her back,
Or did not exist,
Or who claimed to love her and broke her

There was a love bestowed upon her
It's been there since birth
And she's never quite known why

She's never known just what to do
And she is so tired of crying
Because a love like that hurts so **** bad

She's hoping one day her love
Will finally be cherished
Finally be shared
But for now
She lays awake
Dreaming beautiful daydreams
Because she can control those for the most part
It's the dreams she has when she closes her eyes
That cause the most fear
Because what if,
What if they come true
And she never gets the love she needs.
May 2017 · 173
Just my luck
Rip out this love

Rip it out this instance


I can't bare knowing it'll never be returned.
May 2017 · 233
Snapping vines
One step forward
Two steps back

That's how it is to try moving on

You can't forget first love

You can never truly stop loving them

So I wasn't your first

I couldn't be

Here I stand thinking about a life,
A life alone, a life without you,

And in those thoughts
All I want is your hug

You're like vines
Beautiful life
And yet they can trip you
They can hurt if used as a weapon

You were always the strongest weapon
It was so easy for you to break me.
Eternal forgiveness my love.
May 2017 · 282
I Hope You Read This
Joshua, I'm gonna live my life. I'm gonna save and make a life for myself. I'm gonna travel to Canada and maybe down south and find a man with a accent that makes me smile every time he calls me beautiful. I'm gonna make mistakes and I'm gonna learn to forgive myself for them. I'm gonna accept that I will always love you. But more than that I will accept that you will​ never love me back. I will accept the heartbreak and the pain because it's in the past now. And yes I will cry myself to sleep sometimes and I know I'll be lonely sometimes but I will learn to love myself. I will learn to smile more. I will learn to trust again. I want to be happy. I want to live my life even on the days I say I want to die. I will accept what does or does not happen and I will be happy with whatever life gives me. I'm always going to forgive but I will never forget. I hope you're happy. I hope you get to smile every day for the rest of your life. I hope you find a love as strong as the one I feel for you. I hope you get everything you want from life. I hope one day you see just how amazing you are even if you're not always perfect you were perfect to me. And you'll be perfect for the girl you end up with. Live your life the way you want Joshua. Never let anyone or anything hold you back from what you want. I've done that for too long and I won't anymore. Thank you. Thank you for being my first kiss. My first love. My first lover. My friend. Thank you for showing me true happiness even if it showed me true pain too. Thank you for being you, crazy, amazing you. Maybe in another life you could have chosen me. Maybe. A girl can always dream.
May 2017 · 287
I didn't feel a **** thing before you walked into my life
And when you walked in
I felt everything
And I didn't know how to deal with that.
I'm too broken for this world. I cannot be happy alone. Only numb. Only passive.
May 2017 · 373
I don't know what's harder
Having you in my life and
Not having you
Not having you in my life

Either way I'm broken and alone

Either way I cry myself to sleep.
I don't feel like I can be fixed or saved anymore. This pain is like all the heart breaks in one.
May 2017 · 376
Final realization
My love,
As much of it as there is,
Will never be enough
To make you love me back.
We will not end up together. You do not love me
And saddest of all I know I will always love you.
May 2017 · 252
It's what I do
I hate you
And more than that
I hate that I can't stop loving you
And trust me I've tried
For using me
For holding me
For kissing me
For not wanting me
For telling me you cared
You never care
How many heart breaks
Can one man give one girl
Before she dies
I hate you
But I love you
It's like a curse
And there's no breaking it
**** me
I hate you
I hate me.
May 2017 · 280
It's what I do
I hate you
And more than that
I hate that I can't stop loving you
And trust me I've tried
For using me
For holding me
For kissing me
For not wanting me
For telling me you cared
You never care
How many heart breaks
Can one man give one girl
Before she dies
I hate you
But I love you
It's like a curse
And there's no breaking it
**** me
I hate you
I hate me.
Apr 2017 · 316
Often I'm insecure
Because I will never measure up
To your idea of perfection
I will never be perfect
I worry I'm not enough
That I never will be
But to me, you always will be
And I don't know how to make myself enough  
I just hope you see that no matter what
I will always love you
I hope you see my efforts
I hope you realize
For me
Time doesn't change what's in my heart.
Apr 2017 · 435
You Are/Mind Reader
You are everything I've spent my whole life looking for
You are the only way my story ends happily
You are the only person who motivates me
You make me want to be the best me I can
You are the reason I know what love is
You are the reason I know what happiness is

I cannot read minds, not for lack of trying
So I don't know for sure if you love me back
But when you kiss my cheek in the middle of making love
And when you hug me tight as soon as I walk in the door
I have all the hope in the world you do

Sweetie, let me tell you,
I'm pretty **** bad at expressing my love in words
But you are the brightest thing in my life
Which is so ironic because you are such a pessimist
But you are my favorite pessimist

You inspire me
You are the craziest and most creative person I know
You are amazing from head to toe
You are the only one I know who rocks bedhead
You are my favorite person in this world

I hope one day
Things won't be so
I hope one day
I can tell you I love you again
And my ears will be blessed enough to hear it back.
Apr 2017 · 346
Pitter Patter Heart
I wonder what others see when they look at you
Anytime my eyes meet yours
I feel the pitter patter of my heart
My lips burst into a smile
I can't stop it in time
You tell me to stop staring
But how can I stop staring at perfection
And I know no one is perfect
I know in the past you've hurt me
But when I look into those eyes
It all melts away
And my heart is home
I am home
You are perfect to me
Even though you're crazy
Even though you're complicated
Even if you are not mine
I can't stop staring
Because I can't accept how lucky
I got the day you walked into my life
I love you inside and out
Always and forever
Nothing and no one has been able to change it.
Always and Forever
Something we always said
Something I still mean
Mar 2017 · 659
Besties and Lovers
In one swoop I could
Lose my best friend
And the love of my life

And maybe I wasn't
The love of your life

But you always were the love of mine.
If I could put my love for you
In words
Or in actions
I think it would enact world peace

That's just how much I love you
That if I could express it

The whole world could feel it.
Mar 2017 · 248
Misses Love
Don't tell me you miss me
When you're lonely

Tell me when you're
With friends or busy

Tell me when I least expect it

Tell me all the words you know
I want to hear
But only when you mean them.
Mar 2017 · 295
Terrible twos
My heart feels like
A two year old having a tantrum

It's screaming
Love me!

Love me!

**Why won't you love me?!
Mar 2017 · 456
Too much love for one
At the rate we're going

I'll never have a happy ending

Never have anything I wanted

Because you always leave

This isn't a "maybe" but a "when"

I'm stupid for always coming back

For always holding on

But for nine years

I have tried to stop loving you

I have tried loving others

And none of it ever works

At eleven I believed you were
And always would be my soulmate

Now I'm scared that we are
And you'll never accept it

The question with us is
Who's being more stubborn

Am I, for loving you endlessly?
Or are you, for always breaking the heart of the person who would dedicate their life to you?

I'm scared of what the end
Will be

Because I always had a plan

I always had a picture
And you were always in it

I just worry that if you're there in the end

It'll be because I'm still chasing you

Chasing a love that can never be returned.
Mar 2017 · 339
Late Night Fears
I feel so imperfect

Not because I don't
Like things about myself

But because I fear
You don't

To me you are more perfect
Than any words I could fathom

To me even things you call
Are absolute perfection

So I'm scared

Because I know you don't
See me the same way

You see my flaws as flaws

And that makes me want to cry

It makes my heart clench

But then I remind myself

I still got to wake up in your bed
I still got to make love to you
I still got hugs and kisses
I still got you laying in my lap
I still have you in my life

And though your like for me
Greatly differs from my immense
And completely overwhelming love

Please know I appreciate every
Moment in your presence

But my mind
It's racing with fears

While my heart
It's ready to take a plunge
Take a chance
And just speak everything it feels.
Feb 2017 · 562
Painfully Beautiful
Everything is better with you
Movies are more intresting
Music has meaning
And even my tears
Are just a little sweeter

With you,
Life feels good,
It feels like I'm living

I love you
Maybe I always have
Or maybe I just
Keep falling in love with you
Over and over again

Either way it is the most
Painfully beautiful feeling.
Feb 2017 · 251
Request 137
For once in all the time I've known you

Can you please

Just please

Not leave me again.
Feb 2017 · 168
You make my whole body tremble

From pure love

You make my smile spread
Into the biggest grin.
I smiled a lot with you today. It felt really good. I love laying with you again.
Feb 2017 · 184
Three year ramble
We were together
Three years
And you thought I was cheating
So you cheated a little

Not that there's really a degree of it, either you are or you aren't

But in all that time
That you thought that
You missed something really important

You missed the way I look at you

Like my whole world is in your eyes

Like you're the most attractive person in this world to me

Like I love you, every crazy, paranoid, insane part of you

You missed the part where I promised to always love you

And though in that time together

We did plan our future

You didn't think my heart was in it

But baby my whole soul was in it

There is no future for me without you

If there is it will just be a sad miserable existence

You lied and hid stuff

I didn't care about your choices

Just that you decided to lie

Three years together

Now nine of knowing you

And I still can't stop dreaming of you

You are home


I can't stop this love

I have tried

I have tried to love others

I have tried to find a lover

That could beat you

But you are always my King

And no matter how you hurt me

No matter what you think I feel

No matter if you lie or break promises

You will always be the person who brought me to life

The person who makes me happiest

And I will always love you

And if that makes me crazy

Then I'm okay with that.
Feb 2017 · 235
Win that lottery
And take me away with you

Let's leave this life together

Just like you said we could

I hope you win

Not because I want you to have money

But because I want us to be free

Free to go anywhere together

And maybe just maybe

You would finally

Just let yourself love me.
Feb 2017 · 249
Just another one about him
You stir every emotion inside of me

You awaken my soul
With every moment in your presence

You are my best friend

But more than that

You are the man
I will always love.
Feb 2017 · 184
You are crazy
Crazier than anyone
I have ever known
And you give me my lowest loss

You are crazy
And I love you because of it
And you give me my highest highs

You are home
That it is the biggest truth
I feel calm and happy
Like the world isn't crashing Down around me when I'm in Your arms

You know my body
Like the back of your hand
And I know yours
And when I look into your eyes
I see the soul
That I want forever
And we're crazy
And maybe it'll never work
Not permanently
But I will take
Every single
Totally insane moment
And cherish every single one.
Feb 2017 · 179
This poem
If that's what you wanna call it
Is a ******* shrine to you

Like every poem I've ever written

It's the only thing on my mind

Words for you
Words of you

How can someone
Own all my words
All my thoughts

How can you own me

How do I stop this ******* shrine

And darkest of all
What if I never want to stop?
Feb 2017 · 380
Night rambles (Owned)
It's almost 4 A.M.
And I'm in this bed alone
Having an imaginary fight
With you that I know
I will never have the courage
To actually say

And I'm crying as I list
Just how much I miss the little things

And I'm wishing
That my love for you
Could die

But it won't

No matter how much time passed

You're a permanent resident in my heart

I'm breaking from everything

Every bit of love I've ever felt
Was because of you
And I will never love again

Every time I feel close
I think of you
And I know

I know no love
Will ever compare to the first

My first kiss
My first lover
My first fianceé
My first roommate

My first heart break
And every heart break after

And still I would go to you
Fall for you
Fall to you

I will always be yours.
Feb 2017 · 196
I feel like venom
Like somehow
I poison every relationship

Either they were built
On my poison

Or I made it emerge

Either they use me
Or I leave them

Out of brokenness
Will come more brokenness.
Our whole lives
You've been fighting the love
I've been fighting for it

I can no longer count the times
You've left me
Or ended our relationship

I've known you almost nine years

I know your every expression

I know I am not the right choice

But I would fight for you until the end of time itself

And that's the biggest heartbreak of all

My dedication
And your lack thereof

I think back to when I use to smile

And it was always in your arms

I remember walking in the heat of August

Sweaty palms didn't stop us from holding hands

I remember us venturing in the middle of winter

We walked in the snow
And you were still so warm

I remember the way your whole soul seemed to calm when I rubbed your back

I will always hold our memories

I have tried to erase them

But my dreams won't let me

I wanted to be yours

I would follow you anywhere

And yet

I am alone now

When our old song comes on
I can't bare to listen

Because it hurts so bad
And I remember when you believed in us and it would make you cry

You're choosing your mind over your heart

And I'm left with my heart
Too **** full

And my mind drowning in memories

How do I let you go

I've been asking myself this since we met

Since you asked to be my friend
And I told you this would happen

How do I let you go

Because I know now

It'll never be me

I will never be your final choice.
Feb 2017 · 180
Take this love
Are you out there?
I feel you in the distance
Every ounce of me
Is breaking apart

It's been a long time
Since I woke up
Wanting to cry
Because I dreamed of you
Because my mind instantly
Flooded with thoughts of you

Loving you has been

But no matter what
No matter how many times
You leave me
Without a goodbye

I think I love you a little more
I may have a masochistic heart.
It's been weeks since I've been in your bed. I feel broken again. How did I heal to let myself break again? Did I ever heal at all? Take this love from me.
Jan 2017 · 643
"That girl"
That girl who everyone loves

Who somehow is friends with everyone

Who everyone calls beautiful and gorgeous

Even when she styles her hair weird

That girl who has dated more guys than hours in the day

And then miraculously finds her one

I don't envy her please do not believe that

It's simply her existence and everyone's complete and utter fascination with her that baffles me

That girl creates a small vortex of hatred in my soul

And I hate her for it

Because she doesn't even realize

Because I don't like to take the time and effort it takes to hate

Because my whole life I've been all about love and it's as though without her knowledge she has tainted me.

It's just that girl...
Jan 2017 · 472
Frustrated Love
I don't want to love you
But my heart doesn't understand

I can't have you
The love we once had is gone

When I look in your eyes I almost feel it but then you turn it off without a second thought

I however cannot turn off my emotions or my love

And I hate myself for the weight of my love

And I hate myself for being jealous over what's probably nothing

You're not mine
I cannot get jealous

I need to find someone who loves me but I just can't seem to find anyone but you that I can love

My heart is stupid
My mind is screaming
But I'll still turn up in your bed
Still dream of another life
One where maybe
All my dreams come true.
Over thinking making me jealous. I hate that person and I hate that I do. They just frustrate me. And I wish I didn't always love you so much.
Jan 2017 · 222
Unrequited again
When you don't want the love that's in your heart

Because you know it's not in theirs

Or better yet when you know what's in your heart

And all you want is for the same love to be in theirs.
Jan 2017 · 1.5k
I feel so trapped,
Trapped by circumstance
Trapped my my own heart,
My own fears.
My own desires.
Trapped by my life
But life is suppose to be free

I don't feel free

I feel trapped by judgement.
And the opinions of others

Trapped by a future I've lived out
In my head a million times

Trapped by the idea I may not have that future

I just need you to help set me free

Set me free and show me,
Show me what it's like to fly
Show me what it feels like to be loved.
Jan 2017 · 167
Struggles of You
I love you so **** much.

I shouldn't love you.

I just can't help it.
Jan 2017 · 341
Dear fellow poets,
Have any of you figured out how to stop yourself from loving deeply?

I feel it everyday in my bones
And I can't force myself to stop
Loving him is so natural for me.

Have you figured out how to stop crying over a broken heart?

I still feel the aching of his absence and it is unbearable.

Have you figured out how to live without love?

I still can't stop myself to racing to his call. He is the light of my life even if he's a pessimist. He's my pessimist. Except he's not my anything.

Have you figured it out yet?
You're my friend always. But inside I will always ache because you were once more. If this is all I can have I will take it. Having you in my life this way is better than not at all.
You're the story my heart
Never wants to end.

Somehow we've ended up
As friends again

But friends can't be lovers too

But I see the way you look at me

And it feels like something

I've been wrong before

Is it my love blinding me
Or could our spark still exist?

You hold me so close
I laugh

Wiggle away
And rub your back
The way you love
And it feels right
Why do I always feel so
Complete with you.
I'm so stupid when it comes to you. How could we have started again. Why am I so happy with you. Why will I always love you. Why can't we just work.
Dec 2016 · 434
Unexpected days.
Whisper it if you want
But let me be clear
I love you
I would shout it to the world

I love you
Dec 2016 · 165
Dear God,
I'm sorry for not praying enough
And when I say your name in vain

I'm sorry for my sins,
Most humans have them

I just wanted you to know
I love you

And even though I don't feel happy
At least in this moment

Please know I'm grateful for what you have given

And I'm thankful for you every day

For sending him to me when I needed him most

He awoke me

And I believe that was your intention

I hope one day

I can thank you in person.
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